The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)

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The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
Sign me up for that! I've always wanted to do one of these in a respectably unobnoxious community! Bay12 forums be daaaaamned!

I was thinking, just as a suggestion, that the fort be in the most hospitable good region in the world, all the forts these days are in terrifying deserts or whatever, why not get murdered by overly standoffish unicorns for a change!

AHEM, I meant to say I am cool with whatever yeah yeah...
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
Does anyone else want to start this one?

I just finished reading the history of Gemclod. They did something kind of fun in that they named every single dwarf--whether immigrant or baby--after a forum member. Forum members were able to participate between updates by writing "journal" entries detailing their dwarf's current thoughts and activities.
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
Braahghkijgtgt I would have joined this but due to RESTRAINTS:

-lots 'o work
-lots o' GANJA studyin'
-zee graphics are so archaic, it would take away another diopter of vision from me.
-I've played Stone Soup Dungeon crawl and I'm happy with it BUT.... I like the story of Dwarf Fortress and would easily consider playing this in the summer
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
(05-10-2013, 02:23 AM)thriggle Wrote: »Does anyone else want to start this one?

I just finished reading the history of Gemclod. They did something kind of fun in that they named every single dwarf--whether immigrant or baby--after a forum member. Forum members were able to participate between updates by writing "journal" entries detailing their dwarf's current thoughts and activities.

I'm not skilled enough (by which I mean not not incompetent enough) to safely run a fortress for a year, but I'd totally write the life and times of Schazer Hawkgossipers the Trapper or somesuch.
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
I am basically what Schazer said. I'd love to participate in some way, but I've tried to pick up DF four or five times and each time I've gotten lost and had all my dwarves die off within a couple months.
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
I still feel awful about brutalizing this poor game with my absenteeism. I'd rather not see that happen again, but could probably just about manage to write some journals without ruining everything.

RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
Don't feel bad at all! Bad computery things happen, and life happens too. Starting new games is always fun anyway :D
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
The last time I offered suggestions for a dwarf fortress game, my friend ended up with a Kratos dwarf obsessed with harvesting eyes and coming back from the dead to slay the world's most powerful demons.

If someone else can do the actions, I can create the chaos.
RE: The Bust of Nuts (Dwarf Fortress)
Alright, let's do this!