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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-20-2013, 05:14 PM
(08-20-2013, 03:22 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »(Hey Chim, since Samsouvra Daishar gives 50% cooldown reduction, shouldn't Blade of Light be ready now?)
No. The bonus will not be applied retroactively. This is because if it is, that can be abused to lower the cooldown of everyones abilities by trading it around to everyone all the time. Abusing the system is fine as long as it is always fun and makes sense, mind. Something like that is neither.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-24-2013, 05:13 AM
(Yeah, I'm stuck in a writer's block.)
Thunderpaw heal the plot character with his regeneration amulet. He then waits for the hydra heads to get close in a concentrated attack and hits the group square on with Fury Comet.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-24-2013, 05:47 PM
(08-20-2013, 12:16 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Being able to rely more on the Leapers, Watson uses them again to get closer to the body. He keeps his spear on his back, as it is more of a secondary-arm and would hinder his sword swinging.
"Savannah, I hear your healing is the best in the land and t'would be modest of you to send some my way!" Watson called out. He then swirled some iodic acid in a wine glass and threw it on the hydra's scales before plunging his sword in that spot.
You must have struck a large vein for, as your sword bites through the Hydra's weakened scales and into its flesh, thick, dark blood erupts from the wound, pumped into the air with the force of the creature's massive heart. Your attack dealt 450 damage (roll 15+5, crit)!
(08-20-2013, 01:51 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah pulls out her sword, reluctant to get back to attacking the hydra, when she hears Watson yell out to her in his Watson nonsense. Secretly relieved, Savannah makes her way back behind Mayor. She pulls her healing wand out of her pocket and climbs onto Mayor's back again.
"Yo, hi. Hope you don't mind, I'm just kind of doing some healing back here so I don't get hit." Savannah mutters some stuff at Mayor and, aiming her healing wand like a pistol, fires it at Watson.
There must be a rather limited range on your wand, you decide as you watch how the magical glow from the bolt of healing power fades gradually the further it travels. It does strike Watson, however, its power still sufficient to knit some of his wounds back together, effectively healing him for 90 health (roll 1+5). But damn could that have been a lot more effective.
(08-20-2013, 08:37 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Mayor nods, presumably in response to Savannah's mutterings, but keeps his focus on Bohw for now. That beast isn't going to attack anything other than Razan (-at least, Mayor thinks that's Razan) for now, so he might as well focus his efforts elsewhere. He unequips his shield and grabs the shield by the edge, taking a throwing stance and takes aim at the volatile Bohw, she's ready to turn any second now, but not much is more distracting than a sheet of metal hitting you in the face.
Bohw however, is more occupied with shouting things at Nos. "Charming as always, Nos!", she screams across the room, still all the while looking unmistakably insane. She makes a mental note to torture the bastard, but that gives her a brilliant idea to torture the Hydra some more, or whatever that throbbing screaming in the back of her head is telling her to do. She just cackles and begins to draw some more runes, even if one was familiar with the art of runes, it is unlikely that they would know this ancient spell, forcing the victim's most powerful attacks to be locked down for a short while.
Frankly you're not particularly interested in wasting your time inconveniencing this beastie. Nooo, you have other plans. Involving fire. A lot of fire. Altering your runespell, you instead instill it with deadly force. Thats about when a large iron shield strikes you square in the face, dealing 155 damage and, more importantly, distracting you from your spell. As you fume over this betrayal from your loyal slave, you idly notice the shield dropping towards the ground and landing in the water, sinking quickly. Good riddance. You consider paying your 'friend' back, but discard the idea. Thats what he'd want, after all. Instead you resolve to just set everything on fire.
Releasing the spell, you set loose a conflagration on everyone below, a veritably sea of flame raining down from above. You direct individual patches of fire towards all of your targets, intent on burning them all to a crisp. You will set the entire world on FIRE! MuahaHAHaHhaahHAHHAhhaaAHah!
You deal 403 damage to everyone, for a total of 4030 damage. (roll 19+11, Crit)!
(08-20-2013, 10:47 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra sighs in gratitude as she feels her spell kicking in. She watches with a mixture of concern and relief as the stranger across the cavern is barraged with attack after attack. Poor fella. She's got to do something while that Hydra is still exposing itself. An idea quickly comes to mind.
"Hey, would anyone mind uhhh," Myra started, until her eyes spotted the stalactites hanging above, "launching me- Oh wait, I have a whip!" Myra pulls out her Silken Strands, and lashes out to wrap around a stalactite. She gives it a few strong tugs to make sure neither stone nor whip will be defeated by her weight, although the sticky nature of her Silken Strands helps ease her mind.
Having made sure she won't fall mid-swing, Myra backs up a few feet, mutters, "Hope this works...!" and then starts running. She kicks off the ground with as much force as she can muster, and swings for the Hydra body. The ravenfolk waits until just the right moment before tugging on the whip with force to release it from its hold. As she descends towards the Hydra, Myra activates her Wraith's Jewel and exacts Punishment on the Hydra's body, or whatever part of it gets in her way.
You swing yourself across the water, even adding in a totally sweet backflip as you disengage your whip from the stalactite, just for good measure. Gripping the Wraith Jewel in your left hand, you call on its powers as you land on the hydra's lacerated backside. Your whip twists around itself, suddenly alive with the magic you've infused it with, a larger, spellbound incarnation of the whip, crackling with power, enveloping the original as you lash out with it, striking at a particularly mangled part of the hydra, once, twice and thrice with bone-stripping force, dealing 1140 damage! (roll 12+5+2)
The hydra writhes underneath your feet, twisting in on itself and then lashing out, sending yourself and Watson flying from its back and landing you in the water, plummeting beneath the churning, murky waters. There, the Hydra's other limbs lash out in agony, rending the rocky edges of the basin and threatening to crush you all beneath their weight and drown you under the waves.
You take 270 damage!
Watson manages to evade all damage. (Hit 10-5 Vs Defense 10)
Mael takes 158 damage!
(08-20-2013, 05:00 PM)Dais Wrote: »Nos can't help it. He starts giggling uncontrollably as he sends Bohw flying towards the Hydra, so much so that he falls over laughing. His hammer drops out of his hand as he points at Bohw tearing into the Hydra and laughs. "Hahaha! Yahahahehee! Hoooo, wooow! Lookit her go! An- *cough* an- heehee, and whazzat she's doing noWAHahah!?" Sparks start flying out of Nos's fingers and start to drift towards Bohw, and start to coalesce into a cloud that moves towards her faster. The cloud forms into tendrils that try to poke at Bohw's runes and seem to be trying to merge with them to enhance the power of Bohw's spell.
Nos, seemingly unaware of what he OR Bohw are doing, falls on his back still laughing.
Not that you know what you are doing, but fortunately for everyone, instead of sending your powers to Bohw they are instead channelled into magical fireworks, exploding in showers of colorful sparkles which may or may not be super deadly aswell, each explosion echoing your laughing fit. It would have been quite pretty (and/or incredibly destructive) if the entire situation wasnt so absurd. (roll 17+10)
(08-24-2013, 05:13 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Thunderpaw heal the plot character with his regeneration amulet. He then waits for the hydra heads to get close in a concentrated attack and hits the group square on with Fury Comet.
You restore 135 health to the stranger (roll 1+5, Crit).
As the heads prepare for their assault, you too prepare to leap into their faces and annihilate them. So thats what you do, striking a large group of heads attacking in unison and dealing 300, 150 and 165 damage to them. (Roll 5+5). This kills one of them, the entropic energies enveloping it drawing in on the head moments before violently exploding in a shower of unleashed magical power, dealing 275 damage to you.
I stand by you.
... Ready... To destroy.
Mael swims for the shore, fighting against the churning water to avoid getting dragged down to the depths, and only barely managing to pull himself back on solid ground.
Razan defends himself against attacks with a barrier, absorbing 805 damage (roll 15+8).
The hydra begins its assault! It lashes out at Razan for 236, 368, 438, 394, 499, 656, 385, 158 and 385 damage! Unable to defend himself against such a merciless assault, the man staggers, falling to one knee, blood running from his wounds. He should be dead, but he just stares defiantly at the looming hydra, determinedly raising his hands to conjure another barrier.
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Thunderpaw: 689/1300
Farstrider: 1000/1000
Fury Comet Cd 4
Vendetta Cd 1
Blade of Light ready!
Restoration Cd 5
Slowfall Cd 9
Bohw: 399/830, Hellbent (70%)(1)
Leader: +6
Mayor: 780/1512, Guard (285)
Sabotage Cd 1
Selfless Cd 2
Hellbent Cd 19
Block Unavailable!
Nos Reaper: 851/1200
Kill Time: +11, -10
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance Cd 12
Spell Focus Cd 8
Savannah: 628/1200
Aromatherapy Cd 8
Absolute Zero Cd 11
Parasitic Relationship Cd 2
Manacharge Cd 5
Wand of Healing: 20
Watson: 470/1400
Wits Cd 4
Fine Wine cd 2
Dragon of the Red Wine ready!
Runeguard Cd 13
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 147/1200
Readiness: 0
Change Form ready!
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment Cd 8
Wraithstrike Cd 8
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight ready!
Mael: 214/1000
Inner Focus Cd 2
Deathstroke Cd 7
Razan: 1330/5000
Wildcall ready!
August Bulwark ready!
The Hydra
Writhe Cd 3
Arcing Chaos Active!
Chaos Head 1: 1000/1000
Chaos Head 2: 706/1000, Bloodfire
Chaos Head 3: 0/1000
Chaos Head 4: 451/1000, Permafrost (3), Bloodfire
Chaos Head 5: 706/1000, Bloodfire
Chaos Head 6: 153/1000, Bloodfire
Chaos Head 7: 580/1000, Permafrost (3)
Chaos Head 8: 1000/1000
Chaos Head 9: 1000/1000
Chaos Head 10: 1000/1000
Chaos Head 11: 1000/1000
Chaos Head 12: 1000/1000
Stumpy Neck 1: 1/100
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-25-2013, 11:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 05:09 PM by Frolic.)
Myra can only register the sheer amount of pain she's experiencing as she's churned and slammed about underwater, only snapping back to reality after seeing another body in the water. Recalling the need for breath, the ravenfolk grabbed the person- Oh, it's Watson; his hat should not be going through such turmoil as getting wet!- and quickly swam to the shore. Myra let go of Watson and dropped down on the shore, taking this moment to recover.
"Watson," Myra began speaking between breaths, "Your hat must be ruined...Let's take...a moment of silence...for the lost..." She lies for a minute, 'taking a moment of silence' for the poor hat, and resting before she resumes, "I'm a' summon...some healing winds...Augh, jussit tight..." Another moment, and Myra finally stands up and Changes Form. She soars out of range of the Hydra, making sure she stays safe from any possible attacks. She takes a quick scan of everyone, and summons the Winds of Fate upon everyone in the party except for Bohw. In her condition, a rejuvenation and power boost would not be very helpful for anyone.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-26-2013, 01:30 AM
Nos is delighted by everything at the moment- the fireworks that appeared out of nowhere, the birdie that also appeared out of nowhere, the sheer number of hydra heads threatening the party (and boy, it's a party!), and the fact that he can't stop laughing. Finally managing to inhale once, twice, three times, Nos shakily stands up and attempts to jump straight at the Hydra to hammer whatever heads he can reach. Maybe jump on the water like a sneaky fast guy or something. Nos just feels so full of energy right now, bursting with it even though he's pretty sure now that he made those fireworks (for some reason). Aim's a little shaky though.
Oops. Started laughing again. Wonder when I'll stop?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-26-2013, 02:11 AM
Savannah lightly slaps herself in the face at her failed healing attempt. She looked like a freakin' amateur now. She would be slightly more concerned, except she's suddenly on her butt, on the ground. "...ow. Ow!" She stands up, mad at whatever's going on. She honestly has no idea anymore. She sticks her healing wand in her pocket and pulls out her sword. Picking off a speck of dried blood and sighing, Savannah supposes a stabbing is long, long overdue.
Savannah runs forward, jumping when she gets to the water's edge. She takes a deep breath and when she hits the water, uses the Manacharge Conduits to push herself through the water and maintain her speed. Readying her sword, she jabs it into the hydra's body, then pulls it out in an arc, slicing a deep gash into the hydra's side.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-26-2013, 02:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2013, 03:30 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoiler laughing should be a status condition. just for Nos. 
"glublubglbHELP!" Watson said as he was pulled out of the water by the Ravenfolk.
"Oh my hat is fine." Watson wrings out his hat. You can hear... items rattling inside it. "I can patch it up later. But I'm the one with internal bleeding!"
He uses his Mana Leapers to get out of range of... anything bad coming to hurt him. Seeing Savannah get her fight on, Watson tries to patch himself up this time. Or even drink from his Vase if the water looks stable and doesn't want to explode in his face.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-26-2013, 04:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2013, 04:04 PM by BlazerC.)
Bohw plays with her hair with one hand and giggles in delight, pleased with her last spell's power. With her other hand she works on a new spell, conjuring and shaping a ball of dark energy into a blade all the while adoring the display of colours from Nos' own magic. At least it's keeping her entertained, rather than she make her own entertainment. She just continues to form some kind of sickening sword of darkness in her hand, maliciously glancing about trying to decide her target. Hopefully it will be the Hydra.
Mayor however, now down a shield and considerably more injured, is starting to act a lot less composed and begins to panic. He finds himself out of options to restrain Bohw, what is he to do? In desperation, Mayor looks around for anything to throw at her, a weapon or rock, his gaze eventually falling onto the wounded Druid defending himself from the beast. Perhaps Mayor cannot stop Bohw, but Razan certainly can. Suddenly, the Golem sprints forwards at the hydra, charging in along side everyone else. He holds onto his colourful sash for either good luck or comfort, jumping into the blood stained water and leaping at the Hydra and driving his fist into one of the beast's many open wounds!
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-28-2013, 01:24 PM
"Let your master know. The reckoning is coming."
Recovering from his blows, Thunderpaw rushes straight for the shielded barrier. He uses one of the attacking hydras as a boost to get on top of a neck, then begins hopping between them until he's gotten to the top of the stumped neck.
From his vantage he sends a Blade of Light into the back of the dark beast, crippling its source of darkness.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 04:26 PM
(08-25-2013, 11:02 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra can only register the sheer amount of pain she's experiencing as she's churned and slammed about underwater, only snapping back to reality after seeing another body in the water. Recalling the need for breath, the ravenfolk grabbed the person- Oh, it's Watson; his hat should not be going through such turmoil as getting wet!- and quickly swam to the shore. Myra let go of Watson and dropped down on the shore, taking this moment to recover.
"Watson," Myra began speaking between breaths, "Your hat must be ruined...Let's take...a moment of silence...for the lost..." She lies for a minute, 'taking a moment of silence' for the poor hat, and resting before she resumes, "I'm a' summon...some healing winds...Augh, jussit tight..." Another moment, and Myra finally stands up and Changes Form. She soars out of range of the Hydra, making sure she stays safe from any possible attacks. She takes a quick scan of everyone, and summons the Winds of Fate upon everyone in the party except for Bohw. In her condition, a rejuvenation and power boost would not be very helpful for anyone.
Flying high, a light breeze begins to pick up beneath your wings. This is it, you know. The moment of reckoning! Either you fall and die now, or claim victory with a storm of glory.
You heal everyone for 195 health, and increase their power by a full 50!
(08-26-2013, 01:30 AM)Dais Wrote: »Nos is delighted by everything at the moment- the fireworks that appeared out of nowhere, the birdie that also appeared out of nowhere, the sheer number of hydra heads threatening the party (and boy, it's a party!), and the fact that he can't stop laughing. Finally managing to inhale once, twice, three times, Nos shakily stands up and attempts to jump straight at the Hydra to hammer whatever heads he can reach. Maybe jump on the water like a sneaky fast guy or something. Nos just feels so full of energy right now, bursting with it even though he's pretty sure now that he made those fireworks (for some reason). Aim's a little shaky though.
Oops. Started laughing again. Wonder when I'll stop?
You manage to hammer one of the heads for 347 damage! It was a really unimpressive hit though if you should say so yourself. Surely the head doesnt die off, atleast. (Roll 1+14)
(08-26-2013, 02:11 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah lightly slaps herself in the face at her failed healing attempt. She looked like a freakin' amateur now. She would be slightly more concerned, except she's suddenly on her butt, on the ground. "...ow. Ow!" She stands up, mad at whatever's going on. She honestly has no idea anymore. She sticks her healing wand in her pocket and pulls out her sword. Picking off a speck of dried blood and sighing, Savannah supposes a stabbing is long, long overdue.
Savannah runs forward, jumping when she gets to the water's edge. She takes a deep breath and when she hits the water, uses the Manacharge Conduits to push herself through the water and maintain her speed. Readying her sword, she jabs it into the hydra's body, then pulls it out in an arc, slicing a deep gash into the hydra's side.
You activate the Conduits as you reach the shore, letting their magic propel you across the churning waters as you ready your blade to strike, the waters splitting apart in the wake of your passing as you half skate, half glide towards your target, swinging your sword as you pass, slicing open the hydra and letting its blood spill into the water, dealing 530 damage! (roll 19+6)
To avoid falling into the water you also leap on top of the hydra, scrambling to get a decent handhold before it can possibly get a chance to throw you off like it did the others.
(08-26-2013, 02:50 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »"glublubglbHELP!" Watson said as he was pulled out of the water by the Ravenfolk.
"Oh my hat is fine." Watson wrings out his hat. You can hear... items rattling inside it. "I can patch it up later. But I'm the one with internal bleeding!"
He uses his Mana Leapers to get out of range of... anything bad coming to hurt him. Seeing Savannah get her fight on, Watson tries to patch himself up this time. Or even drink from his Vase if the water looks stable and doesn't want to explode in his face.
Inspecting the water in the Vase reveals that it is
It doesnt much look like water at all at the moment really, more like some kind of boiling syrupy mixture. Youre fairly sure its not actually boiling at all though. A spellcaster could probably tell you what is even up. Maybe.
Regardless, you decide to just up and bandage yourself instead of risking potential Bad Stuff. Unfortunately as you have no other available cloth you are forced to tear up your fine suit a bit to get the necessary strips. You get yourself patched up as best as you can manage - stopping the bleeding from your various wounds has healed you for 210 health!
(08-26-2013, 04:02 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw plays with her hair with one hand and giggles in delight, pleased with her last spell's power. With her other hand she works on a new spell, conjuring and shaping a ball of dark energy into a blade all the while adoring the display of colours from Nos' own magic. At least it's keeping her entertained, rather than she make her own entertainment. She just continues to form some kind of sickening sword of darkness in her hand, maliciously glancing about trying to decide her target. Hopefully it will be the Hydra.
Mayor however, now down a shield and considerably more injured, is starting to act a lot less composed and begins to panic. He finds himself out of options to restrain Bohw, what is he to do? In desperation, Mayor looks around for anything to throw at her, a weapon or rock, his gaze eventually falling onto the wounded Druid defending himself from the beast. Perhaps Mayor cannot stop Bohw, but Razan certainly can. Suddenly, the Golem sprints forwards at the hydra, charging in along side everyone else. He holds onto his colourful sash for either good luck or comfort, jumping into the blood stained water and leaping at the Hydra and driving his fist into one of the beast's many open wounds!
Though Mayor's leap onto the hydra is nothing anywhere near graceful, he does manage to get there. However, he is too busy holding on for dear life to actually land any blow! The impact of his body dealt 98 damage, though, so atleast thats something (roll 3+5).
(08-28-2013, 01:24 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »"Let your master know. The reckoning is coming."
Recovering from his blows, Thunderpaw rushes straight for the shielded barrier. He uses one of the attacking hydras as a boost to get on top of a neck, then begins hopping between them until he's gotten to the top of the stumped neck.
From his vantage he sends a Blade of Light into the back of the dark beast, crippling its source of darkness.
Bohw hovers in the air above the hydra, pulsing with dark magic. As she casts her dark spell, you leap from head to head with astonishing speed, somehow avoiding snapping teeth and flailing necks, until you've reached your destination. Even this headless neck pulses with chaos energy, and as you balance atop it, it begins to slowly start its regrowth. You summon the blade, burrowing power from both crystal shards. It pulses with the light of purification, as if it was hewn from heavens fire.
Bohw smiles, having found her target. She, too, summons a sword, but this one dark as the blackest night and crackling with sickening green arcs of lightning. She will have her vengeance on all the world, starting with this insignificant pretender.
The Hydra lunges, trying to bring an end to its target. Twin blades of twilight are hurled, each shattering the very air with their passing. One bright blade, whirling end over end, strikes the hydra through its massive spine, burrowing itself hiltdeep into the hydra. Then it pulses with divine power, streaks of light illuminating the hydra from the inside, smiting it with holy power as it is ripped apart. Its judgment has been met, its sentence passed.
Thunderpaw jumps, trying to get clear of the flailing heads collapsing forward, still trying to kill the man even as they die one by one. But in that instant, Bohw's blade strikes Thunderpaw full in the chest, enveloping him in its dark energy, and the jump instead turning into a fall. Struggling to breathe or even think, he plummets towards the water.
Bohw, meanwhile, is laughing maniacally in triumph, readying herself to turn her wrath on the others. However, in that moment, a small part of her realizes what she just did, and at this realization her laughter stops and the demon in her retreats, howling its rage as the transformation is undone. Thus, Bohw, too, finds herself plummeting towards the water.
Meanwhile, Razan wards off the falling hydra heads, only barely managing to keep them from crushing him into the rocky cavern floor. As each of them fall, the chaotic power surrounding them flickers and dies, only only burned-out husks of sickly flesh behind, smouldering on the shore.
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SpoilerDamnit, why didnt you die? It was SOOOOOO CLOSE, that heal and your damn magic bracer saving you. Itd have been a good death scene.
Anyway, Thunderpaw dealt 1500 damage (roll 20+5), and Bohw did 945 damage (roll 19+8+3, Crit)
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Thunderpaw: 33/1300
Farstrider: 1000/1000
Fury Comet Cd 3
Vendetta ready!
Blade of Light Cd 5
Restoration Cd 4
Slowfall Cd 8
Bohw: 399/830
Leader: +3
Mayor: 975/1512
Sabotage ready!
Selfless Cd 1
Hellbent Cd 18
Block Unavailable!
Nos Reaper: 1046/1200
Kill Time: +12, -10
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance Cd 11
Spell Focus Cd 7
Savannah: 823/1200
Aromatherapy Cd 7
Absolute Zero Cd 8
Parasitic Relationship Cd 1
Manacharge Cd 4
Wand of Healing: 20
Watson: 665/1400
Wits Cd 3
Fine Wine cd 1
Dragon of the Red Wine ready!
Runeguard Cd 12
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 342/1200
Readiness: 1
Change Form Cd 5
Winds of Fate Cd 18
Punishment Cd 7
Wraithstrike Cd 7
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight ready!
Mael: 409/1000
Inner Focus Cd 1
Deathstroke Cd 6
Razan: 736/5000
Wildcall ready!
August Bulwark ready!
The Hydra
Writhe Cd 2
Arcing Chaos Inactive!
Chaos Head 1: 0/1000
Chaos Head 2: 0/1000
Chaos Head 3: 0/1000
Chaos Head 4: 0/1000
Chaos Head 5: 0/1000
Chaos Head 6: 0/1000
Chaos Head 7: 0/1000
Chaos Head 8: 0/1000
Chaos Head 9: 0/1000
Chaos Head 10: 0/1000
Chaos Head 11: 0/1000
Chaos Head 12: 0/1000
Chaos Head 13: 0/1000
Chaos Head 14: 0/1000
Stumpy Neck 1: 0/100
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 04:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2013, 03:47 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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SpoilerI started freaking out just looking at that 33 health 
After wrapping up some of his wounds, he finds Thunderpaw to be stricken with a sword of demonic energies and is now plummeting! Bohw too! They are both light enough for him to catch but Thunderpaw looks much more sickly, and Watson resolves to catch the bunnykin.
He passes right by the dying hydra, crackling with chaos as it collapses. With one hand, he catches Thunderpaw, holding the Vase with the other. Watson goes out of the water and sets him down on the ground. He checks the Vase's water again. If it is not syrupy and bubbling, he takes the teacup from his hat, dips it into the Vase and makes Thunderpaw drink it.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 07:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 07:44 PM by MasterBlade.)
(08-29-2013, 04:26 PM)chimericWilder Wrote: »Damnit, why didnt you die? It was SOOOOOO CLOSE, that heal and your damn magic bracer saving you. Itd have been a good death scene.
(((Well thats easy! Fate is simply preventing you from killing Thunderpaw off until you reveal what the Checkov's Gun Enchantment on his hammer does! He cant truly die until that mystery has been solved.)))
(((Also I finally found the perfect themesong for him and he can't depart until its been used at least once.)))
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 08:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2013, 01:03 AM by SupahKiven.)
Savannah finally manages to get a good foothold on the slippery hydra when it's suddenly impaled by a blade of light. She stumbles, landing once again on her rear. "Hey! Watch it!" Her anger dissipates, however upon seeing the hydra's body ripples with light. Sighing, she braces herself and grips her sword, being thrown into the water as hydra dies.
Standing in the shallows, she watches with no small amount of dread as Thunderpaw is knocked into the water, feeling a small amount of relief as she watches Watson grab him. Savannah steeles herself for a battle with the demonic Bohw, only to see the girl start falling towards the water. She jogs forward, making a feeble attempt to catch the imp before she hits the surface. It kind of works. She catches Bohw, but ends up falling in the water anyway. She sputters as she surfaces yet again, making sure the other girl has her head above the water. "I got her! ...Kind of."
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 08:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2013, 08:29 PM by chimericWilder.)
id totally suggest telling me what it is so i can pull it out at a good time
e: @ MB i mean
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 09:24 PM
(05-17-2013, 02:02 PM)chimericWilder Wrote: »"And this. Hm. This was made by the Hammer of Kings, no question about it. Theres no telling what that means, though - it is fate magic. Incredibly unpredictable - not worth it if you ask me, but im not really known for my faith in such things in the first place."
Apparently its Fate Magic, as made by the Hammer of Kings. :|
As to what that means, I don't know. But since its fate magic, it will activate when we most need it. And since it didn't activate, I couldn't die; cause then I'd have needed it!
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-29-2013, 09:35 PM
oh that yes yes i remember that that wasnt what i was asking about i meant the themesong
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 05:30 AM
Mayor grips on with all his might, but it is a futile attempt as the Hydra is ultimately torn apart and he is thrown off. The golem watches helplessly as Bohw impales Thunderpaw, plummeting down into the water like a stone, vanishing among all the blood and murk.
Bohw lands in the water with a splash, fortunately caught by Savannah before she sinks below the surface. She looks stunned and fearful, so appalled in what she just did that Bohw barely moves, only being kept afloat by Savannah's efforts.
They might of had trouble making it to the shore, but the two of them suddenly find themselves much lighter in the water. Mayor emerges from the water next to them, having already grabbed Bohw and Savannah, placing them over his shoulder with one hand and clutching his shield in the other. He ferries them both to the shore, placing them nearby Watson and Thunderpaw, before turning to face Razan and check on his health.
Bohw, face down in the ground, places her hand on Thunderpaw's chest, where she stabbed him. She channels some healing through her hand and trying to counter her own dark magic, praying for a pulse as she whimpers something into the dirt.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 08:06 AM
Show Content
SpoilerIt seems the Winds of Fate are in Thunderpaw's favor. *double pistols and a wink*
Myra begins squawking frantically as she bears witness to the fall of the twilight swords, nearly doing so herself in surprise. The ravenfolk races toward Thunderpaw as he plummets, half forgetting the fact that she's a bird, and can't carry him. Instead, she circles above the spot Thunderpaw dropped in the water, cawing for someone to help, until finally Watson comes on the scene.
She soars over to the beside Thunderpaw's head, nudging him with her own little head in concern. Myra looks back at the stranger and Mayor, wondering if she should help over there. Well, first thing's first, everyone needs to be patched up. She starts chanting a healing spell to rejuvenate everyone, since most have taken quite a lot of damage.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 01:17 PM
Nos erupts with laughter again as he watches Thunderpaw get struck heavily by Bohw, doubling over again as multiple people rush to Thunderpaw's side to heal him. Gradually that laughter fades, as Nos finds himself finally calming down a tad. Shakily, he gets up and gradually starts to actually take stock of his surroundings.
"Hooooo... that was fun, whatever we just did! Haha, and that ending! The knight-y guy died, did he?" He looks over to where everybody is crowding around the rescued Thunderpaw, and claps excitedly. "Oh my gosh! He's alive? Twist! Man! Wow! Guy deserves a treat for that stunning performance!" As Nos stops clapping, he stretches and forms another multicolored ball of magic that he launches Thunderpaw's way, which would heal the knight and then bounce to heal Bohw and Myra.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 08:21 PM
it's his foot guys
it's lucky
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 09:26 PM
(08-30-2013, 08:21 PM)Psych Wrote: »it's his foot guys
it's lucky
Why'd you tell them that? I thought you wanted all the good loot for yourself, now you'll have competition and they are in a much better position to claim it. What are you planning? What are your EVIL SCHEMES?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 09:41 PM
(OOOOOH SHIT! Am I even in a position to get loot from this encounter? What with the probably unconsious from near death?)
(Eh, what am I talking about. I got the plot gem >.>)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-30-2013, 11:49 PM
(08-30-2013, 09:26 PM)chimericWilder Wrote: »What are your EVIL SCHEMES?
Create inter-party strife to destroy us from within. The head on approach must seem too easy.
Or maybe Psych just schemes to make jokes. *Shrug*
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
08-31-2013, 02:08 PM
being evil is so hard though
you have incompetent minions, annoying rabbits and imps that don't die, and you still have to fit in meetings with corporate
i don't know how echo does it all
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
09-01-2013, 04:07 PM
Thunderpaw is brought to the shore, the party gathering around, each doing theirs to see him saved. Between the different healing spells and a drink from the water vase, he seems to be getting somewhat better.
On the far shore, the cloaked stranger bends to retrieve his gnarled staff before striding out across the water, his worn leather boots never seeming to touch the calming surface of the water. As he reaches the surface he stretches out his hand, weaving a scintillating ribbon of magical energy, which surrounds and embraces Thunderpaw, dispersing the horrible black blade into nothingness, carrying him to his feet and leaving only a throbbing scar behind. "Arise, my champion." He says, grasping Thunderpaws hand to help him stand as the magical energy is dispersed.
"I think, perhaps, that i owe you all an explanation. My name is Razan. You are here, today, because i arranged it, commanding Ziras to send you in the place of a squad of his soldiers. I did this not once, but twice." He nods towards the first crystal, floating nearby. "I am to blame for the dangers you have suffered. For this, i am sorry, and i would beg your forgiveness. However, despite all odds, you have triumphed. That gives me some hope - perhaps we can still turn the war in our favour, with a great deal of luck. As you must know by now, the recent troubles are a lot more than mere bandits deciding to band together. You see, over thirty years ago, a dark and malevolent power entered our world and started spreading its malicious influence. Today, we see the initial effects of its plan set in motion. If succesful, i have no doubt that the world will be reduced to little more than a plaything for it. I, and a handful of others, have taken it upon ourselves to stop this from happening. We stand no realistic chance of success, but that is irrelevant, for there can be no other option. I sent you here and to the bandit fortress to retrieve these two shards, for i could no longer go on my own after the dark power started to seek my destruction. The creature you fought here was once set as a guardian, but must eventually have fallen to corruption. It should not have been able to attack me - or you - at all."
Yes! Yes! It is true! My dearest friend, my only companion! The crystal gives off what sounds only vaguely like a laugh. Oh yes! He went quite mad, you know. He tried to eat me, once! Ohh, he was mad like a rabid dog at the end, eheHAHehEH, and so am i, you know.
Razan sighs, at this, muttering something inaudible. "Regardless, the point is that we require your aid. These shards were scattered across the land and shielded to hide them against our enemy. Ofcourse, it proved ineffective, in the end, but it has bought us time. If we can gather all of them all of them again, we may be able to forge a weapon of incomparable power. We hope that will be enough. If you would have it, i would charge you with this duty."