
RE: Waterworks
In fact...

> Is Tubs directly below us? Tell him to make a hole in the ceiling real quick, just to make sure
RE: Waterworks
>Sisters: Who the hell put this in here? Is it useful? Yes. Very useful.
RE: Waterworks
(12-14-2020, 08:17 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Is Tubs directly below us? Tell him to make a hole in the ceiling real quick, just to make sure

[Image: 2999.gif]

You ask Tubs to punch a hole in the ceiling and see if he's below you.

[Image: 3000.png]

Despite the hole being sizeable, it isn't deep enough to see through.

You reckon it's safe to assume that while they are certainly below you, they're much further down than you had anticipated.

[Image: 3001.png]

Tubs interrupts you, saying that you've wasted enough of his time. The goo on the floor and the ceiling are beginning to merge back together, and the three of them have a runaway worker to catch.

[Image: 3002.png]

Tubs doesn't sound too bothered by sight of a massive organic tube that has shot itself through the hallway. They take the opportunity to step through the opening and continue down the hallway before it seals back up.

[Image: 3003.png]

Back up top, the feeder has regained its composure and has turned its attention back to you, putting you right back to where you were before... You ready your harpoon once more.

[Image: 3004.gif]

Fortunately, Philia and Phobia have finally found something that can help you!
RE: Waterworks
>Slick: Stand on the two prongs of the forklift, have the sisters drive you under the Feeder, and then get launched up for a harpoon-uppercut!
RE: Waterworks
> Slick: Start accumulating a concentrated shot of goo you've collected so far and shoot it into the feeder's throat to distract it and get rid of goo.

> Phobia: Get Slick to the forklift and drive like hell. There's no reason you can't just drive away with him while the feeder is recovering.

(Man, I missed those blue guys)
RE: Waterworks
>Slick: Can you modify that forklift using any of your fancy tech?
RE: Waterworks
> Make a run for it while the running's good!
RE: Waterworks
(12-15-2020, 08:59 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Slick: Start accumulating a concentrated shot of goo you've collected so far and shoot it into the feeder's throat to distract it and get rid of goo.

[Image: 3005.gif]

Adding goo to more goo doesn't seem like that big of a deal, so you point your glove at the feeder and spray it, just like how you did back in the basement.

[Image: 3006.gif]

You manage to coat its eyes and blind it! Now would probably be a good time to sneak past and run away.

[Image: 3007.png]

Besides, the pile of goo by the elevator is slowly turning into something, and you'd rather not be around to find out what.

(12-16-2020, 06:31 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Slick: Can you modify that forklift using any of your fancy tech?

[Image: 3008.png]

You can't interface with or incorporate any equipment unless you put it inside your repair module.

...Wait, what's a forklift?

[Image: 3009.png]

Oh. Right. The thing that Philia and Phobia are in. Yeah. Of course.
RE: Waterworks
> Let's not stick around, shall we?
RE: Waterworks
(12-16-2020, 04:34 PM)Rakned Wrote: »> Make a run for it while the running's good!

[Image: 3010.gif]

Phobia scoops you up and makes a break for it! She says that while she's no driver or maintenance worker, she's at the very least able to make the darn thing move forward.

[Image: 3011.gif]

The feeder wasn't exactly all that mobile to begin with, so you're able to make a relatively clean getaway. Now you should be able to focus on figuring out what your next step ought to be in order to put a stop to all of this.

Still, you're concerned that you weren't able to kill it just like you had done with the smaller one back in the elevator. Now that you've left it alone, it's probably going to start spreading even more goo throughout the waterworks.

Oh well, you can't be dwelling on it. There's probably more of them hiding underground. Time is beginning to run out.

[Image: 3012.png]

The three of you finally make it back to the ruined shutter door next to the offices entrance. You see another worker here, fiddling with a control panel next to a vat of goo.
RE: Waterworks
> Phobia: talk to the worker, tell him what happed.
RE: Waterworks
>"Hey dude, what's your story? TGIF, amiright?"
RE: Waterworks
(12-18-2020, 08:24 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Phobia: talk to the worker, tell him what happened.

[Image: 3013.png]

[Image: 3014.png]

You get ready to say something, but Phobia rightfully interrupts and defuses the situation before you have a chance to ruin anything.

[Image: 3015.png]

[Image: 3016.png]

The heavy maintenance worker has been one of the biggest threats to your operation, and a major thorn in Tubs' side.

It's not because he's smart, no. Anyone can be smart. This guy is competent.

[Image: 3017.png]

[Image: 3018.png]

[Image: 3019.png]

[Image: 3020.png]
RE: Waterworks
> Phobia: he and the girl in his arms saved you and your sister from the... basement. The girl is hurt and needs water. Convey that thought.

Also, this might be worth a shot:
> Connie: give a sign that you are alive
RE: Waterworks
>"Uh, He's switched sides, maybe?"
RE: Waterworks
General worker interaction guide:
>Goo's bad, water's good, hopefully the girl's not a corpse yet
>We've got bigger fish to fry than finding fish to fry
>Slick: Explain how the goo is literally trying to eat away at everything

Also, questions for Slick:
>Slick: How far away is your water storage portal, and what's the best way to get there quickly? Does your puddle teleport thing still work?
RE: Waterworks
(12-19-2020, 10:48 PM)Rakned Wrote: »>We've got bigger fish to fry than finding fish to fry

[Image: 3021.png]

(12-19-2020, 09:36 PM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »>The girl is hurt and needs water.

[Image: 3022.png]

[Image: 3023.png]

You're not denying that you've got a lot to answer for, but now really isn't the time...

[Image: 3024.gif]

(12-19-2020, 10:48 PM)Rakned Wrote: »>Slick: How far away is your water storage portal, and what's the best way to get there quickly?  Does your puddle teleport thing still work?

[Image: 3025.png]

You're a long ways away from your porthole, but it's nothing a couple puddle-jumps wouldn't solve. You just need to find some water.

This is frustrating. If only José was here. The compression cistern that you gave him would have been a big help right about now.

As it stands, you're not getting through to the guy. He likely won't trust you unless you can convince Tubs and his gang to stop hunting them down, which isn't gonna happen. You're torn. At least you have the option to leave Connie with them...

This is terrible. You've put everyone in danger, and nobody will let you do anything to fix it. At this point, you've got to do something, anything...
RE: Waterworks
>Point out to this guy that Connie is the only one whose life is imminently at stake. Also explain that you've tried telling Tubs to leave and he didn't listen. You've screwed up and want to fix it, and right now that starts with saving this woman's life before the goo eats her alive from the inside out - show her messed up face to the Heavy Maintenance Worker to drive the point home.
RE: Waterworks
> Could you maybe find the funds and/or fancy tech to hire Tubs again for a different mission? How could you structure this so it doesn't conflict with the existing mission? (i.e. convincing the people running the plant to back off and cede control to you temporarily, and organizing everyone to stop the goo and sorting this mess out while not letting the water portal thingy finish what it's doing so you're still technically finishing the job?)

Or did something like that already happen? My memory is fuzzy about some of these things
RE: Waterworks
> Slick: If he thinks the guys at the offices can help, get there with them. You are still the only way to absorb the goo, that's bleeding out of Connie.

> Whatever you all are going to agree to, better do it fast. The goo sample is reacting to Connie's presence.
RE: Waterworks
Also, important points to bring up, while we run from here:

> Getting clean water is a literal question of life and death to a lot of people
> Tubs got some sort of moral code, so he finishes work no matter what
> You've tried to convince him to stop and move elsewhere, that wouldn't work
> Your agreement with Tubs was to keep waterworks employees from getting in the way of water theft without killing anyone of hurting permanently
(Well, I assume)
> Tubs should leave once the green bar on your back is filled, that would mean you've got enough water
> Connie is generating goo and your suit is the only thing that can safely absorb it
> The goo is forming into hostile creatures near Connie
> The basement is now filled with "Hidden Fun Stuff", not exactly like what Urist whatshisname talked about, but close
RE: Waterworks
>Give him one of your devices as a sign of good faith?
RE: Waterworks
>It doesn't have to be clean water, right? You could puddle jump from a soda or a beer or something. They've got to have drinks somewhere, right?
RE: Waterworks
>Uh is that vat of goo bubbling menacing tentacles ?
>You may want to have this conversation somewhere else...
RE: Waterworks
>You've still got that radio, right? José might only be one short call away - and getting to him might be even easier than having him come to you!
>Just make it quick, waiting around right now is asking for trouble.