Dumb date stories

Dumb date stories
Dumb date stories
A friend of mine just got a date and we were talking weird dating war stories, of which we both had a few. My best one was probably the tale of my ex, whom i dated at 16. After i dumped him he got together with another girl named Sarah, then when they broke up he got into a relationship with a third Sarah. Extra bonus: his best friend is dating a 4th Sarah.

Leading theory at the moment is that at some point he got a name tattoo and is trying furiously to justify it

Anyway what weird stories do you guys have. Give me the goss
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RE: Dumb date stories
the girl i had been crushing on for two years turned out to be asexual :v i learned that by asking her out.

that. that counts as a dating story.

edit: ok ok but if you were with me at the time you'd understand how funny this was. I was goin' craaaaazy for her, to the point that i stopped focusing so much on schoolwork. Lesson learned... do not be a coward, ask them out. Soon.
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RE: Dumb date stories
One guy tried to ask out a friend of mine (whom he clearly knew nothing about) by approaching her with a pack of cigarettes. If she wanted them, cool. If not then he was going to tell her he confiscated it from some of the younger students to impress her.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Dumb date stories
When me and my currently-girlfriend hung out for the first time, I was running late and managed to lock myself out of my house, so I broke in with a blade of grass
RE: Dumb date stories
So I bought this bag of dates from a bulk store and some of them had pits in them (which also made them seem larger) and I am glad I cut up dates before putting them in my muffins.
RE: Dumb date stories
(03-14-2016, 12:05 AM)Schazer Wrote: »When me and my currently-girlfriend hung out for the first time, I was running late and managed to lock myself out of my house, so I broke in with a blade of grass

No, the first time you decided to poke a rustling bush even though she told you there was probably a rat in there, then screamed when it leapt at you
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Dumb date stories
I'm pretty sure I've always been the weird date, elemayo