The First Meeting: A Short Adventure

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The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
[Image: I8FejsK.png]

Select a character.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Be the wibbly wobbly blue thing on the far left.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Golden Fpterodactyl.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Grass Lizard at the back!
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The well dressed hen.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
(03-12-2013, 11:28 PM)BestTeaMaker Wrote: »Be the wibbly wobbly blue thing on the far left.

You must be the wibbly wobbly blue thing.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The crystal thing or whatever that is behind the table.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The brightly colored guy wearing a party hat.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The green lady
~◕ w◕~
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Score one for wibbly wobbly blue thing.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
[Image: ccVSlkt.png]

You are now THIS GUY!

You name is SikSok, and you are a Zoq, or possibly a Pik, but definitely not a Fot. You are from a world where all three of your species evolved and grew together as peaceful herbivores and autotrophs, along with the ZEBRANKY, a horrifying creature that mostly ate the ZOQ-FOT-PIK. As the first representatives of your species to make contact with HUMANS and the NEW ALLIANCE OF FREE STARS several years ago, you are here at the FIRST AMBASSADOR'S MEETING of said alliance!

That doesn't mean you're actually PAYING ATTENTION, of course, but then, no one else seems to be anyway. Why, the HUMAN CAPTAIN and the SYREEN LADY are probably too busy releasing pheromones at each other to pay attention to how little anyone else is paying attention!

It is without shame that you let your mind wander to the most recent Frungy championship game instead.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
>Hum like a beehive and excrete on your contemporaries
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
>Go and socialize.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
[Image: kdFMwiC.gif]

You consider it, but decide PukYor (who is definitely a Fot) would scold you really loudly and that would be kind of embarrassing! Not that you EVER feel shame, but then she'd yell more, so, you know.

Instead, you're going to go talk to someone you don't regularly spend months in the same ship with!

Who should you socialize with, by which you mean "talk about Frungy at"?

> The Human Captain
> The Syreen Commander
> The Crystal One (Who Is Now CrystalMechanical)
> The Weird Floating Green Humanoid
> Those Avians
> The Plant Guy And Mask Guy
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The Weird Floating Green Humanoid. He looks like a chill guy.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
The human captain! Ask him about the war with the Ur-Quan, and also if it's cool for the Yehat and Pkunk to be in such proximity to one another.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Plant and mask!
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Let's go with the exotic green humanoid.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Plant and Mask!
~◕ w◕~
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Your second personality.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
You go to talk to the green humanoid!

[Image: KP5rN30.png]

SIKSOK: Hey, do you know about Fru--
ARILOU: We are only here to observe our clever child, Zoq. Your species is of no interest to us.

Okay, that was pretty clear. Maybe the Captain will be--

[Image: t4s2fur.gif]

-- totally distracted by all these pheromones and psychics stinking up the air! Jeeze!

[Image: egt3Hrl.png]

Well then, it's up to you to say hi to... THESE GUYS!

SUPOX: Oh, Utwig friend, your Mask of Ambassadorial Joy And Honor is tilting a little.
UTWIG: Thank you for your help, Supox friend! I would hate to look uncultured in front of all these aliens--
SIKSOK: HEY THERE! What are you guys? Have you ever heard of Frungy?

They stare at you, and you stare back.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Clearly they haven't. Describe Frungy.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Better yet, invite one of your floaty friends over and demonstrate how it's played.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
Maybe you can mimic all sorts of pheremones using those vents in your body. See if you can produce one that makes people more inclined to talk to you about Frungy.
RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure
UTWIG: ... Pardon me for a moment.

The masked one turns towards the wall for a moment, fussing in the pockets of its robe, and the planty one watches for a moment before turning back to you and chirping,

SUPOX: Hey there! I'm a Supox. What are you? What is Frungy?
SIKSOK: I'm a Zoq or a Pik of the Zoq-Fot-Pik! The green one over there is the Fot, don't listen to her if she says otherwise! My name is SikSok, and Frungy is the Sport of Kings!

The Supox nods its green planty head, and the masky one turns back towards you, a new mask in bright yellow-green over its head.

SUPOX: Ah, the Expression of Mild Secondhand Embarrasment In A Social Situation!
SIKSOK: Nyark! Nyark! What?
UTWIG: I am an Utwig. My name is Vermi. This is my Supox friend, Root.
SIKSOK: Cool! Nice to meet you, Vermi and Root!
ROOT: Nice to meet you, Siksok!
VERMI: Ah, yes, same.
SIKSOK: So, yeah, about Frungy... You should totally learn how to play it! Hey, PukYor! Puk! Come over here and help me teach these aliens to play Frungy!