11-27-2013, 03:12 AM
Good afternoon, friends! It's lovely of you to rejoin us for this, the long-awaited much-maligned continuation of
To recap: this is a mafia game where everybody has a role stolen wholesale from an old game on the MSPA Forums. All the repurposed roles had some killing ability or another, and nothing makes sense. I've kept the old CAVEATS below:
The rules are the usual:
The old player list has been split in two; the first here is the list of players alive at the end of N2. This will be updated once we know who replaced who, and who died during N2.
The latter list (in spoilers) lists the players who died before the end of N2. I recommend examining the roles and not the players themselves, because of replacement nonsense.
Our hapless participants:
seastormjt -> Loather - The VIRUS, WON D3
Seawyrm -> Plaid
Seedy -> TehPilot - The Chicken, POTATO'D, ROSEMARY'D, and THYME'D D4
Sruxian + Mister Visceral - icanhasdonut
Batterwaffles - Let's Talk About Firearms, Sylenced N3
Whoosh! - Dr. Anarchy, GRANDART'D D4
Jacqularis - Foster Ignanoobush, MURDERED N4
Oh, the mighty who've fallen
This is a list of all the EVENT posts from the old game! I'll be adding links to more recent happenings as they turn up.
The action replay: (flips, notable guest posts, maybe other stuff later)
Day 1 begin - LIVERS - Tactless Missile - Liver failure failure - Deadly embraces - Day 1 end
Night 1 begin - Night 1 end
Day 2 begin - Phonetato decreebooth - Ignanolonger - (attempted) GRAVESLAM - Modkills - The Whim Fandango - Para's mal(a)diction - RAP BATTLE COMMENCE - Repartee time - This blow(dart)s - Do a victory rap - The MASTERMIND - Not-death of the Not-author - Can't keep agood man down - Day 2 end
Night 2 begin - Night 2 end
Day 3 begin - Dar(s)tardly Doings - Beep boop - Back to the deadly grind - d0gbot, deuxbot - The third c0ming - Boonana Republic - Day 3 end
Night 3 begin - Night 3 end
Day 4 begin - Elevents - The de-deconning - Day 4 End
Night 4, like, the whole thing, seriously
Day 5 begin - Meter made - Rhythm raid - A measured retort - OH SHIT, HIT THE FLOOR - Day 5 end
Day 6 begin

To recap: this is a mafia game where everybody has a role stolen wholesale from an old game on the MSPA Forums. All the repurposed roles had some killing ability or another, and nothing makes sense. I've kept the old CAVEATS below:
- There will probably be SK's.
- There will probably be multiple scum teams.
- There will probably be independent agents of destruction.
- There may or may not be a town.
- All players will be a role which had a killing ability in the game it originally featured.
- This will be an unmitigated, goddamn disaster, and if you take it too seriously I may have to hurt you.
- Mechanics may be fast and loose.
- Balance will bhahahahahahahahahahha
- This is a good game even if you haven't played mafia before because it is not real mafia. It is lots of yelling and screaming and property damage and not enough trying to figure out who the good guys are. There are no good guys.
- No observerchat. You've seen these roles before.
The rules are the usual:
- Don't be a jerk.
- play to win (or play to lose hilariously)
- Don't take Shit Too Seriously.
- Don't take Shit Too Personally.
- Moderator's word is law.
- Don't talk about the game outside the game.
- If you need advice about the game (either mafia in general or this game in particular), there's one appropriate person to ask: Me. Anyone else risks breaking the previous rule.
- Keep up with your quicktopic; it's my main port of call for contacting you.
- Please respect requests for silence, both from fellow players declaring day activations and from the moderator when she can't sort things out in the next five minutes.
- Please please please do not talk about the game outside the game!
- Have fun! Leave a beautiful trainwreck behind you.
- NEW RULE: Anyone who replaced in, do your damnedest to not think too hard about your past life or any useful information which came with it. This one's enforced on an honour system and a sullied sense of victory if you fail to uphold it, so it's your funeral friends
The old player list has been split in two; the first here is the list of players alive at the end of N2. This will be updated once we know who replaced who, and who died during N2.
The latter list (in spoilers) lists the players who died before the end of N2. I recommend examining the roles and not the players themselves, because of replacement nonsense.
Our hapless participants:
AgentBlue- Cannonman, DEVOURED N5
Airey- Daniel Adainas, EXPOSED TO BULLETS N4
- Akumu
Anomaly- Claire Miserendino, THE BELL PTOLLDTED FOR THEE D5
btp -> SupahKiven- The Werewolf, INFECTED N5
BestTeaMaker -> Lieutenant Fish- Katy Harding, MURDERED N3
Bigro- Tawny Smythe, LYNCHED D3
- Chwoka
- Crowstone
Cyber95- MISSING
deadCrystal- Paper Planes, PROJECTILE BLADED N3
Doodley -> Gnauga- Dog Trainer, POTATOFF'D N3
- Coldblooded
Elize -> Masterblade- Bishounen, CHEWED UP N3
Epamynondas- I've Got Friends on the Other Side, LYNCHED D4
Fragowump -> Paranoia- Draco Von Zommelldester, CANNON'D N4
GeneX-> Mirdini
- Granolaman
Leafsw0rd -> Icantgivecredit- Poldt, INFECTIONATED N3
Luneix-> MrGuy
Malkytop->Dragon Fogel- Crooks Hollow Leader, GRAVESLAMMED D5
Mathgirl277 -> Sandiesandwicheadman- Sebastian Wyatt, FAILED AT DART DODGING D3
Mehga-> cerebralConfinement
- Mr. Arsenic Nog
myw- Dartboard Vigilante - LYNCHED D5
No Lynch, aka Niall and Anza- MetaSchazer, QUEENED IN TWAIN D3
No longer an actual player slot(27.5) Not The Author- Sylar, ASSASSINATED D5
(27½) Palamedes- Sylar, MALPRACTICED N4
Pick Yer Poison- Eldritch Felt, MODKILLED and LOST N3
Oh, the mighty who've fallen
This is a list of all the EVENT posts from the old game! I'll be adding links to more recent happenings as they turn up.
The action replay: (flips, notable guest posts, maybe other stuff later)
Day 1 begin - LIVERS - Tactless Missile - Liver failure failure - Deadly embraces - Day 1 end
Night 1 begin - Night 1 end
Day 2 begin - Phonetato decreebooth - Ignanolonger - (attempted) GRAVESLAM - Modkills - The Whim Fandango - Para's mal(a)diction - RAP BATTLE COMMENCE - Repartee time - This blow(dart)s - Do a victory rap - The MASTERMIND - Not-death of the Not-author - Can't keep a
Night 2 begin - Night 2 end
Day 3 begin - Dar(s)tardly Doings - Beep boop - Back to the deadly grind - d0gbot, deuxbot - The third c0ming - Boonana Republic - Day 3 end
Night 3 begin - Night 3 end
Day 4 begin - Elevents - The de-deconning - Day 4 End
Night 4, like, the whole thing, seriously
Day 5 begin - Meter made - Rhythm raid - A measured retort - OH SHIT, HIT THE FLOOR - Day 5 end
Day 6 begin
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow