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[6/7] Something Awesome [1.3 - Redwatch] [Slot Open - Accepting Entries]
05-16-2013, 10:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2013, 02:45 AM by TehPilot.)
Note: If you're interested in taking the open slot, please PM me your completed character sheet.
In an effort to accelerate understanding and get you all up to speed on your mission, I have written down a brief description of where it will pick off from here. It's been well over a year since we last heard from the folks inside of a forum game.
The date is OCTOBER 14th, 2013.
The school year at Silver Hills High School is in full swing. Everything appears to be going rather well for the students at the newly rebuilt Silver Hills - an amazing recovery after a malign student faction known as the Chemical Mafia instigated the deaths of nearly 21 students and staff. After purging the criminals from the student body, security measures of all extremes were promptly implemented to keep the school safe. It's no fault to assume this would be an oppressive setup - instead, students enjoy a freedom not enjoyed elsewhere, with extended lunch periods, a wide-open courtyard, and numerous resources for learning.
Of course, this isn't likely to stay that way for long. An unfortunate encounter that will occur on this day shall trigger the ultimate unraveling of secrets - discoveries and actions that will change the lives of those involved and all those around them forever. Organizations will rise and fall, heroes will leave as legends, and people who never suspected their lives would amount to anything are about to embark on the biggest thrill ride of their lives.
It will be an adventure where all comes full circle.
~tehpilot presents~
a forum game
Hello friends and comrades! This is an attempt at a game I've wanted to run, but never gotten very far. After sitting on the concept and refining and integrating the plot into my other games, I present to you Something Awesome.
SA will be a free-form RPG game, where the emphasis is put on piecing together the events of a story and participating in fast-paced, flashy combat with challenging foes. I will do all descriptions and NPC interactions, all that's on your plate is to keep your characters interesting and active.
To easier facilitate combat scenes and world interaction, some skills will need to be listed. This game may begin in a school setting, but it will quickly expand outside of this area and incorporate a whole world of adventure in the democratic nation of... well, a democratic nation.
To participate, fill out a character sheet. In a few days, I will take all submissions and pick eight or so of the best entrants to play. If you don't get in right away, no worries! I'll re-open applications if any character deaths occur throughout the story. You can resubmit characters that failed to get in initially or design new ones. Character death will be rare - although this does not mean I will provide plot armor of any sort. If you die, you may submit a new character.
Name: Self-explanatory.
Description: I encourage you to be as detailed as possible. Exceptional characters have a better chance of getting in! Also please keep your characters human.
Specialization: In the spoiler below, I've listed all the different magical powers and weapon skillsets you can take. Your specializations may not total more than five points. However, taking a weakness in any magic will grant you another point, up to two extra. Descriptions of specializations available upon request. Custom specializations and requests are to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
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- Small Firearm / Sidearms (1)
- Medium Firearms (2)
- Heavy Firearms (2)
- Explosives (3)
- Light One-Handed (1)
- Heavy One-Handed (2)
- Two-Handed (2)
- Specialty/Esoteric/Foreign Weaponry (3, subject to mod discretion)
- Fire (1)
- Water (1)
- Thunder (1)
- Wind (1)
- Earth (1)
- Light (2)
- Dark (2)
- Drain (3)
- Plasmatic (3)
- Radioactive (5)
- Support/Healing/Protective (1)
- Manipulative (2)
- Martial Arts (2)
Skills: Pick five small skillsets to possess. These can be anything, subject to mod discretion. Examples may include lockpicking, programming, alchemy, bike riding, jumproping, climbing, etc..
Favored Stat: Pick one of Health, Attack, Defense, Stamina, Speed, or Intelligence. Each one carries a slight bonus for combat relating to that stat. Health may entail surviving or taking hits better, while those who favor Speed may get more favorable speed rolls.
List of Players:
- Otto Hoffman (Schazer)
- Oren Ashford (Brom)
- Melinda Greenhill (Mooglegirl)
- Donovan Zikkit (SuperKiven)
- Robert Albert Bigfreid (sdegenko) Left, 1.1
- Lawrence Beedle (Palamedes)
- King Arthur (BlazerC)
- Nate Selman (bigro) Left, 1.2
Quest Log:
I - Silver Hills - The Awesome Squad - Redwatch
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-16-2013, 10:36 PM
Name: Otto Hoffman
Description: Silver Hills High School's head janitor. The only janitor. They've tried firing him a few times, but he always manages to find his way back again. Rumours abound that he lives on campus, and that's probably the least improbable rumour about him. Otto's hobbies include pulling pranks on punk-ass kids who try making a mess of his turf, pulling pranks on pansy-ass kids who need their worldview shaken up, and (if the rumours hold true) barefisted bear wrestling.
Otto looks too skinny to pose a threat, but apparently carries a dozen knives on his person and used none of them to fight off campus security when they tried to confiscate them that one time. His hair's going grey but not falling out, and his moustache is magnificent. He sometimes wears glasses, but sometimes doesn't. He'll apparently sell you alcohol, though nobody's been dumb enough to try.
Specialisations: Light One-handed (1), Martial Arts (2), Manipulative (2), Wind (1), Water (1)
Weaknesses: Earth and Drain
Skills: Improvised weapons construction, Natural history, Cleaning/destroying evidence, Negotiation, Pranks
Favoured stat: Stamina
Posts: 87
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Location: . . . .BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-16-2013, 10:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2013, 11:24 PM by Brom.)
Name: Oren Ashford
Description: Oren's the nurse at Silver Hills. If you're gonna make a joke about how a leathery old cowboy-looking piece of gristle with the whiskers and the hat to match wants to go around calling himself a nurse, you best come up with a soft-shoe routine or something to go along with it, because everything else he's already heard.
He was a bad person most of his life, and he's got the penance for it writ on his body. His left eye lags behind righty a little bit when he's trying to focus on things thanks to a big Lithuanian's rifle butt back in '97. He's been shot enough he reckons if he jumped up and down enough he'd rattle. The ring finger on his right hand he lost a long time ago, but he don't mind too much; by then he'd only been wearing anything on it out of a fond sense of nostalgia anyway.
The Gulf War to the hired gun circuit to high school nurse ain't the average career path, but Oren ain't the average nurse. Besides, he learned a thing or two about fixing people up from his days as a field medic, and he reckons he's at just about the age where getting paid to blow holes in people starts to lose the sheen to it. He never was one of the bloodthirsty ones.
So he applied to this place, uh, Silver Hills High. He told them he's got the know-how and the magic juice to fix these kids' nosebleeds and such. They said great, when can you start, and he said, oh, any time. They told him well, you know, you gotta know your way around how to take care of yourself too, you come to Silver Heights, we were that school on the news a few months ago with them Chemical boys and such. And he said oh, don't you worry about it. I got me my custom Atchisson Assault Shotgun, fires 300 12-gauge slugs a minute. Heh. Just my little joke. And they said bring it.
And he said, hold on, what?
Anyway, it don't pay too bad.
Specializations: Heavy Firearms (2), Light (2), Support/Healing/Protective (1)
Skills: Whittlin', knot-tyin', thorough knowledge of military/paramilitary procedure/protocol, banjo, medicine.
Favored stat: Defense
Posts: 106
Joined: Apr 2013
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-16-2013, 10:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2013, 04:15 AM by calibornio.)
Reserved, even though I'm already busy with like 3 Mafias.
Name: Cal Stephenson
Description: Cal has lived in Silver Hills his whole life and is relatively happy there. He's around 6 ft tall with dark, messy hair with square-rimmed glasses on his nose at all times. He can usually be found with black or green t-shirts that show off his interests, although he's also been known to wear outrageously flashy costumes, like forest green pants with a black shirt and green blazer, a bow tie, and a top hat.
Cal has learned many things from his life, but most of all is that you can never let your guard down. In elementary school, he would sit down with a book during recess and get teased by the other kids, even some of the weirder kids, and was even considered to have "Cal"germs, a type of genderless cooties, that could only be received by contact with him. His shy and introverted nature didn't help things either.
Strangely enough, this didn't happen as much in high school, or if it did, he was unable to notice it. The one thing that did change about Cal was that he decided to become more eccentric with his habits because if people were already judging him, how much worse could it get. This led to him asking stupid questions that everybody knew the answer to, making up theories that were too insane to be true, and just doing what everybody expected he would do.
Another factor of this was that Cal wasn't afraid to stand up with teachers he disagreed with. If he felt his English teacher was grading things arbitrarily or just being a giant ass, he would try to challenge them as much as possible. This led to many incidents where he would try to prove that everyone in 1984 had a malignant brain tumor or that a poem was actually about a lying mirror based on the fact that it called the moon deceptive, only alienating him further from his classmates.
These arguments are based on Cal's vengeance for rules. He feels that the law is a set system, but finding loopholes or breaking the status quo is harmless. This means that if everyone else wanted to try to break the rules, he would probably object to it and get teased by his friends even more.
Specialization: Dark, Explosives, and Fire.
Weakness: Water
Illusion/Magic tricks (not real magic)
Favored Stat: Intelligence
Posts: 107
Joined: Mar 2013
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-16-2013, 10:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2013, 02:54 AM by Mooglegirl.)
Name: Melinda Greenhill
Description: 17 years old. Short for her age, around five feet tall. A little bit pudgy from years of indulging on sugary treats that many others really wish she wouldn't eat so much. Her face is round-shaped and kind of adorable, with large, expressive eyes and a button nose. Her hair is chin-length, and thanks to the current day of the week, is dyed a vibrant shade of green. (She changes it up every day. Sometimes she goes for a wig if she can't be bothered, but today it's her actual hair.) She's wearing a black tee bearing the Hunger Games logo, overlaid by a green jacket that matches her hair, as well as jean shorts and bright red sandals with criss-crossing straps.
Melinda's personality can be summed up fairly well in one word: intense. Her family's moved around so much throughout her childhood that the constant uprootings have had a sizable effect on her: rather than draw into herself like other kids might, she launched herself towards the other extreme. She's always trying to meet people and make friends before she has to move again. She's also gotten rather used to the idea of changing things up so often, and she always wants to be in on the next big thing or go on some big adventure, even if she gets bored of things pretty quickly if they don't keep up with her.
If she doesn't like someone, she's not afraid to speak her mind, and rather bluntly, too. But she's not stupid about it! Nah, she gets herself in trouble on purpose most of the time so she can set herself on another adventure. And she's no stickler for rules, either, they were meant to be broken!
The darker side of her hyperactiveness is that she's afraid of commitment. The idea of being in a long-lasting relationship with anyone but her family kind of scares her, because she knows she'll have to move away someday and she just doesn't want to go through the heartbreak. She can't really get invested in friendships, either, treating them as something to keep her entertained while she's still around at her current school.
Another insecurity of hers is her weight. She leads such an active lifestyle that she thinks she should be practically anorexic by now, but her diet must outweigh it all, because she can't lose any pounds no matter how much she exercises. Comments about it can really get to her sometimes.
Last but not least, Melinda is a recent addition to Silver Hills, having just moved here a week ago. She's been buried in catch-up work so far, but she's more than eager to get out there and meet new people as soon as possible!
Specializations: Wind, fire, and explosives. :D
Skills: Spelunking from all the exploration of random caves she spots while walking way out from home. Distance running from making her way back before her parents know she's gone, though her height means she can't go much faster than average. Bike riding because when she does think to take her bike, it makes for a much more reliable method of return than running. Swimming because it's one of the few hobbies she's had that actually stuck for more than a month. And code-breaking because she likes to do puzzles like that in her spare time, to prepare from all the crazy adventures she just knows she's going to have someday.
Favored stat: Attack, very much so. She's a bit of a glass cannon.
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-17-2013, 02:42 AM
Name: Donovan Zikkit
Description: Donovan is 16 years old and a sophomore at Silver Hills. He has shoulder length brown hair that he refuses to get cut and eyes that look a dark shade of orange. His shirt is usually a warm color, although lately he's taken to wearing shades of green. Donovan intentionally looks boring so as to blend in with the crowd. They'd probably think he's weird and plus, it might blow his cover.
He's been here since last year and it's not the most interesting place. The only thing notable that's happened was when the chemistry class was hit by some 'terrorist cell' that caused the school to be shut down. Donovan noticed something that spiced up his life after everyone had returned. Some of the kids in the school, including himself, occasionally suffered bouts of what seemed to be nausea and other symptoms of a sickness, yet it never escalated. He began to take observations, form theories, and search for information.
Donovan suspects it had something to do with the supposed 'excessive chemical use' during the attack that was never properly cleaned up. He used the internet, his allowance, and various resources provided by the now surprisingly lenient school to make connections and find data that would normally be inaccessible. He learned where to look for things, how to get people to owe you favors, and overall learned to control the trade of a very valuable resource. Information. Of course, sometimes, the thought comes to him that perhaps he's just imagining all this. However, this doesn't stop him from continuing. It gives him something to do.
Specialization: Radioactive, Two Handed
Weaknesses: Light, Fire
Skills: Climbing, Stealth, Connection Making , Intelligence Gathering, Conspiracy Formation/Evaluation
Favored Stat: Speed
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-17-2013, 03:22 AM
Robert Albert Bigfreid
6 ‘o clock. Weekday morning. The students of Silver Hills High School stumble through the halls, drunk on sleep deprivation after staying up all night on Tumblr and Xbox Live. They mingle in the hallways, opening lockers, gossiping about the captain of the football team, and catching up on homework. The bell rings and the students, reluctant and sluggish, lurch to their places in the play that is school life. Down in the Social Studies wing, Robert Bigfreid stumbles into his own classroom, drunk on Jack Daniels and Glenfiddich. He grabs a thermos of old coffee, struggles to the front of the classroom, and puts on the best smile he can force considering the circumstances.
Thus begins the typical day in “Mr. Bigfreid”’s classroom. Armed with a coffee thermos, a tweed jacket, and as much knowledge as a half-assed History degree will get you, he takes the stage at the front of the class and bores everyone within range with his lectures on the gold standard and the importance of the thirteenth amendment. Luckily for both his students and himself, most of the students fall asleep around the halfway mark. Robert typically spends the second half of his class periods nursing his hangover.
Every now and then, Robert’s lessons are interrupted by the thunder of artillery and mines echoing all around, that platoon of young soldiers pinned under enemy fire in that jungle while “Rob” tries deactivating the IED his friend just stepped on while ducking for cover in the underbrush.
While his students sit in rapt silence, “Mr. Bigfreid” cowers under his desk, whimpering. The jungle invades the space around him, leering inward like the enemy. The enemy he feared so much he lost control. Pissed himself in that fucking jungle, surrounded by goddamn Vietcong and explosives and fear so thick there was no way to escape. Nowhere to run, even now, millions of miles from it. You can’t escape the jungle.
Eventually, the principal comes to tell Robert Bigfreid that it’s all going to be fine. The students would be rounded up and brought back to his classroom so he can assign homework, and everything would be all right. “You’re always keeping them on their toes,” the principal says as he walks out the door, grinning. “That’s what we need you for most.”
Explosives (3)
Drain (3)
Manipulation (-1)
Coffee Quality Checking
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-17-2013, 04:03 AM
Name: Lawrence Beedle
Description: Lawrence is Silver Hills' newest science teacher, specializing in chemistry. Coming out of teacher's college in his mid twenties, he was a relative unknown in the area. However, he managed to get himself hired after his predecessor suffered an unfortunate accident, and he's already managed to dazzle and inspire many students to pursue a career in the field, likely due to his charming demeanor and relatively small age difference. Since joining the faculty of Silver Hills, he's participated in several fundraising events and ran many popular clubs, especially among the more intellectual students (as in those who didn't want to join a sports team). He's also organized dances, excursions, and countless other after school activities that have served to cement his popularity among the students they are for and the teachers who were tired of running said activities themselves.
However, all of this activity hides a moderately dark secret - Lawrence actually knows next to nothing about science, especially chemistry. He's managed to keep his facade completely unnoticed thanks to an inherent affinity for sorcery and natural talent for lying and diversion. Each class is little more than Lawrence simply looking up the subject just prior to beginning a lecture, then using his way with words to convince students and staff alike of his impressive knowledge and covering up any mistakes with a liberal application of magic.
You see, Lawrence isn't so much a scientist, or even a teacher, as he is a mage of no small talent. His motivation for seeking out the position at Silver Hills is unknown and unexplained, though he would claim he took the job due to the relative simplicity of the work and decent enough pay. Even that he'd admit was an excuse. The startling reality is perhaps that there is little in the ways of nefarious reasoning at all - that his abilities suited himself perfectly towards an imagined scientific pursuit. Not enough to pass as a legitimate scientist worthy of expensive research grants, but enough to play at being a good student, a science major, even a teacher.
That is not to say he's entirely innocent. Lawrence guards his secret well, not wanting to know he's a wizard, much less a fake at his job. Should one begin to have suspicions or look into his supposed knowledge, get past his deceptions and parlor tricks, and uncover the truth, they'd find themselves face to face with a cold, calculating intelligence. And, with proper application of a knife, or wrench, or semi automatic (as straight up offensive magic would only lead to further investigations), one might find themselves suitably convinced to not share any realizations they might have made.
Specializations: Small Firearm/Sidearms (1), Light One-Handed (1), Fire (1), Wind (1), Earth (1), Manipulative (2)
Weaknesses: Radioactive and Drain
Skills: Bullshitting, Multitasking, Information Acquisition, Distractions, Sleight of Hand
Favoured stat: Speed
Posts: 285
Joined: Apr 2013
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-17-2013, 11:32 AM
(Well, the only requirement that my character has to be human...)
Name: King Arthur (?)
Description: A bit long, so I spoilered it:
Show Content
SpoilerAbout a few months ago, June 3rd to be exact, a couple of students caught sight of someone who looks as if he jumped right out of a history book, a knight in full armor specifically, roaming around in the small forest just next to the school. This knight wasn't just any old knight either, he was dressed head to toe in a shining, radiant armor, not even an inch of skin visible, an orange plume in his helmet, with luxurious white and orange cape. The kids just assumed it was some weirdo, dressed up for some convention or roleplay, but he was spotted again, then again and again, to the point where almost everyone could of claimed of seeing that odd knight casually strolling in the forest, a great sword at his side, sometimes spending great time observing the school through the fence. Stories began to circulate around him, about how he might be a time-traveler, an actual modern-day knight, or the most popular story, a mental ward escapee, until finally word came to the teachers and they decided to investigate.
One evening, a teacher managed to catch sight of the Knight, sitting on a downed tree and looking into the school, the teacher approached him and asked who he was. He answered, in a bold and loud voice: "I am King Arthur! Leader of Britain!"
He was promptly asked to leave the premises.
That however only seemed to of made matters worse for the teachers, as the next morning he was spotted again, this time however, he was in the middle of the courtyard, wrestling a bully to the ground. His acts of "heroism" continued from there, the masked vigilante was basically running amok in the school halls, fighting bullies, teachers and anyone else who dared challenged him or broke the rules. The school has tried to stop him, but as it turns out, it is incredibly hard to stop a man who is running around in full armor, even more so for how impressively agile he is in the suit. He's been shot and tazed on numerous occasions, plus I don't think we need to mention that incident with the Kangaroo, but he still stands tall blow after blow, the staff are on their wits trying to stop him but he doesn't even stagger from their attempts to apprehend him and gets away every time, as absurdly as it sounds. In fact, the only thing that seems to be effective is fire, boiling him inside his armor, even then it doesn't do much to slow him down.
By now, his sight has come common place among the students, most don't even bat an eye now. The man is a temporal fish out of water alright, a complete mystery aside from his self-proclaimed title and notorious acts in the school. He's often confused by such simple things like phones and the way he talks is definitely old fashioned, while he might not be the real deal, he's certainly close enough, so when you see a knight run past you and tackle someone, you'll probably say "Don't worry, that's just King-Fucking-Arthur saving the day again."
Heavy One-Handed (2)
Two-Handed (2)
Martial-Arts (2) [Wrestling and just generally punching things, to be exact.]
Fire (-1)
1. Regeneration - Through sheer will power, training, genetics or just plain magic, Arthur's wounds regenerate at a rapid rate.
2. Heavy Armor Proficiency - Athur has little to no trouble moving around in clunky suits of armor! It's still pretty loud though.
3. Dueling - Athur's fighting skills and chivalry is unparalleled to anyone in the kingdom! least, back before guns were invented.
4. Resilience - It should come as a surprise to no-one that he is incredibly hard to knock down.
5. Medieval History - Naturally.
Favored Stat: Health.
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-17-2013, 06:54 PM
Nine applications are in. This is fantastic! Keep 'em rolling in, folks.
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 06:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 11:10 PM by Entilliumn.)
Jordan Siater
Jordan looks with his special eyes around this school. Besides for the armed guards, crazy students, and interesting people, he thinks it's a pretty nice place. He puts on his suit. Clean, crisp and ready to do his work as a teacher. He rubs on his short beard as he walks around school, looking for the class that he was set to. A couple of kids push him as they rush together and try to go to their friends and he falls to the floor, along with his books. Jordan blinks twice, he looks around. The guards didn't even notice, they just dismiss it and keep on being all they are, sentries. One of the students walks up to him, helps him up, gathers his books and apologizes. He smiles and runs back to his friends. Maybe this place isn't as bad as he might've thought.
Finally reaching his class room, he fumbles trying to reach his keys that were attached to his waist. Attempting to maneuver his way around to getting them, he drops his books and sends them toppling to the floor. He curses under his breath and pushes his hair back to the back of his head, the mane of a hair that he needs to cut. after what seems to be minutes, he gathers his books, key in one hand, and finally opens the door. Setting his books on the desk, he waits for his students to arrive. He turns to write Mr. Siater on the board. Sitting down again, he realizes that the chair was too big for him. Jordan puts his hand to his face and curses. Using a bit of engineering, with a very little supply to work with, he manages to heighten the chair, and make it slightly wider to accommodate his frame. He smiles as he waits for his class to fill up. A class on Survival and, if he likes for the day, Creative Engineering.
- Heavy one handed (2)
- Support/Healing/Protective (1)
- Fire (1)
- Medium Firearms (2) (Would a Crossbow count as medium or heavy?)
Plasmatic (1)
- Crafting
- Survival
- Speech
- Repair
- Knowledge: Zombies
Favored Stat:
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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Pronouns: he/his/him
RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 06:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2013, 05:00 AM by Gatr.)
Name: Yvolle Tellynne
Description: Yvolle is the mildly crazy, sadistic, unconventional English teacher of Silver Hills High School. Her methods are notorious for being borderline dangerous yet surprisingly educational. A good example would be when she brought her old car in the schoolyard, and blew it up, to give a lesson about jumping in things headfirst without worrying about the consequences. She was put on probation. She's actually 31 but she insists very much that she's 29. Not that this is much of a problem, she doesn't look a day over 21. She doesn't act her age either.
She is tall, and wears freakishly high heels. She can somehow run around and fight in them perfectly fine, as can be seen by her acting in the school plays. Technically, teachers aren't allowed to participate, but the principal was... ahem... coerced into allowing her in. Her hair is wrapped up in a loose beehive, her clothes vary wildly, and she has never been seen wearing the same outfit more than once. She prides herself on her fashion sense, even if it is a bit provocative sometimes. Quite a few students have been enamored with her, and have hit on her. She flunked them all on their next tests. And she doesn't even give out tests.
Many people have inquired in her teaching ability, but her students have always come out of her classes more than pleased with her teaching ability, if not rattled by the whole affair. When asked as to exactly what she does, her students will always look around and say, "...Textbooks.", as if they were frightened of what would happen if outsiders ever found out. Strangely enough, however, she has never been seen actually teaching her class in her classroom. Her classes tend to be outside, in the gymnasium, in the cafeteria, on the roof, or any other zany place she can think of. What will she do next? Nobody knows!
(Deep down inside an abandoned cabinet in her firmly locked office lies a degree for a PhD in English. Nobody must find out.)
- Dark (2)
- Thunder (1)
- Wind (1)
- Water (1)
- Small Firearm (1)
- Light (-1)
Skills: Creative Writing, Theatre, Laser Tag, Vehicles, and a Sharp Fashion Sense!
Favored Stat: Speed
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 07:27 PM
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 08:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2013, 03:53 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Name: Croy Mastok
Description: Croy is supposed to be a Russian exchange student but had turned 18 by the time the forms had been filled out and a deal with Customs made. They made him go to college to study as a teacher and now he’s here as a student teacher, trying to learn the ins and outs of life and how to put kids in their place. Croy isn’t very smart and easily manipulated. He’s a man without common sense, but with a penchant for the military. Not the U.S. military, mind. The U.S. military is already leery of him being here. He was mistaken for a hobo due to his height and medium build as a 12-year-old in Moscow.
Croy was drafted into the military for training due to Russia’s policy. The policy is that if you’re not in school/have a job or you’re just a rich kid doing shit-nothing, then you gotta get your lazy carcass into the army. Even hobos. He was actually walking to school but he had walked too far to get his backpack (which he forgot). So some troops standing guard near the school saw him without a backpack in disheveled clothes (due to his family living in a shelter). They assumed he was a lazy good-for-nothin’ street urchin. He looked pretty buff for a 12-year-old. Pretty tall, too. The soldiers tackled him 5 metres from the school door, called a truck in to get him, and he was gone for a full five years.
They taught him all sorts of things you wouldn’t believe they would teach ordinary Russian soldiers. They taught him how to spy on political figures. They taught him how to harness plasmatic energy. They taught him how to hold back a boulder and then how to push it back. And of course weaponry. Croy always liked really heavy weaponry. Though he thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a sidearm of some sort.
It was only when he had been commended for his military prowess as a “23-year-old” was he finally considered for a move to a school. His commanding officer asked what age he was. The form drafting him in years earlier had said “18” but at the time the officer posed the question, Croy said “17”. The officer was outraged. Croy hadn’t had much of a formal education and now the officer was worried that the military was responsible. The military immediately sent him to the U.S. for college because Customs made Croy wait a year. They suggested he get a degree. Something innocent, maybe.
Something like “teacher”.
And now here he is.
Specialisations: Plasmatic (3), Heavy Firearms (2), Protective (1), Small Firearms (1)
Weaknesses: Manipulative, Drain
Skills: Parrying, skull-breaking, lifting heavy objects, wall-climbing, espionage, being a complete fool.
Favoured stat: Defense
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 08:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 08:25 PM by TehPilot.)
@Entilliumn: Could you split your Specializations into Specializations and Skills? Survival and Crafting would count as Skills - and if you provide more skills and/or specializations that'd be excellent as well.
@Everyone: I've decided I'll close signups at 10PM EST, May 21st. That's probably ~29.5 hours to post your character profile.
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 08:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 11:35 PM by DoubleD.)
Name: Dei Danta
Description: Dei Danta is the "art" professor at the school. He is of medium height, with long blond hair. He typically shows up in black robes, and due to the nature of his art class, no one seems to mind.
His art students find him incredibly energetic and encouraging of all art forms, be it paintings or drawings, but when you mention clay, he gets that special look in his eyes. Every so often, He'll lead the class into the back room to look at his own art. Numerous pieces of clay sculptures line the walls, from simple to intricate. He'll take on e of the smaller pieces, have the class stand back, and toss towards the ground. As it smashes, a small mushroom clouds explodes from it, causing the hot air to blow from the room. The flames take on many colors, for that brief moment, before only ashes remain.
Despite being the Art teacher, he does know a good deal of chemistry, and can easily make improvised explosives, pitted his personal taste in his own detonating clay sculptures. However, only the smaller pieces have ever been demonstrated. Never one of the larger dragons, or other mythical beasts. Dei is also a Martial arts master, and knows a good deal of up close combat.
All the students like him, and a day where an explosion is set off is a happy day indeed. Art comes in many forms, but for Dei, true at is an explosion.
Specialization: Explosives, Martial arts
Skills: Alchemy, Sculpting, Pitching, Acrobatics, Painting
Favored Stat: Attack
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 5/21]
05-20-2013, 10:56 PM
(05-20-2013, 08:22 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »@Entilliumn: Could you split your Specializations into Specializations and Skills? Survival and Crafting would count as Skills - and if you provide more skills and/or specializations that'd be excellent as well.
Oh shit! I forgot about skills.
Je devrais changer ca pour le mieux!
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 10PM EST, 5/21 (~30 minutes remaining!)]
05-22-2013, 02:02 AM
~Time's up!~
Signups are now CLOSED. A brief grace period is now available for character refinement, and for the stragglers to finish their character bios. (aka Mirdini)
After I collect all the finalized submissions, I will begin the process of selecting eight players. Expect a finalized announcement and commencement of the game in a few days.
Thank you for expressing interest in Something Awesome!
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RE: [0/8?] Something Awesome [Signups end 10PM EST, 5/21 (~30 minutes remaining!)]
05-25-2013, 02:28 AM
After many days of painful and difficult thought, I have reached my decisions for the playerlist.
Out of the 13 characters submitted, all of them were exceptional, original, and excellent. However, as I can only sanely support eight of them, I had to cull a few. Remember if characters die off, signups will return - so failure to enter at the start does not mean you're shut out of the game. I'd greatly appreciate it if you still kept following along in our adventure.
Without further ado:
as cast by Mooglegirl
as cast by Schazer
as cast by Palamedes
as cast by BlazerC
as cast by sdegenko
as cast by SupahKiven
as cast by Brom
as cast by bigro
Please hold for official gamestart.
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 02:59 AM
Ah well. Hope all you guys enjoy this! I'll keep my eye on it though.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 03:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2013, 03:24 AM by TehPilot.)
1.1 - Silver Hills
OCTOBER 14th, 2013
It is yet another fine day at Silver Hills High School - the prestigious academic academy reformed from its previous state of disrepair. Almost one year after the Chemical Mafia's assault, its students have just begun another year of rigorous study. A month in and they remain hardworking and steadfast.
Despite the ridiculous security measures - such as metal detectors built into the frames of the entry doors - nobody complains for even a moment. Student morale is high and troubles are nonexistent. Lunch periods offer an unparalleled freedom, as the staff and students can safely walk around the school and do as they wish. Reading at the library, a stroll in the courtyard, or perhaps meeting at the gym for a round of basketball are all options that are taken advantage of.
Today, however, the atmosphere feels a little... apprehensive. A once bustling cafeteria is rather quiet. The number of students who traverse the free halls is at a new low. Some say it's the latest update on a few missing students - a report lists them all as dead. That can't be right... now can it? It has been over a year, though...
Dark thoughts aside, the crowd in the mess hall begins to stir as students plan to finish their lunches and set out for their spare-time endeavors. Among the crowd is the newly arrived Melinda, sitting not far from the secretive Donovan and troublesome Nate. The strange King Arthur watches over, ready to intercept at the first sign of trouble. Otto, the janitor, occupies himself with keeping the ground as clean as any school cafeteria can be.
The adjacent teacher's lounge is also filled, the education leaders of the building gathered to discuss school and student life. Mr. Ashford, Mr. Beedle, and Mr. Bigfried sit at their respective tables, considering their own journey out.
Perhaps some excitement will break up this otherwise monotonous day...
The game has begun. Reply in thread with your actions. You may freely act and interact with each other. I'll describe the rest.
Have fun!
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 03:33 AM
Finally, a lunch period Melinda can spend doing something OTHER THAN HOMEWORK. Her enthusiasm is impossible to miss as she scans the crowd, looking for someone cute or conspicuous or similarly bouncy. She's only picked up on snippets of the rumors about the missing students, and her adventuring instinct has made it impossible to sit still all day. All she needs now is someone to bring along, because adventuring is no fun without a partner!
She settles on Nate, his outfit catching her eye first. Not even bothering to wait for a good opening, she takes her lunch over to him and sits down. First things first: gather more intel! "Hey, did you hear about the missing students? What's that all about?"
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 03:51 AM
Donovan frowns, poking his lunch with a plastic fork. Sure, the place might have improved after the incident, but the food didn't. Still as enigmatic as ever. He looked up, noting that that one kid, Nate, was sitting diagonal from him. He shoots him a nod of acknowledgement just as some girl comes up and starts yapping at him. Poor guy. Donovan takes a cautious bite of the school lasagna and scrolls on his phone, reading up on the current disappearances. He'd have to look into them.
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 05:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-25-2013, 05:10 AM by Brom.)
"Jeezum Crow." Oren sits back. He runs a hand through his hair.
He turns the netbook around. "Them kids who were missing. Look." A leathery finger taps the screen. "All of them."
He pushes the laptop toward Bob Bigfried and carefully unwraps his sandwich. BLT, heavy on the B. He looks out the frosted glass of the lounge at the students in the cafeteria.
"Well," he says. He takes a bite. "That's a kick in the head, ain't it."
He chews, pensively.
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RE: [8/8] Something Awesome [1.1 - Silver Hills]
05-25-2013, 05:43 AM
Lawrence glances around. He never got quite used to the fact that pretty much every teacher and member of staff is male, but at least he got his own table to work at (most of the time, anyways). He pulls out several textbooks and notes on chemistry, putting in no small effort to conceal his focus on several other highschools' old curriculum and 'Chemistry for Idiots'. He considers asking some of the more experienced teachers about the 'incident' that happened with those dead students but decides he doesn't have the time or patience to hear the whole story.