Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed

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Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
I guess waiting two weeks for the last actions are more than enough, especially if the time was supposed to be three days.
It is Before Sunset now. Feel free to continue posting until I resolve your actions.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1

Alas, the Tea Social could not last forever. Sunset was rapidly approaching, alerting the townspeople that it is high time to go home and lock the door. The wolves get hungry in the night...

But lets take a look at the noble accomplishments of the day, shall we? Or rather, the non accomplishments of Ryan Davidson. Poor fool, he was waiting until all day for the barber to speak, but alas, he just kept watching out of the window, gazing at nothing. While waiting for his would be costumer to finally open his mouth, Mr. Davidson sketched some sort of automatic razor machine (for what else would a barber need?), so the day was not entirely lost.

Meanwhile Kameron Donnover was busy! He scourged the entire town, and took a picture of everyone's house! Well, as a paranoid he found everything suspicious. What a nice architectural scrapbook will it make!

Aiden Sparks, after cleaning up, realized what he was teaching all along! It was a mixture of ancient greek and philosophy. The town will be the CLASSIEST town behind these forest.

Winston has finished a masterpiece statue! It is made of oak. It is an image of Lilith holding an Otter. It is decorated with pine. The eyes are shiny menacing rocks.

Lilith and Katia begin to work on planning a security system. Oh, Katia has wonderful idea! She sketches up a device that uses simple strings, wires, bells, whistles, lightbulbs and other whimsical things. Luckily these are all found in the shop.

"These are all found in my shop" said Jack Johnson. What a coincidence! They really were there. He seems to have many small items like these, along with vast quantities of canned food.

The poor janitor decides to look up Holtfreter. Looks like they were a prominent family once, with ties to other famous clans like the Hardwaters and the Solutions. John has no idea if the people in the book were his relatives, or if he just shared their name by coincidence. He couldn't ask the librarian, as they have went home, leaving the doors open for readers who prefer to read at night.

Violet Wetenski find an incredibly rare silver dollar while cleaning up! Lucky lucky! Maybe this will help her to find Bill Willes's missing axe?

Harper Graphite drinks from his own booze. Soon he sees pink lobsters dance on the streets, scuttling about. Dang, this stuff is potent. In the vicinity, Entilliumn Eonal puts up a sign, heralding the Lobsterfest. One of the lobsters appear to snaps at him angrily with his hallucinated claws.


Mildred Deft toils away in her garden, throwing mystical fertilizers at an innocent cucumber. A laymen would deem it silly, but they would have to rescind this opinion soon, for a perfect cucumber has appeared on the vines. It is tiny, but it glistens like magic.

It is now night! If you want to do something in the night secretly, PM it to me. Night lasts until I get enough actions, and a few days pass.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
Entilliumn, proud of his work, walks back to his home, occasionally muttering and staring off into the distance. He opens the door, thanks Violet and sends her on her way. In somewhat of a hurry. "T-thank you! I'll take care of it from here." He smiles as he closes the door.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
Aiden looks over the notes written in his own handwriting with a large "DO NOT LOSE" scrawled over it. He flips through the papers and finds his lesson plans for the next several days.

"Hmm... philosophy and ancient greek? Not my favorite subject... but I suppose most of the residents have gotten tired of sciency things...," Aiden mutters to himself. He then goes through his neatly cleaned front room and takes out the necessary materials for the next lesson.

"I was going to do something else... what was it?" he says aloud. Aiden ponders for a few moments before picking up a pen and scrawling something in his almost unreadable handwriting. He then briefly leaves his house and posts it next to the list of grades. It reads 'Please submit an example of your handwriting with your name attached to me so I can determine who's grade is which'.

He then goes back inside and prepares for the lesson he is planning to give tomorrow.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
Things you do in the night are secret, sssh.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
I guess this won't work out. :( I have been lacking important actions for a long while.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
Oh man, I liked this game. Who's actions are you missing?
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
I'd also like to know this, because I really don't want this to go away :(
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
Aw, man. This was an awesome game. Just too many people, maybe?
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
I could cut down the number of peeps, and restart it. I was pretty excited about this one, yes. :(
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters?
It *is* salvageable, I just need to cut out a few people who vanished mysteriously. Possibly the ones who never posted a day action. (Slorange, Schazer, Youdont and Paradox).
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters? (Continues if I get the last important action in)
(Considering I never interacted with anyone, I'm ok with dropping if it makes things easier for you, PL.)
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters? (Continues if I get the last important action in)
It just got too frenetic for me; I'd type up half a post and there'd be six more that would make it not make sense any more. I didn't expect as much focus on rapidfire RPing.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters? (Continues if I get the last important action in)
Maybe we could be allowed to reserve posts a la grandbattles? Because I had a similar problem, albeit my posts weren't too long and could easily be edited/only two people interacted with me.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters? (Continues if I get the last important action in)
I have got a promise from the last important person that they'll send in their action soon. Stay tuned!

Also Reserved posts sound okay to me.
RE: Cryptocracy NIGHT 1 - lobsters? (Delay through studying)
After a long time, it dawns. Looks like a few people have left the town: 4. Camille Dubois: minister, Jason Deveaux: pub owner,Dan Richardson: barber, Mavis Cornell: hot air balloon pilot, has all left on the hot air balloon for a vacation. Godspeed!

Otherwise, nothing happened, other than an axe on the wall of Bill's house. It is not the axe he was looking for either! How rude!

[PMs were sent out to everyone with the result of their action, if any]

1. Ryan Davidson: mechanic
2. Kameron Donnover: private investigator
3. Aiden Sparks: teacher
4. Winston WoodRose: carpenter
5. Lilith Rotenburg: seamstress GOVERNESS
6. Jack Johnson: shop keeper
7. John Holtfreter: janitor
8. Jason Farruse: librarian
9. Katja Ragnarsdóttir: inventor
10. Violet Wetenski: waitress
11. Bill Willes: lumberjack
12. Harper Graphite: haberdasher
13. Entilliumn Eonal: cook
14. Mildred Deft: gardener
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
John Holtfreter finds yesterday to be too long.

John Holtfreter is not a fan of time measurement units.

John Holtfreter shall go to the Library.

John Holtfreter has gained knowledge.

John Holtfreter shall use the comparison to gain MORE KNOWLEDGE.

Jphn Holtfreter says "of his FAMILY NAME."
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Harper awakes under a pile of finely made hats

"Now that was a good long nap, I wonder who will visit me needed hats today?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Jack wakes up after an unfortunately short rest - cataloging had taken far longer than he thought - and opens up his shop.
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Ryan makes a beeline for the shop, after quickly stopping to write "Aiden you're so silly sometimes - Ryan" on the provided(?) sheet.

"Hey Jack, I'm going out prospecting today and won't be back until some time tomorrow. Can I get some supplies?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Kameron takes all the pieces of evidence he's gathered so far and examines them.

He's gone some time without eating or sleeping. Kameron seems too preoccupied in his study.
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Entilliumn wakes up curled up in his cot. Another day will go by today, and he's stuck up here. He hopes that someone will come by, either to chat or eat. It's a really nice town, even with it's zany characters such as himself, he can but wonder if everything is a little slow. Entilliumn sets up his workstation, washes his hands, puts on an apron, flips the closed sign to open, and treats himself to a quick breakfast of bacon and eggs.
Entilliumn knows one or two people will come by in the morning, regardless on who they may be. He stares at a painting of his mother for a bit, worried. Occasionally talking to himself to pass the time. Writing the specials on the board, he goes to sit outside and greet whoever passes by.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Jack spins around.

"Ah, Ryan! Not a problem, not a problem. The usual, or would you like some extra gear this time?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Violet wakes up, tidies herself up, and heads off to the restaurant. Maybe someone would come by today. She pushes the door open, greeting Entilliumn with a perky 'hello' on the way in. She makes sure a few of the tables are set in case anyone decides to swing by.