Change ur name

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Change ur name
Change ur name
Okay so i recently decided that i'm going to change my name, and have been quietly doing so on social media in prep for legally changing it in february (when i'm getting hitched, because its cheaper and i'm poor :V the name change is unrelated tho)

If you guys could change your names, what would you change it to? I've always liked Myrtle, myself

Note: I'm only changing my surname
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Change ur name
You'd think I'd want to change my name because it's weird and literally nobody ever says it right the first time, and maybe I would if you'd asked me during secondary school, but I don't know I kind of like it now.

If I was going to do anything I guess I'd change my middle name to something even less pronounceable. I could be Hywel Llewellyn Nevard, instead of Hywel Thomas.
That'd be a bit disrespectful to the Thomas I was given that name for though, also it would imply I was more welsh than I really am .v
RE: Change ur name
Not a chance! I was named after a friend of my dad's from his university days. It's not a particularly unusual name in Maori or Pasifika languages; though it is pretty exclusively a name for dudes. Pair it with my surname and you get this suitably awkward mix of West European mongrel and Oceaniac consonant-syllable-consonant-syllable antics.

The one conceivable change would be dropping my dad's surname and adopting my mum's (basically "Pinewell" in Japanese.) if I decided to settle here permanently. At which point I could choose official kanji for my first name as well. I keep reminding myself I need to check the rules for this, but if im allowed to say "it's written like 'bird' but pronounced like Manu", I am totally doing that.

One weird thing I just realised about my name is that, on the whole, Japanese folks pronounce it better than Westerners, who often get the stresses wrong :v
RE: Change ur name
I haven't legally changed my name yet but i'm going to. Today I was talking to the school because lecturers keep calling me my old name in front of my classmates but they cant do it until I have the legal documents because bureaucracy is trash.
RE: Change ur name
(10-23-2014, 10:47 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Not a chance! I was named after a friend of my dad's from his university days. It's not a particularly unusual name in Maori or Pasifika languages; though it is pretty exclusively a name for dudes. Pair it with my surname and you get this suitably awkward mix of West European mongrel and Oceaniac consonant-syllable-consonant-syllable antics.

The one conceivable change would be dropping my dad's surname and adopting my mum's (basically "Pinewell" in Japanese.) if I decided to settle here permanently. At which point I could choose official kanji for my first name as well. I keep reminding myself I need to check the rules for this, but if im allowed to say "it's written like 'bird' but pronounced like Manu", I am totally doing that.

One weird thing I just realised about my name is that, on the whole, Japanese folks pronounce it better than Westerners, who often get the stresses wrong :v

When you first mentioned your name i wondered if you were maori/pacifica because of it, actually :v

Dalm: That is super butts. Certainly doesn't excuse the lecturers from being super rude >:l
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Change ur name
I know :c I have to talk to them about it in private.
RE: Change ur name
I'd like to have always had a diffrent name, but my problems from my current one stem from responding to it, which wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't a homophone to something people call either male strangers younger then them or sometimes friends. Both are awkward if you reply.
Not that changing my name'd help, replying has been pretty dang conditioned into me by now.
RE: Change ur name
sol badguy
RE: Change ur name
(10-23-2014, 01:49 PM)Solaris Wrote: »sol badguy

sol badguy is a legit good name id vote for you
RE: Change ur name
'm savin' m' best names f'r m' offspring
RE: Change ur name
i would change my first name to David and my middle to Bowie so when I meet people I could be like, "Hi, I'm David Bowie (lastname) but you can just call me David!" and they could go "did you say David Bowie?" and I'd smugly reply "fuck no man do I look like an offensively old rockstar with a british accent nitwit?" and scream inside at my horrible mistake of renaming myself and forcing myself to live off the identity of an outdated act like a weird leech. FUN ON A BUN
Fact SeagullMcCoffee
RE: Change ur name
If I ever have a good reason, sure. My name is LITERALLY Billy Joe.
RE: Change ur name
You're so nice, they named you twice

I think "boy names" and "girl names" are a pretty dumb concept. Like what if I wanted a beautiful son named Elizabeth? Where's the beef?
RE: Change ur name
Names are very important. Any wizard or computer programmer could tell you that.

I'm quite happy with the one on my birth certificate, but one of these days I really need to come up with something better than "SeaWyrm".
RE: Change ur name
my first and last names are super ridiculously common and sometimes i find myself wishing i had a more unique one
i seem to remember my mom telling me that she wanted to name me "lorelai" but dad thought that name sounded biblical or something so he named me instead

i have no idea if "lorelai" is a biblical name but... if it isn't, i'd prefer that to what i have now.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Change ur name
Lorelei is a rock* in Germany that has a lot of FOLKLORE (water spirits & mer-maids) associated with it!

I once wrote a short story with that title, so I did some research. I really like the name. Very pretty sounding.

*It's a pretty big rock though
RE: Change ur name
I have people call me 'Sai' from the phonetic pronunciation of my first two initials, so that's kind of like a name change.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Change ur name
I renamed myself Credit. This has changed nothing, because my name will always retain that cash-like flavour. Financial flow is intoned in all 38 syllables.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Change ur name
I'm in a weird place re: names, as I find myself identifying more strongly with my username than my birthname. I consider more of my formative experiences to have happened to me-as-Nottles, and I don't really have any attachment to my birthname, either-- I was named for some biblical person whose story doesn't resonate with me, and for my great-grandfather who I never knew. I don't think I'd change it, but that's more apathy than intent, I think.
RE: Change ur name
(10-23-2014, 07:09 PM)KittenEater Wrote: »my first and last names are super ridiculously common and sometimes i find myself wishing i had a more unique one

This is exactly why i'm changing mine; my name is so common there's another paper artist with the same name.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Change ur name
OK i propose a pseudo-rule: You need to say your current name (if you're comfortable with that). Otherwise how am i supposed to judge if they're super common/terrible or not?!?! I want to disagree with people!

Mine's Edgar. When i had a bit of gender dysphoria i tried to imagine getting a new name but i just couldn't picture myself with a different one, i like Eydie as the feminine version of Ed though. Mostly because of Eydie Gormé.

If i really had to make a change i'd drop my middle name, which i don't particularly care for (it's Iván). Fun fact: my mom named me after a student of hers just because she liked the kid.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Change ur name
I also recently changed my username because i am pretty terrible at coming up with cool/meaningful names and didn't really have one before. I legitimately tried really hard to come up with a good username because i got tired of using just "Ed" (try to register in any website with that), i wanted something that had ed in it but i gave up after a while. Someday while walking home i don't know why i thought about infrarED light and then i did it i changed it and then i realized it wasn't that cool and i don't even understand infrared very well and it was still impossible to register anywhere but it's too late now i guess. If only this fucking jerk would close down their tumblr and give me the url grrrrrrrasfdfb it makes me so mad.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Change ur name
Okay so my name is/was Sarah Jane Mitchell (i don't include the middle name anywhere but legal documents because i hate it and it somehow makes my name even more generic) And I'm changing it to Sarah Lund. Lund is my mum's maiden name, and i like the idea of taking that a lot more than either sticking with my current name (esp as i haven't talked to my Dad in over a year) or taking the boyf's name when we get a civil union. Apparently Lund is a common name in Sweden (i think it was Sweden) but it really isn't here, so it works out.

I may have also made a bit of a political statement within my family that has ended in my Mum wondering whether to change her surname too, since she still uses Dad's name despite them being divorced for over a decade. She had good reasons for not changing it then, but now they don't apply :v
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Change ur name
(10-23-2014, 07:16 PM)goblins Wrote: »Lorelei is a rock* in Germany that has a lot of FOLKLORE (water spirits & mer-maids) associated with it!

I once wrote a short story with that title, so I did some research. I really like the name. Very pretty sounding.

*It's a pretty big rock though

Aw man... that's kinda cool. Maybe if I had the drive to go through with the name-changing process, and could think of a cool water-related last name to fit, I'd do it.
As it is now, I'm too comfortable with being one of a thousand "Emily Davis"es to change.

Man! If my mom named me, I could have been Lorelei McLaughlin. Or Lorelei Miramontez, if I took her maiden name instead, somehow.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Change ur name
You should convince your mom, Plaid! Maybe they can give you a discount.

Miramontez sounds hispanic, i don't know why it's always so amusing to see hispanic surnames in non-hispanic people, there's nothing to be amused of, yet i always am. It's also very odd how people have to drop their maiden's names, here they just pass it on their kids as a "second" last name. We have very long names!

I just discovered my last name (Ramos) has Portuguese and Spanish roots, my second one (Vallejo) is also Spanish. Neat! I wonder if they're very common in Spain.

This thread has made me appreciate my name.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]