Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit breathed out, tuning out the rest of the casino and slouching in his chair. He glanced at his hands- they were still withered. Whit froze in panic. Did he really lose so much of his life? was it gone forever? His worry was interrupted by the dealer's voice.
"Oh, sorry. It looks like you've gotten the short end of the stick here. But, ah, That's certainly not fair. I'll tell you what."
The dealer placed an extra helmet on his head.
"I'll fill your life back up, at least. Actually, Ill give you a little more, extra. You did win this game, after all."
the dealer said this with a smile, and pressed a button under the table. Suddenly, Whit felt invigorated again, young again- but he felt Something else, too. Something beyond his perceptions... Whit looked at his life counter, but it was glitching, the same way it had when Itzal tried to put an impossible object in the chip holder. Whit looked at the dealer, who had given him some of his life. The dealer let out an exaggerated breath, but looked no different than he had before. Whit wondered how much life the dealer had, but didn't feel the need to question him. Instead, he gave his thanks.
"Thank you, sir. I feel wonderful, better than ever."

the dealer laughed a little to himself.
"Of course you do, Whit. You just had a Little taste of... Well, she'd be angry if I said. Anyway, this is just me giving you a hand. In return, why don't you win for me?"

before Whit could respond, the dealer ran off. Whit decided not to chase him, and simply pondered the occurance. He opened and close his hands, feeling incredible vigor coursing through him. He felt amazing, but what was more, he felt something else in him, a sense or impulse that he had never had before. He couldn't make out what it was, but knowing it was there was pleasant.
Whit laughed. Worry had crept into his mind more than once, but it had all worked out, hadn't it? The entire casino was more or less on his side. But, more than that, Luck was on his side. He smiled absently. Yes, that was how it was. Luck and fate would protect him, and make sure that he would come out the victor. All he needed to do was trust it- absolutely. Completely, onehundred percent, absolutely.

Then came time to collect the spoils. Whit grabbed the hat in his chip holder and twirled it on to his head. It somehow fit perfectly, and didn't seem likely to come off. He glanced into Itzal's holder, and took everything inside. The mesmerizing device seemed useful, and the rest fit in his pockets. He was sure these objects had some use- if they didn't, then why would they be here for him to take?

He casually got up and looked over towards the carnage. It was interesting, watching others stuggle for life. Well, Zeke and Mike at least, nobody else seemed to hold their lives in high regard- they acted simply, like puppets. Whit pondered if anybody here was a real person at all. He walked towards the bar, to get a better view.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke fell back as the twins attacked, these were obviously better, not to mention not human. A shame really, Zeke was getting used to good old fashioned human targets. Zeke dodged and parried each of the masked men attacks, Zeke easily had the reflexes to block and deflect, but with two opponents this skilled Zeke couldn't get an opening to strike.

Zeke decided to use the environment to his advantage, he took a quick back flip to gain some distance and rolled over a table, he quickly grabbed a pint glass full of, what Zeke assumed as beer and flung it at the less damaged twin, he didn't even flinch. Quickly looking around again he spotted a wooden stool behind him, it was light enough for Zeke to kick up and subsequently kick into the arm wielding twin. This gave better results, sending the man reeling back, enough time to take the other on. He deflected the knife blow and slit his throat effortlessly. He then leaped to the more damaged one, stepping other him while piercing his flesh with the blades on Zeke's feet. He didn't bother checking if they were alive or not, they weren't important.

Zeke headed towards Mike, while specifically searching for a certain item. He glanced round the casino floor until he found something. An Uzi, dropped by one of the patrons of the casino. Zeke got to Mike as he was launching an undead straight across the casino.

“How do I use this?”
“…Wha-you're kidding right?”
“I didn't know what a ‘gun' was until this whole competition. Now tell me.”
Mike let out an exasperated sigh “You point it and push that button.”

Zeke nodded as he glanced for a target, specifically Itzal or Whit. He glanced over to the bar, seeing Whit head there. “Ok. Throw me over there.”

“What?! With these things? You do know these are more for…cutting right?”
“Just wrap one round me or something I don't know.”
“Your funeral.”

The invisible force of one of Mike's vectors looped around Zeke's leg. It cut but Zeke's high pain threshold made it bearable. With great strength Mike swung Zeke round like a rag doll and flung him into Whit's direction.

Zeke flew the air and pointed the gun in Whit's general direction, he opened fire. Zeke didn't expect the recoil and as such he was very inaccurate. But it was enough of a threat for Whit to take notice.

Thinking automatically, Whit rolled over the bar, stray bullets surrounding him, obliterating the drinks behind him. Whit was drenched in every manner of alcoholic substances. Whit gave a confident smile as he remained unharmed.

The gun clicked as Zeke landed with a slight run, Zeke knew he hadn't hit Whit at all, he didn't mind though. He wasn't really aiming for him anyway. Zeke grabbed a piece of flaming debris, a chair leg turned torch and flung it in the bars direction.

Whit rose to return fire and saw the flaming torch flying towards him, once again, he processed the information nigh on instantly and ran to the side. The torch met the alcohol drenched bar and rose into an inferno terrifyingly fast. Whit ran and jumped the bar as it exploded; Whit was caught in the blast and flew across the room, crashing into a slot machine with a sickening crash. Whit coughed and grimaced with pain, he checked himself, nothing fatal, and his extra life definitely came in handy. What was more important now was that Zeke was running straight towards him, blades drawn, his eyes void of emotion.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal glanced up as the bar exploded. Zeke was across the room with...was that an Uzi? Whatever it was he was tossing it aside tt run after Whit. Whit was running from him, Mike was slaughtering undead gamblers...
Suddenly Itzal felt somebody tap its shoulder. It whirled around to see a security guard behind it. Itzal kicked it in the chest, knocking him backwards, and jumped onto a bank of slot machines and ran towards Zeke.

Zeke had almost reached Whit when motion caught his attention. He reflexively turned and knocked the dagger out of the air, and saw an Englishman running towards him. He turned, ready to face this opponent, and leapt at him to attack. Zeke was surprised to find that his opponent had managed to sidestep the blade and was now behind him. He turned to face him, blocking a dagger even as he did so, and pressed an attack. The Englishman easily parried this blow and continued to trade attacks.
This one had something the previous opponents here had lacked, it had a spark behind its eyes. The only ones Zeke had noticed with this spark had been Whit, Itzal, and Mike. That must be it, he realized. He was fighting Itzal. But Itzal had never fought so well before. It had always been on the edge of retreat, slipping away at the first opportunity to lay one of its annoying traps. This person was standing its ground, successful even. It couldn't be Itzal, could it?

Whit took the attack as an opportunity to dart to cover. He didn't know who the newcomer was, but his intervention was welcome. Whether he was friend or foe had yet to be determined.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit lifted his weapon, but stopped. Clearly, this was an ally, considering that every person who wasn't one of the other players was trying to kill the others. Whit had no intention of being added to that kill list.
Still, this was a good... chance. As soon as he thought the word "chance", he realized something was different about his perception. Visually, things didn't look any different, yet at the same time he felt that some things had a heavier weight then others. Was this some side effect of gaining more life, especially from that dealler? At this point, Whit had realized that certain members of the casino staff were strange, but hadn't thought much more than that. Had he caught some of that strangeness?
"oh well, I can't be bothered with such trifles," he said absently as he ended that line of thought.
He slipped his godgun back into his sleave and brought out one of the pistols that he had been holding on to all this time. He trained it on The skirmish. One bullet could end Zeke right now, Whit knew. The other man was in the way, but Whit needed him to be- the man was occupying Zeke's movements. Whit just needed to wait until he could get a clear shot...

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


The pink attacker slashed away at Mike as he backed away, trying to dodge each swing of her sword. His body wasn't fast enough, and he couldn't resort to blocking with the vectors as he tossed Zeke across the room. A strike brushed his left cheek. It stung, but Mike felt lucky that his head wasn't taken off. After he had abided by Zeke's command, Mike grew on the offensive, but even after her faulty swordplay left many chances to kill her, Mike couldn't perform the coup de grace.
'Darn it. Halfway through a massacre and I have to go and grow a conscience.
Mike spotted an opening and slammed a vectoral fist into her stomach. She dropped the sword as the punch brought her to her knee's. He breathed out, after holding it in during most of the fight. His sudden relaxation allowed a vector to snake it's way out of his mental grasp and cut the nymph across the chest, killing her.
Mike watched as the blood sprayed out of her body, and as her eyes slowly turned lifeless.
Bile pooled in the back of his throat. He tried to avoid looking at the floor. There was so much death in the room. 'and,Mike added, A large portion of it was me.
He jogged after Zeke and saw that he was in a fight with a human. A fight of physical prowess. Zeke's forte, that. He can handle himself in a one on one.
Still, I can't imagine where the other two are. THey couldn't have kept ignoring this. That explosion took out half the room.
Mike glanced around. He saw several upturned tables, and climbed over one. As he turned his head, he saw whit turn his gun to point directly at his head. A sudden burst of adreniline shot through Mike's body. As it reached his brain, a vector took the impulse to protect Mike just as Whit fired. It wasn't fast enough. The vector managed to redirect the bullet to graze Mike's ear. The second shot stopped dead in the vector, followed by the third. Whit took to the idea that he couldn't get a bullet through, and instead shot his pressurised air bubble towards Mike. Both vecors blocked, and Mike was tossed backwards. Before Whit could allow his gun to charge another shot, Mike leaped forwards and landed only a few feet from the end of the gun. Mike could see Whit concentrate on a train of thought, possibly about range. He decided to attemt to back away before firing again.

"Don't interfere" Mike said aloud.

He stood there with his arms crossed as Whit reacted to his statement. No, to his order. Mike knew he was at least a threat to Whit's life so long as the game was going on.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"With what?" Whit replyed.

He had turned himself sideways, his Godgun was still trained on Mike. He glanced over at Zeke and the man, who seemed to be a decent range away. Whit felt he had the upper hand here... However, he wasn't putting all of his faith in the weapon. Sure, it was powerful, but it was a known constant. It would do the exact same thing every time he fired it, and it had no room to destroy anything. Chance was hardly involved here, and would not aid his much. His other hand rested inside his coat's side pocket, which contained his .500 calibur revolver. He shifted his Godgun away from Mike, and angled it at the ground. It was ready to fire again, now, but Whit was willing hear Mike out. Plus, he realized now, aiming at the ground... He glanced down. The ground was prominent in his eyes, as if potential lay there. Well, potential did exist there- by shooting the ground, he destroyed everything that they relied on. Although doing so would do the same to him, he knew he'd inevitably land in a better position.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

"Come now Whit, you're many things but stupid is not in the list. You have good eyes, and I can see you're glancing over to Zeke even now" Mike smiled.

"Also, i'm a different person now. I wonder if you can read what my intentions are. I'm not happy about what that side of me did while I was asleep. It pains me to see so much death" Mike had an honest look of disgust as he motioned to the battlefield.

"Whit. I don't want you to kill Zeke. Even in this game, with all this intent to kill and all the fights, he's the closest thing i've ever had to a friend"

He turned back to stare Whit in the face.

"Instead, kill me. I Don't mean anything to anyone. You'll be saving a lot of lives back from where i'm from. I don't want to have to turn back into... him

"Just don't expect me to go easily. I still have a lot of fight left in me, and the vectors are still putting up resistence to my orders. Oh, and they told me to tell you that your fly is undone"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit stared, looking for a hint of a joke. Honestly, he had been slaughtering people like cows for a good amount of time- what the hell did this remorse come from? But, there was no lie that he could percieve. Whit let out an exasperated sigh.

"Come, now, what kind of nonsense are you spouting? What happened to that will to live, that tenacity? No, look. I'm going to win- and that means, somehow, Zeke's going to die. And so is Itzal. And you, anyway."

He fired at the defenseless Mike, whose vectors blocked the wave and allowed Mike to ride it until the force was fully deflected. Then, swiftly, he ran his hand over his fly. It was zipped. Good- dignaty was worth keeping, at least, as long as it could last.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike chuckled with a pleasant laugh.

"Oh Whit, how I pity you. You actually hope to win. That must put a lot of pressure on you. No, I think I'll just stay here to have fun. I don't want to kill, but I never said I wouldn't fight you. The thrill of the battle. The exhilaration that punds my heart even now"

Mike dropped the vectors to peer between them.

"Netter put on some coffee. This WILL be a drawn out fight Whit!"

Mike sidestepped and launched a table Whit-wards, but it was shot out of the air quickly. Mike took the meagre opening to circle around Whit. After a third of a cricle the way around, he changed direction and charged Whit, intending to take the fight into close quarters.

Whit smirked. Mike didn't have a second to react to Whit's plot as the floor just ahead of him burst open showering him in splinters.

I should have known it was too easy

Mike managed to grab onto the edge of the floorboards as his body flailed in the darkness. He didn't dare look down. If the last round was any example of what happened when you broke what was supposed to be intact, he would regret it. Whit peered over the edge towards Mike's helpless face. Just as he was about to mutter something, a black wave lashed out at him from a direction Mike couldn't see and he dodged out of the way. The sound of Whit's godgun rang out. Mike brought his other hand up and tried to pull himself free. A shadow loomed over him from behind.

You bore me like that. If I wanted a loser I would have sent one. I wont let your powers go to waste if it's the last thing I do. Incidentally, it might be at that

Mike froze in fear at the sound of the dark voice. He swung his head around to see the black void of a person that stood over him.
He tried to scream as the void seperated itself from the lifeless corpse and swan it's way down his gullet, but no sound escaped. Utter terror gripped Mike as his mind and soul were shattered and what remained eternally banished from himself. The last thoughts than ran through his body were the orders to his fingers to go limp.

As Mike fell into the abyss, something took over. It settled in nicely, as if his form was practically ment to suite it.
The waitress' corpse was added to the numbers on the floor.

And Mike was no more.

At least, in the sense of being Mike.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.


Zeke fought back the strange man. He still wasn't sure if he was Itzal or not, he certainly gave off that vibe but his fighting style simply didn't match. Needless to say they were pretty evenly matched. "Alright. You've piked my interest. Who are you?"

Itzal grinned, "Oh me, im just another gambler." Itzal locked his daggers into Zeke's blades. "I think your fun and games are over." Itzal twisted his body, placing Zeke where Itzal was.

Whit took the chance and aimed his pistol at Zeke, firing. The bullet plunged satifyingly into Zeke's back.

Zeke lunged forward and gives out a stifled grunt. Itzal smurked, bringing his fist back and transforming it into something huge. Itzal smashed Zeke to the side, sending the ninja flying and crashing into a painfully solid wall.
Zeke sat there, breathing heavily. His life ebbing away. He tried to fight it, but it was too much, he felt himself get weaker and weaker, his breathing became more erratic.
Zeke calmly and slowly closed his eyes.

...A distant memory fades into existance. Zeke stands in a empty church, weak and unstable, his face bloodied from contant battle. A metalic smashed itself into Zeke's face.


A man, covered completely in armour towered over Zeke. He gave out an aura of pure strengh, mentally and physically.

"You should see yourself Zeke, you should see how useless you are. Lying dead in a foreign land, defeated by such a pathetic trick."

Zeke attempted to stand back up. "I...I-trie-" his sentence was interupted with a bone crushing kick to the face, this mans strengh was unreal.

[background=black:rf92t0mj]"Look at you. Whimpering like a dog. And you said you wanted to kill me. Ha! You could barely a fly."[/background:rf92t0mj]

Zeke was on his knees, tears streaming down his face. "I...will...k-kill..."
The man picked Zeke up by his neck, holding him up high and strangling him.

[background=black:rf92t0mj]"No Zeke. You will never kill me. You have failed your duty. You have failed your clan and You have failed me. You are done Zeke. My victory is complete."[/background:rf92t0mj]

Zeke stared at the souless helmet of the man, his eyes hidden away. Zeke slowly lost his breath and struggled for life. No he thought, it cannot end now. Not now, not when he has come so close. Zeke grabbed the hands of the armoured man. "I...won't...let" Zeke piled all his strengh on simply prying this mans hands away, finally with an intense scream, he was free.

In an instant, Zeke opened his eyes. His previous pain was gone, the bullet was still there but the pain was muted. Zeke stood back up, as if nothing had happened, some time had lapsed and Itzal and Whit had there attentions elsewhere.

Zeke strided towards Whit, who only turned round when he was a couple of metres away, he pulled his pistol and fired at Zeke, direct hit, left arm...But Zeke did not stop. He didn't even flinch, no grimmice of pain, no change in his eyes. Whit couldn't help but be shocked by it, he aimed again but Zeke was right infront of him, and with an unnatural speed Zeke grabbed Whit by the neck and lifted him up the ground with terrifying ease. "Gah! How get so strong!"

Zeke did not respond. He simply took a tiny moment to stare into Whit's eyes, before launching him practically across the casino. Whit crashed into multiple tables and chairs before finally stopping.
A dagger flew through the air, straight towards Zeke's face, he grabbed it and proceeded to crush it in his hand.

Itzal was shocked aswell, he was shot twice and he got stronger?! Not that it mattered, Itzal was confident he could still kill him.
Itzal lunged towards Zeke

Zeke blocked, his emotions completely unstirred. Itzal began a flurry of attacks but Zeke blocked each one effortlessly, he didn't even move. In a tiny gap between Itzal's attacks, Zeke stabed Itzal in the chest, as fast as a lightning stike.

Itzal pulled back, holding his wound, he reformed it easily thanks to his extra life. But he was more preoccupied by Zeke. who was just standing there, his eyes unmoving, as if he was dead.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit gasped for air. His body ached from the impact, but he knew he wasn't hurt. There was no way he could be gravely injured...
He stood, and noticed a fragment of wood Jutting out of his side. He began to let out a scream, but bit his tongue, as to not fully acknowledge the wound. Still...Fine, he was hurt.
"But there has to be a reason for it, right?" he muttered to himself. He wouldn't accept that chance had simply been against him, because in his mind, that was impossible. Chance was a mere agent of fate, and could do nothing but favor him. "There must be a reason... It must be something... I need to know. Yes, that's it. It's testing me, how much I trust Luck. Well... I trust it absolutely."

Whit yanked the wood out. It may have been painful, but he didn't acknowledge it. "It's just superficial damage. There's no chance that it could be anything more. It doesn't even hurt. Of course it doesn't."

He blankly stared ahead, remembering the situation. That man...Itzal? and Zeke stood there, in a stand off, neither moving. Whit let out a deep breath, and decided that he had been unnessasarily reserved. He fired the Godgun at Zeke, and pulled out his spare pistol. Whatever happened happened, and Whit knew it would all play out in his favor.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal slowly drew back from the fight. It had barely been able to match its skill before, and now...
An invisible wave suddenly slammed into Zeke, throwing him across the room. Itzal leapt at the opportunity, landing on Zeke as he hit the wall. It plunged its daggers into his belly, twisting as they went in.

Zeke didn't even react to the daggers. He reached out and grabbed Itzal by the neck.
Itzal was surprised By Zeke's speed of recovery. He hadn't even landed on the ground yet. It swiftly shifted to suddenly slip out of Zeke's grip, and barley leapt out of the way of Zeke's follow-up slash. Itzal stated running away from Zeke, bolting down the casino. Another gravity wave was sent flying towards Zeke, but he simply jumped over it and continued his pursuit, barley slowed. Itzal threw back a volley of daggers, which Zeke batted out of the air without slowing. Before long, Itzal found itself running out of casino to escape into. In desperation, it shifted its hands to end in narrow claws, and leap onto the wall. Its tips found the small cracks in the wall and it started climbing. Itzal silently thanked Whit for the energy needed to scale this wall.
Zeke stopped at the wall and looked up at Itzal climbing away. "You think you can escape me again?" Zeke shouted as he plunged his claws into the wall and started climbing
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whirr told AltGadget the story. It was met with bated disapproval and disbelief, but Somehow it rang true for Gadget.
"... Alright, I'll try to believe you. Although, it's hard to believe that this entire place is some kind of god plaything... "

"really? You believe me?" Whirr chirped.

"Yeah... Well, looking at you convinced me. See... I, when I was younger, made something that looked just like you." Gadget glanced up thoughtfully, and then snapped his eyes back on Whirr. "Although it didn't move like you do." he paused, now, and sighed.
"Why'd you bother telling me anyway? There's nothing I can do to help you... Those guys have made a royal mess out there- I really don't think I want anything to do with them... And I don't have that power your Gadget... Did."

"Sure there is! You can help me do one thing, at least." Whirr announced, less enthusiastically.

"What would that be?" Gadget responded, with a bad feeling.

"... Well, I want to kill that guy. Mike. The ragged looking one..."

A silence dragged the next few seconds.

Gadget burst out. "Are you joking? That's impossible! Every single one of those corpses were skilled, you know. And now they're all dead! Because of him and the other guy!"

"I know, I know, but I think I have a plan. I just need all the chips you have." Whirr said, tonelessly.

Another silence.

"Please... I have to do this." Whir said, desperation creeping into it's mechanical voice.

Gadget wanted to say no, wanted to hold Whirr down. But, he knew what the robot was thinking, a little. Even though it seemed cheery enough, he sensed the desolation the robot felt. It had already lost everything- it's best friend and it's home. All it could do to keep going was focus on it's drive- a revenge, no matter how petty.
Gadget played with the idea of keeping the robot, but knew that he'd only make things worse, a constant reminder of what it had lost already. Still, there must have been something he could do... But, he wasn't going to interfere with Whirr's resolution. He knew that he wouldn't want to be stopped either, if he was in the same situation.

Gadget handed Whirr two extremely heavy chips. "Uhm... Good luck. It was... Nice meeting you."

Whirr took them and backed away, towards the door back to the main room.
"Thanks," it said. "It's nice to know that you're the same, no matter what the circumstances."

he accelerated through the doors, leaving a sorrowful looking Gadget.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


So shallow and yet so deep. To lay here with no knowledge of where 'here' is.
Mike fell. I fell. So now I am Mike. Strange, that I would end up here. Maybe its ironic, probably is to someone.
Haha. Now I remember. We're supposed to die ironically. God I hate this scenario.
God. Was I ever one? The true power of a god was never at my disposal.
Except that one time. Ah, how fun that was. But her. Her...
She took it away from me before. And now by signing up with her a second time, once more have I lost my seat.
Whatever. I'm sure I didn't break any rules. Mike is not allowed to know things. I am not allowed to tell him about any of this. But I know. Bet She didn't see this coming.
Heck, even I didn't. Oh well, go with the flow, wing it, and all that.

Mike gazed up at the large hole that floated above him in the pitch blackness of the pit he found himself. There was more commotion up there. Whit was shooting. A lot of movement.
He heard a slight noise of tapping coming from the right, but from above. It gradually got louder. Tap. Tap. Tap.... Click.

A burst of light eminated from the direction of the sound. Mike was blinded and covered his eyes with his hand. A figure stood in the middle of the rays of searing brightness. To Mike, it looked like a mesiah. And he had a feeling, in a sense, it was.

"I can't have you lying around while there's a fight to be entangled with. Get up, brush yourself off, and go cause some havok"

"Ah, you're my savior" Mike replied sarcastically. He picked himself up off the floor, and in a specific order, cracked, extended, and flexed most of the able moving parts of his new body.

"So, we cool with this?" He asked, moving towards the staircase at the side of the booze celler.

"I would be lying if I said I like what you have done. But, it is certainly interesting, and very risky.

"But, you have a lot of work to do. Improve, and perhaps victory will be yours."
A faint smile appeared on the composer's face as the young boy strolled past her.
"You wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for a certain truth, my dear 'creator'"

Mike turned quickly, but too late. The mysterious woman was gone, leaving no trace of her presence.
Mike grinned. Thing's certainly were getting interesting. He sliced the neck of the bottle of ale in his hand with a vector, who was very happy to do so for it's master, and drank heartilly. The mild strength of the alcoholic beverage left a familiar tang as it's poured down his gullet. He gasped for breath after several long gulps and burped.

"Ah! That's the good stuff!" He exclaimed, throwing the empty bottle over his shoulder.
"Very refreshing"

Mike sprinted forwards suddenly, forcing adrenaline to pump through his veins. A rush. He needed one for what he was going to do.

After all, a 'Battle Royale' wasn't a battle royale without having a cluster fuck of a fight in close quarters in a free for all. 'At least', Mike lamented, 'that's what the book told me'

He came to a stop, sliding across the room on his feet, a few meters from where Zeke was chasing Itzal. Even Mike was astonished at his wounds. But Mike knew he wouldn't last long on those legs of his. He was strong, but immortal he was not. Soon, the adrenaline in Zeke's body would run out. Shock would set in, and if he wasn't killed, the bloodloss would end him.

"Whatever you do!" Mike yelled after him, knowing full well that in Zeke's berserker rage he would prbably be ignored, "Don't stop moving!"
He regretted that he had a very slim soft spot for Zeke. But there was something to amuse himself while Zeke was having the most difficult time of his fight for survival. Whit.
Wherever Itzal was, Whit was several yards behind, at most.
This theory proved true when Whit moved into a firing position, but spotted Mike as he pulled the trigger. Mike lunged, and blocked most of the blast as it passed over his head with his vectors. A stronge breeze was all that remained after Mike's deflection of force.

"Like he said before, do not interfere. You have more pressing problems now and- wait. Are you bleeding?" Mike actually stood with his mouth open at the astonishing revelaton that Whit was getting injured now.
"Bloody hell..." He said under his breath, "What's happened since I became Mike..."

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal climbed the wall as fast as it could, but Zeke still managed to grab its ankle. It started kicking, trying to break free, but to no avail. Zeke threw Itzal to the ground, and leap down upon it. Zeke's daggers plunged into Itzal's chest, and it gasped in pain. Zeke twisted its gauntlets, tearing into Itzals chest. Itzal panicked, trying to figure escape, but it could not heal the wounds while the blades where still in him. Itzal tried to teleport a dagger out of its cloak, only to discover that it had actually managed to run out. Stupid, it should have been reclaiming them more religiously.
"You have tormented me for far too long. This ends now."
Itzal glanced about for a weapon, anything. But there were no loose items around. It felt the blood draining out of itself, and knew it had to act quickly. Its gaze fell upon a nearby slot machine, and in a moment of desperation, it teleported a handful of coins from the machine into its hand. With the same flick of its wrist that sends its daggers flying accurately into their target, Itzal sent the coin flying into Zeke's eye.
Zeke jerked back as the pain registered, clutching a hand to his eye. He slashed out half-blindly as he felt Itzal slip out from under him, but his blades met only air.
Itzal leapt up onto the bank of slot machines, and teleported a deck of cards into its hand. It fanned out a hand, and threw it at Zeke.
Zeke slashed the cards out of the air, blinking as his eye recovered. "Cards? Is that the nest you can do?"
"I'd look behind you before you act so cavalier."
Zeke glanced behind himself, not letting down his guard, to see the cards half-embedded in the stone wall. Zeke slashed the predicated assualt of cards without looking.
"Its amazing how much of an edge fresh cards can have if you know what you are doing." Itzal remarked as it closed the wounds torn into its torso.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"It's a scratch. Clearly, this is a test of trust and a warning of foolhardiness."

Whit took action as he spoke. Mike, for some reason, wanted him to 'not interfere', even going out of the way to prevent it. Then, Whit's next move would be simple but deadly. Whit, in one motion, fired his godgun at Itzal and Zeke while simultaniously drawing his .500 calibur revolver and firing square at Mike's heart.

Mike's vectors leapt after the gravity wave, but split up and guarded Mike at the same time. The bullet was heavy against the two vectors, but was eventually stopped. Similarly, the gravity wave was harsh, but the vectors managed to deflect it. In the moment right after, Mike's vectors fired out, dragging their owner forward.
"Just a scratch, Whit?"
Whit clicked his godgun desperately at the ceiling. The instant before Mike's vectors reached him, the gun fired. The ceiling fell, and plaster filled the space. Mike's vectors batted the smoke and pieces of ceiling away easily, but Whit yelled out. The air cleared, and Whit had been pinned by a chandelier frame. Mike couldn't help but laugh a little.
"heh... Really, I'm beginning to wonder if you were ever actually lucky at all."

Whit's heart raced. His gun had been knocked away, and his hand that held the godgun was pinned. Whit thought wildly about what he could do like this, what could be used. The mesmerizing disk, the knife? The hat? No, it was all useless! What was happening? Why didn't things work out, why was he failing? Had his luck... Even existed? The creeping doubt pervaded his mind, and dragged a voice back from the back of Whit's mind.
"I told you... Luck isn't something you can trust, that even exists. The only one you can trust is yourself." The skull whispered.
Whit closed his eyes hard, as he heard Mike approaching. Trusting himself... Then who was the skull, then? In a flash, he remembered the quality of the skull. That it absorbed his emotions, thoughts, and projected them. Whit realized with sudden clarity that it had simply been reflecting realist, self-based thoughts, that Whit had desperately pushed out of his own concious mind in order to progress. This skull was just a part of himself that he was ignoring. The doubt festered- had he been wrong all along, seeking strentgh in something that didn't exist?
He opened his eyes. Mike was close now, too close. Fear drove Whit's doubts even further. He hesitantly reached for the skull, feeling it around his neck. It really pained him, the doubt the skull had brought... Had he been wrong all along? He hated the skull in that instant, knowing that it was a part of himself that he hated. Then, the string, holding the skull, snapped. Suddenly, all that doubt was gone. A single stray chance clairifyed that the skull was something he didn't need. The skull, and all that it held, were completely useless. Whit threw it at Mike, who chopped it into pieces. As Whit watched the pieces fall, he felt relief, the source of his doubt And weakness disappearing.
Whit knew he was lucky- that his fate superceded those of all others, including the one who approached. In his mind's eye, Whit could see it. He could see his fate. It wasn't clearly defined off in the distance, but it was detailed enough- his fate would not break.

He had to trust his luck, so that he could continue living, succeeding. And to do that... Whit hated himself for his foolishness. He had been stupid- expecting that luck would simply pull him along without any true exertion. No, if he didn't apply himself, even his godly luck could not drag him forward. Luck recipricated what he put forth. Whit had to bet everything, to win everything. Scratches, injuries... They weren't something Whit would just be exempt from. Injuries were the natural effect of pushing himself forward- they didn't matter. He had bet his body, and It didn't matter what happened to his bet throughout they game. He could win a bit, lose a bit... But the end was inevitably his absolute victory.

Until then, Whit needed to act. He had to throw his entire existence on his every action, and had to take every chance. it was clear to him now, that the potential chance surrounding his chandelier prison was worth taking. He pulled the godgun's trigger. The blast impacted against the chandeliers rim fiercely, sending the entire frame careening, with Whit still inside.
The thing stopped completely as it crashed into the front desk. Whit stepped out of the wreck. He ackowledged it now, that he was truly injured- perhaps direly- and had become even more so with his tumble. However... The injuries didn't matter- they were a momentary loss, and would soon would work out. To Whit, they mattered so little they hardly existed.

Whirr jumped as he heard the crash. He was behind the front desk, accessing a machine he had seen earlier. It was some sort of safe deposit box, only the objects inside needed to be exchanged with chips. Whirr had concluded that inside the box were objects that could not be correctly claimed, or had a reservation- in other words, this was where the spare bets were. Whirr was certain there would be something he could use... Only, he didn't have enough chips.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.
