Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)

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Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Oh man that is a great site. THIS WILL BE A FIGHT TO REMEMBER.
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
As the endless night entered its second week, the median temperature of Townzia had dropped, hovering just slightly above the zero mark on the Celsius scale. Plants had begun to wither and die, and the citizen's vitamin D levels were just plain shot to shit.

The looting was unprecedented, as the rougher element had a permanent cover of darkness for their nefarious schemes.

The hooting was also unprecedented, as the owl element had a permanent cover of darkness for their nefarious mouse-eating schemes.

A child was heard to ask, "Mommy, is the sun ever coming back?", to which the mother's only reply was a slow shake of the head and a single tear that glistened in the flickering fluorescent light.
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
menwhil we all just trying to get monster dogs to fnally have sex...

no wonder they endngred like pandas...
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
TehPilot! What shall be the date for our confrontation? I propose tomorrow evening, after 8 central!
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
(04-17-2013, 05:47 PM)Scoffles Wrote: »As the endless night entered its second week, the median temperature of Townzia had dropped, hovering just slightly above the zero mark on the Celsius scale. Plants had begun to wither and die, and the citizen's vitamin D levels were just plain shot to shit.
I was going to yell at you that that was inaccurate, but I calculated that had the temperature started at 21.35oC, then after exactly one week, it would cool down to .01oC, so that's actually quite accurate, as that's a fair springtime temperature. If you wanted extreme accuracy down to this moment, the temperature should be about -7.44.

(For you non-metric people, 70.5F, 32F, and 18.6F)
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
(04-17-2013, 10:37 PM)btp Wrote: »TehPilot! What shall be the date for our confrontation? I propose tomorrow evening, after 8 central!

8 central is 9 eastern...

Perhaps that's doable. Confirm for me: legendaries, yay or nay?
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
I've now modified my temperature formula to deal with both the Greenhouse Effect and the daily temperature fluctuations (I'm assuming that it is more likely that we've magically been shielded from the sun and that the rest of the world is functioning normally than the entire Earth has been stopped and we've all been flung off). So now I can do this:

Your predicted low for tonight: -14.48°C (5.94°F)
Your predicted high for tomorrow: -.59°C (30.94°F)
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
(04-17-2013, 11:54 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »[...]
Your predicted high for tomorrow: -.59°C (30.94°F)

Tomorrow??? Will there really be a tomorrow???
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
(04-17-2013, 11:19 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »8 central is 9 eastern...

Perhaps that's doable. Confirm for me: legendaries, yay or nay?
I'd say nay! (Primarily because I don't want to see a rayquaza vs kygore, but also because it adds to the mystery of who the other chooses.)
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)

But first, a quick confirmation on a Thing: should we stick to the ~200 or so Pokemon found in RSE, or utilize all 386 Pokemon availible up to Gen III?
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
We should coordinate the specifics on the #eagletime IRC. All subsequent trashtalking can be crossposted (in spoiler) here.
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Oh wait ninja'd

Only pokemon available in Sapphire for me, only pokemon available in Emerald for you! Blubapedia should be good for that!
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Maybe Para is actually purposefully prolonging the day just to see what odd ideas we come with regarding the night. Also, if I haven't said it yet, doggie orgy is an idea I support. Also, can we get a model for the predicted Oh God Why temperature?
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Pokemon Showdown: btp vs. TehPilot (5-0 TehPilot)


[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
It's a group of multiple equations, taken with the differential every hour. The first equation is the Stephan-Boltzmann Law, where the blackbody irradiance is equal to σT4 W/m². The second part is the capacity of the atmosphere for heat, found by the pressure of the air (10332.3 kg/m²) times its specific heat (1006 J/gK) plus the albedo for greenhouse gas (55% times the first value). These two are divided to get temperature change per second (all units cancel out, leaving KW/J = K/s). This is multiplied by 3600 to get the loss per hour. The equation for daily temperature was found in this study by Satterlund et al., using the coastal April values. The official formulae that I use in my spreadsheet are below the spoiler:

Now, you might be asking why I am putting so much effort into this instead of the mafia game. Well, a mafia game has days and nights, so I'd put more in if we had one.

Also, with the corrections from when I last said, tonight's (18-19 Apr) low is expected to be -17.4°C (.6°F). Tomorrow's high should be around -3.9°C (25.0°F).

DAY        HIGH      LOW
18 APR:      X      -17.4
19 APR:    -3.9     -19.6
20 APR:    -6.3     -21.7
21 APR:    -8.4     -23.7
22 APR:    -10.5    -25.7
23 APR:    -12.5    -27.6
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
pilot i forget... whose side r u on...
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Team Schazer.
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
went something like this Wrote:btp: I'm gonna make your bitch my bitches bitch!
TehPilot: HA!
TehPilot: Do you even know who I am???
btp: (hopefully someone who is unfamiliar with internet-based pokemon)
btp: WELP.


RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
On an unrelated note, if anyone wants TehPilot's sloppy seconds, Sapphire will be in her crate.
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Mime wins moral victory of attracting almost every pokemon on Pilot's team

godspeed, brave mime, you were truly the mood-maker for all this doggy business that is about to go down
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
btp and Pilot

you have done a great thing tonight

Kíeros on the other hand I mean come on if you want to be a forecaster then could you at least tell us whether or not it's going to rain tomorrow

precipitation's the main part of the weather experience

trust me I'm a Brit

(also if it's still night come the weekend then I might have another go at doing my own special thing)
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Well, given our extreme cold temperatures compared to the areas around us, we are likely to have convergence aloft. Since most lows form from divergence, we would be under high pressure. Additionally, with the convergence aloft, that would create sinking motion which contributes to high pressures. Therefore, we should not have any precipitation due to extreme high pressure.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
If it taaaakes forever

I will waiiiit for day
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
Hey, everyone. I've got a great idea for a game we can do while waiting. It's called "Day 2".

Okay, so nobody died, and if you were supposed to be informed about an action, you were roleblocked. Except for you, cops; the people who you investigated were innocent. With 27 alive it's 14 to lynch, and day ends whenever day starts.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: NIGHT ONE: WOR (27/30)
That's a terrible idea.

vote: Kieros
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