[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney

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[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
Greetings, nerdlords! We're going to have us a Fakemon competition. [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegcmaUl1qmx9ik.gif]

The format will be multiple knockout rounds (at least three, but more if we get a sudden influx of designers). Ideally, we'll halve the playerlist down each round and end with ~4 people in the Final (though if we end up going 12->6->3 or something that'll be ok too.)

I'll decide the exact task for each round, but potential tasks over the next couple weeks:
-Design a single-stage pokemon
-Design a pokemon with an as-yet unused dual typing
-Design a three-stage evolutionary line
-Design a mega evolution (for either a canon pokemon or your own)
-Design a set of legendaries for a hypothetical region
-Design a set of starter pokemon
-Design a gym

I'll give a more fixed idea of what tasks will be for what rounds once I can see how many players we're dealing with.

Prizes are a bit up in the air. If the satisfaction of creating shit isn't reward enough, I'll offer spritework/fanart to the winner! (I do small, simple things like menu icons and limited-palette stuff I also may or may not commission a cool artist-type to offer something a little more substantial.)

Judging will be undertaken by yours truly and possibly a couple other people - if you'd like to judge and can get on IRC reasonably regularly so we can hash things out, hit me up!
The criteria for judging will be your ideas first and foremost - your art is a complement to help get the idea across, so all mediums are acceptable! You don't have to know pixelart or spriting or how to do Sugimori-style watercolors. Generally if the art gives us a sense of shape and color and all the other visual elements that convey what your creature's like, we're golden!

In summary, skills you don't need to be a master in to participate:
-Pixel art
-Art in general
-Knowing Pokemon "canon"
-Knowing all about competitive battling or tiers or movesets what have you

Obviously, a decent knowledge of the Pokemon franchise is going to help! Top of the judging criterion will be originality, so being familiar with abilities and in-game mechanics (what's been done already and what hasn't) is a plus, but like I said above not essential. There are lots of helpful huge nerds on #eagletime IRC with whom you could discuss your idea and see if it's been done.

Feel free to post explanations about what your 'mons are based on, design choices, etc. If you check out the last time I was in a contest like this, there are some wordy-ass design notes, and that's fine!

[Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif] [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif] [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif]

Participants will be listed below. Feel free to post your interest in-thread, or just make your first post a SINGLE-STAGE POKEMON (which is going to be the Round 1 contest)! Entries will be open for one week (so Round 1 ends Noonish (JST), October 27; get to it! Tell your friends!

Round 1: Single-stage Pokemon
- MrGuy ( )
- Piester (Wottercken)
- earthexe (Trowlick)
- Plaid ( )
- Gnauga (Chiclot)
- Dalmationer (Quial)
- Loather (Skrillarus)
- Bigro (Plauntill)
- Garuru (Contiki)

Round 2: ??????
- Earthexe
- Cyber95
- Loather
- Dalmationer

Round 3: ??????
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RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
I was gonna reserve a spot but then my name was already there. I'msostoked that my readiness transcends time itself! :0
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
Hi there I'm in and while not currently a drac I'll be one tonight because that's how draculas work so yeah I'm confirming on the part of Draculas who may have signed up.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
And here is my dudermon.

[Image: ccTnDdn.png]
Trowlick, the stonemason Pokemon.

This Pokemon has a peculiar habit of laying bricks. If it feels threatened with nowhere to hide, it will quickly construct a wall to hide behind instead, using the mud on the ground where it lives.

Trowlicks are very fast workers. A team of Trowlicks, if trained, can construct the foundation for a house in just under a day, provided they have enough mud and mortar. As such, they are popularly utilized by construction companies, alongside pokemon like Gurdurr and Machoke.

Type: Ground

Signature Move: Wall Off. Temporarily raises Def and Sp.Def, lowers Spd, and lowers the effectiveness of supereffective moves to 75% for 4 turns.

Ability: Sturdy

Height: 2’5” (0.7 m)
Weight: 33.5 lbs (15.1 kg)
Base Stats: 60/65/105/50/100/80

Here, have some design sketches, too
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[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Image: urjfy1c.png]
Chiclot, the Gum Pokemon
Type: Normal
Ability: Gooey
Signature Move: Gum Trap - The user spits a massive wad of gum at the opposing team's feet. The gum prevents pokemon that switch in from switching out.

[Image: X1ouUc9.png]
Chiclots are born when enough jerks spit enough gum on the same sidewalk or under the same desk.
They shed wads of gum with each step, and eat voraciously to maintain their mass.
They can grow indefinitely, as long as there's food. According to popular urban legend, they seek out and devour everyone who contributed to its creation.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
im in
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
'ello ello, good to see entries happening!

Someone asked on IRC about what exactly you need for a complete profile. If you want to go bare-bones, a name, species name (e.g. Mudkip the Mudfish Pokemon) and Pokedex-length entry will be plenty. The following things would be optional, but if they help show off your 'mon's unique aspects, feel free to add them in:

Ability/ies (Hidden ability as well if you want to show variation in the species)
Signature move (if it has one)
Slightly longer dex entry
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
oh, I want in!
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
[Image: G5mVAo5.png]


The Symbiotic Pokemon

Rock/Flying Type

Special Attack: Triple Tackle: It's like... tackle, but THREE TIMES IN ONE TURN!

Weight/Height: 950 g and 1.2 metres (I'm sorry if this is way off I need to jet.)

Despite it's odd appearance, the Wottercken is actually a single pokemon. Alhough it's origins are dubious, Poke-Scientists theorize it originated from a foolish trainer using a single pokeball to contain three different species. Although other similar specimens usually died without breeding, this specific case seems to be well adapted for most environments against all odds, as it is able to dig, swim, and fly adequately well on top of possessing many claws and other pointy things to fight off potential predators.
Fact SeagullMcCoffee
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
i'm in. even though i have like zero time to do this before the deadline. really wish i knew about this earlier. guess it couldnt hurt to try anyways? i have an idea ive been dying to try out.

Concept Art:
[Image: kontiki_zps155a288b.png]
The Tiki Pokemon
Ability: Vital Spirit / Flash Fire
Hidden Ability: Illuminate
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 80 lbs.
Gender Ratio: 50% M / 50% F

Signature Move: Kindling. Grass-type. Like an entry hazard but it causes the opposing team to take 1.5 extra damage from fire-type moves.

Pokédex Entries:
- A lively Pokémon, Kontiki will angrily chase away those who interrupt its rituals with branches that have been lit on fire.
- This Pokémon has been seen in groups praying to an unknown deity by dancing around fire pits.
- Scientists theorize that this Pokémon came to be when a wayward spirit animated a statue made of wood.
- When a limb breaks off in battle, this Pokémon simply searches for more wood and reconstructs itself.

In this spoiler is some dumb nerdy stuff that should probably not affect this competition.

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[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
I'm cool with 24 hour extensions or whatever if someone needs 'em, you've still got five days though!
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
I may or may not need an extension; got a nasty essay breathing down my neck & not too much time to do it
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
Bang boom
[Image: 8xoeIj9.png]
Ability: Tough Claws/Limber
Signature Move: Submerge - Terroke dives under the surface and grabs the enemy Pokemon from below, dealing damage while keeping it from fleeing or switching out for the turn.

Terroke feels at home both in the water and under the ground. It digs with the same swimming motions it makes when travelling underwater.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
Ok there are some folks who requested an extension; those folks now have 48 hours to get something in! Then I can judge and junk.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!

[Image: mLACUT9.png]

Ability: Hyper Cutter/Shell Armor
Hidden Ability: Moxie
Average Length: 1'6"

It breaches ships with its sharp claws to feast on the sailors inside. Skrillarus was used widely by ancient navies, though it would often attack its allies.

Skrillarus is a popular symbol of both piracy and rebellion. Its tendency to target large ships has given it a reputation for humbling the mighty.

It uses its claws to quickly scale obstacles on land. It prefers fighting where it can drop on its prey from above.

It was exclusively a herbivore as recently as 15,000 years ago. There are rumors that plant-eating Skrillarus are still around, though those who go searching for them often go missing.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
[Image: MRw40Pw.png]

Name: Quial
Type: Flying/Poison.
Ability: Heatproof/healer.

It synthesises toxic chemicals inside its fragile body. Predators know better than to try to break it.

It synthesises chemicals inside its body. It flies by burning these. Its tailfeathers are often worn as jewellery.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
Ok! With seven entries (though eight would be a tidier number for my Battle-fumigated sensibilities), I can see about judging this! If anyone chances upon this thread and whips up an entry quickly though, I'll accept it.

If we have 7 or 8 by the time I'm judging, the round format will go 7/8->4->2->WINNER.
If we get 9, we'll go 9->6->-3->CHAMPION OF AGES.

Either way, stay tuned! Or tell your friends we're having an art-off and get them to come join the fun. I'll have results up before the weekend's out.
RE: Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - signups open!
Aaaaand after much delay and with little ado, we have some Round 1 winners! In no particular order:

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You four will move onto Round 2, the content of which I shall announce tomorrow. (Eliminated folks are more than welcome to attempt the next challenge, but I won't be judging your entries. You're also all welcome to discuss/speculate in-thread, or ask for my reasoning as to why I chose which).
RE: [Round 1 Complete] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegmH8Zi1qmx9ik.gif]R-R-R-Round 2![Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegmH8Zi1qmx9ik.gif]

Design three pokemon with an evolutionary link!

For this challenge, any combination works for me! Branched evolutions or baby pokemon (which are generally produced when the parents hold a particular item) are perfectly fine, as is naming an evolutionary method we haven't seen in the games before. If you'd prefer to make a bog-standard three-stage levelling-up kind of dealie, that's all good as well.

Similar to the last challenge, I'm looking for creativity paired well with "realism" (Pokemon world realism, at any rate). You've got one week with extensions available on request. Get cracking!
RE: [Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Image: g9Lu4Kg.png]
Pompupine, Enguarzorro, and Sabotrobin, the barb-backed pokemon.

Pompupine's quills are loaded with an irritating poison. When in danger, it can remove these quills and use them as a weapon to defend itself. These quills are prized for their sharpness, and can pierce even plates of metal armor. Its ability is Poison Point or Anticipation, and it can use moves such as Pin Missile and Poison Sting.

Enguarzorro's quills harden and become firmer, and it learns to fashion these into a sword. It prefers to fight up close and personal with its opponents, fighting with such cunning and skill that it often leaves them dazed and confused. Its ability is Poison Point or Inner Focus, and it can learn moves such as Swords Dance and Close Combat.

Sabotrobin's bow is fashioned from its flexible hair and quills. Its quills rapidly regrow when removed, allowing it to fire volley after volley of quills without running out of ammo. Its ability is Poison Point or Sniper, and it can learn moves such as Quiver Dance and Lock On.

Pompupine can learn Poison Lace, which adds a 50% chance of poisoning or badly poisoning to any of its damaging moves for 4 turns.

Sabotrobin can also learn the move Silver Arrow, a normal type damaging move with 70 power and 90% accuracy that can cause the target to flinch. However, if Poison Lace is in effect, it becomes a poison type move with 100 power, and gains an additional 50% chance of poisoning or badly poisoning.

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[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]