Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]

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Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Well... crap.

E: That's using voice out the window then; #Ifenan channel as usual.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Much appreciated.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(10-06-2013, 07:59 PM)Garuru Wrote: »Much appreciated.

And then you don't show. I'm sorry, but I've run out of patience for that.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Oh. Missed the time announcement. I'm very sorry. Really, I am. I missed one important detail of your post, because I got all caught up in one other detail. Unforgivable and won't happen again. I'm just going through a lot at the moment. But yeah, I understand if you boot me off. I don't think I am right for a live sessiom D&D thing.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
It seems The Death I caught Friday isn't clearing up as quick as I'd hoped.

Excuse me while I go back to burying my face in pillows and groaning. ...my brain is trying to pop the lid and go walkies...
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I'm sick with the plague as well, not that it mattered cause I asked to be autoplayed for the encounter last session.

Did everything go smoothly?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
i have no idea what is going on
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(10-14-2013, 06:42 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Did everything go smoothly?

I couldn't GM a session while it was painful to look at a monitor without turning the brightness down so low I couldn't read anything, unfortunately. Serves me right for forgetting to close a window overnight when winter is getting it's groove on.

The Death has subsided for the most part now though, so perhaps a session this Sunday (20th, 9PM EST)?

Also, I know you wanted to skip the rest of the encounter, but I would much rather you participated. Your frustration with it is understandable and was largely my own fault; in particular my failure to explicitly inform you of all (good) options.

Tabletop RPG systems, as a general rule of thumb, allow players a lot of freedom. Many people new to them don't realize this and don't try to be creative with what they do (especially now with heavily restrictive - comparatively - videogames out in force), instead only using the most obvious and/or explicitly explained actions. I completely failed to keep that in mind.

Your worry about your character being useless in combat is in fact partially true if the only thing you do is stand in place and keep swinging (trying to do just that isn't your fault; a modern expectation of games is for everything you can do to be explicitly explained - and until they are, you can't do them - that isn't the case with tabletop RPGs like DnD).

A combat-specific option in particular I should have known to introduce is 'shield punching'; a move that characters with some skill in shields can perform to attempt to knock an opponent prone, with a Strength roll. The enemies you're facing are small creatures, which means they get a penalty to Strength checks... putting your odds of succeeding very high. And that being a half-action, you can also attack them while they're down, netting you (and everyone else who attacks them) a large bonus to your attack roll.

If I had explained this as I should have when the encounter got underway, it would have been over rather quickly despite those enemies having twice(!) the AC they should've had (again, my own fault).
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
What I'm getting from this is that they're small enemies. So wouldn't the players be afraid that they would be too agile to hit? There's nothing stopping them from dodging.

Also it's never explicit as to what DM/GMs would consider "half-actions"

or the weaknesses. There can be small enemies that can do quite a number, and so there is ambiguity as to which player should face which enemy.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
They're called Rock Imps. They're small creatures that are singularly very weak, but are dangerous in a swarm and have relatively high natural AC and health. And no, they're not at all agile, nor are they particularly weak or strong against any character archtype. They are somewhat more dangerous for characters with low Dex and AC (casters in particular) but not to an extreme.

Everything is considered a half-action unless stated otherwise (activating a perk is a free action unless stated otherwise by the description of it). The whole point of tabletop RPGs like this with a person running the show is that you can ask about anything at any time.

And yeah, there can be enemies that are harder for particular character types to fight, but this is level 1 stuff right now; that's not something that needs to be worried about. Yet.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
clearly im not going to be around on the forums much anymore, so, sorry but i do indeed have to resign. itd be better for you to try and find a replacement rather than try to get me to contribute. bye!
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
My internet connection is having a stability meltdown right now. Hoping it won't continue long enough to affect the session, but I'm very sorry if it does; I've tried asking my ISP to fix the stability issues I've been having but they've done nothing to do so. I would have abandoned them already, but I'm locked in by a contract (a stupid thing to have agreed to).

E: Connection troubles are continuing. Not good.
RE: Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]
Look. This just isn't going to happen here. With two players, connection issues, balance issues. This was doomed to fail from the start.

On the brightside, I finally got word on that job. I'll be doing overnights, meaning my schedule in the near future will collide completely with the game as is. Unless you wish to start this up again with new people at a different time, consider me out.

I hope we can all use this as a learning experience towards future campaigns and endeavors. Planning makes perfect.