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[Image: Title.png]

Welcome to Godhood XIV: Usurper! Whim was originally running this one, but with her blessing, I decided to run the reboot train through. Toot toot.

You play as a god (or demon). You and your fellow gods use ACTS to shape the universe. You gain ACTS by having things in the universe that fall under your spheres, and through the worship of mortals. (In this version of the game, influencing mortals WILL COST ACTS, as seen in Godhood XIII.)

Check it out, why don't cha.

These are the costs for basic things. Extraordinary properties may add to the cost.
Planets and junkShow

Life Creation Cost GuidelinesShow

Dealing With Mortals Cost GuidelinesShow


If you're new to the game or want some clarification on the rules for this version, ask me questions here, on the IRC [link at the top], and/or read the previous Godhood threads --They all do a better job of explaining this than I ever could.

Respect your fellow players
You are not competing AGAINST them -- you are building a story WITH them.
Even if it's nominally within the rules, I might disallow something. If I say "I'm not allowing that action," you should alter your plans accordingly. If I say "you and so-and-so need to get along," I expect things to be sunshine and rainbows (or at least for you to be subtly at each other's throats). I'll try not to intervene too much, but it's important to keep the game running smoothly.

If you were in Honey or Jam, feel free to use your character from that one. Or feel free to make a new character, or modify the old character until it's barely recognizable! The choice is yours.

Name: What shall we call you?
Appearance: How you appear to your fellow divinities. When you [pay to] manifest yourself to mortals, you may choose whatever guise you wish, at no additional cost.
Spheres: Spheres are concepts and things significant to your god; they are your primary source of divine energy. As a general rule, more specialized spheres, e.g. "honorable combat" or "sculpture", grant more power per instance than relatively generic spheres, such as "battle" or "art." Each god should have one Major sphere and two Secondary spheres.
Additional info: Anything else you wish to share? I'd love to hear it. PM me if you want to keep certain details hidden, but wouldn't mind if some plot element pertaining to it showed up.

Concerning Demons:
Know, going into this game, that any one of your gods may be reduced to demon-hood.
That being said, if you would care to BEGIN your god as a demon, submit your application as normal and then send me a PM requesting to start as a demon. Only a few will be selected to begin as demons.
If you are a demon, you are not to purposefully reveal your demonic nature, IC or OOC!
Nor are you permitted to share the rules for demons!

Rules for demons shall be revealed on a need-to-know basis; they will be hidden to any non-demons.
(Accordingly, if anyone who played a demon in a previous game rejoins, they'll probably be one again.)

Other Things of Note
Depending on how many applicants I receive, I may do the same thing as the original Godhood XIV and have two competing teams contained to their own universes, or I may just have the one universe with the one set of gods.

I plan to update this about every Sunday, earlier if I get the chance. Try to have at least one action in by then, to keep the game running smoothly!

Even if you're not a demon, feel free to engage in SECRET ACTIONS by talking to me in private. In order to make it less obvious that your acts aren't adding up, I recommend setting up a couple public actions and siphoning one acts away from them - e.g. claiming to set up a large planet and create 3 acts' worth of basic animal life, then telling me that in reality you're only making a medium-sized planet and creating 2 acts' worth of that species.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Signups will probably end next Sunday, so you have about a week to whip something up.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
How many Spheres should I include in my application?
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
The usual is three. But I suppose taking only two should be an option for those wishing to make their spheres stronger... Winky
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Solbruin

Appearance: [Image: 06a9e91385f493e56d8ebd2623018bab.png]

The Goddess of Victory manifests as an eight-limbed creature, floating upright with a humanoid torso and neck and long, whiplike tail. Her carapace is verdigris and bronze. Her upper arms and body are obscured by draped bronze chain mail. Her head has been broken off.

When observed from the front or sides, She appears to stand in front of a rift of truest darkness. This rift changes shape with Her movements so as to constantly give her a black outline. Where here head should be, the rift breaks from her outline to create a space the shape of a vinegaroon's pointed head and large jaws. She cannot be observed from the rear, nor can Her rift.

Primary Sphere: Victory - Existence is a race, a contest, a constant battle. Life without it is sullen stagnation. - Solbruin revels in the struggles and subsequent triumphs of living things. She has a slight bias toward sapients, as they can enjoy their victory as much as she does, but otherwise rarely picks sides.

Secondary Spheres: Darkness - The lightless spaces are those rich with possibilities, schemes and dreams. They are the rogue element, the exhale, one of two necessary evils to the spin of the worlds. - Solbruin likes a counterpoint to day, clarity, and illumination; this appeals to her nature of playing both sides of the coin. While the victory must be seen and savoured, it needs darkness and scheming to accentuate it.

Barriers - Losing one's sense of scale is easy. One ant cannot fight a man. One man cannot slay a god. One god cannot rule across the cosmos. To make each of these existences worth each of their fleeting whiles, there must be barriers. - Solbruin takes an objective approach to situations; she considers her role in the cosmic order as an observer, or, perhaps, a boundary. This is more out of Her desire to protect, rather than to avoid, mortals.

Additional Info: Solbruin is an older, well-travelled goddess. She enjoys conflict and victory at the mortal level, but know that conflict at the godly level can spell disaster, so despite her two more insidious domains she is really quite cooperative! It's probably her protective nature coming through.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Tlaca-Ica

[Image: god_dolphino.png]

Laughter, Waves, and Traffic

Additional Info: Tlaca-Ica loves nothing more than to cause confusion and misery and declare whatever they are doing or looking at or smelling at any given moment "the ultimate joke." Stole their name from the other Tlaca-Ica and convinced everyone that the exact opposite was true, then made the other Tlaca-Ica eat sand and laughed. They're more than a little tiresome to interact with.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Elbridge Murderfree the Great Skull Lord
Appearance: Flaming skull with eternal cigar and shades, six bone hands floating nearby with at least one always giving the finger
Spheres: Great Skulls (Major), Cool Guns (Minor), Rad Tattoos (Minor)
Additional info: Travels through the sky in a Great Skull Pickup Truck, perpetually blasting Slayer from its sacred stereo. The truck is solid chrome with dancing fire-skeleton decals along the sides. The grill is designed to resemble a jolly skull. Despite rarely touching the ground the tires endlessly smoke and squeal, giving off the scent of burning rubber.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Mi'Grata
Appearance: A massive white bison with seven horns, within a shroud of glowing blue essence.
Plants: Mi'Grata's might comes from the natural world, be it great forests, jungles or just an open prairie.
Beasts: Be they big or small, Mi'Grata favors the creatures who are not intelligent enough to comprehend concepts such as vanity and god worship.
Tribes: Those who choose to live alongside nature and respect the land in small communities. Sufficiently large civilizations don't qualify.
Additional Info: Mi'Grata is the representation of all wild beasts which were drawn to extinction by the technological advancements of mortalkind. This being was brought into existence when a world came to an end as a direct result of its irresponsible inhabitants. Mi'Grata harbors a deep seated hatred of civilization and technological marvels and actively works to keep mortalkind in check.
To be a follower of Mi'Grata is to live off the land, to live alongside nature and never against or apart from it. To live the same way as your parents, your grandparents and your ancestors before that and to pass those same ideals down unto your children. Mi'Grata mostly just cares about consistency and balance in the world, with little concern for things such as morality, as it will be all too willing to demonstrate when angered!
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Normal Human Man
Appearance: [Image: karkedit.png]

The Normal Human Man is the most average paragon of Normality that has ever graced the universe. The Normal Human Man is in possession of two Normal Human arms, two Normal Human legs, one Normal Human torso, one Normal Human abdomen, one Normal Human cranium, two Normal Human arms, and several Normal Human internal organs. The Normal Human Man does not possess an appendix, as it has been surgically removed and replaced with newer, more Normal organs. All who see the Normal Human Man desire his Normality for their own. This is a hunger which the Normal Human Man is happy to sate.

Primary sphere: Normality.

Secondary spheres: Flesh, Beer Kegs.

Additional info: The Normal Human Man rarely creates. Creation is Abnormal. The Normal Human Man prefers to modify what already exists into his glorious image of Normality. All will soon become Normal, and it will be wonderful.

The Normal Human Man as a God tries to stay manifested all the time, to attempt to convince his subjects he is mortal, and thus Normal. The Normal Human Man is very friendly towards other Gods, despite the fact that Gods are Abnormal. The Normal Human Man appreciates that they may aid him in his mythic goal of Total Normality. He would like it if they were a little more Normal, though.

The following Normal Human texts were found on-site in various locales which were recently Normalised.




Quote:Have fun staring at the wall, you geeks. I'm gonna go check out the noise.

Quote:Become Normal Human Become Normal Human Become Normal Human Become Normal Human Become Normal Human Become Normal Human Become Normal Human

Quote:haha dude look at that thing it's like half baby half hoover how crazy is that.

Quote:All right, so think of it like this, see. Imagine the world's meanest, most nasty man, right? And he has like, the world's meanest, most nasty dog. He asks his mean, nasty dog to guard an anthill for hi- no, the anthill isn't mean or nasty. It's just a normal anthill. With, like, ants you know? Anyway, he gets the dog to guard the anthill so he can come back and step on it later, right? After about half an hour the dog gets bored and dresses up as an ant to mess with 'em. Now this guy is like... He's the dog. We're the anthill, you get it? We're the anthill.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Fasila Remido

Appearance: Dressed in exquisite silks, Fasila Remido looks very much the part of an opera diva. She often switches her clothes based on her mood, but they are always of the highest quality. She can always be seen with a glass of wine, absinthe, or any other classy alcohol, and loves to go on about the design of buildings, especially their acoustics. She will sing at the drop of a hat, and has a sunny outward disposition, despite her incredibly demanding nature.


Major: Music

Minor: Architecture

Minor: High-Class Fermented Beverages

Additional info: How do gods emerge? Each has a different origin. For Fasila, apotheosis came with an incredibly moving aria in her performance of Carmen. The audience was enthralled. Needless to say, the ovation lasted many minutes after the end of the performance, until they realized that the magical-seeming glow and the disappearance of the singer was not, in fact, part of the show. Disoriented, but determined to maintain her composure, Fasila vows to spread the magic of music and culture to whatever new mortals she encounters - or creates - through Opera, Concert-Halls, and a copious amount of distilled and fermented beverages with suspiciously high alcohol content.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Branjingador (Or "Branny, as the other gods are used to calling him for his connoisseur knowledge and indulgence of wine)
Bahahahah! Merriment and leisure are my forms, I take the form of many indulgences, arcane or mundane! I am quite irresistible in this form, as a smiley-face. Look at those curves! Those humorous eyes! But of course I am always changing in the eyes of the other gods, who never seem to know what they want.
Primary Sphere: Aestheticism

Secondary Spheres: Cannibalism and Indulgence
Additional info: Really wants to ensure the laziness of future generations. Of things. That don't even exist yet.


"BohohohohohorahahaggfjdgdnkfGACKGACKGACKARMF OMF OMF" is the sound of this great man's flesh-eating sounds.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
ok sorry for real this time.

Name: Canary

Appearance: Usually appears as young human woman with gills like a tadpole or axolotl. Her favourite colours are pink and pale blue. She usually wears at least three layers of woollen clothing, and always has her eyes in a book.

Her symbol is an axolotl.


Primary: Memory

Secondary: Words, Endings

Additional info: She is the ghost of a feeling, and what a wonderful feeling. Perhaps closer to a clump of feelings. The numbness of an ending, and the awe of the beginning. She longs for the past, but loves the present, for each moment is one which she shall remember with joy. Some call her stagnant, passive, too immersed in the past to think of the future. To her, the future is but a provider of stories.

As she embodies memory of the past, so too does she embody its' absence. Though she believes that all should learn from the past, she feels that she must spread the numbness of forgetfulness too, for if one knows all things, how can they be surprised?

It is said that when her followers die, their memories and life are recorded in a great book, that she can enjoy them for eternity. She wishes for a complete history of the universe, that she can enjoy it for evermore.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Tlaca-Ica (The Arbitrator)

Appearance: Serpentine, very long. Has crosses in its eyes. Six wings, broad, angelic, feathered, white. Golden scales. Has a "chestplate", embedded with jewelry, with golden scales hanging off it. Shimmering halo behind whole body. Horrifying mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth. Very hungry. Eats people.

Primary: Doom - In the original meaning of the word, of course. Prophecies, judgments, orders, etc.

Secondary: Gold, Enlightenment

Additional info: All oaths Tlaca-Ica make are final, which is why he rarely ever makes them, as they could be devastating if abused. Has a very solemn, serious, personality. Can always see the truth, but can never lie. Doesn't really get out much. Does not normally exhibit much emotion, except for that one time the fake Tlaca-Ica stole his name. He expressed mild irritation, and a desire for order to be restored.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: The Hive of Three - Craft, Swarm, and Hope.

Appearance: Each member of the hive shares an insectoid nature, although the creature they are is different for each one. Craft and Swarm are small enough to sit comfortably on Hope's shoulders.
Craft is a Praying Mantis made of Green Glass. His eyes shine bright yellow, and his left sickle has become a hammer. He possesses what appears to be clockwork made of the same glass under his wings.
Swarm is a large Bee, around the same size as Craft, and is made of what appears to be Liquid Gold. Her eyes shine bright blue, and she speaks with many voices at once. She can also split infinitely into smaller and smaller gold bees.
Hope is a large humanoid with butterfly traits. Her body is made of some almost-fluid metal, but her arms and face are shaped like a typical humans regardless. She possesses red skin and wings, with bright green eyes, and her wings seem to be made of small, glowing lights of many colours...

Spheres: Major of the Many - All three love the work of many small creatures together, all collaborating as one. Swarm enjoys it most of all, but the other two both appreciate the power of a unified force.
Minor of Craftsmanship - If you make sure to cover every detail, and do your work without mistakes, then Craft will be delighted. Put your heart, and your soul, into the work... (He likes to call the best ones Craft's men.)
Minor of Passion - Hope loves her subjects to live with fire in their veins, joy in their hearts... powerful emotions empower her.

Additional Info: Hope is by far the leader of the three demigods. Her kind demeanour, level-headedness and ability to mediate between the two help greatly in this. When she isn't chasing after her allies, she's generally just focusing on helping mortals live their lives to the fullest.

Craft is a polite, sociable artisan unfortunately in possession of a foul temper. He's a bit of a know-it-all and fairly pushy.

Swarm speaks in in multitude, all identifying female. She is the opposite of Craft, somewhat clumsly and less polite but slow to anger. She is unfortunately no less self-important.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Bacsphaal, Lord of Want
Appearance: An emaciated old man. He appears to be on the verge of starving to death, but wears beautiful finery and masterwork jewelery. However, the jewellery is tarnished and the lovingly embroidered robes and cloak are fraying and bleached by the sun.

Greed: Bacsphaal is, in essence, the destruction of the self through the obsessive pursuit of the material. Greed is an impulse that can never be fulfilled, can never be truly saitated. Its pursuit brings nothing but ruin - in many ways, Bacsphaal IS greed, that side of the sinful coin you never see until it is too late.

Famine: The god of greed is also the god of want, be it want of goods, food or water. To want something where there is nothing and to need something when there is not enough is one of his main purviews, and this finds its epitome in famine.
Wealth: Overabundance is its own sin, for it brings squandering and waste. To live a life in the shadow of the Lord of Want is to have plenty without realising and to have nothing when you finally grasp the extent of what you have. Nevertheless, Bacsphaal does bring prosperity to those in his charge, albeit at a price.

Bacsphaal, as a god, brings wealth and abundance to the world. He also brings misery, poverty and famine, nearly almost always caused by mortal avarice, and seemingly mortal avarice alone. Those who follow him are the rich and powerful looking to ride the gravy train for as long as it lasts in the mistaken belief that they can worm out of the heavy hand of retribution, while the poor turn to him when they can take the yoke of their oppressors no more and want them cast from their golden palaces. He is therefore at the same time a liberator and a oppressor, a anarchist and a totalitarian, all through manipulating the threads of mortal nature and by guiding the desires of wealthy and poor alike.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Oiren
Appearance: A simple figure, human at first glance. He wears a featureless mask of silver. He has many arms hidden behind his back. They are all shapes, sizes, and materials but very few are organic. Every once and a while his movements will be accompanied by a cloud of smoke or a puff of flame. Occasionally sparks will jump between metallic pieces of his anatomy.
Major: Progression of Technology
Minor: Secrets
Minor: Obstacles

Additional info: Oiren is a god of knowledge, specifically the acquisition and use of knowledge. He maintains a balanced growth of technology. He is there to ensure that a world neither progresses too quickly nor stagnates. He is the one who guards the secrets of the universe. He despises those who would steal them and propagate them, but shines his favor on those who earn their knowledge. He never dispenses truth, but will test all who seek it. Those who overcome the barriers before them, in doing so, will discover for themselves what they sought to learn.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Starena
Appearance: She is a 13.2 inch x 9.9 inch x .001 inch rectangular prism with this printed on the large faces.
Spheres: Primary: Deterioration. Secondary: Finance and Debate
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Once, there was a girl who dreamed she ended the world.
In her dream she became as a Goddess
As a Goddess she made her dream come true.

Name: Esuna

[Image: eOtkRYH.png]
Though she is always a beautiful girl, bathed in a brilliant white light, Esuna is known to frequently 'forget' what she looks like. As such, she never looks quite the same each time one sees her. There are even times when she will seem to be lost in daydream, as her form shifts, erratically yet smoothly across countless shapes within mere moments.

-Primary: Dreams - Somewhat paradoxically for a creator of the physical, Esuna rules over the domain of dreams- in the most divine and abstract sense. She draws power from high minded abstractism and whimsical escapism. She dislikes excessive rationalism and the pursuit of carnal desires, but accepts the need for both in the creation of art.

-Secondary: Expression - To Esuna, the greatest dreams are those that can be shared with others. 'Art' created to convey information, or cynically created in the pursuit of personal profit is worthless. But to Esuna, everything from the beautiful temples built out of love for a God, to the crude scribbles of a child learning to draw, justify the existence of language.

-Secondary: Diversity of Thought- If all life is interchangeable, life is pointless. If all of a thousand insects each dream the same dreams, there may as well be only one insect. To Esuna, the true beauty of Dreams, and the beauty of the expression of those Dreams is in the sheer variety of ideas that a civilization should produce. Attempts to stifle creativity are unforgivable.

Additional Info: Followers of Esuna speak of dreams in the same way as others may speak of souls. One's dreams are the ultimate expression of one's self. To create art is to express one's dreams. To be killed is to have one's dreams ripped from their body.
RE: GODHOOD XIV [Syrup Edition]
Name: Zkovta

Appearance: A shadowy, androgynous humanoid figure wearing an expansive hooded cloak. The cloak is made up of dark, flowingly inconstant vegetation. Rides a mount composed of what seems to be smoke or mist - while they seem to prefer equine figures, they'll occasionally saddle up on something more exotic.

Primary Sphere: Tactics - Sheer force is an inelegant, inefficient bludgeon. The truly worthy employ precision and perception to master the odds. - Zkovta celebrates intelligence applied to overcome the balance of probability, whether through a more traditional brilliant military plan or simply individual triumph over adversity in a particularly cunning manner. The higher the stakes, the better.

Secondary Spheres: Reconnaissance - All the guile in the cosmos is worthless when one lacks proper intelligence. - Zkovta cares not for secrets, mysterious phenomena or confidentiality. The acquisition and use of previously clandestine information to gain an advantage pleases them.

Oversight - Two sides of the same coin, each essential to the success of any risky maneuver. - Zkovta favors those who exercise proper surveillance over the entirety of their resources; those blessed by Zkovta often find their adversaries neglecting critical details.

Additional info: Zkovta's origins are shrouded in mystery, though their mortal affectations point to some form of apotheosis. They certainly aren't particularly chatty about it. Despite their sombre appearance Zkovta is a rather charming god, always willing to spare a moment for conversation. They have a penchant for whimsy that tends to leave more severe deities flat-footed, which Zkovta often finds more amusing than the whim itself.
The fate of the universes has been set into motion, as their creators are grouped and sent off.

Team Sugar!
Team Syrup!

Fasila Remido
Music (Architecture, Fancy Booze)
Vegetation (Beasts, Tribal Societies)

The Matriarch
Greed (Famine, Wealth)
Pride (Sports, Healthy Snacks)

Tlaca-Ica (The Whale One)
Assimilation (Replication, Revolution)
Laughter (Waves, Traffic)

Craft, Swarm and Hope
Tlaca-Ica (The Snake One)
The Many (Craftsmanship, Passion)
Doom and Destiny (Gold, Enlightenment)

Dreams (Expression, Diversity of Thought)
Technological Progress (Secrets, Obstacles)

Tactics (Reconnaissance, Oversight)
Memory (Words, Endings)

Elbridge Murderfree the Great Skull Lord
Great Skulls (Ballistics, Tattoos)
Victory (Darkness, Barriers)

Demons will be getting their SUPER-SPECIAL INFORMATIVE ROLE PMs shortly.

Each team will have its own universe, contained to its own thread. You can't pass anything from one universe to the other! Not items, not acts, not words!

The two teams are competing, but as for the win condition... that's a secret for now. Just work on having a fun and interesting time in your universe at the moment.

The games will start when I post their IC threads!
The threads have been started and the demon PMs are sent out; anyone who got one, just shoot me a response to confirm you received it.

Aside from that, go crazy and have fun!

OH WHOOPS ALSO I FORGOT TO SAY: It would be rad if, at the end of every post where you make stuff, you mentioned how many acts you're putting into each. Helps me stay organized.
Would you mind including some god information in the first post of the game threads? Its going to take a while before I memorize who all of the other gods are. I'd also recommend making it a requirement to include the name of your god character in your posts.
Turns out that Credit can't play after all, apparently, so Schazer is in as Solbruin. The relevant posts have been updated to note this.
just a thing i figured i'd post here idk

[16:25] <Dalm> hmm; weird idea
[16:25] <Kaynato> It was fun until I tried out uncarpeted flooring
[16:26] <Dalm> a game of godhood where somewhere down the line, some other players join on one of the smaller worlds for a game of oddhood :Y
[16:26] <Kaynato> That would actually be a really great idea.
[16:27] <Kaynato> The whole idea about shared universe games would be nice :>
[16:27] <Dalm> yeah!
[16:27] <Dalm> maybe it would be done in like
[16:27] <Dalm> different forums or something
[16:27] <Kaynato> "Shared universe games?"
[16:27] <Dalm> so that the odds wouldn't know
[16:27] <Dalm> hehehe
[16:27] <Dalm> yeah shared universes are rad i love em