Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit thought fast. There was... some sort of warrior in front of him... was this the person who the robed figure was fighting? Still, Whit didn't know how to react, and stuck with his standard response to strange situations: Saying hello.


Whit waited for a moment, but nobody moved. He looked at Zeke, who only stared back. Whit didn't feel any particular murderous intent, so he decided to be amicable.

"Oh, did you want to use this? I was getting off here anyway. Oh, and if you were looking for a Robed person he went... upstairs, probably."

Whit stepped out of the elevator keeping as much distance between he and the man as possible. Getting a better view of the room.he saw three other people: one in a strange mask, one almost all black, and a... Werewolf? They seemed to be more interested with each other than him, so Whit walked past them to the front counter as nonchalantly as possible. Looking at it, it was fairly bare, but for a card holder and a few piles of paper. Not wanting anyone else to catch on to what he was doing, Whit took one of each paper and flipped through them, with his back against the wall. He glanced up after every paper at the people, just in case they did something. The second to last paper in his hands was the floor map of the first 50 floors, and the last was the next 50. He quickly scanned over them, looking for floors that caught his interest. Floor 5, firearms. Good, Whit thought. He needed more than just his god gun to increase his survival odds. Even better, the floor was close enough that he wouldn't need to take the elevator with that person. Suddenly, he realized that his left hand was free. He was, a while ago, carrying a case full of his money...

I must have left it on the roof when I fought that lunatic, Whit thought to himself. I'll need to retrieve it later.

Whit rolled up the papers to be more easy to hold, making a note to read the rest later, and walked over to the stairwell, again as nonchalantly as possible.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

"I'm all for this alliance. It could improve our chances of surviving," Grimm chirped, "Thank you for saving us, as well." "Now then, I think we should work on finding, and defeating, the one who did that-" He points to the wreckage, "-To the building." "And, if you don't mind, I'll be acting the same way I do as a bodyguard." He sinks into their shadows and hangs his mask on Cobra's chainmail. "All right, we're ready to go, I believe."
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike was in high spirits, someone was definetly challenging him.
And yet, something nagged at the back of his head.
He felt that whoever was walking through this room wasn't ment for him.
'Why? What the hell is making me hesitate?'

I await an illusionist, he never gave a name.
Of course.
Now it made sense. 'I wonder', he thought, 'Would that assassin hold a grudge against someone who stole their prey?
I know I would, and that's good enough for me'

"I'm sorry", He said aloud, "I am not the one ment to hunt you. So, i'm going to kill my hunter. Nobody hunts me. I am not prey"

He knocked back the door he passed through, ripping it off its hinges. He sprinted along the corridors until he reached the elevator.
He saw that it was sitting on floor one.

"This means going back to the masked bastard. Ugh. Oh well, he's full of himself. No threat."

Instead of opening the double doors of the elevator shaft, Mike went to work with slicing through them instead. A slash here, a cut there, and soon the doors were falling down the shaft in pieces.
Grabbing one of the wires with a vector, he began to hastily slide down, and landing on top of the box with a boom.
He kicked out the service hatch at the top, and dropped down.

"Yo." he announced to the group. "Zeke. I think I found your trickster. Floor 31 (made up, correction after if one was made already), In the room with a broken door. You could catch him there, or hunt him from his tracks."

He spotted Cobra, wearing chaimail.

"And you" He said, pointing towards him. "You were lucky that I was busy, but not anymore. You seem to be calm around these guys, but you were going to attack me, weren't you? What kind of warrior attacks without challenging someone. Even I think that's low"

He crossed his arms and leaned against the back of the elevator.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra turned towards Mike.

"I saw an opportunity, and I took it. It is a game of killing, is it not? While, yes, it was a bit cheap, you seemed a formidable opponent, and a face-to-face battle wouldn't have been a wise decision on my part. Now then, if you're going to attack me, do so now, else I invite you to join our little 3 way alliance. Now, from what I can gather, somebody has an extreme advantage over the rest of us. I believe he possesses some sort of other-worldy power or item that's allowing him to do things so crazy like this. Just as Grimm said, we should try to hunt this person down. Shall we?"

Cobra turned towards Xeno, then back to Mike, waiting for a response of some sort. Xeno nodded solemnly and Mike was still in the elevator.

"I'll go with Grimm here and try the Ministry of Peace. You two - Xeno and Mike - should try the Ministry of Truth. I know he's not in the Ministry of Love because that's where I came from, and obviously he's not here."

Cobra jogged towards the Ministry of Peace with Grimm in his shadow, his mask clinking on his chain mail.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

cyber95 Wrote:
Ok, we'll say I started on love then. I came in way late, remember?\

EDIT: Also, if I'm getting huge pieces of rubble dropped on me, my character - and me, if it happened IRL - would guess somebody had some powerful shit going on.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[background=#80BFFF:1bd7ge89]The Composer smiles upon her creation with a certain ironic benevolence.

"Very well then... Now, Creators, what are your impressions of the combat so far? One at a time now."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

"No, I think an alliance will merely hinder me."

He walked out of the elevator and into the lobby.
AS he passed by Zeke, he whispered "Kill him dead"

"Sure, truth it is then" He said to the rest, and began to vector his way over the wasteland, leaving Xeno behind.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra stares up at the sky in marvel.

"I believe the combat is.... a bit slow, to my liking. Although we've some very cunning competitors."

He snapped out of his trance and started sprinting to The Ministry of Peace. It was within view now, and he slowly walked up to the front door and looked in. It was a bit dark (right?) and there was an elevator (again, yes?) He stepped inside the elevator and pressed the "2" button. The doors closed and he ascended to the second floor.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

"I concur about the combat. I haven't even been able to show people all of my abilities, then again, that is also a good thing. Just don't forget to stay aware, and don't die." Meanwhile, annoying elevator music was playing.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.


Cobra walks out of the elevator cautiously, sword and shield in hand. All he sees is one door at the far left of the hall and one to the far right. He quickly makes his way to the right and shield bashes the door down.

"Not very subtle, are you?"

"Not really."

Cobra walks in and quickly does a 360 look around the room. It's completely empty.

"Alright, to the other door..."

He makes his way to the other door at the other end of the hall, and all he sees when he walks in is a simple wooden desk and a chair.

"Alright then. 2nd floor - clear."

He makes his way back to the elevator and presses the "3" button.

"this is going to take a while..."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit checked behind him and found no one. He had already acended to floor 5 without any hinderences, a fact that suprised him. Before exiting the stairwell, he unrolled his papers and looked at the rest of the floor map. Glancing over, he found several other notable floors:
4, water
7, eating utensils
13, blank
20, fossil fuels
26, staple foods
42, explosives
48, fire related
49, fire safety

Whit memorized those numbers and folded the two map papers, throwing away the others. Cautiously, Whit entered the firearms floor. He found nobody. Elation filled him-finally, his luck was returning.
"lucky, lucky..."

Whit entered the pistol room first. He found shelves upon shelves of pistols, of various make and calibur. Getting over his awe, he took a pair of small sidearms and 4 clips and put them in the pockets inside his jacket. Whit knew he wasn't skilled enough to easily aim shoot guns of large calibur, and too many would weigh him down. Still... Whit moved over to the revolver room and picked up a large .500 calibur revolver with a short barrel. It couldn't hurt to have just one, he figured.

"these should do for pistols...hmm, should I get a rifle?"

No, Whit decided. If he needed to shoot anyone from a distance, his god gun was more than enough.

"no... What I need is a close range weapon."

Whit thought about his close range combat skills. He was definitely better than most, and knew a few combat diciplines, but... The people he met already were in a completely different league. Whit probably couldn't hold any of them in a fight without the godgun.

"no, I have no way to win at close range. I can accept that. Still, I need to be able to SURVIVE close range... I need Body armor."

Whit checked his list again. There was nothing that was obviously body armor... But, the fire safty floor and tools floors looked promising.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal smiled. It did not want a direct conflict. This building is getting too busy. Itzal found a window, and after breaking it open, crouched on the ledge. Taking a breathe in preparation, Itzal leaped out the window. air rippled over its cloak, which shifted, hardened, and began to change. Within an instant the figure in the air was not even vaguely human, instead a red, bird-like creature. The bird swooped down, then used the momentum to head towards the partially destroyed building.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Sorry folks, due to computer issues, I am currently unable to post.

This was written with an iPhone, and I do not wish to post in this manner again, it is incredibly difficult to do.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

"One individual is entering the building" Carrie came in through the window to warn that a contestant was coming into the Ministry of Truth.
"Well I wasn't really going to be actively trying to make enemies in this. Which contestant?"

"Um. It has a mask on that looks kind of animal-like."
"Oh, Xeno! I think we're okay, then. I think we've been overall on his good side, and he's the type to listen before just attacking anyway. Should we try a less, um, potentially lethal experiment now?"
"Oh, that's not as fun. Hell, I suppose this could be fun anyway. I'll be right back!"
Whir flew off towards the file room, and grabbed several files at random. He returned, laying down several of them, and opened at random, the folder with information on the moon.
"Don't go messing with the lunar cycle too much, Whir. I don't want this place to like, flood over or something. That wouldn't be good for me alongside everybody else."

"Naw. I'm just trying something out!"
Whir looked at a clock, displaying the time 3:35 PM on it. While he wasn't familiar with the exact time system, he did figure there were 24 or hours in a day, and 60 minutes in an hour after studying the clock.
'The moon comes out from 12.30 to 22.30 every day and has a strange wavelengt that causes people caught in the moonlight to apear with a glowing outline'

"Well? Pretty good, right?"
"It's interesting, to say the least. You could work on your punctuation though."
Soon the sun retreated from the sky at an abnormal speed, and was replaced by the moon. Gadget, Whir, and even Carrie gained a very faint glow, appearing sort of as an outline upon them.

"Yeah. I thought it would be cool."
"Except the lights aren't really working here. How are we going to keep testing this if we can't see it very well?"
"Hey, we're our own lightsource! It just might be difficult if we have to read from across the room... or something."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

(Skipping shit in this post)

"Dammit, that was floor 27 and still nothing. How many floors are in this place?"

Probably 40 - or more.

"Nobody asked you, Grimm. Alright, it's ok, I could do this much faster... The elevator is quite slow."

Then, Cobra changed into his full wolf form. His equipment disappeared (until he goes human again, that is) and he walked to the nearest window.

I wonder how well these claws work... I haven't been wolf in a while...

Then, the sun set and the moon flew up overhead.

I'll bet it's that same guy who dropped the rubble on us... Dammit, this pure white fur isn't going to help me much in the dark... But it's the only way I can search every floor quickly enough.

Cobra broke the window and looked up. The floor above him was a good 20 feet up.

I'll bet I can jump that high... And if not, I can climb the rest of the way...

He tried jamming his claws into the side of the ministry.

Perfect. The wall is practically soft. Although I will need thumbs for this.

He transformed into his half-wolf form (No armor, claws, teeth, can be on 2 or 4 legs, can't speak, has his sword/shield on him still, isn't as fast or as strong as full wolf form) and ran at the now broken window. He jumped out and grabbed the top of the window to rotate himself around above it and claw into the wall. He pulled himself up with force and grabbed the ledge of the next window up. He punched the glass in and flipped inside.

Heh, it worked.

He transformed back into full human form and searched the floor he was on.

(Time skip)

"God dammit! There's nothing in this fucking ministry, he must be in truth. Alright, let's go Grimm."

He walked to the elevator and pressed the "Ground" button.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

The sky whirled an the sun was replaced by the moon. The bird started to glow just as it landed at the top of the remains of the tower of the ministry of love. interesting. Itzal thought. I wonder how I can use this to my advantage? It continues to ponder this as it hopped down into the building and resumed its traditional form.

Exploring the building, it came across barred rooms. This must be a prison. That has potential. Exploring further, it found rooms of torture devices. Better and better. Upon discovering the large cafeteria its plan fell into place, and it went to work preparing the show of a lifetime.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike walked up to the ministery building, and was agast to find Xeno there before him.

"YOU! But- how? I- what in the world?"

He was interupsted by the sudden transition into night.
Looking at Xeno, he noticed a slight aura around him, and when he examined his own body, he saw a similer glow.

"Odd," He remarked. He had a slight worry, and made his left vector grab a piece of rubble at his feet.

The entire arm eminated the same glow as the others. The fingers, the hand, and the arm stretching all the way to his cranium. His undetectable psychokinetic force, was finally unvieled.

"Well well well, this puts me at the same level as the rest of you. Ha ha, I wonder, was this his plan all along? We may be up against a cunning strategist Xeno."
Even in the face of such an enemy, Mike still let out his low chuckle.

He entered the building, scanned around the lobby, and activated the elevator.
He thought this to be an apropriate signal of his arrival, and waited to see if anything else would change in the world as a result.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke pondered what he heard, apparantly the Illusionist was on the 31st floor, although by now he would of been long gone. He was in tohught so much that he didn't realise the changes around him.

everyone had left the lobby now, it was night time, a strange ethereal glow hung round Zeke. He pondered once again. Who could be doing all this? He had seen everyone in this competition so far, the one he hadn't seen in a while was the small one with the machines.

"Alright. It is time."

Zeke drew his blades and began sprinting up the stairwell of Ministry of Plenty