Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit groaned as the two blips seperated. That just meant more work. Still, there was a bright side- he'd be able to take the two down one at a time.

With a couple button presses and joystick movements, Whit drove the drill truck right into the ground.

Zeke thought about how he'd get around to Mike when he heard a sound like bursting flame. He realized this was Mike's doing, and that Mike had actually decided to use the tools that Zeke had goaded him about. Zeke tried not to regret it, and began walking back around to the garage, possibly looking for some tools of his own.
It was then that he heard Whirring, and felt shaking. Where was it coming from? As the sound grew louder, it became apparent that whateer it was was above him. Instinctually, he dashed forward- just as several tons of steel drill and truck smashed into the ground where he was just standing.

Whit felt a jolt as he vehicle came to a rest inside a garage. He checked the gridmap, and then looked around, spotting a bewildered Zeke.

"Hello!" Whit called, opening the side door so Zeke could see him.

He thought about yelling out somethig Whitty, but decided that simplicity was best, and he'd hardly want to break the tradition of shooting Zeke on sight. In a swift motion, Whit drew his godgun and fired the wave down towards Zeke.

Like usual, the ninja dodged, and attempted to get closer. Zeke had a particularly hard time doing so, in the nearly weightless enviroment. Whit smiled coridally and fired again at Zeke's floating form, clipping him and sending him cartwheeling towards the end of the room.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke flew through the air, spinning rapidly. He smashed through some metal doors and slid across the hallway floor, Zeke forcibly stopped himself by dragging his blades across the floor. He stood up, noticing his left shoulder dislocated, barely anything compared to what Zeke has gone through before, “Always playing with your toys.” Zeke defiantly relocated his shoulder, “Fine. Let's play.” Zeke dashed off to the left of the corridor.

Whit watched as Zeke fled. He was almost disappointed, but then smiled at the fact that Zeke now runs from him, like a coward. He quickly popped his head back into his truck and scanned the area, the blinking green light that was Zeke ran through the hallways. He closed the door and drilled underground.

Zeke ran through the hallowed hallways of the building, going so fast that he skidded to go round corners. He was familiar with what vehicle Whit was in, well almost. Zeke remembers from his own universe, a fearsome creature, the size of a bus, which buried into the ground, launching up to attack its prey. Needless to say, it kills a lot people, but Zeke has killed a lot them as well. He eventually found an equipment room of sorts. He rummaged through the various mining equipment until he found a heavy sledge hammer, it was made of odd metal, had a red hew to it, seemed pretty solid. Zeke simply waited, he held the hammer the wrong way round, with the handle facing the floor. Soon the familiar sound of heavy rumbling came into existence; Zeke tightened his grip, his advanced reflexes ready.

The drill burst through straight where Zeke stood, he leapt out of the way the instant the drill punctured the ground. With a mighty swing, Zeke plunged the handle of the hammer straight into the monsters maw. Sparks flew as the surprisingly resilient hammer stopped the drills process, soon the drill slowed, its contours visibly ruined.

Whit saw a myriad of warning screens flash up. The most prominent being ‘Drill jammed'.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"I can't even laugh about this..."

Whit was stuck, it seemed. Apparently, Zeke had done something to damage the drill, such that it's rotation stopped. However, it was an impossiblity for the drill mechanism itself to be badly damaged- it was a tool clearly used for mining. Tools like those could not break easily.

"Ah," Whit said, as he spotted the problem. He shifted the drill's speed to low, and with a persistent whir the machine began turning again.

"Less speed, more torque..."

Zeke struck a few more times in vain. Without the machine's own speed to use against it, he could not create enough force to dent the drill. It was clearly tougher than the monsters he knew. Suddenly, the drill began moving again, slowly. With slow rotations, it dragged the vehicle out of the ground, the bent parts hardly hindering motion.

As soon as the sides of the truck were revealed, Zeke ran around to the door and smashed it. Only A fair dent appeared- the vehicle was heavily reinforced, even the door, to prevent structural collapse. Still, this hardly detered Zeke. He swung another blow into the joints of the door, weakening it's connection. He swung again towards the bottom, evening the distribution. Then, he paused. He had taken too long, already. If he broke the door, he had no way of attacking Whit besides dashing in. Although he was certain he could win a close ranged battle, having only one entrance wasn't worth it. Instead, he flipped over the truck, riding its ceiling, or it's other bottom.

Whit sighed. The one downside of the vehicle was that visability was low. And, if he went out, he'd surely be ambushed. Checking the grid map, Zeke's blip overlapped his own. Zeke was hitching a ride, it seemed.

"Wonderful! I hope you enjoy the trip as much as I do..."

Increasing the drill speed to medium now, Whit began drilling through the low ceiling, dragging the vehicle upwards.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Across from the tool cupboard, Mike found a room containing various types of metals. Some were in large thick plates, others in pipes and similer shapes.

"Too long have I been batted around by that gun. Well, Mike was anyway. Let's get practical" Mike said as he stretched out his interlocked fingers. He tested several plates for their strength and density by plunging a high frequency vector into it's side and cetting off sections of each. He found a gray, unknown metal reacted badly to cutting, but when he punched it, it hardly dented. Seeing the force would be slamming and not slicing, Mike chose it. He created a small hole in the center as a grip, and as he rounded it into a circuler shape he heard a loud rumbling approaching. He turned to face the direction of the sound to see a large shape bore through the floor upwards, spraying shrapnell and shelves around the room.

Mike ducked behind his impromptu shield, staring through the hole. He saw Zeke right himself on the cieling of a large industrial mining drill, or the futuristic equilevent of it at least.
He looked through the front to see a grinning Whit at the controls, adjusting gears and levers.

Mike stood in front of it as it attempted to pass.

"Come and have a go..." He said, squaring his shoulders.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Out of the corner of his eye, Whit saw Mike, waiting. It seemed Mike expected him to attack. However, Whit had better things to do, specifically drilling back to the surface, which he was already in the process of doing. Something was waiting for him up there, he could feel it throughout his entire being.

Mike sneered at Whit and his cowardly nature. As soon as he could no longer see Whit's truck, Mike dashed forward. A tunnel was being formed already, and many rocks were falling down on Mike. Absently, the vectors swatted them aside, and Mike leapt into the hole, easily climbing up due to the low gravity. In front of him was the back of the drilltruck, and Zeke. Noting his presense, Zeke raised his hammer at Mike, obviously prepared to throw it. Niehter of them moved for a moment, communing silently. Finally, Zeke spoke up.

"Truce, for now."

Zeke's demand was concise and simple. Mike nodded. Right now was a wonderful opportunity to take out Whit, who both of them hated more than they wanted to kill each other. Zeke dropped the hammer and clung to the side of the rocky tunnel, allowing Mike to pass to where he was standing. Zeke trusted that their common hatred for Whit was great, but would execute Mike as soon as he noticed any betrayal. No betrayal came. Mike simply smiled and made small talk, and lifted a strange gun. Then, he put it back down, commenting that using it here at this range would be too dangerous. Instead, his vectors begun carving. Swiftly, like a saw, the vectors cut against the same area multiple times, wearing out the thick hull of the truck. Quickly, he had cut a cube in the back of the truck, and began pushing on it. Suddenly, he realized something.

Whit heard the cutting, and it was obvious what was going on. Turning in his seat, he fired the godgun at the clear marks in the back. The metal square in the back flew out, and he was rewarded by a yelp from Mike, who managed to block the chunk of metal he cut but was forced down the tunnel by it's weight. Whit's blood ran cold, though, when he realized it was Mike and not Zeke, who he expected. Assuring Whit's fears, Zeke took the initiative and ducked through the hole and did a handspring, sending himself flying at Whit.

Time always seemed to move slowly for Whit when people got too close, especially Zeke. A flash of light burst as Zeke's blades popped out. Barely having time to react, Whit swung his arm in front of him, in a rudimentary parry. Zeke's blade cut into his outstretched arm, but no further or deeper- the lack of gravity gave Zeke's attacks no weight. Whit grit his teeth in pain, but couldn't let the chance go by. He shot his fist out like a boxer, bracing himself against the dashboard to lose no force. Zeke caught the blow in his hand, and gripped Whit's fist, avoiding being thrown back by the lack of gravity. With a sick look on his face, Zeke grinned and spat words.

"Looks like your luck finally ran out, Gambler!"

Pulling on Whit's hand, Zeke drew himself forwar. And swung his other hand towards Whit's neck. Then, the truck shook to a stop, throwing Zeke's attack off completely and sending him into the truck's ceiling. Instantly, he jumped away, realizing Whit's 3 second recharge was up. Leaving the truck and sliding into one of it's blind spots, he saw that the sudden shake was the vehicle getting back to the surface. Zeke made an annoyed face.

"looks like you still hold some of that luck, I suppose..."

Then, Zeke noticed Mike climb out of the tunnel, and smiled.

"I suppose we'll just have to strip that luck right out of you, then."

Alhough Zeke's comments were mostly to himself, Whit was listening. As he unbuckled himself, he responded with confidence.

"You'll never be able to do that. My fate supercedes yours."

Glancing briefly out the window, Whit saw Wainwright 57. The colony was strange looking and broken, now. Eyes alone wouldn't be able to tell that the colony was on the edge of self-destruction. However, in the moment Whit looked, he became certain that the colony had the most potenial for chance. Mentally, he added targeting the colony to his plans... Two of which involved killing the other contestants.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Although Whit was certain that he'd be the victor, he was at a loss as to what to do at the moment. The colony was too far away, to blurry in Whit's eyes. The only thing he could do was deal with what was in front of him.
Mike was coming closer now, with a rudimentary shield raised, and Zeke was along side of the truck, somewhere Whit couldn't see. Whit's mind raced for options, and quickly settled upon a hopeful one. Quickly redoing his Buckle, Whit fired his godgun at the side of the drill truck Zeke was on. The intense blunt force sent the vehicle spinning through the low gravity, and bounced off Zeke, who gave a grunt as he deflected the truck upwards. Taking advantage of his height, Whit activated the thrusters and flew into the gravity of another asteroid.

Behind him, Mike immediately followed, and Zeke leapt to a smaller, nearby one to flank. Whit spun and spun... And landed with a thud. Reevaluating his situation, he spotted Mike flying at him. Whit ducked out of his seat, slicing his harness with Itzal's knife in a smooth motion. Looking up again, Whit quickly saw that the drill was already aligned with the falling Mike's direction. With a small laugh, as if it were funny how chances favored him, Whit activate the drill.

Mike began screaming now, raising his shield hoping that it would deflect the force, but his vectors acted more prudently and shot downwards, dragging him to ground. Wasting no time, Whit activated a thruster sending the drill crashing down on Mike. The vectors branched out like the legs of a spider, and dug into the drill as it fell on Mike. With the speed of the drill and his vectors, Mike's vectors tangled around and pierced the mechanism, and found the internal components. The drill began to slow. Whit sneered, but was aware of his advantageous position. Forcibly, he drove the vehicle forward, Whit intending to drive the slowing drill directly into Mike. Suddenly, Whit felt a thump, and looked at the roof of the truck, almost surprised to see two blades piercing it. Zeke was here... Quickly as the blades entered the roof, they left. A tapping was heard as Zeke crawled towards the new back entrance to the truck.

Whit was shaking, now- he didn't enjoy the feeling of being closed in on. Still, he had to act... He drew his pistol, and waited for Zeke's entrance. Suddenly, he heard a crunch- Mike had ruined the drill completely, and the vectors were now coming through the front. As if just to make the situation worse, Whit's bleeding arm stung violently.

Unable to stay in the driver seat, Whit kicked open his door leaping out. At the same time, Zeke had dove in and tried to stab Whit again. Suddenly, with death a hair's length away, he realized the two were both fairly invested in the drill truck. Whit smiled as he fired at it, sending the vehicle spinning once again. Zeke, inside, was shaken up on the inside of the rapidly spinning broken vehicle, Whig was headed for a slightly further asteroid. Mike had been dragged away by it to, momentarily, before ripping out his vectors and lodging himself to the ground, commuting himself to attacking Whit.

Mike's vectors suddenly swung upwards, swatting away something red. Surprised, Mike glanced in the direction the bullet came from...

On a distant asteroid, Whir clung to the ground, a red crystal shooting gun in its hand, along with other things Whir had found. Whit, realizing the situation, laughed out loud. Before the end of the last round, Whit had arbitrarily given Whir the remainder of his chips- he wouldn't need them anymore, it seemed... And a meeting, with a being who had a common enemy with him? Fate was Clearly offering a chance that could not be missed. Now, Whit was indubitably glad he took that chance.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.


Zeke tumbled clumsily in the cockpit of the spinning truck, it would appear he had zoned out for a moment, a rare thing for someone of such training, perhaps this competition had dulled his concentration a bit. Zeke admitted to himself he has been frustrated with Whit's constant dodging of his attacks, no normal man would be alive in this situation. Perhaps Whit did have something about him, a subconscious power perhaps? Not that it mattered to Zeke, it simply gave him another reason to prove himself, that he could prove victorious above all the super powered individuals, with nothing but training and skill.

Zeke renewed his balance in the out of control ship and leaped from Truck, using a small asteroid to avoid going too far. He glanced back to watch the thoroughly ruined vehicle drift away, spinning wildly and showing no sign of slowing. While it would no doubt survive the impact of wherever it's going, Zeke was thankful for it to be out of the way.

The ninja surveyed the area, he saw the small speck of Whit entering a new complex within an asteroid. His slow, confident swagger an insult to Zeke's eyes. Mike on the other hand seemed preoccupied, a small being wielding some sort of gun was taking pot shots at him, Mike easily swatted the projectiles easily and advanced towards the small robot. Probably for the best that the mad man was distracted, it made the assassination of that wretched gambler.

Zeke leaped from his tiny platform towards the much larger rock in front of him. It took a while but eventually gravity took over as Zeke landed softly with grace. He marched towards the door Whit entered, the entrance opening automatically to Zeke's presence. He drew his blades from his gauntlets “You can't escape your fate, Gambler.”

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

I support this reviving
Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike casually examined the red shard that he held in his hand as his vectors carried him from rock to rock through the minor field of asteroids. It was the same type of gun he had looted from the last round, however, Mike distinctly remembered emptying both clips of the weapons. That, and the wielder had definitely died. He stopped daydreaming as another blow impacted off his vectors that were working as a caccoon. They seperated and waved around in the dark void, attempting to correct his tragectory. His body tilted, and soon he landed an another rock. It was less that a hundred meters until he reached the small target. He was loathing the time it was taking to travel between rocks. Every second away from Whit and Zeke ment that he could lose the chance to kill either. One of them would die, and he would be left with one last person to fight. He wondered about the end as he launched himself once more. Who would be stupid enough, if the circumstances arose, to set a psychopathic mass murderer like Mike back into civilsed reality? Mike could slaughter hundreds, even thousands of ordinary humans. It almost seemed... sad, to no longer feel the thrill of the good fights. No longer would he find someone who really pissed him off, so much so, that he could give it his all. The pain he felt during each injury, the smell of fear, the taste of his own blood on his tounge. There was no equal ecstasy anymore.

"There's no other option then", he decided with a grin. "I'll make 'em find me more strong people. Stronger this time. Screw returning to that place. I don't care about living or dying. It's not even my body. I can create more like Mike, stronger, smarter, sicker. Ahaha!"
He laughed as bullets streamed past his protecting cover, sometimes piercing the edges of the glowing arms just to stop dead in their center. He could see the small bot now, not even giving off any surprise. It was just one more casualty he was going to create.
He saw it move, backing off from where Mike was landing. He watched as it ducked around he curve of a crator.
He slammed into the ground, rolled, and began lunging across the rocky terrain. He rose above the rim of the crator, readied a strike, and-

"Fuck" Mike managed to say, before being catapulted through the air by Whir's trap.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

For what felt like the thousandth time since the battle had started, Mike wished he could just be somewhere else. Someone else. These deep, natural feelings however were constantly being supressed by Eda's control over him. He had tried fighing, but her ressurection had increased unstabalised her mental state. Every time Mike got a little control, her mind would change to compensate and attack again.

And now he was in pain again. He alwaus felt the pain. Eda could ignore it, she wasn't in mortal danger, only the body she inhabited was. But Mike always felt the pain. Back when the insanity clouded his mind, he felt the pain then too. The fear of death did not come with pain however. When it came, Mike only prayed for an ending. To pain. To killing. To everything. Death would release him from his torment. He wished for such a punishment. Retribution. He needed to die, and he knew it. Either Whit or Zeke would have to do it though. Mike's primitive honour told him that this thing, this insignificant thing was not going to be the death of him!

The blast of the triggered explosivesmacked against his chest, but he rolled with it through the air, dispersing most of the damage in an area instead of a single point. He was used to such things hitting him now, and the low gravity made such a move easier than usual. He touched down on ground, and gazed at the small robot that was Whir. It dropped a small handheld switch from one of it's small limbs, but Mike noticed several more that were strapped to it's canopy.

"I'll kill you i'll kill you i'll kill you you... Murderer!" It screamed at him.

And Eda answered with Mike's voice. "Come and have a go..."

Whir activated another switch with a click and the ground below Mike erupted a split second after he leaped away. the rocky surface of the asteroid was too uneven to estimate where the other pockets of explosives were, so Mike back leaped backwards into the air, floating through the light gravity. He hefted his impromptu shield on his vectors and spun, picking up speed with every resolution, and thew it towards Whir, It's speed would have smashed the bot with ease, but it missed, and now Mike was left dizzy and floating as Whir opened fire with a submachine gun, that was, not to Whir's caring, an Ingram 9mm. The bullets peppered Mike's vectors and forced him back until he was out of the range of the gun. He shook the bullets off and paused. He recognised the shells. They were the same bullets he was using. With this in mind, Mike leapt, attempting to return to Whir's asteroid. Whir was attempting to insert a second clip but fumbled, and instead dropped the weapon and flew away. As Mike touched down a wave of dizziness came over him.

Give it back

What? Give what back? Oh, I guess you're stronger than I though Mike. Mhmm.

Actually, I just found out something. You see, you have access to all my memories, however, there in itself is a two-sided blade, if you catch my drift.

Wha?! How could my own memeries be an advantage against me huh?

No. It's not your memories that's the problem here. It's the lack of them. Before this game, there's nothing. Your memory begins with me being taken. In other words, you cannot be my creator. Eda. You are just like me. No, you are less. And now I'll prove it!

Eda's sanity smashed to pieces like a plane of glass, and Mike took this oppertunity to slam everything he had at her subconsious. She didn't even resist. Eda's black form ejected from Mike's head as he took control, and slumped to the floor. She wasn't moving.
Mike didn't check for life signs. He picked up the discarded weapon, inserted the dropped magazine, and walked on without looking back.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke ran through the barren hallways of the base. Featureless concrete, lit dimly by the starlight seeping through the small windows. Zeke's steps were silent, following the dim heavy thuds of Whit's running, getting ever so louder a Zeke drew closer.

Whit ran into a large warehouse area, gasping for breath. Unlike the other areas, this place was extensively lit, the buzz of the halogen lights piercing the silence. There were lines of strange vehicles, bipedal machines which vaguely matched a human shape. Whit smirked, if he could handle that truck he could handle one of these. He clambered up some ladders, his Godgun clanking on the cold metal and into the cockpit of one of these fearsome suits of armour. The console lit up in front of him, Whit's smile grew broader.

Zeke ran through, into the warehouse. He slowed his pace to look at the huge mechs, its huge arms perfect for heavy lifting. One of them was missing. He slowed his pace once again to a readied walk, his arms up high ready to strike. The tell tale sign of a whirring engine pierced the air, from amongst the still machines one busted through, knocking the lifeless robots like dominos and sending its heavy, metal fist at Zeke.

Or at least where Zeke was, he had back flipped out of danger, leaving only a crater where he was. “Hiding behind more toys I see.” There was no response, only the mechanical clanking of its working mechanisms as it lurched back up. “Such a shame if something were to happen to them.” He sprinted towards the towering bot, swiftly sidestepping to avoid another huge smash into the ground; he clambered onto the bipedal machine, heading for the cockpit.

Zeke was met with a tight constraint round his ribs, the machine had intercepted the ninja and was proceeding to crush Zeke, and he let out a scream of pain. Whit grinned wildly as he began smashing him into the other dormant mechs, finally charging him to the wall the opposite side of the room. There was a crackle from the head of the mech, where Whit's voice came into hearing. “How does it feel? To have your life literally squeezed out of you? By the ‘fool' aye?” Zeke grimaced in pain as his bones cracked and snapped, “I… wouldn't know.”

Before Whit could respond, the head of his suit was smashed by a slow but heavy boulder. Whit's ramming of the wall had made it structurally weak, and a torrent of rubble began pouring onto the machine, Zeke squeezed out of Whit's grasp with a scream of agony, he leaped out of way and left Whit to be buried under concrete, until nothing but the head remained.

Whit clambered out, bruised and bloodied, his face plastered with that of annoyance. Zeke painfully brought his body into action lunging at the now vulnerable Whit. The gambler looked up and with an automatic movement brought his Godgun up and fired, launching Zeke across the room.

When Zeke crashed into the corner he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he tentatively looked down to he had been impaled by a sharp piece of pipe, straight through his gut. Whit once again smiled proudly, he began walking toward Zeke with a limp, pulling out his pistol in the process. Zeke pulled his broken body of the pipe and collapsed on the floor, his arms trying to prop himself up. “Not now…I can't die now…”, He clumsily got up, only to meet a bullet straight into his chest. Zeke lurched backwards but remained on his feet. Whit shot again and again, emptying an entire clip on him “Why, won't, you, DIE!?”, Zeke dropped to his knees, his cheats pure red with blood and littered with holes. “I…will not yield…I will…not die…not now…not…”

Zeke's life flashed across his eyes. A montage of hate and death besieged his vision, but among it all, among all the people he has killed, the black knight, the Battle Royale…small flashes of his life, where he was genuinely happy. A vision that he had long since forgot. “Zeke.” A female voice inside of his head spoke, a voice he thought he would never hear again. “Let it go.”

“It's time.” Zeke removed his gauntlets and his mask. Dumping them on the floor. “I have lived in death…for too long now.” Light began to seep from Zeke's wounds, an aurora swept across the room. “W-what is this? What are you doing?”
“Whit, you can not kill me, because I am already dead.
But it doesn't matter, I am so tired of this hate, I am tired of all this fighting.”
The light intensified and Zeke began to fade away.

“It is time. To let go.”

And with that. The Ninja faded into nothing. His gauntlets and mask, shone in the blood.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 7: The Conservatory
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

The light spread with the Composer's guiding hand, any thoughts on Zeke or his Creator concealed behind blank, inscrutable eyes. The multiversal current already flowing to the place she'd known full well to be the final scene, she turned and finally conceded a quirk of an eyebrow at the sight of a startled Lan trying to flee while the Grandmaster's back was turned. She seemed... calmer, though, than she had been after Itzal's death, though the assembled Creators were uneasy of assuming that was a good thing.

"Somehow, you neglected to mention your creation was already dead." The Composer sounded supremely unconcerned, examining the edge of her sleeve. "Really," she continued, tone unchanging as her fingers suddenly seized at nothing, "I wonder-" the other hand was raised just as Lan felt an unbreakable grip dig into him "-how hard it is-" the Creator tried to scream as the Composer's pantomime hands tore him apart, but to avoid interruptions, she'd silenced him "-to keep me informed. Now, get out of my sight." a casual flick of a hand dismissed the reprimanded Creator, the Grandmaster took a moment to compose herself and wipe the look of twisted glee off her face, then turned to the remaining pair with a far saner smile.

"Regardless. Shall we begin?"

The blinding white gained form and flow, as ether coalesced about the three beings into a grand building, composed of that brilliantly blue Hoodoo crystal, rising from the ground and melding seamlessly overhead in the high-ceilinged entrance hall of a ancient and venerable university building's main hall.

"Welcome to my home, Creators. The Conservatory." Motioning with one hand, a door melted into existence in the wall before Yifan and Drae, as they wondered how long this place had existed. Padding silently through the solemn, azure caverns, the Creators couldn't shake the feeling they wandered a once-lively place of learning, frozen in time and shining stone. It was a the only non-crystal details were intricate, oddly-out-of-place instruments scattered throughout the sprawling building. Their functions remained incomprehensible to the Creators, and the spirit marching ahead offered no explanation. Yifan ran a passing hand over the strings of some strand blend of guillotine, harp, and loom; the resultant thrum of the steel cords made the surrounding crystal walls glow and hum in turn. The Composer paid no heed; her most dangerous instruments were hidden in the deepest of the translucent caverns

Her circuitous stroll was not exclusively for the purpose of showing off her domain, though - the Composer appeared to be gathering her thoughts, and gathering her form in turn. By the time the end of the final hallway was reached, the Creators were no longer trailing behind a spectral mist, but an imposing, slender, inhumanly tall female human, with a shock of dark hair, dressed in a light kimono that swirled with patterns of the ether. The Composer turned, affixing Drae and Yifan with a piercing, white-eyed gaze.

"Please, make yourselves at home. I have several more guests to attend to."

The Composer walked through the gem-hewn wall, leaving the Creators to disperse to parts unknown.

"Well." The Grandmaster turned to greet a startled Mike, and a comparatively calm Whit, who had seen the transition coming. Neither had been in the featureless, dully glowing chamber until mere moments before. The solemn features quirked a little, and the stern line of the mouth softened, even if the blank eyes didn't. Then the coolly professional voice started, and neither had any doubt they were facing the madgod who had dragged them across universes purely for sport. "Congratulations are in order, I suppose, for making it to the final round. Now... Regrettably (the polite smile became a little smugger, making it clear just how regretful the Composer was) the situation has changed since I brought you to this fight, all those deaths ago. I can still assure safe passage home for the winner, however, I offer no guarantee you will remain there."

Beneath the flowing sleeves, the Composer's fingers drummed thoughtfully against her sides, before flicking out and catching several pulses of whatever spectral substance she used to forge her worlds. When the mist condensed, she held in each hand three pale, glowing orbs.

"Six acts performed... six foes bested... six boons granted before one of you leaves tonight." The Composer nodded to the contestants, and the doorless chamber began to glow, brighter and brighter, until the details of the room were eaten out of Whit and Mike's eyes. When they could see again, they were finally free to move, and found themselves alone in the glassy blue halls of the conservatory. Other than a barely audible, but persistent rushing background tone, the only sound was the rustle of blood-stained clothing, or the moan and creak of the bigger enigmatic instruments.

"Let the final act begin."

Re: Battle Royale! Final Round: Chaos Conservatory
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.
