You Are An Horse

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You Are An Horse
You Are An Horse

Okay, well, this is a continuation of a collaborative adventure started on the MSPA forums by OrangeAipom... when asked if he had plans to continue the adventure, he said that it would be better if someone else started a new thread for the continuation. So I'd intended to get around to doing so... but then I ran into issues with my web host, and I was away from the forums for a while... but anyway, my hosting problems are finally resolved, and I'm back to -- well, not to the MSPA forum, obviously, since that's apparently down indefinitely -- but to what I suppose can be regarded as their successor. So I decided that now, four years later (wow... has it really been that long?), I would finally resurrect this adventure. This wasn't really my adventure, but I'm continuing it here because apparently no one else is doing so, and because I was kind of enjoying the adventure and don't want to see it die.

(I do have a rather more ambitious adventure of my own, Myrtle Head, that's been on hold almost as long that I also plan on resurrecting eventually... but it may be a little longer, since there's more I have to get together for that one, and since unlike this one it's fully illustrated it's going to be quite a bit more work. Aside from getting all the images back online, there's one Flash update I want to redo in HTML5, and when the adventure left off it was about to come to another Flash/HTML5 update that's going to take a while to put together.)

Though OrangeAipom started the original thread, after a while he decided to give other people a chance to run it in one-week shifts. Aside from OrangeAipom and me, other contributors to the adventure were BigBurkhart and Bartomelu of the Free. Unfortunately, with the demise of the MSPA forum where it was originally posted, the record of who was responsible for which parts of the adventure has been lost -- I'd mirrored the adventure on the MSPaint Fan Adventures site, so the adventure itself is preserved (aside from a few missing images I'm going to see if I can dig up somehow or find replacements for), but I didn't keep a record of who did what; since OrangeAipom started the adventure, the first few dozen updates are his, and I'm pretty sure I remember which parts I did, but beyond that I'm not sure who to credit with what.

I may continue OrangeAipom's policy of letting people take turns running the adventure, so if anyone else wants to take a turn running it (after at least one initial week to get things underway again), let me know! But please read the whole adventure before asking to have a turn running it... while this is a ridiculous adventure where realism isn't a high priority, I'd prefer to preserve at least some vague semblance of continuity. For those who just want to jump in and make suggestions and don't want to read all the way through the mirror, though, I've put in the spoiler below a summary of events so far. You're better off reading the mirror all the way through, though, because things make a lot more sense in context. (That is a lie. This adventure makes no sense in context either. It is a very silly adventure.)


I also have this adventure going on another forum, incidentally, so if you see a command that wasn't submitted on this forum, it's because it was submitted on the other one.

So, to start out the new thread, who do you want to be first? The Horse (Cheigh)? York? The Rival? Saxton Hale? The Horse Devil? Lady Maya? Or do you want to be someone else altogether?
[Image: MHsig2s3.png]
[Returning... eventually. Yes, I know the images are currently broken. Sorry. They'll be restored.]
RE: You Are An Horse
You are now the HORSE DEVIL, and you have been having an ANNOYING DAY.

Things had been going so well. You acquired a new HORSE SOUL a while back that you hadn't quite decided what to do with. You purchased a few new additions to your prized PORCELAIN DISH COLLECTION.

But then this morning you sent out your HUMAN GHOST ZOMBIES, or GHOMBIES as you call them, to ravage the countryside, and they haven't come back yet, and you're kind of worried. And then apparently someone decided to relieve himself on the ground directly above HORSE HELL, and it's getting all over your STATION OF UNDESIRABLE AGONY. And then four human idiots fell through the ground and landed right in front of you, and then somehow wandered out of Horse Hell without even trying. Which also kind of worries you, because if those doofuses could get out of Horse Hell so easily, are all your DAMNED EQUINE SOULS secure?

Maybe you should go out and try to find your ghombies. Or maybe you should track down those twits who fell into your home and get your revenge. Or maybe you should tend to things at home and make sure affairs of Horse Hell are in order.

[Image: MHsig2s3.png]
[Returning... eventually. Yes, I know the images are currently broken. Sorry. They'll be restored.]