Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]

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Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]
Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]
[Image: 761x.jpg]

A wise man once said; the right people, in the right place, at the right time, can make all the difference in the world. Against all odds. Such is the way legendary figures appear throughout history; a thrown pebble falling starting an avalanche.

It's time for another rock to be cast.

While the system to be used has it's roots firmly in DnD, it has been subject to heavy homebrewing by the GM of the group I played with many years ago. Practically all the rules have been ripped out and reworked over several months of play. There is no source book, but this should be no problem as the system is rigged to allow players to enjoy the game without having to delve into the inner workings. The system is nicknamed Quick-n-Dirty.

Meaning that the game is played over a couple of hours at a scheduled time over communication software (voice or text). The specific time, day and frequency of these sessions is entirely open for discussion. My own daily schedule is flexible enough for this to be practically any day/time the group may agree on.

Of course, we will ideally need a tabletop! For this I have elected to use Maptool, a free utility with many useful features. While it does have built-in chat functionality, it would be best for our conversations to be kept to a different application (IRC if the group opts for text coms, and Mumble or Skype if voice is preferred) to prevent them being smothered by various dice rolls.

The Setting
The game will take place on the continent of Ifenan; a landmass roughly the size of Canada surrounded by ocean, a land in the medieval stages. There are four native races and five classes to pick from. The tone of the game is aimed to be semi-serious and mostly free-roam. I won't prevent the party from doing anything, but know that there are consequences for every action.

Applying is as simple as filling and uploading a character sheet, along with stating what times/days you are available to play. I am aiming for four players, and will likely take on those who have the best synergy between their available times and characters submitted. Feel free to chat about available times/days here, and I definitely encourage people to fill a second character sheet and discuss what they'd like to play as.

That's it! Character sheets are up via GoogleDocs, be sure to prod me on the IRC so I can peek at yours and edit in derived stuff for you.

Current Player List
1. cyber95 (Varlet)
2. MasterBlade (Warder)

Session Log (Bloody Timezones)
Each session is aimed to be 2-3 hours in length and will be hosted by IRC (irc.esper.net #Ifenan).
1. Saturday 14th September, 10pm EST
2. Saturday 21st September, 10pm EST
3. Sunday 6th October, 9pm EST
Next Session: Sunday 20th October, 9pm EST

Please post in this thread if the time/day is unsuitable. Use the above link if you should need to convert the time to your own timezone.

E: Important update.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Character sheet sent in. I would prefer times around 11PM EST and after. I can do others but I do work.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I guess I could mention that I sent in a character sheet or something and also mention I'm generally available whenever
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-03-2013, 03:07 AM)Pewwer42 Wrote: »I would prefer times around 11PM EST and after.
Only got the one suggestion for time so far. How does that seem; bigro, cyber95?
E: And Garuru. To be easier, that's also 4AM GMT.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
[Image: 1zZmxIskgW7sYXmhYX7YtIICVyhcCuSJRQVS4DI6...nt5aS73jog]


im joining this

(gonna be a chanter, i call dibsies)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
So I spent 3 days working on a character sheet with D&D rules only to find all the information I needed at the bottom of the character sheet link.

Give me some time to redo everything ;-;
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-05-2013, 02:47 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Give me some time to redo everything ;-;
You've got it. Poke me on the IRC if you've got questions about anything.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Yes, umm...

I asked this in PM but exactly which IRC channel would I be finding you on? Is there an unwritten dedicated IRC channel for this game? Generic eagletime IRC? Some third thing?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-05-2013, 06:10 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »I asked this in PM[...]

Taking your times into account... how does starting at 10pm EDT (3am GMT), and running for 2 hours seem to everyone? Any particular days that people will find most ideal (Fridays as a tentative suggestion)?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Works for me.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
So I haven't heard from this in a couple of days. I would like to post a general reminder that I don't frequent the Eagletime IRC (though I will start using it if our game gets hosted on its channel).

Has any progress been made on the world building?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
The world is built, yes, if you want to know more beyond the general lore on the template character sheet then don't hesitate to ask. I'm just waiting on people to post confirming that the day/time suggested is good (so that there is a firm record to refer to rather than relying on memory). If I were to be overly strict, I could just say that no one has even properly applied to join yet. ;P

I would like to use voice coms if possible (unless everyone can speak it's a bad idea as those using text coms will inevitably end up having less of a voice - I don't want that at all), but if it ends up being text-based then I'll create an IRC channel for it.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
To help get this ball rolling, I prefer Saturday's at 10pm EST. I will be unavailable from the 15th to the 21st of this month because of a business trip. I also may have a few days in October I won't be available due to moving.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I can't do voice-based. It's going to have to be text. Other than that, any time after 9 Pm EST is fine.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-09-2013, 10:43 PM)Garuru Wrote: »I can't do voice-based. It's going to have to be text.
IRC it is then (#Ifenan channel on irc.esper.net).
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
If there's no objection to the time/day, we'll try to have the first session this week (Saturday, 14th). Mostly introductory, getting token ownership and familiarization with MapTool down, and hopefully a quick quest to munch through.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Session 1: Infighting)
So when will session 2 be?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Session 1: Infighting)
21st, Saturday, at the same time. Hoping this can get rolling on a weekly basis.

I should also make mention that I've spoken with Pewwer42; we mutually agreed that he should withdraw from the game. As for what will happen to his character, and the course of events, everything remains as it stands at the end of the session. I doubt it's a spoiler to state now that his character will be arrested and removed from the party.

Additionally, I will create an NPC Chanter to stand in for Garuru as I have not seen or heard from him at all.

And I need to apologise for my inexperience as well, what happened threw me off completely on top of general slowness on my part. I have learned though, and will be much better prepared for session 2.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)

ive been busy. you may indeed have to remove me. sorry about that. i mean id be willing to continue, but i missed the very first session which does not bode well for me.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-16-2013, 06:11 PM)Garuru Wrote: »hhhhhh

ive been busy. you may indeed have to remove me. sorry about that. i mean id be willing to continue, but i missed the very first session which does not bode well for me.

At the moment I've only opened up the option of an NPC stand-in. Very little actually got done in the first session, so there's no trouble for your character to be introduced at this point.

Though if you're going to be unable to be around for a session make sure you just drop a post in here, or poke me on the IRC.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
alright, i'll stay in. thanks!
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I am available to take Pewwer's position as needed. The caveat: Never played DnD so I have no idea what this will be like.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I can say from experience you will make a fine replacement for Pewwer; we will hardly notice he is gone. For better or worse.

The way Nutcase is handling things you won't need to have any pre-existing DnD knowledge. All the things for building your character are in the character sheet link in the first post. I would suggest you consider taking the Berserk class to fill in an empty niche in the party. With Pewwer gone its all mages and ranged guys and I could use some help keeping them from going splat.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-16-2013, 11:05 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »I am available to take Pewwer's position as needed. The caveat: Never played DnD so I have no idea what this will be like.
You're more than welcome to join. As MB said, no previous knowledge is required. Just make a copy of the character sheet template to your own google account and fill it. I hang around in the Eagletime IRC channel should you have any questions.

@MB: The party is actually quite well balanced at the moment. Varlets aren't as sturdy as the dedicated melee classes but they can be utter monsters in melee too (as you probably noticed when bigro almost got nuked in a single round).
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I still call shenanigans on that. Dual-wielding a knife and a crossbow is something, but I can hardly see how one can feasibly make the movements to both draw a normal bow and cut up something else.

It just doesn't feel in the spirit of what dual-wielding weapons really is. You'd need three arms to do both at the same time, so its more "consecutive weapon attacks" then coming at an opponent with two weapons at the same time.