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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:11 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Namboto.
Sanzh Wrote:Unvote for now because it's stupid to have Tea at soft lynch already. the other disgusted applejack picture I posted sums up my current feelings perfectly gosh dang I should learn to refresh before posting
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:12 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.
Sanzh Wrote:I think the memory of sleepfia was dishonored right about when the opening day-start didn't have any typos Omfg tell me about it
Hello friends thus is be on a phone in a cabin on the internet, here to relay to you the aforementioned in this sentence
I may have a real connection on a real laptop with a super special for-realsies keyboard, but for now my acknowledgements of not-very-here ness will have to suffice
Also my camera is full ofbugpics and birdpics but is also out of battery
Like me when I've been doing fieldwork in the sunall day
Like me right now (hoshit)
So yeah dealer content when the True Web Falleth
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Paranoia.
zzzzWHAZAoh like. hi dudeeees.
like i knows that sha-ska-shu-slamzerbro is like going to be AWAAAAAAAAY because of triptimes buttttt i kind of want cullbro and agenbro to like like
put that thing down somewhereandlike
let someone else carry it for a bit
do you get what i mean dudes????
like it'd be way cool if they put that boat doooooown somewhereee jke they don't have to caaaary it all the way right???
WRT: I THhenknnnk tea mijht be notbro but I don't think we should necesSARILY asume that one or the other of the teabro vs. mrguybro is scummmm like a lot of people are doing??? its still ppossible both are town so whenn bringing the righteous fist down on one doesn't necessarilymean we should do the same on the otherrr if one flips as the broest of bros??? but if nothing else theyr'e not notbros together?ll?
'cause like. I got flustered bro from guybro in hissssssssssss response to tea?
like both could just be
the broest of bros you know dude?
's needs teabro to prve hes a bro first cuse then he might still be that thing which isnt a bro. that thing. and like if he is a broest of bros I'd think the people dancing around the entire thing arent??? Like some are posting but not really giving an opinion and WOOOOahhhh the colurs dude.
but regab-regur-refurbulous of athing elise, anabro is
currently the broest of bros. the most bro. the broest. the brosiest? 's not notbrocreon's what i'm sayin' if you dig
Lunbro kind of oversimplified why I gave teabro my boat though, you knoooow? it was kind of like
ylou see
you put these micelike two mice. in like this trap thing for mice. and like there are two exits to the trap thing but like
one exit goes to a caaaAA-AA-AAT and the other like drops the mice into a caat.
so like either way cat. do you get what i am saying? i like dun think it was because he was more RAAAH and more because
if so
kind of want to
check namboto for brohood at this point. kindof want to know where seabro(sis?) is at cause
i don't see them? like I know they boated but i don't seeemuch but a boat(is it a seaboat)??? i guess i wouldn't mind palabro expanding on his anabro fos cause a fos feels like... opque.
Brolaris, broruru, and like catBossbro are all p. cool. Anabro still probably the most broest of broes.
oh and theblack pajamas flew out of the closet funkkokky.
and the souflee defalted the instan someone pokedit???
so like, here's the deal dudes. I want to bring the malky down on one of samzhbro or nambroto currently because they just kind of hopped off the teabro when tea's souflee was getting culinary scrutiny??? like neither voted for anyone makin' them like... get bad mojo you know?? like sanzh... sanzhbro just flat didn't revote at alll or offer anything els??????? just hopped off with a "oh hahaha ur kinda right mr. catbossdude or ms. brorurududette."
so id feel besst currently tossing them most righteously out.
unboat: teeaaaarfh and vote: sannnnnnnnntaaaaaazzhhh
hmmmmMmmmMmwoah bears what are with your hands
they're all
fuzzy. far outttttttttt.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:47 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.
Wow para. Best typing quirk.
So, which of the people dancing aroun me/guy do you think are most likely to be scum?
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:53 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Paranoia.
ViSceeerallll most likely?
Like he ijisust sidestepped giving an opinion on it and went straight for Cats. jcats. and then went ahahahahaa anabrobe lyin' about popovers?
also kiniiiddd of noticed palabro pushing others to give a reed but not realllly tossin' down his pown?
like wouldn't be surprised if either wasn't a notbro="
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 06:54 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.
I've come to the conclusion that reading Paranoia's posts is like vicariously experiencing an acid trip.
((And sorry if I misrepresented your opinion Para, those summaries were pretty much just to explain things how I saw them, and get other peoples opinions. So yeah, if I bugger them up again in future, feel free to yell at me.))
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 07:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by anacreon.
Para's quirk is either the best trolling around or the best role around.
Also I can kind of see why mv would think i was joking at first because d1 miller claims have kind of become a trend as of late on the forums.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 07:21 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by crepuscularDissembler.
yay Para post is good post
I dunno if I agree with him about anacreon (but I guess I don't have to, since his read is probably more vibes than anything?)
but I do think it is better for a townie to claim miller asap and that's what I would do and want done
dang Nam really dug himself deeper
nice work beru?
Luneix, I appreciate that you are putting effort in but I'd like it if you offered more concrete opinions of your own
y'know the incontrovertible "[x] is scum, [y] is town" kind
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 07:30 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.
I think it's less a case of "millers claiming D1" becoming a thing, more "millers are being out into setups" being a thing.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 08:55 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
konec0 Wrote:That's not a thing you can do. Please contribute. Sir, yes sir.
I'm going to do a comprehensive analysis of everyone involved in the game so far and I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "Ix, it's far too early in the game to try to draw such conclusions given that we have only had one day (in terms of real time) of play." But no, I assure you that if you know what you are doing even the Random Voting Stage is a catalogue of clues and of subtle signs from which you can learn a lot about the other participants.
1. Paranoia - While it would appear that Paranoia is behaving in a manner that some would describe as silly what I feel is that they are simply trying to obfuscate their true intentions by decorating their posts with different colours and thus detract from any actual content that may be in these posts. This is clearly scummy behaviour. I have also noticed that they have a tendency to overuse the word bro, this is a clear scum tactic, they are trying to force a friendly relation with us and make us see them as less of a threat. Paranoia is clearly obvious scum. Furthermore I'd like to suggest that anyone behaving in a silly manner (i.e. one not conducive to this scumhunt) is clearly mafia scum that we should lynch immediately.
2. Solaris - Sol is the definitive example of acting silly to try to draw attention away from the serious business of hunting for mafia and so he is clearly a member of the mafia who we must lynch at our first opportunity.
4. Sanzh - The very first thing that Sanzh did in this game of mafia is complain that it might be serious. This is a very obvious sign that he doesn't care for the scumhunt, but we cannot discount the possibility that he is doing this because he has seen other individuals, such as Solaris and Paranoia who are behaving in a silly manner and he has sought to ingratiate himself upon them by complaining about all us serious scumhunters. Either way this is pretty scummy behaviour as it is, but I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the other things he says are more or less along the lines of 'i don't know what i am doing' which as we all know is a common strategy for scum, to disguise their scummy behaviour as the behaviour of a noob. Long story short, he's definitely scum and we should lynch him right now.
6. Seedy - Seedy's first action is to post a nicely drawn picture which features other users avatars, this is clearly a tactic to avoid posting anything of any content, to once again ingratiate herself to everyone whom she drew the avatar of (perhaps there is something to be looked at from that perspective) and to be notable. For those who are unfamiliar to the game perhaps they might want to avoid great walls of text because they are offputting but skimming through the posts you would always stop and notice this picture and it would leave with you a positive impression of the person who posted it. There are so many scum prongs to this one nefarious plan that I think we should hurry up and lynch her right now.
7. Schazer - Schazer has posted only once and that post was completely devoid of any scumhunting content instead making excuses as to why she hasn't been here and why she might continue not to be here. Lurking is a very common scum tactic as it's easy to get caught up in some scumtell you have spotted and forget about the quiet ones, relying on townies to make mistakes so that they might cruise through. Obvious scum we should lynch her immediately.
8. Anacreon - I am extremely suspicious. I think that there are many arguments to be made for whether or not someone would claim to be a miller as scum and my instinct tells me that you wouldn't generally do so unless you were already under suspicion, as simply claiming it is guaranteed to bring a good amount of suspicion your way. I feel that perhaps this tactic is better suited to when you believe that you will be investigated later and I don't believe that Anacreon had done enough to be considered for investigation which leads me to believe that they are planning to do something that could look scummy and thus they are attempting to pre-emptively waylay that suspicion. Most likely scum, should be lynched immediately.
9. Luneix - Voting for no lynch is rarely advantageous for town and especially not on day one, and especially not as early in the day as that vote was made. It was still the RVS and this vote just seems out of place. Its possible that this is an innocent mistake but I theorize it is much more likely a scum ploy designed to lull us into a false sense of security before they strike. As such we should lynch Luneix immediately to prevent whatever plot they have from coming to fruition.
10. CuttlefishCuller - Not willing to throw down a joke vote in the RVS likely didn't want their joke vote analyzed at a later date. A scum will typically try to give you as little information as possible and this could be what happened there. Relatively frequent posts but all of little content or value, hoping that we don't forget their existence and think they are lurking scum but aiming to bring as little to the table as is possible. Clear scum, we should lynch them this very second.
11. Namboto - attributes their first vote to the roll of a dice so as to make sure that it cannot be analyzed later when more information is available. Notes the potentially scummy interactions between Tea and Guy and yet chooses to vote instead for someone else who was clearly indulging in RVS humour in the one post that they had posted to that point. Can you say easy target. Obviously scum, should be lynched right now. Should have been lynched already if you ask me, but whatever.
12. Mirdini - starts off making excuses as to why they will not be present very much (everyone knows true townies do nothing other than sit in front of their computer frantically refreshing and doing in depths analysis of everything that has gone on so far). Also he and Solaris failed to engage in their vote for one another in the RVS tradition which suggests that perhaps he has been given a more important task that he must carry out. Though of course does not conclusively indicate scum it is a clear factor and taken into consideration with the token scumhunting and the silly gif of a bear it is obvious that he is scum. A priority to lynch.
13. Seastormjt - One post in the RVS and never to be seen again. Clear lurking scum, lynch them now while they think they are safe.
14. Palamedes - Palamedes is making efforts to appear town, he's like going around asking everyone what they would prefer in this situation and that and while that's all very good I think a real townie would be offering up opinions of their own volition rather than making posts which are thought provoking but not substantive in of themselves. Most apparently scum. Lynch promptly.
15. AbsoluteCertainty - initially appeared to be on some sort of crusade against Tea voting to lynch them no matter what action they took. This in itself is not scummy I suspect it ties in with those bonus objectives we all have but when we add it to the fact that their later posts seem to be short on content it is clear that they are definitely mafia. I support a lynch post haste.
16. CuriousCat - Another no lynch vote. I would repeat my argument as to why this is a clear and present scumtell but for fear of sounding redundant. The point still stands that they are scum and they need lynching asap.
17. MrGuy - Trying to find reasons to find people scummy while still in the RVS is a deplorable scum technique. Done carefully it can make a vote seem more serious than it was and force the topic of conversation for the rest of the day, though I wouldn't say it was entirely successful here, as a number of others were able to spot this blatant technique and call him out on it. We should lynch now while we still have the chance.
18. Agent1022 - shows up late, echoes the suspicions of others but is unwilling to place a vote, returns only to talk about things irrelevant to the actual scumhunt and give Seedy another opportunity to curry favour with the people. A more obvious scum I have never seen. Lynch them right now.
19. Killer Cuppa Tea - Tea's initial vote is of little consequence being a product of RVS whimsy but his response to someone trying to earnestly make sense of such a vote is to call them out for trying to analyze what has happened so far and hunt some scums and then to put a vote on them. Voting for someone because they are trying to hunt scum is honestly the most flagrant display of scumliness I have ever had the misfortune to happen across. Total scum, lets lynch them.
20. Mr. Visceral - He remains vague in his posts pointing out things that are common sense or just generally saying that he doesn't really know what to think one way or another. It's a way of seeming active without any contribution and tellingly scum. We should lynch him immediately.
And that concludes the list of players, well except for you and me, obviously, but then you are so obviously town, right? I mean you are analyzing and making long posts and prompting others to share their opinions. I mean obviously you're town. You're like the King of Town. Unless of course it's the most dedicated scum gambit ever made. How better to seem town than to do all the townliest things you can and disregard your overarching goal. It seems unlikely I agree but it's that incredible unlikeliness that makes me think it is the perfect scheme. You my friend konec0 are the scumliest of us all.
That is pretty much the reason that the only vote I can conscionably make in this crazy game is All of You, because as I have incontravertably demonstrated you are all mafia. My vote stands.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 09:26 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by anacreon.
Vote: Ixcalibur because that wall told us absolutely nothing...
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 12:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.
Anyway I'm just going to go over the last couple pages again particularly with respect to Sanzh.
The whole gut instinct/because more votes thing strikes me more as someone who just wants a Lynch In General than scum (possibly for bonus goal??), but I can see how it would be scummy.
Then he took a vote away because early softlynch, which... I think is not good? We want to kill someone right. And definitely it is suspicious in the context of wanting a Lynch In General; I feel like he's folding a bit under pressure (then again, one could argue I did the same thing re: Tea! I'm just noting what I feel is important here), rather than really trying to make an informed decision whether to lynch the bastard or not.
RE: The way earlier in-jest justification for the Tea wagon: I was definitely jokingly overemphasizing my wariness of Tea but it was present and did in fact grow significantly after he shot back at me, not sure it's the best justification but he was pretty accurate in judging that at least??
So I guess I'd say he's... mildly scummy, but nothing's setting off any red flags for me personally. Could just be he has a valuable role and wants to make sure he doesn't get knocked off D1.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 12:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.
10 Mod Points to seedy for indulging my ego.
-3 Mod Points to Solaris because my hands are cold.
4 Mod Points to Paranoia because of the colors
-10 Mod Points to Paranoia because like hell I'm parsing that
-10 Mod Points to Ixcalibur because I didn't read anything he said.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 12:38 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 12:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
the key to warmth is the blood of the battlefield
or hugs
lets do hugs
i hug malkytop
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 12:58 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.
anacreon Wrote:My claim wasnt a joke i was being serious i am a miller. Nyargh anacreon I have so many problems with you why do you think that is (next post is alright but still problems exist and you should comment on things that didn't happen on like the third page).
crepuscularDissembler Wrote:also yeah you are represented by the avatar you cruelly denied Well it's not like Scofflaw gave me time to get to a computer to take it he waited all of like 10 minutes or something. And now he has it but he's gone and yeah (I think). Besides I've rejected many avatars in my history here.
RE: anacreon millerness
This is not a conversation we are having right now, regardless of whether or not he's telling the truth or full of crap. At least, we're not going into it at the depth that 174 is. I don't like anac, but this exact same thing happened in Sleepyfia and it ended with like three people modfirming their names to an obliterater and me getting my eyes eaten out and killed in the night when I would have otherwise killed said obliterater.
Also guys guys think for a second there's no way Namboto's the scum on that wagon. (Well I mean there are ways but come on think about it[img]images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/img] So bears says 'this Tea wagon sucks why is it here', then Nambotoscum immediately has the cojones to jump on and add to it. Do you see it because I don't.
Sanzh Wrote:Unvote for now because it's stupid to have Tea at soft lynch already. Not enough Sanzh, give me more useful things! More!
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:07 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.
anacreon Wrote:Also I can kind of see why mv would think i was joking at first because d1 miller claims have kind of become a trend as of late on the forums. Hey look he knows. And if you're wondering why I stated it with such assuredness, it's because nothing ever really gets reacted to unless you say it with 100% assuredness. Like my bullshit catvote, the reactions to which will be forever stowed away until they become relevant.
And hey Para, I have functionally made approximately 1 post (split into two parts) and you already seem to be pretty keen on pushing a me-lynch (though you haven't voted me at all), mind explaining that?
Namboto, you might be getting me and MrGuy confused. [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
A Killer Cuppa Tea Wrote:People seem to be neglecting to notice that Guy only voted me after he was called out on it. I think that's pretty damned scummy.
But hey, that Namboto post. "I don't like any of these wagons waaah [img]images/smilies/aghast.gif[/img] ill join the bigger one anyway [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]". Vote: Namboto
Show Content
Spoilerwow Solly, you're really outdoing yourself this game, keep it up xD
When I vote Tea, it's pretty much because of this post.
Namboto Wrote:
Show Content
Spoileryou know those things you do and then immediately regret
voting tea is sort of one of them
(staying up past 12:30, however, is something I am regretting really hard and will be regretting even harder when I wake up)
as I started looking at tea he started seeming worse and, not realizing he was already at softlynch, voted for him. partly to increase the pressure and partly to get my vote out of the silly place it was at and put it somewhere slightly more sensible. thus vote is explain. The post in its entirety is rather unedited and slapdash, so I didn't change previous things I'd written; I just wrote new things.
my opinion on the wagon as a whole, however, was that there's a lot of people on it that aren't really explaining things (solaris responded only with poetry) and that I'd be stepping off the wagon pretty quick if... uh.. it starts looking... oh dear
Solaris seems to have followed beruru and has in fact pushed for a tea lynch, possibly for sillyness, possibly not.
I already sort of went over why I think guy's actions are ok, but sanzh has only looked more suspect (especially the "I thought there were more votes on him" line. Like, uhm, what are you trying to say there think very carefully dude).
Lun voted after almost getting pushed into it by Pal (who has been kinda pushy, but not really in a bad way? more in a pushy way), but considers him only slightly more likely to be scum than guy
and, erhm, paranoia just said he was jumpy and put him at soft-lynch, much to solaris's delight.
I really want to jump of this wagon right now but crap is it going fast or what. Basically I don't like tea, and I don't like him enough that it warrants a vote, but I don't like the wagon much (sanzh, solaris, and paranoia are making me feel uncomfortable) and I don't like the wagon enough that it warrants unvoting. I'm in limbo.
Since beruru's dropped the vote, and if I drop it too tea'll be out of softlynch, I'm just gonna rescind that there vote with an Unvote
I'm getting grumpy now and have to wake up at 8am so I'm really and truly going to leave it at that for now and come back to it when I'm not dead
And when I refrain from voting Namboto, it's pretty much because of this post. This sorta thing happens sometimes, and it's not even a bullshit "withdraw because voted on!" thing, it's actually pretty consistent with what I remember his playstyle to be.
Hey Palabro, quit looking contributey and be more contributey.
<span style="font-family: Microsoft Sans Serif">Be all that you can be...</span>
Vote Tea
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:10 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.
Oh hey missed a whole page wow.
Okay so apparently because people can't get me drilling other people is me stating my hatred of people here:
Bffs: seedy, Malky, Solaris
People who it's not like I really like them or anything: Mr. Guy, catboss
People who seem alright but I wouldn't be totally devastated if they stabbed me in the back: beruru, Lun
WTF are you: Namboto
Guys who could just look sketchy but just maybe might have a heart of gold: anacreon, Visceral, Tea
Die in a fire: Sanzh
Okay so I didn't mention Viseral before now but I haven't had anything to add besides 'the comments against Visceral are p. legit'.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:12 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.
Ninja'd by Palabrost and... my point still stands. And I feel a little bit uncomfortable defending Nambroto now.
What I meant, btw, was for Palabro to comment on things that are relevant and actually impact the game (Anacreon's millerness).
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:14 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.
It would be outstanding if there was ever a lyncher with me as their target. They would totes have their work cut out for them.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:14 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.
EBWOP: Holy shit Visceral you ninja me and now I've got you in the Die in a Fire category. Congratulations!
Visceral I will vote for you if you don't give me what you 'got' out of that Catvote within the next five hours or so, and I will then never unvote you until you are dead. Also way to get defensive about someone saying they didn't like something about you! People can have more then one suspect god what's wrong with you (Sanzh is still marginally worse then you right now tbh).
Finally if a guy like you dares call me out on not contributing again I will stab out your everything I swear to god (funny how it seems like you're parroting Paranoia there despite how awful he is for talking smack about you~).
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:16 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.
Palamedes Wrote:Okay so I didn't mention Viseral before now but I haven't had anything to add besides 'the comments against Visceral are p. legit'. They aren't, though??? To repeat myself, I had one post when people started talking all this stuff about me.
Why can't they just let me live?
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.
Mister Visceral Wrote:What I meant, btw, was for Palabro to comment on things that are relevant and actually impact the game (Anacreon's millerness). I have talked about anacreon you whiner.
I said I didn't like him and that it was basically the whole reason I backed off of Lun, then I said I don't want to waste time talking about whether or not he's full of shit because we'd just be wasting time. AND I called him out for basically not contributing past making an incredibly neutral comment on something that happened at daystart and nothing else. Come at me.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:18 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.
That post was awful and criticisms against a single post can still bloody well stand can't they?
I mean you threw out your entire 'anac is terrible' based on his initial millerclaim post hypocrite.
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Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
01-23-2013, 01:22 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.
Palamedes Wrote:Visceral I will vote for you if you don't give me what you 'got' out of that Catvote within the next five hours or so, and I will then never unvote you until you are dead. Nothing at the moment. No flips yet, sir, and I don't feel like going back and analyzing it until it becomes vaguely relevant.
Palamedes Wrote:Also way to get defensive about someone saying they didn't like something about you! People can have more then one suspect god what's wrong with you (Sanzh is still marginally worse then you right now tbh). Mister Visceral Wrote:And hey Para, I have functionally made approximately 1 post (split into two parts) and you already seem to be pretty keen on pushing a me-lynch (though you haven't voted me at all), mind explaining that? That's.... not really that defensive? Also it's not even disproportionate to how many times he mentioned me (two or three) to how many times I posted (on
Mister Visceral Wrote:Finally if a guy like you What is that supposed to mean.
Mister Visceral Wrote:dares call me out on not contributing again I will stab out your everything I swear to god (funny how it seems like you're parroting Paranoia there despite how awful he is for talking smack about you~). I actually noticed that a couple of the things I said lined up with Para. And then I didn't care because I don't have that strong of a read on him, I just don't understand how he feels so strongly about me after one post.
Also I meant "not Anacreon's millerness" I GUESS THAT WORD MIGHT MAKE A LITTLE DIFFERENCE LOL.