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Alias - Printable Version

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Alias - sfou - 04-16-2016

[Image: Tp1KhSu.png]

Your name is ___.

You wish you were ___.

You came here looking for ___.


You've arrived at the compound.

It's snowing hard. You weren't prepared for it, and you're shivering.

It's getting late. Everyone has probably gone home already.

You'd rather be in bed and forget the past few days. But you have every intention of seeing things through.

RE: Alias - btp - 04-16-2016

Gelard Dwert

Like, 5 inches taller

Some punk

RE: Alias - FluxYggdrasil - 04-16-2016

>Martin Greaves

>n't so scared


RE: Alias - Justice Watch - 04-16-2016

Your name is Zachary Snow.

You wish you were more like your brother; he was a smarter, stronger-willed person who had the smarts to try and get himself out of this terrible excuse of a community.

You came here to escape.

RE: Alias - a52 - 04-16-2016

> Jeremy, son of Jeremy
> n't so hungry
> Some decent goddamn pizza, for fuck's sake

RE: Alias - Electrum - 04-16-2016

> Scrubgrub Redgren McNuggets.
> Just one more slice of chocolate cake
> Not chocolate cake

RE: Alias - sfou - 04-16-2016

[Image: zMOP6Um.png]

Your name is Zachary Snow.
You wish you weren't so scared. You're trying to keep a cool head, but with the strange weather and the... things that you've been seeing on the news, it's hard not to feel like the world is going a bit crazy.
You came here looking for some punk. She's been taunting you. Telling you some things you'd rather not believe about yourself, like ___. She told you she'd be here tonight, waiting for you.

[Image: eyFG7R7.png]

You reach the gate. It's closed, of course. You decide to ___.

RE: Alias - FluxYggdrasil - 04-16-2016

>Get a closer look at the Compound

RE: Alias - btp - 04-16-2016

"You sneeze like a kitten."

call on the intercom

RE: Alias - Electrum - 04-16-2016

> Bang on the door like a witless savage.

RE: Alias - Justice Watch - 04-16-2016

If the intercom doesn't work, just try to climb over it.

RE: Alias - sfou - 04-16-2016

You don't know what that girl's problem is. She's been following you around at school and she keeps trying to contact you through the alias. She says she's known you for a long time. Even more annoyingly, she keeps saying that you sneeze like a kitten.

[Image: Fp7UKMV.png]

You sneeze. Better find a way inside before you catch a cold and lose what little dignity you have left.

[Image: Z1JfmB3.png]

You take a closer look through the gate at the Gnostek compound. You've never been here, but you see it every day. In the daytime, it's quite a busy place: the office is full of workers, journalists and scientists. Gnostek is the company that keeps the alias running, and this is one of their many buildings around the city.

It looks like there's a light somewhere on the 3rd floor. The reception is also lit. Probably a security guard.

[Image: wENSOck.png]

You call on the intercom. A woman's voice crackles back : "We're closed. Go home. Blizzard's only gonna get worse."

You decide to ___.

RE: Alias - bo - 04-16-2016

Like a kitten.

RE: Alias - FluxYggdrasil - 04-16-2016

Oh come on, those gaps in the gate cant be THAT small! you should be able to crawl right through.

RE: Alias - btp - 04-16-2016

Ask if they know the girl before you try anything crazy.

RE: Alias - sfou - 04-17-2016

[Image: qUNg52g.png]

You decide to ask if they know the girl before you try anything crazy.

After you finish, there's a long silence before the intercom lights up again.

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to leave. You can visit your friend in the morning. Go home before you freeze to death."

You decide to ___.

RE: Alias - Loather - 04-17-2016

freeze to death

RE: Alias - FluxYggdrasil - 04-17-2016

Climb through the gaps in the bars, unless they are electric you should be fine!

RE: Alias - Winklekinkle - 04-17-2016

Scream like a banshee and piss yourself

RE: Alias - Schazer - 04-17-2016

Demonstrate your tenacity and go-getter attitude by scaling the fence.

RE: Alias - wolftamer9 - 04-17-2016

> Argue. Who says there's gonna be a morning at this rate?

RE: Alias - Electrum - 04-17-2016

> Punch the intercom in anger and frustration.

RE: Alias - sfou - 04-17-2016


[Image: 8ad3dPH.png]

You decide to demonstrate your tenacity and go-getter attitude by scaling the fence.

[Image: UMfwaam.png]
[Image: jsJxzwD.png]

You enter Gnostek Compound #3.

You decide to ___.

RE: Alias - Whimbrel - 04-17-2016

Register an Alias? Perhaps?

Alt: Enter through the "Exit"

RE: Alias - Justice Watch - 04-17-2016

I thought your art was fine! c:

In any case, check out that note on the exit door