Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing

Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
You know when you right click and you get a bunch of options? Well it's like that except there's a bunch of things you can hover over, and then you can hover over options and find more things to click on or hover over.
Not entirely original..
[Image: 47147.png]
A Room you Really Want To Get Out Of : Lore
[Image: logo.png] (Please enable Cleartype if you haven't already. (Enabled by default.))
Some of my stuff uses this font.
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
A death game, except there's a superhuman which the creator of said death game did not realize was superhuman.
[Image: 47147.png]
A Room you Really Want To Get Out Of : Lore
[Image: logo.png] (Please enable Cleartype if you haven't already. (Enabled by default.))
Some of my stuff uses this font.
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
A forum necromancer seeks immortality, and is aided in their quest by their army of undead threads

Grognax, conqueror of worlds, requires aid in its latest campaign: mayorship of a small suburban town

soylent green is made of... grass? something has gone wrong in the world of quotes, a serial editor is on the loose and is changing film scripts throughout history and must be stopped before the landscape of films is changed forever
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
Waking up miles beneath the surface of... somewhere. prob not earth.

Infinite Walmart. Im taking it.

Making a profit via "meat mining" a dormant and/or dead god. Unnervingly cave-like.

(tell me if any 0f these are used, i wanna see em)

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
It’d be a spin on those sci-fi thriller movies where the enemy is formless but takes the shape of your greatest nightmares when you look at it. Except this time, the protagonist is trans and the enemy takes the form of their bod pre-transition (deadbody?).

I’d imagine the protagonist is the battlehardy captain of the ship, the typical daring badass of the crew. However, they’ve still got some deep seated identity issues (recently transitioned perhaps?) and they’re truly shaken by what they see in the monster, sending them into a spiral of dysphoria.

I also think it’d take place in a closed environment. Like they’re heading back home after a mission (said mission could be a nice prologue / opening scene to establish characters?) and the monster is trapped in the ship with them. In the end the protagonist literally destroys their dysphoria. Hell yea!!!!

I would write this myself but I don’t know much about the trans experience!
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
Try not to eat bread
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
(04-11-2019, 04:32 PM)PigFacedLady Wrote: »Try not to eat bread

i lose instantly

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
a normal adventure but twist: you can only use responses that have already been posted to other forum adventures.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
(05-27-2019, 04:24 AM)Numbers Wrote: »a normal adventure but twist: you can only use responses that have already been posted to other forum adventures.

I had a dream about this recently...
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
A very bad mage misfires a fireball spell and kills the magic god, and by order of the gods, has to atone by becoming the new magic god.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
Dogs are man's worst enemy.

You know those games were you gotta do sick stunts on a wheeled device, and the more combos you rack up the more points you get? Take that, put it in real life, and make points magic. Become the Radical Skate Wizard.

Actually just make everything magic. You can't escape it. It will find you.

A group of villainous edgelords discover the powers of love and friendship. It's like, real potent stuff, and they're all power hungry for it. Unfortunately, they're having trouble scourging any of it up.

The more comfortable a person is, the more they risk merging their soul with an entity of pure horror. It's a part of everybody's coming of age to do so eventually, and you, a frankly terrified kid, are not having any of it.

You sent yourself into a game known as Reality to see if you can break it on Mortal Human mode.

"The stakes are high, the win chances are low, but the tics are about to be tac-toed." The Devil is already regretting letting you challenge him.
I have no son.
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
The Adventures of a pro wrestler in a world where not only does magic exist but is also a major part of pro wrestling.

A race of sentient (And intelligent) Undead creatures are tired of being mistreated by necromancers and "Zombie hunters", and finally rebel, as we follow throught the eyes of our undead main protagonist.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
(06-16-2019, 08:46 PM)ProbablyNotRed Wrote: »A race of sentient (And intelligent) Undead creatures are tired of being mistreated by necromancers and "Zombie hunters", and finally rebel, as we follow throught the eyes of our undead main protagonist.
oh hecc thats a good one

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
Forum adventure but all suggestions must be taken from a hawkspace thread
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
You try to get a refund for fallout 76 but get kidnapped by todd howard and sent to the secret dungeons at bethesda headquarters
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
You get a gun and two bulets, what you do with them is up to you
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
Todd howard's bizarre adventure
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
No Illegal Moves
The premise of this game is that the player-controlled character is playing a two-player board game with their friend (a GM-controlled character). Likely an existing game with a well-defined rule set like Chess, but it could also potentially be a new game invented by the GM.

This is no ordinary game board, however. The included rule book has a strange rule at the end: "THERE ARE NO ILLEGAL MOVES. SOME MOVES, HOWEVER, MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED EFFECTS."

Players are allowed to do whatever the heck they want with the game pieces, going outside of established rules as desired. This is a magical game board, however, and it will react to such liberties. Not necessarily in a negative way, but its hard to tell what will happen

Going with the chess example, lets say a player decides to move a bishop orthogonally by one square. A new, autonomous piece might materialize which will try to hunt the bishop down until it returns to the color of square it started on. Or maybe a player might send a pawn as an ambassador, and the opponent's pieces may resist efforts by the opponent to attack it, as that would violate their diplomatic code.

Things will keep escalating. The game will get increasingly complex. New rows and columns will start to appear on the board. New varieties of piece may appear. Actual buildings with multiple stories will become incorporated into the board. And soon, the game will start to warp reality around the players, causing mayhem in the real world.

The way I imagine this working is for the GM to try to keep the inner-workings of the game somewhat internally consistent. When a new rule or mechanic is introduced as a consequence of the players' actions, they try to keep previously-established rules in mind. When a player does something that would violate a rule, instead of nullifying the previous rule, try to augment it in such a way that would reconcile the pre-existing rule and the new action. The game can make a move physically difficult, or even impossible, but not technically illegal.

Long-story-short, it's like a mix of Calvinball and Jumanji.
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
You are a level 1 construction worker, so all the assignments you see available at JobCo are simple things like "Build a Shed." You are currently equipped with: Hardhat, Steel Toed Boots, Hi-vis Vest, Toolbelt. Within toolbelt, you have: 8 Ounce Hammer, 8 Foot Tape measurer.
All your items effect your stats of course. As you complete jobs, you accrue both XP & money. The money can be spent at Item Depot getting upgrades for all your gear.

Your career is going just fine until you take a job repairing an ancient mausoleum. Within, you discover an item called Craft-O-Matic One Trillion. Strange things begin happening as you craft items.