Eskero: The pen and paper RPG system

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Eskero: The pen and paper RPG system
RE: Eskero: The pen and paper RPG system
Ah, I see.

I guess my answer to that is that I don't think that'd be a good idea either. I think that puts too much power in the DM's hand as far as character development goes. How much their physical form changes based on how much the DM sees you being "chaotic" or something would make everyone roleplay way too, "Cordially" like they don't want to get a punishment so they take the paragon of holiness and law path every time.

The other issue I want to visit again was with punishing players for songs, which goes against the gameplay as I want it, where players use songs consistently as tools to solve issues. "punishing" for that would discourage their use of songs, which I don't want.

I dunno, I might scrap the idea completely and have physical changes be less of a system thing and more of a roleplayed thing.
RE: Eskero: The pen and paper RPG system
Old thought: the Lightning domain feels like it's missing some... unifying element. There was a suggested "charge" mechanic, but I'm not convinced what was suggested is exactly the way to go about it. Then, I don't remember exactly what was suggested, so mayhap it just needed some fleshing out. Nor am I exactly sure what's missing - just that something is.

I am the most of helpfuls

New-ish thought: I'm probably once again overestimating Gossipers' ability to predict the future, but I thought it'd be neat if they could apply their songs as artillery. Like, they Sing a Song, and the next turn that song affects a specified area. Smaller the area, higher the damage, rewarding a player's ability to predict enemy movement more accurately. Maybe a damage bonus for longer delays, too. Somethin' like that.
RE: Eskero: The pen and paper RPG system
posting this chat here so I can keep it safe and accessible:

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