Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Sruixan Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.


"Just be quick about it. I find this situation dull at best"
Mike gave a quick wave "Yeah, yeah, i'll be there in'a bit"

Zeke walked away from Mike's Blackjack table, he noticed his path interceped Whit and Itzal's game, and while he hated them both he felt a need to pass some time. Zeke walked up behind Whit
Whit felt the presence of someone behind him, Itzal gave a subtle nod confirming Whit's suspicons "Having fun?"
"I could kill you in an instant right now."
Whit gave out a weak laugh "Why don't you then 'mighty warrior'" Whits voice dripped in sarcasm.
"Because, unlike you, I am not an idiot. Besides, i'd like to think I have some seblance of honour."
There was a silence between the two, only broken by the stiffled giggle of Itzal, who was quite frankly loving the tension. Zeke talked once more "Surely you find this contrived and dull."

Whit thought about what he said, now that he did think about it, gambling with money...didn't seem the same anymore. Whit was so used gambling with his very life that money seemed terribly dull in comparison. Still he wasn't about to admit that, he would much rather put Zeke in further annoyance.
"I'm having the time of my life, thank you very much."

Zeke tilted his head up to Itzal, who only nodded in agreement.

"Enjoy your calm while it lasts." Zeke walked back to the bar.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

The card game continued on. Itzal and Whit shared the lead, neither gaining a firm advantage over the other. However, the other contestants at the table were steadily losing. Itzal surveyed its winnings. There was a fair pile of chips but also some other items of interest. (most of )An odd pocketwatch, a small animal, and a ornate pendant had managed to work their way into Itzal's winnings.
The cards came up, giving Itzal a King pair. Itzal raised, and won the hand. The rest of the pocketwatch materialized, and two other contestants left the table, leaving Whit, Itzal, and a Man with an over-developed forehead and a tuxedo.
Itzal drew out the Penrose Triangle he had created last round as a demonstration to Whit. It placed it on the chip counter. The display for the number of chips started flipping, until all the digits were spinning. The device was obviously unable to figure out the impossible object. "Let's raise the stakes, shall we?"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike steadily grew to know the rules. It was a simple game. Just beat the dealer. It was easier said then done. Mike had won and lost at an even rate so far. He had started gaining objects, adding to the wealth of his chips while his chips themselves began to dwindle. He held a small container of pills in his hand, won from a strange female that was always smiling. She had held a small device up to him, and told him something odd.

"Ooh, you're not very happy mister! Take some of those pills, I have plenty more!"

Mike was of course stupid enough to comply. There was something about that smile of hers. One that said, 'Be happy, or i'll hurt you'
Hurting people was Mike's job.
'Looking back, havn't I been the one getting hurt? Well, ok I have killed like three guys so far, but i've been stabbed and crushed more than they have. Probably. Now, i'll get my revenge. I'll have a small advantage. Whatever they win will be countered by what I win. Too bad Zeke isn't here, he has a hard unreadable face.'
Face. An idea struck Mike. Whit and Itzal were two people (Is Itzal a person? Whatever). They had the power to win twice as much as Mike. Not only that, but they would win more often. But, Mike had two souces of sentience on his side. And if they had something to bet, and could use his mouth to comunicate, they could definitely hold their own.

"Excuse me, i'll be giving some chips away" He told the dealer.

"And to whom should I give these, sir?"

"Why, to my two companions. Split them to 150 each. That leaves me with 750 right?"

Mike made the vectors appear, and they held their palms face up. They positioned itself on the empty seats on the left and right of Mike, the cloaked figure having been eliminated early on. The dealer complied, albeit sceptically, and started dealing out cards. Mike popped a small handful of pills into his mouth and swallowed. Almost instantly, a glorious sensation overtook him. It was like the emotion Mike felt when he had wasted Xeno, only magnefied and pure. His smile was now true, and he wondered what this girl had done to lose. Was it that the rules confused her, or did she lose on purpose to feed him this joy? Whatever the case, the odds began to tip in his favor. His vectors talked in hand signals whenever they could. Double taps for hit, sideways sweeps for stays. They never surrendered or folded, they constantly took risks, and they hardly ever lost. Soon, on top of Mike's counter of 2470, they had 3680 combined. That ment 6150. To Mike, that felt like a hefty amount.

"You can transfer all of my money into my leg now. My companions will keep playing for now, so don't take from them."

The dealer nodded, seemed to do something behind the table. A few motions later, and Mike's counter emptied. The chips left the table, but he asked to keep the pills. Soon after, a very ticklish sensation itched into his stump, webbing itself into replacement body parts. Mike had to grit his teeth and fold his arms into his pits to refrain rom scratching. A second passed, and the sensation stopped. He glanced down. Not more that an inch of leg was grown. At least it was progress.

"Good man, I'll stand back now."

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit was bothered. Bothered a bit by Zeke's provocation, but that wasn't too important yet. Zeke had been wrong, While Whit hadn't been satisfied, the card game, against Itzal, would surely be worthwhile. Still, the comment irritated him a bit... Whit would have to return the favor soon. However, his focus was on the game, which bothered him much more.
It was all wrong, how this game was playing out. When the dealer opened aand shuffled a new deck, Whit read the card order- even the riffle shuffles were mostly discernable. He had a vague sense of where every card was. Logically, he should have won already, at least the chips that were currently in play... At least, if Itzal wasn't cheating. He knew Itzal was doing cheats with it's abilities, but Whit still couldn't figure it out. In fact, he wasn't sure if he ever would, but he could at least get some insight from the game. Most importantly, Whit was winning a few hands. If Itzal could simply warp all the cards, Whit wouldn't have won anything. No, it seemed the Itzal could only teleport one thing over a time period. In addition, Whit had won a large hand earlier, which meant that Itzal did not know the order And placement of the cards. It seemed to just pick a card to teleport into it's hand in place of another. A teleportation based off of what Itzal wanted, not what it knew. This was very good information and all, but it didn't change the fact that Whit was slowly losing. To top it off, Itzal seemed to have an infinite supply of valuable objects... Even impossible ones. Whit glanced at Itzal's wild counter. The numbers would not agree, and it soon lit up the LEDs with 8s, filling all the lights, as most clocks do when they glitch. Whit gritted his teeth as Itzal's counter rose to a ridculous number: 8888888. Then, it fell back down to Itzal's previous count, and Whit felt relief.
"I intend to raise the stakes, but it's great if you let that be possible." Whit commented dryly.

"I'm sorry, sir...? But, if the machine cannot attribute a worth to it, it canny be counted. I must say, though, that is... The first time that has happened." the dealer stated, grinning.

"Unfortunate. Maybe something else... Hmm. I shall save that for later."

Whit mentally groaned. Oh well, he thought. He needed to concentrate if he were to win at all... He looked into his chip pile. It seemed he had gotten much to many chips, a pair of nice cutlasses, along with a hat of some sort.
In the corner of his eye, he watched the pirate. The pirate was calm now, as opposed to his wildness earlier, ready... The cards were dealt. Whit saw the pirate catch his cards under his palm, and lift them carefully to view... But that was only what Whit saw, not what he believed he knew. He casually moved the cutlass to the side, mumbling about lack of space. The cutlass tip hit the pirat straight in the elbow- just enough to force his arm to move. Along with his dealt cards, An extra two cards, aces, fell out. The pirate had cheated.
The dealer tutted.
"Vaisley, I thought you knew better... Looks like you'll be losing everything in your chip holder, plus a little... Extra..."
the dealer's tone of "extra" made Vaisley sick and panicy. He began to say things, but his chips were disolving. He stared in horror as he waited for similar to happen to him.
"stop!" Whit exclaimed. "I've got plenty. I'll pay his little wrist slap for him."
The dealer posed as if deep in thought, but agreed. Most of Whit's spare unwhole chips vanished.

The pirate spoke.
"...Thank you, sir. If I could repay you, I would, but-"
Whit shoved the cutlasses in the pirates explaining hands. They were his originally anyway.
Wordlessly, he nodded towards the bar and shifted his eyes back and forth.
Vaisley understood immediately. He grinned and muttered something about seeing what he could do and left. Vaisley knew he couldn't just cut that ninjaish person down... But he was nothing if not clever... Maybe still a ladykiller, but the point was he was Damned clever.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

With the pirate gone, Itzal and Whit were alone at the table. "Lets change the stakes." Itzal removed the wild collection of items from the table and gestured for Whit to do the same. Cautiously, Whit complied. Itzal spoke to the dealer. "I want to bet my sanity, if Whit would match the bet."
The dealer thought for a moment, and then nodded.

Whit's thoughts raced. Bet his sanity? Itzal had spoken of a game risking life and death. He had protested that there was no way to guarantee the other would keep their side of the agreement. But now, that was not the case. Here, they would be guaranteed to follow through. Itzal meant business.
A Casino employee came up to the table with two helmets. He placed one on Itzals head and plugged it into the table. Its chip counter reset, reading 98%. The employee offered the other hat to Whit.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike was spending time rolling back and forth on the floor as he sat. It became apparant that 'I'll stand back' was a silly thing to say when he could only use one leg. He took the time to look around the casino again, except after the first glance he saw a strange woman serving drinks. Oddly enough, every so often she would look his way, for hat puropose he didn't know. Whatever it was, he couldn't get pissed off. Those damn pills stopped that from happening.

"Yo. How's it going up there?"

"Not bad. Your so called companions are quite the gamblers"

"Interesting. Say, whats your name guy? You seem different than the other people in this room. How long ya worked here?"

Out of Mike's point of view, the dealer smiled.

"Name's Lan. And about as long as you've been here. I don't remember signing up for this. By the way, that friend of yours by the bar in one slick dude, don't ya agree?"

"Tch" Mike replied. The woman was headed his way. And that was not all, his vectors were murmering again. 'master, creator, goddess' were the only words that Mike could make out. He could see the large plate of drinks she balanced on her left arm and she moved as if she was made of fluid, flowing between people, never touching a soul. She stopped exactly two meters from where Mike was sitting. He was getting the imprecion that was not a coincidence.

"You. What are you" He said, not questioningly at all.

"My my my" she said, eying Mike up and down, "Never thought i'd see you in the flesh. Tell me, why are you not slaughtering these humans? You think some small injury is going to stop your little urges?"

Well isn't this nice. I'm really wishing things would make more sense.

"Jeez, Get off my back bitch. Multitasking is not one of my skills. Besides, these guys here" He motioned towards the vectors, "Will not stand by and be used as a crutch when they could be killing people"

"Oh?" She replied, a fake look of surprise on her face, "Sentient already? I guess that little episode in the second round gave them that little push I was hoping you would save"

"Alright bitch!" He yelled, attempting to rise by grabbing the back of his seat, "Talk! How do you know about this shit?!"

"Jeez" Cut in the dealer known as Lan, "Don't give away all your secrets. Ah, I lost again."

"Mhmm. Sorry. I guess I made an oopsie. Oh well, this job doesn't pay well anyway. And I prefer to entertain than serve anyway"

"Answer me!" Mike yelled, drawing the attention of a few onlookers.

"....No" She replied.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


In that moment, Lan clicked his fingers. The chip count on the vectors' places dwindled down to nothing, and Mike's leg grew anew. Mike took advantage of the situation and leaped forward and punched the waitress right in the face. She fell backwards in an arc, the drinks clattering to the floor. she looked back at Mike in horror, blood dripping from her mouth. Her face twisted into something unrecognisable, followed by her body. A monotone voice spilled out.

"You sunnova! Do you realise what you've done?!"

"Fuck you" Mike replied. He drew his gun and blasted it between the eyes.

Mortality, it's last thoughts told it, was a bitch.
Commotion rippled through the Casino. Lan was mockingly saying what a mess he was making, and several people were advancing on him, intent on getting some action instead of playing boring card games. The young half naked boy sprang at him, and the vectors stopped him mid leap. They punched him in the gut and forced his face directly into the floor, beaking his teeth. They split his spine to make sure. His lankie freind, Mike noticing a strange three piece green jacket, lunged under the vectors and tried to stab Mike in the neck with his fingers. His elbow split into the wrong direction when the vector intercepted the arm, and then broke his neck.

"Zeke! Fuck shit up" He said, returning to his fights.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke idly sat at the bar, tapping his metallic fingers on the wooden surface. Waiting impatiently for Mike to finish. He didn't bother getting any drinks, he was too busy mentally preparing himself.
“Excuse me good sir” a voice came from behind Zeke.
Zeke turned his head round to see the pirate come towards him, cutlasses drawn. Zeke pivoted on his seat in a casual way, he didn't expect combat, despite having his weapons drawn.

Suddenly everything began to slow down, the usual noises of the casino blurred into silence, Zeke could see the pirate's lips move but not a single sound emanated from them. Zeke glance over to Mike's table, he too was in slow motion, pushing down a waitress. The only person who remained at full speed…was the dealer on Mike's table. He glanced over to Zeke with a confident smile slapped over his face. Zeke looked back; he had never seen this man before, ever, but somehow he seemed familiar, like he had known him all his life. The dealer gave a cheery wink in Zeke's direction.
“Prove to me, you were worth choosing.”
The dealer turned back round, sound and speed slowly returning back to the world.

-“fuck shit up!”

Zeke reacted by reflex. He leaped up from his stool and slammed his foot directly into the pirates face. The damage was catastrophic, the captain reeling back as a grim mixture of teeth and blood spilled from his mouth. Zeke deployed his blades and attacked, the pirate blocked and swung with his other cutlass, Zeke dodged and parried each blow, he was fast. Zeke blocked both cutlasses coming towards him, throwing them out of his way. He flipped over the captain and with one effortless move cut his throat in twain. The pirate collapsed to the ground, gurgling and spraying blood everywhere. Zeke gave himself a moment to remember the thrill of killing someone.

Whit was having none of it. He was not about to sit there while Zeke and Mike tore the place apart, he rose up from stool and pointed his God gun towards Zeke.

Zeke was so used to this procedure that it had become second nature, he flipped to the side as Whit fired the invisible blast, the destructive force smashed into the bewildered Barkeep, practically pulverising him. Zeke darted behind some slot machines.

“God damn it! Im going after him, we can do this later.”
An unnatural arm pulled Whit back into his chair. “No. We play this. Now.”
“What?! But Mike and Zeke are going to kill us!”
“I am sick of your constant stalling.” Itzal forced the helmet onto Whit's head “and I'm sick of constant distractions. This will only take one minute.”
Whit looked at Itzal as if he had gone crazy; he began to quickly re-evaluate his alliance with him.

Meanwhile Zeke stalked the slot machines, trying to find an opening to attack. A pure white sleeve came down on Zeke, who instinctively blocked. A metallic clang could be heard from the mans arm, he jumped back, ripped his single white sleeve to reveal a white metallic gauntlet going all the way up his arm. It deployed blades all over it. Zeke remarked that it was similar in design to his gauntlets but it mattered not. The man proved skilled in combat, swinging his arm quickly and with strength. But he wasn't fast enough for Zeke, he parried the mans white arm and plunged his left fist into his face. Zeke's blades went straight through his head. The lifeless body slumped back; Zeke couldn't help but crack a smile. “God, I missed this.”
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit simmered, but calmed. Although the scenario played out a little different than he expected, it didn't matter- Zeke was as good as dead. Whit sneered as he watched him go. It was unexpected, but the ninja's true limitation wasn't his strength or skill, but his mind. Whit considered this his victory over Zeke. Even if it didn't feel complete, this was the end. Zeke had hit his limit, and would soon die, because his mind could not restrain his impulses. Zeke simply wanted to kill, too badly, even in this place where that impulse wouldn't be accepted. Whit watched as he saw Zeke's outline for what he believed to be the last time, and then turned his attention to the matter at hand- the bet of "sanity."

Zeke's appreciation for blood was cut short as he felt the eyes of the patrons upon him.
The purple sleeved man spoke up. "You may not have realized it, which would be complete folly on your part, but there are rules here. True, there are no "official" ones, but we made rules ourselves! Do you know why? Because we aren't here for carnage. We see enough of that elsewhere. We're here to enjoy ourselves, and honestly? You aren't letting us do that."

A strange, spiked man and a youngish boy drew forth their knives. The incredibly plain man with the dragon tattoos' arms began twitching, as if they had bloodthirsty minds of their own.
An unreasonably hulking man stepped forth.
Similar sentiments were shared by the crowd, as they drew weapons and began to move.

Zeke's killing high was gone now, replaced by combat readiness. He had fought many before... But he hadn't fought many who each had great skills. Was this going to work out? He wasn't quite sure at all... He felt a tinge of regret for getting into this mess, but quickly shut down that train of thought, and replaced it with snark.
"oh, I guess I should say I'm sorry?" he turned to the corpse beside him. "sorry."

"No, don't say sorry... It makes us feel bad!" the man exclaimed, as the crowd drew in.

Sanity... Betting sanity. On a game, so simply? Absurd- but Of course, though, this was the point of their alliance- to match wits or something of the sort, just... Like... This. Whit felt shivers fly in his body. This game would end one of them... How exciting. But to bet sanity... What was sanity anyway? It was the ability to think like he always had, to be balanced mentally, to have a sense of himself. It was what ordered his mind, what allowed his mind to order his... Everything! A clear choice.
"No. I won't bet my sanity."
nobody said anything for a moment, and he continued.
"I won't bet something that I need every bit of to play at all. But... There's no need to worry. I'm sure my Life is worth the same. I'll bet that instead."
the dealer smiled thinnly. "That' Acceptable subsitute."

Whit's counter changed to read:100%. This was it, no going back. Breathing deeply one last time, he killed his facial expressions and watched carefully as the cards fell together and intertwined, becoming mixed to everybody but him.
