Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Start New Game.

You are a new, young student enrolled in the very prestigious school of C-Academy. Currently, you are idly seated in your dorm, unpacking. A lot of your stuff has been placed down already, and all you've left to do is figure out how to get around here!

However, it seems you haven't allocated your stat points yet! You should get around to doing that, there's no telling when you need to make a roll!

[You have 20 stat points. You can allocate them to your charisma (CHR), intelligence (INT), strength (STR) statistics.]

It would also be a good idea to assign your name and gender.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
20 charisma.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Name: Jack
Gender: Female
Seconding 20 Charisma, since there's apparently no "dumb luck" stat.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

let's be the charming megane character

Name: Adrian
Gender: Female
10 Charisma
10 Int.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
20 points have been allocated to the charisma stat.

Your name is Jack Adrian. You are an exceptionally charming young lady. Little anime sparkles seem to surround you when you get excited, and roses seem to decorate the panel every time you talk.

...Sadly, neither your strength or intelligence stat is equally exceptional. You'll simply have to compensate any task which normally would require them with your high charisma stat instead.

Since that's settled with, you unlocked the game interface! You can now navigate paths outside your dorm.

You can also view your current reputation, your inventory, your schedule and your friend list.

Remeber that while classes start at 8:00 am, you are also allowed to skip classes while having to make some rolls to see if you will get away with it. (Roll for wether you'll be caught, wether your absence is noted, wether you will be looked for (and if there you will, if you'll be found.)

It is 7:00 AM. What will you do with this time?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Let's check the schedule
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-21-2017, 10:25 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »Let's check the schedule

You take out your schedule.

You have English, Algebra, Chemistry, Geography, Lunch, and three elective periods.

You can choose those periods now, if you want, or choose them later.

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

>What's the list of electives? Let's take a look at that, too
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-21-2017, 11:16 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »>What's the list of electives? Let's take a look at that, too

Conviently, there's a written list of electives at the back of your schedule! You should probably submit this to a teacher or something though, when you finish to finalize it.

Remeber you can only choose three electives!

(You can use this to visualize the list. You can also sign up for an elective not included in that list.)

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
>Take up theater/drama class. High charisma makes you a good actress!
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Take Necromancy
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-21-2017, 11:43 PM)Xindaris Wrote: »>Take up theater/drama class. High charisma makes you a good actress!
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

Good thinking! You mark down Theatere class as one of your electives. You are so going to be the star of that class. High charisma wins all.

You tentantivley list down Necromancy. Though you did see that class when you skimmed the electives list, you're not sure if that is a legal class.

Though you're pretty sure that never stopped anyone.

You have two electives down. Would you like to choose one other one now, or would you like to choose them later? It also isn't too late to change your elective choices yet.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Introductory Mecha Piloting
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-22-2017, 11:25 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Introductory Mecha Piloting

Introductory Mecha Piloting? You mull the idea over. You don't see why not. You mark that down as well. You might want to increase your INT stat though. This isn't a class you can charm your way out of.

Your selected electives are Theatere, Necromancy, and Introductory Mecha Piloting.

As you finish deciding your electives, five minutes have passed. It is now 7:05 am. You currently have 55 minutes before class starts.

You could go to the libary and try to increase your INT stat, give in your schedule, try to find some friends, or do something else entirley.

What will you do?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Let's go to the library and make smart friends
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-22-2017, 06:21 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »Let's go to the library and make smart friends

You enter the libary. It's suprisingly still. If you walk, you can hear your footsteps fill the room.

The librarian seems to pay no attention to you, and is much more focused on their book.

There are two girls in a nearby table, talking in earnest. Strangley, you can barley hear a word from their conversation. It's as if they weren't talking at all. One of the girls has a.. hopefully fake eye patch. You wonder if you should ask about that. She seems like a 'action girl'. The other dons a comfy looking jacket over her uniform, and seems to be nodding along to her friend's chatter. It's hard to tell wether she's paying attention or not.

There's also another person in a diffrent table. Their hair is askew, and they've laid their head on top of a book. There's two other books on their table as well, and a open notebook.

You're suprised no one's even looked up to you, since you're practically sparkling up the room.

What will you do?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Asking about the eyepatch might be insensitive... and the sleeping person might not want to be woken up...
Maybe introduce yourself to the people who are talking? It's your first day, they'll probably be open to meeting new people.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Check on the person sitting alone.
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You walk over to the two strangers. They seem engrossed in their conversation.

Eyepatch girl: Oh, come on! What do you want for it?

Comfy-jacket girl: You know what I want.

Eyepatch girl: I'm not doing that! Come on. I'm not gonna talk with a damn-

Jack: Excuse me.

The two girls stop conversing to look at you. The one with the eyepatch tilts her head slightly while the other simply seems unintrested. They merely spare you a glance before scribbling something on a piece of notebook paper.

You make good use of your charisma and try to speak as charmingly as possible.

Jack: I don't believe we've ever met before. Do either of you lovely ladies care to give me your name?

You give them a bright smile.

Neither of them seem to be affected by your charisma. You guess their charisma stat or intelligence stat is higher than yours.

The eyepatch girl gives you a grin.

Eyepatch girl: Hey there! You must be new, huh?

There is something off about her smile.

Shirley: My name's Shirley. The grump over there's named Ku.

She stands up, trying to look intmidating. It works.

Shirley: You didn't hear a single word about what we were talking about, did you?

Jack: Um. I-I didn't understand it?

Shirley's smile returns to 'normal' and takes her seat.

Shirley: Good! Now, I don't mean anything bad, but you should probably run along first.

Shirley: Me and Ku got something to discuss.

Ku: Tch.

Ku glares at Shirley before turning to you.

Ku: It really was nice meeting you.

Jack: ...Same.

You politley wave a goodbye (Shirley waves back a lot more enthustiastically, while Ku simply nods,) before deciding to check on the sleeping person.

Upon closer inspection, you can see some small horns peeking out from their fluffy hair (which now reminds you of wool). You guess they must be half-creature.

Aside from being in a deep sleep in a libary of all places, they seem fine and enjoying their nap.

You look curiously at their notebook. It's scribbled with runes and their translations.

Should you wake them up, or do something else?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Peek at the notebook secretly
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Try to wake them up. Maybe they can explain what the runes mean.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You pick up the notebook. You can't understand it well, but you're pretty sure they were trying to translate a message. They scribbled an alphabet of runes on the side for their conveince.

So far, the message says, ”One will.....”

The rest of the message hasn't been deciphered yet.

You put the notebook down and shake them gently.

Jack: Hey, excuse me..

Horned-stranger: Mm...

They remain awake enough to peek at you.

Horned-stranger: You're not ’Fee.. Who're you?

You're breifly tempted to try and charm them, but they probably wouldn't be awake enough for it.

Jack: Jack. Can you tell me what this means?

You point to their notebook. The horned-stranger shrugs.

Horned-stranger: 'Dunno.. Suppoused to be some kinda 'prophecy', but I'm pretty sure half those runes aren't even.. legit..

This is the most information you can retrieve as strangers.

What will you do now?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
>"We are friends now." Intense stare
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
>Let em nap. Plenty of time to forcibly befriend them later. Plus having time to nap means they will be more coherent to chat with.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.