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RE: Alias
Grab a handfull of snow.
RE: Alias
Keep an eye out for
RE: Alias
Use the snow to create a snowman army to aide in your journey
RE: Alias
You sneak past the front doors and manage not be seen by whoever is at the reception.

[Image: 3v9fQFl.png]

You decide to check out that note on the exit door. At least now you know she's really here. That nickname sure is annoying, however.

You think the alias might come in handy, but you should get back to a warm place before you try to access it. You kind of tend to lose track of time.

[Image: wA49z8C.gif]
[Image: gWmS60B.png]

As creepy as this place is, at least you know there's no need to keep an eye out for ghosts or anything like that. There's no way this place is gonna have anything scary in it.

You decide to ___.
RE: Alias
Enter the Exit
~◕ w◕~
RE: Alias
Freak out at the creepy monster on the second floor.
RE: Alias
Check out the box? Dumpster? Whatever it is i bet it has SWEET TRASH LOOT!
RE: Alias
(04-17-2016, 07:47 PM)Winklekinkle Wrote: »Grab a handfull of snow.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Alias
Examine the windows of the building
RE: Alias
[Image: Ax1Lg5T.gif]
[Image: HspRY6n.png]

You check out the dumpster. Looks like it was emptied recently. You see a soda can, a ballpoint pen and a cigarette butt.

It's getting really cold.

You decide to ___.
RE: Alias
grab pen, abandon pride, drink remnant soda
RE: Alias
Throw the can at the nearest window and enter the building through there. Pocket the pen as well for pen-related emergencies that may spring up later on.
RE: Alias
Ok take the pen and head inside through the exit. You don't wanna freeze.
RE: Alias
>Take the pen and cig butt. You can flick it away and try to act like an employee on a smoke break if you get caught.
RE: Alias
Grab the pen and soda can. Any soda in there is probably frozen but gosh darn you are going to put that in a recycle bin.

Then head inside, the last thing you want is to catch a kitten-sneeze inducing cold.