Let's go vampire hunting

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Let's go vampire hunting
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
> pretend to listen as you devise a plan to simultaneously slay her and escape from hell world
RE: Let's go vampire hunting


(12-13-2013, 04:00 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »what do you need help with, you ask?

[Image: co6BFmg.png]

Yeah well ok i guess what do you need help with??? Not saying you'll help but yeah spit it out bab.

(12-14-2013, 04:14 AM)Anthano Zasalla Wrote: »> pretend to listen as you devise a plan to simultaneously slay her and escape from hell world

[Image: Vc7eAFI.png]

You briefly consider the possibility of an alternative plan to hers so you can escape and slay her at the same time.

[Image: uZ9GQQX.png]

"Look, i'm extremely desperate. I know you're a hunter and i'm not expecting you to aid me, i just have nothing left to lose at this point."


[Image: qHEmvHw.png]

"I'll try to make it brief."

[Image: JAJqnW6.png]

I'm next in line to the throne of the underworld...

By... unconventional means.

[Image: z61bMd5.png]

You see, my father was the previous Vampire King's right-hand man, it was his wish that my father became the next king as he didn't trust his kin.

But Vampires are vain creatures, they wouldn't accept non-royalty as their governor.

[Image: f1htpl2.png]

The rest of the royals straight up murdered my father on the spot after the previous Vampire King died, they took the crown and left.

Since i'm technically heir to the throne after him they wanted me dead too, even though my father didn't even get to wear the crown.

[Image: xGexSxF.png]

My fiancé, who you saw at my castle back in the human realm secretly helped me escape, and promised to resolve the situation in a diplomatic way.

But, apparently, he's had enough of it... or had different intentions in the first place.

[Image: XiaSev6.png]

Ever since he sent us here i've been persecuted by bounty hunters, and even vampires. I've managed to hold them off so far but...

I'm completely exhausted.

I couldn't even defend myself from those punks back there.

[Image: 7gyQ7RA.png]

This is why i need your help, Hunter. I implore you.

You can choose to be my ally and be compensated in whatever way you want if we're successful, or... i guess you could slay me now that you know i'm vulnerable.

[Image: 1bhjpqz.png]

WELL SHIT, what do you even make of this????

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
Let's go hunt some vampires (plural)
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
Dude if you help out the queen maybe she'll give you a duchy or something how can you NOT take her up on this
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
this could be the basis for peace between vampires and humans!


you better do this, but botch everything on the way, to ensure your financial security
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
Yeah! You should help her, in fact, your great great grand ancestor might have been like the royal king of like, a group of like 3 cavemen, so technically you're royal! If you become a vampire and then vampire king, all the vampires will have to accept you as their true ruler!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
Tell her you'll help, but only in a cool way where she's YOUR sidekick. Because you're a cool guy.

T-the coolest.
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
(06-03-2015, 11:25 AM)MaxieSatan Wrote: »Dude if you help out the queen maybe she'll give you a duchy or something how can you NOT take her up on this

(06-03-2015, 06:30 PM)Solaris Wrote: »this could be the basis for peace between vampires and humans!


you better do this, but botch everything on the way, to ensure your financial security

[Image: mOA44uV.png]

WOWOAH What if you get a duchy you'll be like lord of the lands kind of like a POPE? BUBUTBUT then you'd be at peace with vampires and that's no good! What kind of thing could you do then if vampires are no longer bad??!

[Image: AHvBQSn.png]

Yeah! You should help her, in fact, your great great grand ancestor might have been like the royal king of like, a group of like 3 cavemen, so technically you're royal! If you become a vampire and then vampire king, all the vampires will have to accept you as their true rulermumblemumblemumble

(06-04-2015, 01:12 AM)UnshornRam Wrote: »Tell her you'll help, but only in a cool way where she's YOUR sidekick. Because you're a cool guy.

T-the coolest.

[Image: dAudoy0.png]

Ok Ms. Vampire Lady, i'll help you, but only for the fame and prestige. I'll be the leader of this revolution, by the way. There is a cigarette in my mouth right now.

"Uh um, thanks a lot" She says, you're fucking killing it right now. You're so cool.

[Image: 89ihAAH.png]

"The only chance we have at succeeding is if we kill whoever is wearing the crown now, and take it for ourselves. There's no way we can defeat them by just fighting, we need your holy symbol and a plan of attack."

[Image: Hd49HWY.png]

Uuuuuuuuh... yeah about that. You kinda lost it.

"That is literally our only chance, you need to retrieve it."

[Image: dxLm9C2.png]

"Actually, i heard someone talking about a holy symbol appearing somewhere in the swamp forest just ahead, bounty hunters are probably attempting to retrieve it and since wielding a holy symbol isn't an easy task for underworld creatures, there's a chance it'll still be there."

(06-03-2015, 11:07 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Let's go hunt some vampires (plural)

[Image: pAiUts6.png]

THEN IT IS DECIDED! We shall go retrieve it, my little party of cute allies.


"I can't go with you."

[Image: PBlw6x1.png]

"Dangerous people are looking for me, they will find me if i don't keep moving. I just blew up like an entire market place or whatever, it's too risky. Besides, i don't think i'd be of much help as i am right now. You and your universal translator should be able to retrieve it."

[Image: WHX7SCn.png]

"I know of a place i can go to and rest for a bit and maybe device a plan once you retrieve your holy symbol. If you manage to find your weapon somehow, i'll try to find you near the river of bones, where we landed from the portal."

[Image: 7GlhLUC.png]

"Thank you again, and please try your best."

[Image: GfPNooI.png]



"Her name is Agathe. She's not lying when she said everyone is looking for her and wants her dead. Literally everyone knows about her."

You... guess this actually really serious.

Well it's just you and me the-

[Image: skzBuyg.png]



"I kinda just met you and that whole deal sounds really dangerous, plus i didn't even finish my shift so...

Good luck, Hunter."

[Image: TxY4AkG.png]



Adventures Meloncholy

[Image: B3KLuAi.png]

You are on your own again...
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Let's go vampire hunting
Recruit some demonic forest-demon babes into your party!!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]