The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

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Cabaret was pretty sure he wouldn't get out of this alive, the spores in his lungs were making it difficult to breathe, but he would try to take the faceless with him. He took a turning and ran into maxwell, literally. Cabaret sprang to his feet, causing himself to start coughing, pulled a lighter, a book (a diary by the look of it) and a vial of ink out of his sleeves and shoved them into his trouser pockets and pulled of his mask which he shoved into maxwell's hands.
"Hold onto this for me, I'll be back for it if I survive."
And rushed off to get the bomb from the arcade.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Vyrm'n still crouched beneath that shack, poised to leap at Galus or interrogate him, or anything, when a song that had been humming in the back of its head came closer again. Absent-mindedly sticking out a hand and not saying to a still-suited Galus I'll come back later, it leapt into the roof with a bang until the corrugated-iron roof was torn off its supports and the Faceless shouldered it like some kind of monstrous celestial junk-yard turtle.

At least it kept the rain off as it padded up the road to the ferris wheel again, where the shadow heard Maxwell's song from a corner. The man looked confused and even deeper in his own thoughts than usual. Vyrm'n adjusted the tin roof so it kept the rain off Maxwell as well. The genius seemed startled to see the Faceless beside him all of a sudden, and guiltily and hastily slipped something into his greatcoat pocket before Vyrm'n could chance a look at it.

Withdrawing the hand, sans mask, from the pocket, Maxwell placed it upon the star-studded surface behind him. For some reason, he didn't turn to look at Vyrm'n, still staring out beyond the little waterfall curtain cascading off the makeshift roof to the rain-draped carnival street.

"Hello, Vyrm'n." Maxwell's gaze did not shift.

I'm relieved you are safe, the Faceless replied. Something about the words stuck to Vyrm'n, a distastefulness like the words were somehow redundant. Vyrm'n couldn't place where the feeling was coming from.

Maxwell felt the tailing-off of the Faceless' words, a strange sensation compared to the normal perfunctory snap which terminated Vyrm'n's sentences. This time, it let the link endure for some time more, deliberately or not letting its thoughts flash by Maxwell. He heard a lot of things, but generally got the gist of the shadow's mood from the stream.

It just seemed to confirm and confuse Maxwell's suspicions, theories, and fears. After several moments of just the rain pattering and splashing, Maxwell finally spoke up.
"You've been trying rather hard to get out of here quickly." The Faceless did not miss the insinuation, but before it could reply Maxwell said with a sigh, "Oh, it's all right. I suppose this place would drive anyone mad before long. It's simply your nature..." a small twitch at the corner of his mouth, which did nothing to alleviate the turmoil within.

"Go on," the genius declared, and he didn't mean for Vyrm'n to keep talking. Another feeble attempt by his face to lie about his feelings as he joked,"I can barely hear you above all the background static. Let's... go somewhere a little less crazy. Yeah, let's do that."

Maxwell finally turned to face the Faceless.
"Go on," he repeated. Even as he resignedly urged Vyrm'n on to fulfil its raison d'etre, his eyes begged the piece of night not to.

It was a shame, then, that the Faceless was incapable of seeing it. The shadow finally terminated the link with a final flick of gratitude before relieving itself of the corrugated iron roof, tossing the heavy sheet with a clang and splash, before becoming its comet-like flight-form and surging up the street to the ferris wheel.

Still standing in the rain, under the loud-speaker topped pole whose sound could no longer be made beautiful in Maxwell's mind, the genius pulled out the mask, and gazed upon it for a moment, before burying his face in his hands.

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Archduke_Ferdinand.

The Sunset had risen from his seated position on the bench and was now striding slowly down the avenues of the rain soaked carnival, eyes peeled for anyone else. He didn't think it likely that people had explored the entire depth of the place, and so proceeded to a darker section. There weren't half as many lights around here, and fewer rides. It was difficult to tell exactly what had been here before, if not a section for ridegoers and other such humans to play. There didn't appear to be as many concession stands, either, just many dark buildings with lights held over them. It was like a maintenance section.

Far off in the distance, he could see a building with a few words etched lonely across the front. They spelled out Administration.

Ah, thought The Sunset, so this is where the leader was. This is where all the decisions were made, all the workers told to go about their business. This is where the authorities laid. This is where the movers and shakers of the park gathered. He reflected on the building quietly, before moving on through the park, deep in thought.


So this is where the leader is, thought The Sunset, as he coughed to himself. This is where all the decisions are made, all the Balancers recieve their assignments. This is that special place where his race was born, the vortex and the void of his world collided together to form the fragments that would become the future of the universe itself. Tiny purple shards danced through the atmosphere of the flat, geometrically incorrect world. It was an enormous, gleaming, gold and black city. And the air was full of young Balancers.

Colors swirled up towers and swirled through the people of amorphous shape and color, their frenzied buzzing and training a constant din over the dark tintinnabulation of the purple hole, thousands of miles below this orbital city-state. There was nobody around The Sunset could recognize, as these were largely trainees and young ones, those who might one day become part of the Order of Celestial Harmony. He could hear chattering going about amongst some of the young, their bodies flitting with color and sound as they went about their business. A few of them were happy to merely tend to this world, as they were unable to reach the level of certain other Balancers, and their purpose as keepers of this place was enough for them. Others strove to rise up and claim a position in the framework of this society, and by extension, this universe.

Largely an industrious and altogether pleasing place to be, there were shreds of melancholy here and there. On the side of the road, a being sagged soggily, its body struggling to maintain itself. The poor thing. It had been born without an attachment to the void, a sort of walking shadow of what it was meant to be. Balancers were meant to be born as fully fledged contacts between the fabric of being and mortal creatures, and when one wasn't, it didn't have what it needed to keep going. These unfortunate few were walking piles of unrefined mush, and great sympathy was given to them. Few survived more than several years. A few passerby tossed it shards of the void, which it assimilated quickly. After that it was able to progress something more swiftly, and stood a little taller. Scientists were looking for a cure, but it was hard to power a being who was born without a core. Another, older Coreless grabbed the sagging one's shoulder and helped it up. They walked slowly together.

But nevermind that. The Sunset had a greater purpose here, and that was to approach the Order itself. A desperate situation had arisen on a distant world. A being that was difficult for even him to conquer, one that had fought him and gotten away with it. He merely hoped that the Order would listen to his case and assist him. If he was forced to persist in this case alone, it was possible he might be destroyed. The Sunset strode forward smoothly, his dark form easily crossing the street. He was headed to find help, from the highest figure he knew. If only they would listen to his plea, much destruction could be avoided. If they listened.


The Sunset eventually, in the present, lumbered in his suit long enough to find his way back to the main path, to the center of the madhouse. He looked around and decided to stride off to find another entity, and perhaps, persuade them to his aid. He was headed to find help, from whatever beings he could find. If only they would listen to his plea, much destruction could be avoided. If they listened.

Old headaches rose up like poison to the brain as he clanked, apparently emotionlessly, towards the nearest ride. Silent steps splashed growing puddles on the ground, the only noise emitted by the quiet behemoth. Stress isn't something typically applied to a Balancer, as they can deal with situations with the greatest of ease. But this wasn't a typical situation.

He wouldn't be caught off guard again.

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

A little earlier...

The sky was getting darker, Maxwell noted. If he wasn't so... concerned, he might have laughed at the metaphor there. However...

One of the stalls surrounding the funhouse had become a makeshift watchtower for Maxwell. It hadn't taken him long to move a few crates around behind the canvas to create a staircase and now he had a rather sobering view of the funhouse.

Eavesdropping on a conversation that consisted mostly of telepathy wasn't easy, especially when there was little sign of the characters involved. But Vyrm'n could be glimpsed through a somehow broken window and that was enough for Maxwell to go on. Judging by the movments of the marionette, Gestalt must be in there as well, and...

...yes, faintly, but surely, that was a voice he didn't know. It was familiar, though. Eeirely familiar. Slightly grinding, slightly harsh, certainly not organic by any means. It must be The Sunset.

So, neither of the entities in there were tearing at each other's throats. That was a good enough start. That did, however, mean that business must be taking place. Fair enough. But...

Vyrm'n still worried him sick. He wasn't too sure about it. There was... evil in it somewhere. Those last few minutes in the garden... he shuddered. Maxwell really did not want to remember that. No, for the present, please... as much as he was ecstatic over being kept under the wing of a more powerful combatant, it concerned him that he was stuck with the least discernable of them all. He didn't want the Faceless to fall foul of itself.

Yet now it spoke to the other contestants... under what pretence? Those rumbles that came from The Sunset on odd occasion didn't sound overly pleased. And what was Gestalt doing in there anyway? An alliance between the boxes and the Balancer? Preposterous. Hopefull, anyway... though that machine seemed to keep itself to itself, one never knew...

Ooh, ooh, what was this? Vyrm'n was moving now... damn. He'd lost it. For a few seconds, he tried twisting his neck into a variety of amusing positions, but none showed him where it had gone... but, hello?

A flash of the void, briefly appearing 'round the side of the bulding. Engaged, Maxwell judged the distance between his perch and a nearby stall and leapt for it. The landing was atrocious, but his view was bettered immensely - he could see Vyrm'n, carrying Gestalt, moving away from the funhouse, heading towards the ferris wheel, perhaps?

Now, how curious. Earlier, the stalemate 'twixt his ally and Gestalt had worried him so, yet now...

Gestalt wasn't exactly one of thought, in Maxwell's eyes. His experience so far of the ramshackle collection was that it favoured aggresion to much else. The influences it might have on Vyrm'n... may already have had on Vyrm'n...

A few splots of rain fell onto Maxwell's hat as he descended from the stall. If the weather got any worse, he was going to have a nice little duckpond in the rim of it. But still... a moment or two to get his bearings, and then...

Oh, no, wait a little longer. Yes, indeed, for The Sunset has left the building. No good would come from being spotted, so Maxwell ducked quickly behind a few boxes and waited until the heavy thuds disappeared off into the distance. Relieved, Maxwell rose once more and continued along the midway, head down, not at all interested in the sights and sounds of the carnival grounds...

Of course, with his head down, he wasn't going to spot Cabaret dashing out from between two attractions. The collision was painless, but the moment he saw the mask, Maxwell's brain went into overdrive. At last, an opportunity to find out a rather useful titbit of infor-

"Hold onto this for me, I'll be back for it if I survive."

"Wha- now wait a minute!"

But it was too late. The magician had imitated one of his tricks and had seemingly vanished into thin air, leaving Maxwell with something in his hands? But what...?

It was... Cabaret's mask. Featureless, bland, nothing special. But it hid the face of the conjurer... what did he mean, "if I survive"?

"Oh dear... oh dear..."

There was some slight swearing, broken by a pause in which Maxwell was sure he heard a noise, but then...

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

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Cabaret pulled the cars (was that it?, he wasn't sure what to call the thing on a ferris wheel) door shut and carefully edged around the large hole in the floor to a seat, it seemed this ride was merely in very bad condition unlike the other attractions with actively tried to kill him, judgeing by alarming amount of swaying and breaking noises that was started as the car moved up to the top. He placed the bomb, stuffed with every small piece of metal he had left over after setting his boobytraps in the arcade, next to him where he could detonate it at moments notice. After that he took the book, the ink and a feather he'd taken from a dead raven out of his pockets and began to write in the book to pass the time, keeping the lighter ready to detonate the bomb if he saw vyrm'n.
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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Vyrm'n hummed the song of the rain as it plowed fluidly through it, somewhat alleviating the sting of the cool water against its consciousness. The Faceless halted with a splash of mud and rain which slid slowly off it as it gazed through the tangle of rusted steel and shaky struts that was the ferris wheel. As Vyrm'n watched, it ground to a halt, leaving a single song of sentience crooning its lonely tune to itself.

The Faceless was slightly disconcerted. The song was already entering its transition phase from sentience to plain old organic matter. Still, no time to think on it. The shadow leapt into the sky, soaring past the huge, light-coated eye for the magician whose matter already sang out to Vyrm'n.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

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The Ferris wheel car reached the top and stopped, swaying slightly, as Cabaret scribbled in the diary, Glancing out the window he noticed The faceless at the bottom -addendum: I'll need to find someone to continue my legacy. - He wrote, ending it with a splash of ink which could be called a signature, and lit the bomb's fuse about three-quarters of the way down. Then he pitched the diary out of the window alerting the faceless to him, he dropped the ink on the faceless as started to leap up the side towards him offering a momentary distraction and giving the fuse some more time to burn down and clutched bomb to his chest as the faceless crashed onto the car, the added weight causing it to break free of its moorings and fall towards the centre of the structure. The faceless smashed its way through the roof and leapt at Cabaret, who merely grinned at the thing, while the fuse reached the end of its short journey just as the edge of the faceless reached him.

The last thing the magician felt was a ring pull tab firing itself through his head and the last thing he heard was the mental screech of rage from the faceless as the bomb, more-or-less, annihilated his upper body and head in a corona of fire and metal fragments.

The power the bomb had held would have surprised the magician had he lived to see it, the explosion completely destroying the car and launching the stunned faceless clean into the hall of mirrors, which was at least halfway across the park form the Ferris wheel. The centre part of Ferris wheel had been destroyed as well, causing the struts on either side to collapse and throw the wheel's the cars were mounted on to fall outwards, destroying several groups of stalls that were near the Ferris wheel. Cabaret's last mortal remains (except his mask which was with Maxwell), a smoking trainer, managed to bounce and land upright in the area where Cabaret had started this, ending up in a position that would have been highly comical had there not been a foot still inside. The firestorm was visible to the surviving contestants and the force of the explosion also pushed the book so it ended up at Galus's feet causing him to look down.

Cabaret had always wanted to go out with a bang.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

There was some severe headscratching going on where Vyrm'n had left Maxwell. There was a lost puppy look in his slightly red eyes and the drumming of his fingers against the loudspeaker's pole had lost its rhythm and had become as erratic as the noise itself.

Maxwell had figured out what was about to happen, and didn't like it one bit. How could he? He could see, silhouetted against the tempestuous sky, that the ferris whell was grudgingly starting to move, he could see that there was a carriage there that was almost certainly occupied, he could see a waft of inky blackness darting around the heavy air, hunting, seeking, finding-

He hid his face in his hands once more. He'd never got to ask that one question, that one little question that he should have asked an hour ago, back at the tent, back when Cabaret...

There was an explosion. There's no need to be too fancy about it; it was just a pretty damn big boom.

Another glimpse upwards as the wheel started to fracture confirmed some rather deep fears. But, still...

Maxwell tipped his hat, nodded solemnly and swore.

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Samuel stared on at the demolished ferris wheel. A brilliant blaze lit up the dreary park and a pillar of smoke danced up into the sky. This round was over. The existence of the conjurer had been blown away with that explosion. Pity I was not there to harvest his death. Samuel mused to himself. The Karmist glanced down at his right arm, a warm invisible pulse enveloped it, the result of the ritual he had so painfully preformed. He then looked back to where the pieces of Gestalt had silently listened to his plea. Whether or not his words had convinced the Schrotgolem remained to be seen. At least the creature did not attempt to attack him as in their last encounter. Instead it heard out his argument, and then simply left, presumably to check the status of his ebony ally.

Samuel sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed, waiting for their location to shift. The Karmist had come to a realization. In his current state, his powers would barely allow him to survive the oncoming trials. The worlds he visited were inconsequential. While some may hold greater potential than others, the true source of power lay within the contestants. Though seemingly a useless existence, the magician had managed to fend off both the faceless and Gestalt with mere tricks, methods which would have never occurred to Samuel. A sudden wave of regret washed over the Karmist. All the years of sitting in the shadows, content to simply stagnate in abilities, all of that was wasted opportunity. Here, amidst these challenges, he could grow in ways he never thought possible. Risk was involved, but a little death is a insignificant price to pay for so much gain. Samuel clutched his throbbing hand, and grinned.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Archduke_Ferdinand.

The Sunset sighed internally. So much wasted potential, so much pointless destruction for reasons unfathomable to any. As he watched the explosion of Cabaret from a distance, he felt a sudden gust of heat across his rain slicked body and tightened the grip in his hand. Why these people insist on doing battle with one another when such more pressing issues affect the group as a whole, the Balancer couldn't fathom.

Bombs were raining down in suicidal frenzy over the otherwise still landscape and nobody could see that there was no real benefit.

The Observer was a clever being, clever and cruel. It hadn't murdered a single contestant, because it knew it didn't have to.

There were two dead bodies littering the multiverse simply because he put individuals together and pressed go on the impulses they contained already. Certainly there was the possibility the Observer could crush one of them every round if they refused, or would grow bored, but not a single death so far could be chalked up to its doing.

The Sunset stood motionless, reflecting on the blast and waiting for the inevitable shift of climes that would come. He could feel the gears beginning to turn already.

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Minutes in the past, but not many...

The schrotgolem didn't have its pad handy nor any way to connect with the karmist mentally, even if it had wanted to. It was still for a moment after Samuel spoke, then a bottle of ketchup bounced off a nearby concession stand and rolled to Samuel's feet. It began writing, somewhat splotchily and with the occasional "humorous" noise, in the dirt.

in the general or the specific

If Samuel had been a different man, he might have spat in the dust; as it was, he just pulled a face and barked "I don't have to take snark from a pile of trash. Get to your point."

i assure you our meeting was purely coincidental i did not seek you out i for one have no reason to

Samuel didn't like "for one", and there was no way to read the inflection and body language something that was just a bottle of ketchup writing in the dirt. "You're talking out your... You're just trying to intimidate me."

if you say so

honestly i am not sure why you would think that in fact i am sure you would not i have seen the way you move around me you are already frightened of me i do not have to make vague threats to bother you

Samuel blinked. After a few moments of parsing, he'd figured out what the thing was saying, and he disliked that even more. He settled on an enigmatic "You could stand to learn about punctuation."


Samuel had never been sassed by a condiment; it was an unwelcome experience. As he stared at the meaningless characters, the sky began to darken.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Opirian.

With a thud, a book landed at Galus' feet, slightly charred but otherwise in a good, yet soaked, condition. He knelt down and picked it up, he opened the cover and noticed Cabarets name written on the first page, with several pages of his memoir's. He slid the book into his hip pouch, which thanks to his untimely rip to this dimension left it all but empty. He began walking towards an empty patch of grass in the middle of the park where one of the scraps of metal from the Ferris Wheel lay. Galus' picked up the piece of metal and walked a couple more feet into this small field where no one had seemingly been before.

He raised the piece of metal above his head and then struck one of the edges into the ground, causing it to stand there, He pulled out his knife and scratched a crude epitaph into it. "In Memoriam: Cabaret, the Multi-verse's Greatest Magician," not knowing the date of this hellish place he left the date blank. Galus then left the field, cleaning off his knife as he walked, Cabarets voice seemingly echoing from the memorial.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Vyrm'n hit the Hall of Mirrors with a dull whump as the canvas tent failed to take its considerable momentum, then a crash as it collided into a row of mirrors.

The Faceless was far from dead, but the point-blank shrapnel shot had dealt it enough damage to knock its mind into next week. When the bomb went off, it didn't have enough time to even get angry before its darkness was invaded by a handful of screws, some shredded cans of aluminum, a box of bits and pieces of broken rides and tools, a shower of nails, and approximately ten dollars worth of pocket change.

The shadow slumped in the rapidly forming puddle which pooled in the indentation it made on the collapsed tent, oblivious to the world.

An infinite nothing away, a shadowy mind dreamed strange, flickering half-truths which leapt from the ocean of its memories like dolphins; whose only circumstantial existence was the flash of reflected light upon their bodies as they left the water, the resulting flicker only flaring into life long enough to tell you the beasts had been there, but had long-since descended into the deep.

The existence of the true Faceless was long-gone, presumed drowned, in this ocean of sapient self-awareness and recollection. It was replaced by the primordial soup that was a medley of the Tleilaxu, its stock; and the being that was Vyrm'n, the constituent ingredients thrown in as the result to date was looked upon again and again and amended and added to and made ever more complicated.

And yet, when there was was no master to watch over this dominion, the dolphins would know and swim and rise again to the surface without fail.

Not that Vyrm'n was aware of any of this. They carved sinuously through the water, savouring their newfound freedom to the utmost, as long as it may last. Vyrm'n lay inert, shrapnel-song resonating through the darkness and keeping its mind elsewhere.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

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This is going nowhere. Samuel thought; however, he could not bring himself to flee, or ignore the creature in any way for that matter. Here was the one being among all the contestants Samuel understood the least. He could not sense it.

As much as Samuel liked to delude himself, apart from his Karmic manipulation, he was just a man, and before the schrotgolem, Samuel had no real defenses. The Karmist found himself hiding behind a shield of sarcasm, a pathetic defense, and an even worse disguise. The schrotgolem saw exactly what Samuel would not allow himself to know, the Karmist was frightened. He sensed, though, that death had begun to move. One of the contestants here had cheated death too many times, and their Karma would not allow it to happen again. All Samuel needed to do, to ensure his safety for the remainder of the round, was to continue his dialogue with the schrotgolem. Though he had best not irritate it.

"Hmph," the Karmist retorted, "That's hardly what I meant. You know punctuation, but you do not know about it. There are nuances to the idea beyond just the symbols."

The blobs of ketchup splotched around, forming Gestalt's response.
i am aware of that there is no need to waste effort on your semantics

The Karmist shook his head; faint threads of thought began to weave together a pattern in his mind, forming an idea that perhaps he could produce more from this conversation than a simple distraction. "Predictable of rubbish. Content to roll about in filth when true riches stand just within reach. Tell me, Gestalt, was it? Do you value your existence?"

A plastic fork shot out from the box and grazed Samuel's cheek. A trickle of blood slid down the side of the Karmist's face as the red letters reshaped themselves.

i can ask you the same

Samuel raised his hands up, palms open. "Now, now, I did not mean that as a threat. Merely as a question of curiosity. I for one can not tell if you are alive or dead. It may be that you lack both of those qualities. I simply wonder if your existence, whatever it is, is important to you." The pattern of thought in the Karmist's continued to grow. Detail adding to the whole idea as the conversation developed, yet the initial concept remained the same.

The puddles of ketchup remained still for a moment. The schrotgolem was either thinking, or needed to focus on something more pressing at the moment.

yes, The words finally appeared. what reason do you have to ask

Samuel grinned. "Presently, the existence of one of our fellow contestants is soon to end. I can only assume this means the round will end as well, and we will be swept off to another world to repeat this facade of a game until only one of us remains. Tell me, how confident are you, Gestalt, that you will be the one contestant who remains at the end of the massacre?"

The "yes" swirled around itself and elongated, underlining Gestalt's initial query.

what reason do you have to ask

The Karmist crouched and spoke in a low tone. "I think we are more valuable to each other than you realize. Unless you truly believe you can survive this on your own."

i can survive longer than you

The tapestry in the Karmist's mind was complete. It told a tale of power, tragedy, and, most importantly, one where Samuel survived until the end.

"Will you survive longer than the Faceless? Longer than the Sunset? Despite the threat you pose to me, these beings have far more raw power within them than you or I. Yet I was able to make the Sunset my puppet, something you would have a very difficult time accomplishing. I am no fool, Gestalt. I know that you could easily humiliate me, render my powers useless. You proved that much in the garden. If, however, we joined forces, both of us would very likely last to the end of this game, and, in the final round, when only we remain, it should provide you with little challenge to dispose of me, despite my protests. Of course it would be up to you to make sure I did not find a way to gain the advantage between us." Samuel sneered.

Another fork slashed across his face. Blood dripped down and mixed with the ketchup.

you want an alliance

Samuel wiped the blood from his face and leaned towards the schrotgolem.

"I was thinking of something that in addition to aiding both of our survival, would provide you with a world of new things to feel and discover. Something more than punctuation, or even intonation. No not simply an alliance, something far more...intimate."
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

you are going to have to be much more unequivocal if you truly have any intention of making something happen i do not have time nor patience for portent and insinuation you do not mistake me when you realize that i am not one for undue subtlety

Samuel straightened up and drew a handkerchief from his pocket, dabbing neatly at the blood from wounds that were already sealing themselves. If he wasn't mistaken, there was some amount of trepidation in the golem's unusual verbosity. Maybe he was seeing things that weren't there, but... He was pretty sure he had Gestalt where he wanted it.

"Well, allow me to clarify." The karmist steepled his fingers and grinned. "You-"

There was a bang, then a dull thud. As Samuel looked up to see the explosion, ketchup letters swam in front of his face.

our time here grows short and i must attend to something before we disappear

i trust you will seek me out in the next round

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

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