Energy Drinks Thread

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Energy Drinks Thread
Energy Drinks Thread
Talk about energy drinks, share hilarribad packaging or tell us the worst situation you got through when sleep-deprived thanks to those caffeinated syrupy assholes

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This shit is incrediawful, it tastes like pencils and it almost makes me miss Commando Bear from the import aisles at supermarkets back home
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
There you go smartass
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
Lift+ is my jam. It tastes like liquefied candy and its the best.

Anyway i got these rad drinks from the local asian supermarket a while back. Sadly they weren't as delicious as the packaging suggests

[Image: Bn9kUUaIMAASUeu.jpg]
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
one of those has some of the best advertising though
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
Oh man, energy drinks? I love energy drinks. I doubt anything I drink is particularly interesting, since they're all international brands. Rockstar Punched is my current go-to - tastes like normal fruit punch, standard energy drink effects. My favorite of all time, though, has actually been the Migros brand energy drink (I think it's just called M-Budget energy drink) but they're obnoxious to get here.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
the only energy drink i need is wuss coffee w/ too much milk and sugar. i'm literally addicted and loving every second of it (where "it" is withdrawl symptoms)
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
[Image: RBLU7WK.jpg]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
(10-10-2014, 07:37 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »the only energy drink i need is wuss coffee w/ too much milk and sugar. i'm literally addicted and loving every second of it (where "it" is withdrawl symptoms)

I get SUPER ANGRY and unpleasant at about day 2 of no caffeine. I've had an espresso machine since i was 15 years old and i start dying inside if i don't get decent coffee
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
For once i don't feel like an addictive asshole. I don't really enjoy constant caffeine intake.

I do like cold coffe every once in a while, i absolutely despise drinking hot liquids.

I do not know how to start sentences regarding myself that dont' start with "I".
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RE: Energy Drinks Thread
Energy drinks are the worst, so gross and sugary and weird. And the calories! So many calories. I try not to drink calories in general (because even with stuff like juice, it's super calorie-dense and nutrition-poor, too easy to end up consuming more than you thought), but energy drinks deserve special mention because the not-lite kind are soda-level bad but without the taste to recommend them.

When I needed chemical stimulation, I just took caffeine pills.
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
So i drank a large coffee and a 500ml energy drink back to back this afternoon

guys just

don't repeat my mistake

(i think i'm vibrating? its hard to tell)
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
I'm a Bawls man, myself.

Yes, that's right, I'm actually made entirely out of caffeinated soda. Bet you didn't know that about me.
My brain works by carbonation.
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
You just made yourself more delicious to zombies. They will know have an energy-drink brain to wash down all the other brains they've been consuming.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
I haven't drunk energy drinks since I left uni because it was a terrible idea, I weigh so little that I imagine they are horribly bad for me
one time I drank a big can of Monster and also ate half a bag of skittles and the caffeine & sugar combination alone was enough that I could basically feel all of my blood (which wasn't useful for getting anything done)
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
when i was with seeedy and sadaf we made the istake of buying a can of mtn dew kickstart and me (SEEDY DDI NOT HELP) and myself and no one else had to stop it from drinking it constantly, especially late at night

i almost had to chug the entire thing before going to bed so that it wouldnt drink it all

thats my energy hashtag story drink
RE: Energy Drinks Thread

also you left out the part where we had to wrestle it away from the soda aisle every time we went to the grocery store

(there is a not funny reason for this; if sadaf has too much caffeine its muscles begin tensing really badly. this does not stop it from trying)

personally I don't really like energy drinks 'cause there's only so much caffeine my body can use at a time and piling more on doesn't help (I am almost as much of a skeleton as jac). also years of drinking only coffee has given me a strong psychosomatic "you're awake now" association with the flavor, which is useful. I'd drink one if it had an awesome name like SAMURIDE, though

oh and I like black tea heated in the microwave like the disgusting american that I am
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
(10-12-2014, 02:56 AM)Wheat Wrote: »get ready to get SUPERCHARGED! From your favorite High End Energy Drink Producers...

A hell-born hybrid of grape and orange meets this fully synthetic bioengeneering wonder fruit in a refreshing, tangy, and stimulating tag-team on your taste buds like nothing you've ever tasted! You literally will have no idea what this tastes like!

It's a live wire! It's a thunderbolt! It's ball lightning! At a retailer near you, it's TECHNOBERRY GRORNGE! Zapping into the drinks or automotive solvents aisle! Kick it fast-ways, hip kids of today's youth!


contains 2% battery acid

Warning: Do not ingest,

in fact, don't even lick the outside of the can
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
(10-12-2014, 02:57 AM)seedy Wrote: »oh and I like black tea heated in the microwave like the disgusting american that I am


RE: Energy Drinks Thread
this is now the Black Energy Tea thread. Prepare your tastebuds for a dark, cosmic beverage of astronomical proportions
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
(10-12-2014, 04:06 AM)Schazer Wrote: »
(10-12-2014, 02:57 AM)seedy Wrote: »oh and I like black tea heated in the microwave like the disgusting american that I am



nobody talk shit about microwave tea alright, literally ALL A MICROWAVE DOES is heat water molecules. it's not as classy or quaint but it makes kettles completely irrelevant.
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
(10-12-2014, 02:35 AM)Wheat Wrote: »It is weird in my eyes to take caffeine pills because not only do you get to taste something with a natural source like coffee or tea but it is probably more cost effective to drink it from a natural source anyway than caffeine pills or energy drinks.

nope nope nope

Coffee tastes like soggy ass ("acquired taste" is code for "tastes terrible but you consume it until you like it"), so forget that noise. The caffeine pills I buy are usually $2.50 or so for 200 (generic brandz 4 lyf), and each pill contains 200mg of caffeine. That is at the very very upper end of what a cup of brewed coffee will contain, according to the Mayo Clinic (and who else will you trust re: food science but Mayo?). Unless your beanbag is making hundreds of cups and super cheap, cost is not in coffee's favor.

In summary, fuck the 'ffee, yo.

e: and yeah unless you have an antique or copper kettle (which will impart flavor via minerals), microboiling your water is exactly the dang same as heating it in a cumbersome and antiquated lump of metal. And even then I have a hard time believing there's a significant difference, because tea's usually pretty strongly flavored, and I doubt the subtle bouquet of your artisinal minerals is adding to the experience. Steep that shit in hot water, who cares what heated it
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
I think I mentioned this before in Gen Chat not too long ago, but caffeine does next to nothing for me anymore. Mainly just due to me drinking a massive amount of pop/energy drinks all the time in my high school years and later. (Which is really inconvenient considering just how terrible I am at sleeping in general.)

Back when I did drink energy drinks, I remember Monster and Amp being my two favorites. I don't think I ever tried any types that weren't available at my local gas stations though.

Coffee on the other hand, tastes fine as long as it's at least 25% cream and sugar, preferably more.
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
So does literally any beverage, though. Anything that tastes like cream and sugar is tasty, because cream and sugar are fat and... sugar. Bodies love that shit. Nobody likes coffee, everybody likes the shit we hide coffee in. We just get so bound up in the self-deception for that sweet, sweet caffeine that we end up forcing ourselves to genuinely like something that's awful and burnt.

I don't like coffee very much, you guys.

(There are a tiny handful of things in which I admit a small hint of coffee flavor can be pleasant, in the same way as many unpalatably-bitter foods are nice as complements or seasonings; even then, though, dark caramel or anything that has a smoky or burnt taste to it works better. Get your friggin' espresso out of my tiramisu, you monster)
RE: Energy Drinks Thread
Energy drinks make me crash so hard. Those 5-hour energy shots seem to be an exception to this. And as for coffee, I only like mocha latte frappucino with extra cream and sugar or some other made-up-on-the-spot combination of dumb sweet stuff.

In other words, a milkshake with a little bit of coffee in it. I don't drink it much.

I do love tiramisu and coffee ice cream and all that though.
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RE: Energy Drinks Thread
I actually enjoy the taste of energy drinks like monster or red bull. I don't know what the flavor is, but if they had that flavor in a non-caffeinated form, I'd probably drink that every now and then.
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