Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal's strength rapidly returned once removed from the Hoodoo. It sat up and looked around. Craning its neck it could make out the ship floating above. This jungle is too freeform for Itzal's tastes. It is too unpredicatable where an opponent might approach from, with no warning. Itzal expirimentally shifted his arm into a wing. The transition was smooth and effortless. Itzal smiled. The hoodoo crystals it was carrying made is a bit harder, but small amounts outside of the body did not seem to be an issue.

Itzal gathered a pile of dead underbrush together. It then pulled out a match, and lit it on fire. With a bit of coaxing hte fire started spreading to the undergrowth, and eventually the trees. Itzal stood back from the blaze. "Lets see how they like this place when it is burning around their ears." Itzal leapt into the air and shifted into a large bat, and flew into the sky.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra looked around the area confused for a moment, seeing quite a few plants from his homeland; then he smiled. Not a cheerful smile, it was a devious, demonic smile. With his return to full power, he could utilize his transformation indefinitely. He transformed into his full wolf form and ran around, stirring up the underbrush a little bit. Then he started barking. He started barking as loudly as he possibly could, the sounds ricocheting off the trees, echoing off of the small boulders riddling the area. He did this for a few minutes. Then he started howling. Again, louder than he ever had; his plan was to scare the contestants, make them think there was some sort of animal after them. Because there was some sort of animal after them, even though he wasn't COMPLETELY an animal. After 5 or so minutes of howling and barking his head off, he decided to get right to finding other contestants. Now he was beginning to get angry that his fur was white. He was hardly a shadow wolf, and it made it hard for him to sneak around. Nevertheless, he ducked into the shadows of the trees and plants, and began to search for prey. He saw a little bit of smoke in the distance. Who would set this place on fire? Gadget wasn't that destructive, and Mike wasn't that strategic and cunning... Zeke wouldn't have done it, he was too subtle, and Whit... Whit would just blow the entire place up... It must have been the illusionist. Itzal, Cobra thought was his name.

Hmm... So you like to play with fire, eh? Hm. I'll show you how badly you get burned when you play with fire.

Cobra ran faster now, towards the fire. It didn't take him at all long to get there, but by the time he did, it wasn't small. It turned into an enormous bonfire, and it was going to engulf the entire forest. Cobra noticed Itzal flying in the air, going towards the ship (I think that's what Itzal was doing?)

Of course... He wants to set the entire area ablaze, so that we all have to get on the ship at the end... There he's going to trap us all... I can't let that happen, I have to get to him first, and kill him... But then, there's Whit, who, with the godgun, could kill any one of us easily... I'll locate Gadget and team up with him again this round, maybe together we could do something, who knows. Now, if I can catch Gadget's scent somewhere...

Cobra sniffed around the place for a hint of Gadget's scent; and he finally, after about 10 minutes, found it. It was faint, but he could follow it. He also noticed a small trail where he thought Gadget was probably walking at one point or another. He followed it, and eventually found Gadget. He transformed into his human form;

"Heyyy! Gadget!"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit appeared in a tranquil place, laying against a trunk. It was warm, but not too warm, and everything was quiet. splashing water and rustling leaves rang out throughout the area... it was peaceful, but something Whit wasn't used to. He never traveled to anywhere there were no people; after all, what would he do there? He found his answer: nothing. Of course, doing nothing wasn't a bad thing, it allowed for some time for him to really look inside himself. He realized that, somewhere along the line, his goal had changed: he wasn't just trying to survive, he prioritized winning... and enjoying himself.

He stood up, shaking off the sleep inducing quality of the environment. Around him were many, many trees. However, they didn't seem to be the same kind of tree throughout; in fact, every other tree was different from the last. Another strange thing was that the ground was clear. Usually, twigs and branches would be littered around tree populated areas.

Is this some kind of paradise?
... actually, that's very plausible.

The place seemed big... he saw nobody else. He walked, hands in his pockets, unknowingly humming along with the rhythm of the Sanctuary.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke was still unconscious, he could hear a faint voice though, pulsating through the darkness.
"The Illusionist...The Gambler..."
Zeke tried to focus but he felt so drowzy, he could'nt concentrate on anything. Not that there was anything to concentrate on, but pitch blackness.
"Be more careful with these weapons Zeke...You know what you must do."

Zeke's eyes opened as he bolted up. He glanced around seeing a place teeming with life. Yet so quiet. Zeke grogily stood up, he thought he died, consumed by the fell mist of the Hoodoo. Bit it would appear that he has been given a second chance.

He glanced down at his arms. His gauntlets were back and repaired, the work of a greater force that sent him. He pondered over what he heard. 'The Illusionist and the Gambler'...Itzal and Whit. The fools as he had nicknamed them. His heart filled with a hate that he felt for only one other person. Zeke came to the conclusion; these two shall die by his hand.

No games. No talking. No stalling. They shall simply die.

Zeke glanced up, seeing a floating ship in the sky. In all honesty it didn't suprise him much, where he was from air ships were common place. He then saw a small bat, flying towards the ship. So far the only other life other than the plants around him he had seen. Somehow Zeke knew. It was Itzal, ihe gave the bat a cold, callous stare before leaving. Zeke could smell burning, and it was eager to find what it was.

Zeke began running however it was not long before Zeke ran into Cobra and Gadget. Gadget lets out a yelp as Cobra brings his hand to his blade, letting out an unnatural growl. A moment of silence past, the tension running high, Zeke never let go of his gaze of Cobra. Finally Gadget broke the silence.

"So...a-are you going to kill us?"



Gadget let out a sigh of relief as Zeke entered a more casual demenour, Cobra maintained his stance.

"Bullshit! he'll sneak attack us or something."

"My quarral is not with you. In fact I wish for you aid."

"How do I know I can trust you."

"Cobra, you are the only contestant here for which I have some respect for. If we were to fight I would of done it on even ground. Not creep up on you like some coward."

"Hey what about us?! What do you think of us?"

"Hmth. You are friend nor foe. You are just here."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike grew bored very quickly.
He hated waiting, and at this time there was more than just his usual loathing of it. His vectors were growing very restless. They wanted to destroy. To decimate. To kill.
They devoeloped their from, and quickly clashed through the tree, causing it to collapse into another, smaller tree. They both crashed to the floor.
The gap in tree's allowed Mike to notice the smoke.
And where there's smoke, there's fire.
"Hmm, a large enclosed area full of plant life, toss in some random death threatened humanoids and a developing fire... Quite a cocktail. The fire will drive us to move, constantly, and yet we don't want to bump into opponants"
Speak for yourself, asstard.
Mike reeled around, searching for what had spoken, and yet, the feeling that is associated with being watched was missing.
Instead, the now familiar feeling of something living inside his own head become more intense.
"What the fuck?" He cursed aloud.
Kekeke. Shut up. Move. Hunt. Kill. These are the most basic commands you utilize now. Do it!

Mike grabbed at his head, yelling. Who was in his head? Was he finally cracking? Going mad?
He stopped.
'Wait. No. This doesn't matter now. Even if I am mad, I still need to fight. All right, just shut up and let me handle this. I know you're listening you two. Bloody nuisances'
He ran towards the fire, ignoring the rabbid noises of animals. No animal could pose a threat to a more rabbid mind that could rip it's heart out before it even pounced.
The fire engulfed a small portion of the tree's already, and Mike saw the first familiar tree he had seen being burnt away, before it exploded, raining burning gloop onto the other tree's.
"Hehehe, oh man. Unlucky. Never knew that tree was flammable, guess nobody ever checked. Wish I had tried that before"
Mike followed the blaze, keeeping a small distance away, and watched the destruction.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit stopped. He suddenly felt that something was different, and patted himself. He just realized that his wounds were gone, and his clothes were fixed... Mostly. His jacket still had a knife and a few holes in it.
things I started with repair themselves, but things I've gained along the way do not, he realized.

Whit grabbed the knife out of his coat. It was an interesting knife, in that it was completely plain- there was none of Itzal's trademark flare here, aside from how shiny it was. He pocketed it. It had stuck with him all the way here, and Whit admired it's commitment. It was a bit odd that he thought of the knife as a living thing, but Whit didn't care. He always felt that, knew that, objects often moved in his favor. He respected their help, and the will behind them. What was that will? He used to think it was god, but from where he stood now, it seemed unlikely. No, it wasn't a god. It was something greater than they- fate... Or luck. In Whit's mind, they were one and the same.

The burning air interrupted his musings. A fire was nearby... And judging from the overpowering smell, it was a big one. Still, it was some distance away. He continued walking.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal flew up to the floating ship. It was utterly massive. The ship dwarved everything around.

From its increased altitude, it could see that hte jungle was in a volvanic basin. The volcano itself seemed to be on an island in the middle of an ocean. No other land was in sight. ITzal took a moment to reflect on the fire's progress. The area it started in was a raging inferno, but it hadn't spread very far yet.

Itzal flew around the boat a few times to assess it. It seemed to be in good shape, but it was undeniably old. The wood was fitted together seamlessly. Itzal had no doubt that it would be watertight, if not airtight.

Itzal flew higher to see the top. The deck was open, the structures on it sized for creatures roughly human sized. Itzal wondered why the ship was built on such a colossal scale. Instead of masts and sails, the rigging was attached to large spheres. The craftsmanship of the sphere was just as good as the rest of the ship. Judging by the tension in the ropes, the sphere were what was keeping the hip aloft, but exactly how escapes Itzal. Nevertheless, it flew down to land on the deck. Shifting back to its normal form, Itzal set off to explore this giant conundrum.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"Heyyy! Gadget!"
Gadget turned around as he saw Cobra heading towards him. He was rather surprised, as it seemed that it usually took a while before he actually met up with anybody. Still, he was glad to see his ally.
"Hi, Cobra! ...Does this place feel familiar to you?"

"That's kind of a weird thing to ask. He doesn't come from the same place we do..."
"No, Gadget's right. A lot of these plants are familiar from where I come from.
"Yeah, a lot are from back at my home, too. So what is this, some sort of mish-mash of plants from everybody's homes?"
Gadget would have continued, but it was about then that Zeke showed up.
He was a little nervous at first, what with the whole fiasco on the Hoodoo, but he quickly regained composure, once it became obvious he only had business with Cobra.

"So, Gadget, what were we looking for again?"
"Oh, right. Pod Snapper," Gadget said as he turned to Cobra, "Hey, I'm going to go look for something. I'll be heading in this general direction if you need to catch up."
He paused.
"And Zeke? I don't want to be your enemy. If it were up to me, I wouldn't be anybody's enemy. Whether or not you take this in consideration is up to you. I'm off."

After a while, a sound could be heard. Something small snapping shut.

"What was that?"
"Exactly what we're looking for."
Turning past a large tree revealed a carnivorous plant that had apparently caught a leaf in it's 'mouth.'
It's mouth contained many sharp thorn that seemed to act like teeth, and it also looked like it could be dislodged from the ground with ease.
"The way it's stem branches off, and from the look of it's roots... I'd say it's perfect for the job!"
He cracked his knuckles.

"Well, this'll be interesting, I suppose, but why are you going to do this?"
"Well, neither of us are good for combat, and things tend to get a little more power when they come to life. This thing will have one nasty bite. As an added bonus, it'll be able to fly. Like when Flit back home tried controlling where on the wind it rode. Basically he managed to get full flight control."
"You really like flying things, don't you? Not that I can blame you..."
If Whit had a face, he'd currently be putting a sly expression on it. Nonetheless, Gadget focused on the Pod Snapper, and it quickly sprang to life.
"Oy! What's all this then?"
"Preloaded with a personality. Great."
"Hey Snapper. I just brought you to life."
"I was already alive! Buuut I s'pose you blokes gave me a little more than before, so I should thank ya. So, what's the plan?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra held out a hand to Zeke as Gadget went off to find his pod snapper. Zeke eyed Cobra's hand warily, but (Almost reluctantly) took it and shook. Cobra was pleased with this; he didn't want to make enemies either, and Zeke was an enemy he REALLY didn't want to make. Meanwhile, the fire was burning steady, dark smoke was billowing into the sky, crackles and snaps were heard even from where Cobra was standing (Which was kinda far ish from the fire. Maybe a quarter of a mile) The fire hued the forest orange almost, nearly no sky could be seen any longer due to the smoke.

"We should follow Gadget, I don't want to get seperated."

"Does the forest scare you, warrior?"

"Ha! I was once trapped in a rain forest without any supplies for two weeks and I seemed to do pretty well in that situation. This is nothing. Although... There are so many different plants in this area, you never know what could jump out and get you."

"Yes, you have a point. Any mysteriously menacing plants from your realm, then?"

"Just one. And I'm hoping to god we don't meet it."

They both walked in silence with Gadget. Not too long after they caught up with him, he was already bringing to life some sort of plant.


"Oh I know, isn't it beautiful? Hmm, what to name it..."

"I want to be called Jim."

"Jim? Really?"


"Jim it is, then!"

"Guys, I'm thinking we should get to somewhere safer, before the fire kills us, you know? Even if it's on the ship with the illusionist. Maybe if we find him early, he won't have time to set a trap."
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike bathed in the heat of the fires, watching the individual plantlife ceasing to live gave him a strange euphoria.
Until, he came across a tree he recognised.
He ran up to the large wooden trunk, and grabbed the highest point of the trunk he could reach with his vectors.
He started pulling, and the whole tree bent towards him. He kept tuggung at it, until it hit a point where he could no longer stretch put the tree's elasticity.
And then he let himself fly.
Mike rocketed through the sky, screaming in excitement, going on a near vertical course.
He cannoned into the hull of the ship, making sure to wrap himself in his vectors first of course, and found himself just below the deck.
He picked himself off of the floor, and headed upwards via a stair case.
And he bumped into Itzal.
He spun, attempting to flee, but Mike's vectors were ahead of even Mike's rection speed.
they wrapped around him, one around his neck, the other around his chest like a bandoleer.
The pulled him back with force, and Mike locked him in his own arm lock.
"Well, guess I found my arsonist. Listen, let's chat shall we? Been gettin' bored as of late, y'know, people think I'm crazy for some reason!"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

"I cannot stay with you, not for the moment."

"Hmm? Oh come on. Stop being such a loner, you did ask for my help didn't you?"

"I needed something specific."

"Oh, well name it."

"The Gambler. I need you to find him."

"Ah. Well I could try and catch his scent, the fires are getting pretty strong now, so im not sure how massively accurate I can be...Why do you wanna find him?"

"To kill him."

Cobra is taken a little back by this "Ah. You don't mince your words. You sure? I mean we should really stick together..."

"No. I have to do this."

Cobra let out a sigh. "Alright I'll see what I can do." He begins sniffing through the air, trying to locate Whit from everyone elses scent, the fauna around them and the fire. It took a while but eventually he pointed in a direction.

"He's over there."

"I thank you."

Zeke begins to run in the direction Cobra pointed, he abruptly stopped before he ran through the over growth.
"Cobra. I have all the intentions of winning this. The next time we meet we may be enemies. However if I die, I want you to win this."


Zeke said nothing more and began running towards where Whit was.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit walked carelessly forward, towards the sound of water. he closed his eyes, focusing on his other senses. Something smelled good... Suddenly, he felt hard contact on his face. He jumped back... And saw it was just a leaf. However, the leaf was strange. It had an unnatural spiral shape, and was extremely heavy. Looking up, he saw an unreasonably thick tree, full of the same kind of leaf. Whit supposed the fauna was another god creation, another one of the impossiblilities he had been exposed to in the last... Few minutes? hours? days? His sense of time and the reasonable was gone, leaving only acceptance. The situation he was in became apparent again... He was playing a game for his life. It was somewhat suprising to him that he was still alive, but at the same time, he felt that it was to be expected, as fate favored him, and death was never nearby. Still, Whit never threw everything to fate. He needed to create the conditions to give fate potential, things to work with. At bare minimum, Whit needed to have knowledge, to recognize the chances that presented themselves. He observed the fauna around him. He wanted to know as much about the enviroment as possible... He gazed in the direction he came, eyes darting around each plant. It quickly became apparent that each one was different from the last... Whit could not acertain anything, besides that they all had vaguely treelike properties. It frustrated him. He desperately wanted to take some matters into his own hands, was being forced to leave everthing to do with these alien trees to fate. At the very least, water would be the same thing he had always known, something that he could meet fate halfway with. He began to turn back and continue towards the splashing when a slight movement in the distance caught his eye. Whit couldn't make out the details, but he was certain it was Zeke. How lucky, he thought, that he saw Zeke so soon. It seemed there wassome benefit to trying to learn the fauna.

Whit raised his godgun and fired. The wave smashed through trees and obliterated the enviroment in it's path towards Zeke. Not bothering to see if he hit or not, he began running towards the water. There was still a good distance between them, and Whit could definitely shoot at Zeke several times before the distance was closed. Much more than enough time to reach the water.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Drakenforge Wrote: