Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

how come author's computers keep dying?
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Well, it is flu season.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by the 5th wall.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike tried to dodge to the side as the puma-like beast leaped towards him. He couldn't find a good foothold among the traps, and tripped over onto his side. The animal's shadow passed over him, while a bright flash erupted at his feet. Both him and the black cat were blinded, but the vectors had no eyes. They chopped the beast cleanly in two as Mike struggled to compose himself. When his eyes readjusted, he searched around the room. He couldn't see Itzal anywhere yet. He tutted, adn began to use his vectors to climb over the traps, until he hit some sort of improvised mine that blew shrapnell into his left leg. He collapsed on the floor, hugging his seeping wound.
He cought movement to the left out of the corner of his eye. He drew his gun and fired wildly. There was the sound of glass shattering, and a blade swpided aross the back of his head, cracking one of his horns.
Mike didn't feel the pain htis time. It almost frightened him, as he knew he should be feeling total agony at that moment. He slumped over again, unable to move his body, while his consciousness began to ebb away.
He could barely see Itzal standing over him. Words floated from his face, but their meaning escape Mike in his state. His eyes slowly closed, and he passed out.

Foolish. Arrogant. Weak. These were some of the boy's many flaws. So many flaws, and yet, he had survived a surprising length of time. Itzal quietly cursed whatever force had created such a monster as it prepared the final blow.
A sudden force crashed into the chest area of Itzal's body, sending it flying backwards. It carefully arranged a backflip and land on it's knee, winded. It cursed itself for not being prepared for the arms that came from Mike's head. Itzal could see them there, even with Mike passed out. They eminated a strange red vein pattern within the white glow.
He ("It" Is just getting rediculous to say) thought plausable causes until he believed that Mike was just a vassal for something greater. The irony that a monster was just a puppet amused him. It could feel the boat swaing to one side more and more as time progressed, and guessed the ship was descending. He turned and left Mike in the field and made it's way into the animal keeping area.
It unlocked every cage, throwing several more objects back towards the field.
Let the beasts stall him until the crash, it thought.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal exited to the top of the ship to determine its current standing. As he exited the cause of the ships instability was obvious. One of the large spheres supporting the ship had a hole punched clear through it. Its lifting power was rapidly lessening, and the ships descent correspondingly accelerating. Itzal ran to the edge of the ship, and looked down at the jungle. By this point his fire had engulfed most of the jungle, with only a single patch of the forest untouched. This would not do at all. Itzal furtively glanced around the ship, searching for an escape. Then it realized it had the perfect escape. Those spheres are obviously supporting the ship, meaning they have plenty of lift. Itzal darted over to the nearest intact one and started cutting the ropes mooring it to the ship. Once the first few ropes were cut, Itzal paused to tie them around its waist, then continued cutting the rest of the ropes.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

The rock wall finally gave way. Whit fired one more time, to clear the dust. He smiled. This was how he'd live through this round. Certainly, someone else would die in the fire, someone Whit would never be able to destroy, but that was fine. Whoever killed that someone would definitely have a much greater capacity as a living being. Stepping over that killer's greater limit would make up for any missed opportunities. However... It still bothered him, avoiding an opportunity to destroy someone. How could Whit earn any victories if he didn't even face his opponents? He had promised himself that he would play the game straight on, and rip victory from his pure, unrestrained enemies. Of course, common sense need to be applied- walking through the forest wasnt safe or logical. Even his luck, or fate, had forced him to go this way. He was over here, away from all of his opponents because he needed to be AND should have. This was simply where he was to be. He walked through the small tunnel he made. It was completely dark... Whit wondered about what would be on the other side. Suddenly, a harsh coldness washed over him, and he realized that he had reached the end of the tunnel he made. He stared ahead.

"... What's this? Are you... YOU... Kidding me? Did you get lazy? What kind of nonsense is this!?"

Whit babbled his curses. Ahead of him, lay absolutely nothing. There are no words to dicribe it, for accurately discriptive words for nothing don't exist. There was just nothing. Nowhere that Whit could go. He shot his Godgun forward, and felt no wind blasting back at him. He closed his eyes and walked back out of the tunnel. That was no escape... It was just nothing. But to Whit, it was the Gods taunting him. He was meant to be here, and it was clear that the wall was to be pierced. His fate had dictated it. Was this just the power of the gods, showing him the boundary he could not cross? Something that his Luck couldn't guide him past?
But no, his luck had never lead him wrong. He remembered his first time gambling, in that old bar... The time he had gambled on the greatest upset in a horserace ever... His luck, his fate was always absolute. Maybe he was meant to see that boundary, to be aware of it later. Maybe he was forced this way so he could learn a few tricks with his weapon. And, maybe, he was on this end of the forest for a different reason. He glanced back up at the airship. A few balloons were drifting away... And, Whit slowly realized, the boat's tip was tilting downwards in his direction. The change in balance began to give the boat forward momentum... It was moving, ever the slightly, but constantly, in Whit's direction. Was this what fate had in store for him, here? He looked on. It was gaining forward speed... But... Whit turned, looking at the tunnel he just made. He smiled. Everything was coming together. The fire forced everyone to come to him, or to the boat. The boat wreck would allow him an arena to play with his opponents properly. The tunnel gave him a place to competely avoid the crash. His luck, his fate had definitely guided him well.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.


Zeke looked on helplessly at the decending ship above him, it was far too big to dodge, not to mention the fires around him engulfed the entire forrest. Slowly however the falling arc changed its course, falling foward, past Zeke.

He gave a huge sigh of relief and contemplated his next move. Theoretically he could just stay in the middle of this lake, he had enough strengh to swin in one place for a long time, it was not like anyone was coming after him.

Then he shruged off the thought. That was a cowards way out. He would continue to fight, fire or no fire. He swam to the edge of the lake, towards the direction of the Arc and burst out of the water, he began to run. He knew he woulf have to be quick, if he stayed in one place for too long he would burn or lose oxygen.

eventually there was a respite, a swamp, untouched the flames. Zeke knew he would sink if he walked through here, but he couldn't take any detours, he began showing an incredible display of balnce, hopping from tiny outcrops in the swaom to another. He then came to a man made basket, to his suprise Cobra was in it. He dashed towards it, stopping on a tiny branch.

"Need any help?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal cut the last rope and was immediately yanked into the air. The force that was lifting the ship was excessive for its body, and the force was startling. After a moment the vertigo passed and Itzal looked down. With one of the spheres completely gone the ship was falling much faster and was was leaning to the side. Itzal spared a moment's sympathy for Mike, if he was still on that ship, then turned s attention to its own plight. This balloon has way too much lift for any practical purpose. Itzals pulled himself up to the balloon and pulled out a dagger. After a quick glance at the ground receding below it, it plunged the dagger into its side, creating a large gash. Air rushed out of the slit, and the balloon's ascent slowly started to slow.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Drakenforge Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

MyifanW Wrote:
Drakenforge Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit watched as the ark fell closer and closer. It was definitely gaining speed... Whit's abundant confidence wavered. He lifted his godgun towards the ark and fired repeatedly. The blows hit heavily against the ship's hull, but not enough to make it slow significantly. His fifth shot broke a part of the hull in. A few of the smaller animals tumbled out. To Whit, they were just vague shapes, but Whit recognized them as animals. It was certainly strange, but it immediately made him think of an old story; Noah's Ark. Noah filled a boat with both genders of each animal... He continued firing. The shots were making good impact against the hull, and Whit was certain he could see cracks. His Godgun was still very powerful... He had been doubting it ever since he had failed to kill Zeke with it, or even significantly injure him, about four times. Whit theorized that the gun became stronger as the bullet went further. He didn't know much about how his gun worked, but he assumed that the Godgun fired a giant air cylinder, which, as it flew through the air, was molded by the air resistence into a bullet shape. Yes, that probably made sense. If he was going to attack anyone with it, it would be optimal to snipe.
He refocused on the matter at hand. The ship was near now, and the air pressure caused by it bearing down felt like blades. Whit fired a last shot and went into the tunnel he had made, in anticipation.

Whit's final shot smashed against the hull, driving a definitive crack through it's battered body. It decended quickly. Even the unnaturally placated animals began panicing. Whit covered his ears.

With a incredible boom, the ship drove into the ground, the majority of the impact on the underside of the front. Whit's shots did their final toll here; the front and underside of the boat splintered and cracked wide open, destroying the boat's structural integrity. The spine of the boat hit the ground next, barely slowed by the front's impact. The instant, full force exerted on the spine of the boat was met with little resistance- the ark essentially collapsed in itself instantly in a heap of wood and splinters. The structure of the boat was throughly wrecked, but the internal framework was still partially intact.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal look down at the ship as it impacted into the ground. The crash was audible even from this high altitude. The gash Itzal left in this balloon was beginning to take its toll on the balloon, and its altitude was starting to drop. Itzal pulled out a sealant and fixed the hole before the descent became too speedy. Maintaining this altitude would serve it well, and remaining shape-shifted for that long would take a serious toll on Itzal. The main drawback to this position was that it was highly visible. Itzal hoped the chaos below would distract other's from his position.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra looked around, DESPERATELY looking for something to help him. A water soaked leaf the size of a car, a large, naturally lighter-than-air container of some sort. ANYTHING would help him at this point, but no. He was stuck, in the middle of this swamp, completely surrounded by fire.


Cobra began loudly, at the very top of his lungs. He continued this for quite some time.


He took a large, deep breath.


He finished, catching his breath ('cause that was a big scream, seriously).

I am SUCH an idiot. Why did I have to be creative and build a balloon? "Oh, Cobra, get on the ark, it'll be fine!" While the ark is falling out of the goddamn sky. Now I'm stuck here, NO solution whatsoever. I mean, damn, this is probably the shittiest situation I've been in EVER.

Just then, only to make matters worse, a very large tree came down and fell directly next to Cobra (while on fire, mind you)

CHRIST! I should have just helped the ninja kill the gambler. That would have been fun AND would have kept me out of this completely bullshit. And I wish the fire wasn't so damn loud! I can't even hear that GodGun! UGH!

Cobra began punching the water randomly. Then, he had an idea. He took his shield off his back, leaving his sword there, and held it out in front of him, pointing downward slightly. He concentrated and put as much energy as was comfortable for him into the shield, then dispersed it as evenly as he could in all directions. The effect wasn't quite what he wanted, however, it was a start. The energy was completely blocking his frontal side, but underneath him, he was completely screwed. It wouldn't work. He put the shield back on his back, screaming in rage, and went back to clawing at the water. He then heard a faint rustling through the bushes. Drawing his blade, he turned towards the noise and saw Zeke emerge.

"Need any help?"

Cobra walked over to Zeke;

"Well, if you could help me figure out how to bypass the 50 plus foot tall flames that are completely surrounding us, then, yeah, I do need some help."

Overall Cobra was rather glad to see Zeke. He was glad to see anybody, really, but Zeke would prove most resourceful in this situation.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Whit emerged from his make shift bunker into the open canopy of the jungle. Proof of the ships crash was present everywhere he could see. Devris was scattered like it had rained from the clouds. There were birds flying in the air, having excaped in time. There were unlucky animals too. Hanging from branches, others lying dead in bushes. Some had survived too, but were mostly moaning in pain.
The jungle was no longer silent. The ship's echoing crash had brought with it life, and death.
He walked forward towards the wreckage, wondering.
Odd. I was wrong. There wasn't a whole lot of water in the ship. The fire still rages, better not stray too far from the cave. But the ship reminds me so much of that story. But one thing eludes me. Where is this Noah? Who built the ship?
He bagan to ignore the questions he asked himself. He kept his godgun ready as he crept closer to the wreckage.
It would be amazing if anything survived. The whole outside of the ship was a mangled mess. The floating devices were broken and deflated, and there where plenty of cracks to peer through into the hull.
He aproached the largest on in the left side of the ship. He poked his head through, and was surprised to see some sort of field.
Well, what a field would look like if it had been hit by a huge earthquake. The reinforced walls had crumpled in, and there were animal corpses everywhere.
But the blood. The smell overcame Whit and he had to cover his nose with his free hand.
This wasn't caused by the crash, was it? There are gashes in the animal's, gore hangs from the walls for crying out loud!
Whit expected a monster to have done the deed, when a small voice in the back of his head spoke a single word.
It was easy to assume Mike had caused the genocide. Afterall, Whit had seen what he was capable of. And then there was the incident at the bottom of the Hoodoo. He tensed himself up, knowing he couldn't predict Mike, and couldn't let his guard down.
He heard a wet sound, followed by a squicsy cracking noise. He turned his head to see Mike biting into the haunch of some sort of dog.
To Whit, even with his hardened lifestyle, even with his close brushes with death, nothing could have prepared him for the crimson coated sight that was Mike.
His face was different. Gone was the grin he had frim being full of himself. No longer did remain relaxed, instead he sat tensed up, eyes darting everywhere.
Whit spied a small bone coloured object in Mike's hair, one he hadn't noticed before.
He thoought to himself: This boy is... no, not a boy. I don't know what happened in here, but Mike is definitely a monster. Putting him down is the only option, no matter the cost.
He loaded another explosive cone into the barrel of his gun just as Mike spotted him.
Whit brought the gun up as Mike lept towards him, aiming straight at his chest.
THe vectors covered the area Whit aimed, but no matter. They may be strong, but they can't stop fire.
Whit pulled the trigger and the cone exploded into shards of fire as they enveloped Mike.
He screamed, and fell to the side. his vectors didn't skip a beat, the launched him sideways, and he landed in a ditch full of blood and guts.
Whit didn't check to see if he lived, he had set the inside of the boat on fire too and the forest fire was spreading to where the boat had crashed.
He jumped out of the crack and made his way back to his hidey hole, hoping that the fire would finish someone off soon, before they all succumb to it.

Mike broke through the surface of the ditch, gasping for breath.
'DAMN HIM! Crap.... My body, everything hurts now. I dunno what happened while I wa out, but now I have quite a few cuts and bruises, OW. And I think one of my ribs is broken....'
He dragged himself out and lay on his back panting and coughing up blood that was not his own.
'Woah. What a *cough* mess... Did I do this? Or was it you guys?'
Us. You were too weak. Took over. Protected.
"Bullshit" Mike spat, remarking at how well they protected him.
He could feel the burns around his body. They stung like mad, but they'd keep him focused at least.
He hated Itzal. He hated Whit. He hated Zeke.
He couldn't let them get away with kicking him aroud any longer.
Mike wanted revenge. but first, he wanted a breather.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Lankie Wrote:
I totally read your post, really! I didn't just decide to be lazy and not read it, swear to god! Ahahaha... ha...
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Suddenly, Whit heard a loud crack. Turning, he saw a piece of the ship's mast decending on him. He dived out of the way, and the large wood chunk smashed on the ground. Whit got up, dusting himself off. The wood blocked the entrance to his tunnel. The occurrence puzzled him. Usually, inopportune things like this never happened to him. Then, he realized that his that his actions were flawed. What was he doing, retreating after he had begun to move forward? It was good that fate had stopped him in time.

"Focus, Whit. There's nothing left that you need over there anymore. All that's left is for you to move on and take your cards." He muttered to himself, as he walked back to where he was earlier. The fire he had started had burnt out. It seemed the ship was made of dense wood... although it must have been, considering it's size. The boat was probably completely inflammable, perfect for confrontation in this inferno... Whit laughed at how well things fell into place. Raising his godgun and putting a hand in his jacket pocket, he looked for Mike. He was nowhere to be found. Another wasted chance to defeat someone. Still, that was alright. Chances came and went, and undoubtedly Whit would be able to find him again. Chance meetings seemed to be how this game moved. Various confrontations... Forcing each of the players to become better, to reach the maximum limit to their abilities. Even if he won a battle, Whit wouldn't win until he had forced his enemies through their limits, breaking their entire existence. If fact, Whit realized that he was moving towards his own limit as well... He was already at the limit of his physical abilities, and His brain was straining over every action. However, Luck compensated for his body and mind constantly, and Whit could never feel the boundaries of it move. Truly, Luck was limitless... Or so it seemed. Whit shrugged off the train of thought, and snapped back to reality. He was standing on the wreckage of Noah's arc now, his senses assailed by the death around him. Noah was probably among these corpses... No, that wouldn't make sense. It would be strange if the gods created a living, breathing man to join them, Whit thought, although he realized that that impression could have come from how empty the first arena was. Still, That city was completely devoid of life.... And these corpses certainly seem like they would have been alive. A Human being here wouldn't be that much of a stretch... Whit didn't know why, but he wanted to find the theoretical Human, Noah. It didn't make any difference... But it still made him curious. What would it be like, a just made human? Would it be any different than Whit himself? Whit moved forward cautiously. If the "Noah" would be anywhere, it would be in the Cabin. Although it was strange to have one on a ship this size, Whit could already see it ahead, relatively undamaged. It was at the top of the boat, so the rest of the ship must have dulled the impact. Although it was distant, Whit could see that it was, along with the rest of the ship, ridiculously over sized.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike craled across the ground with his left arm and hid behind the carcass of a large cow. He waited for Whit to pass, hearing his feet crunch over various bits of debris.
He guessed Whit had come back to finish the job. 'No wonder why. This place is going to hell, with the fire and crashing and attempted killing. Speaking of which, I wonder why nobody has died yet. Hmph, resourceful buggers. I must have wittled down the only two weak ones... So not cool'
Mike payed more attention to where Whit was heading. He seemed to be gazing around the walls, and not for hiding places. Just when Mike thought of launching a cow rib at him Whit ducked through the hole Mike had made earlier.
"... Leads to the deck. Wonder if that's where he's headed intentionally. Oh well, I'll follow when he blows that heavy door out. Wait, where was that anywsy?'
Mike rubbed absentmindedly at his sore rib, willing it not to impede him too much.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal started to enjoy itself. It leaned back, and simply drifted free in the breeze. Until now it hadn't gotten a chance to relax, and the stress had built up. It didn't expect this to last, but it felt obliged to enjoy it while it could.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit walked with the single goal of finding Noah. It occupied his entire being... Why, again? For the sake of knowing if a human's life was so cheap, that it could be created, built, moved by a just a god's will. He was looking for either the limit of a human's existence or the limits of a god's power. If the gods could, there would definitely be a Noah... Whit knew how the gods worked. This conflict was all just a game to them- each stage had been placed to fit some sort of theme... And this theme, could itbe anything but Noah's ark? It all fit so far... Besides the fact that it flew. ...Maybe it was still Noah's ark, but on a bigger scale. It was much larger than any estimation of the actual ark, and it flew because it was sailing on something more universal than just water... Air. It made some sort of sense to Whit... Enough for him to follow that logical trail to Noah.

Even in his lost thoughts, Whit heard movement. Wood cracked. The floor shook. A muffled growl sounded. There must be some living animals down there... Some strong enough, or built well enough to survive the fall. Of course, Whit thought, this was another aspect of the bigger scale of Noah's ark- more animals. By now, he had realized that the plants below were alien plants, possibly coming from the worlds the monsters he fought with. The animals must be, too, drawn from every world as well. Whit was even more sure of his assumption, now. He then heard a crack that was higher than the others. Only slightly, but it was enough for him to notice. He turned, and glanced around casually.
"huh, the animals must be climbing out pretty fast.", Whit called out, bluffing.
He turned back and continued walking towards the door, keeping to more open spaces. Whit wasn't a fool- he knew Mike was still around. He also knew it would do no good to hide, as Mike had an invisible attack. Whit raised his gun and shot the door of the cabin down from a distance. He didn't want it to impede him when he might need it gone. For now though, Whit would simply keep walking, alert, and figure out where Mike was hiding. A sound... A stray smell, any movement... That was all Whit needed. Still, he didn't expect to get any of those chances. If he wasn't attacked, that was fine with him. Whit was fairly sure that the cabin would make a much better place to fight.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.
