not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)

not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
not a number (a chat log adventure - 10-30)
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]

Loading AXSIS MobileOS 12.7.1...

Great to see you again, FIAMETTA.

Loading home screen...

Loading default applications...

Launching AXSIS Chat 3.1.2...

Welcome to AXSIS Chat 3.1.2.

Username: WitchesBlue
Password: *******

Login successful.

Current time: 1347
Current date: 3d5mo

CrashedBurnt (CHAT | SAVED LOGS)
DozingGoner (inactive, 127 days | SAVED LOGS)
RiskySophism (CHAT | SAVED LOGS)
TimesTabled (CHAT | SAVED LOGS)

AXSIS Church
AXSIS Contacts
AXSIS Freeze
AXSIS IdentiCard
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure)
>Inspect AXSIS IdentiCard. Who are you, again?
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure)
>Install third party resources the customize the app/program in wholly unnecessary ways.
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure)
((Just so y'all know, I have this up in a few different places, so if you see commands you don't recognize, that's why!))

> Open: AXSIS IdentiCard

Launching AXSIS IdentiCard 56.12.99...

Welcome to AXSIS IdentiCard 56.12.99. As a reminder, pursuant to 356 V. Code § 122(b), AXSIS IdentiCard is the only valid government-recognized form of identification.

* Alias only visible to trusted contacts.
Age: 16 yrs
Sex: M
Birthday: 5d5mo
Blood type: AB
Address: 522 Plaza Promenada, Vezretti, Vandrio
Blood donor: Y
Organ donor: Y
* To opt out of blood and organ donation, upgrade to AXSIS IdentiCardPremium!

> Install: unauthorized 3rd-party application

Launching AXSIS ThirdPartyInstaller 1.0.0...

Welcome to AXSIS ThirdPartyInstaller 1.0.0.

Third-party applications are not allowed on AXSIS devices. Further attempts to install unauthorized applications will result in AXSIS Law Familiarity Operatives being dispatched to your location.

Thank you.

> Open: saved logs (DozingGoner)

Launching AXSIS ChatLogViewer 2.7.11...

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and DozingGoner...
DozingGoner is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

1120, 2d5mo
[WB] hey dg you there
[WB] she asked as if the answer would finally be yes
[WB] 'oh yeah of course im here'
[WB] 'sorry about that i was in the shower'
[WB] 'for 7 months'
[WB] 'it was a fuckin fantastic shower lemme tell you'
[WB] 'soap everywhere'
[WB] 'just piles of sponges it was great'
[WB] anyway when you get outta your hypothetical shower lemme know

1501, 17d4mo
[WB] dg my man are you around or not
[WB] look i dont wanna bug your sister about this
[WB] i barely know her and if it turns out youre just ghostin me
[WB] i dont wanna drag her into it
[WB] if you are ghostin me
[WB] itd be kinda nice if you let me know

2145, 5d4mo
[WB] dg whats goin on

1134, 18d3mo
[WB] hey dg
[WB] dg

1426, 12d3mo
[WB] talk to me dg

1205, 12d2mo
[WB] sorry if im buggin you
[WB] look ill give it another month

1847, 17d1mo
[WB] i know its been a while since i last messaged you
[WB] was kinda hopin youd decided to talk to me
[WB] but i guess not

0908, 7d18mo
[WB] please dg just tell me whats up
[WB] i even got up early today like you keep telling me
[WB] cmon man
[WB] im worried

1022, 5d18mo
[WB] hey dg so howd that thing go
[WB] you know that thing that you wouldnt tell me about
[WB] that thing you were being all mysterious about
[WB] dg
[WB] well you dont have to tell me thats fine
[WB] do you still want to hang out today
[WB] mc shader is droppin her new album today
[WB] i dont got much left in my gold account
[WB] but i could pick it up and we could listen to it
[WB] and you could be all
[WB] 'grr argh this isnt real music'
[WB] and i could be all
[WB] 'music is vocal instrumental or mechanical sounds havin rhythm melody or harmony'
[WB] 'so technically youre right'
[WB] 'but its still cool to listen to'
[WB] cmon dg
[WB] if you dont jump in here ill just keep goin
[WB] and im sure its entertainin
[WB] i mean im havin a fuckin ball
[WB] but i kinda wanna hear your thoughts on the matter
[WB] dg
[WB] bro

2107, 1d18mo
[WB] hey dg my main brosecutor
[WB] bropane salesbro
[WB] brodingham
[WB] broseph
[DG] hi wb!
[DG] howzit?
[WB] cant complain
[WB] you
[DG] p. gud
[DG] xcited!
[WB] yeah
[WB] about what
[DG] big thing tomorrow!
[WB] oooh
[WB] a big thing
[WB] i know how you roll
[WB] only the biggest of things for you
[WB] but for real what kind of thing and how big are we talkin
[DG] hm... can't tell u yet!
[DG] but it's gonna be a big deal!
[WB] the biggest
[DG] the biggest!
[DG] and i h8 to say...
[DG] u got me at a bad time! gotta get some rest for tmrw.
[WB] well damn
[WB] my timing is as always exceptional
[WB] hey before you go
[WB] do you wanna hang out soon
[DG] sure! how bout in a few days?
[DG] like the 5th or something?
[WB] sounds good to me
[WB] see you then
[DG] see u!
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-19)
>Contact DozingGoner. Again. Why not, right?
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-19)
wow these months have an odd number of days.

>check AXSIS news
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-19)
>Check AXSIS Mail too, while you're at it.
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-19)
> Chat: DozingGoner

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and DozingGoner.
1352, 3d5mo
[WB] heeeeeey dg
[WB] hope youre doin okay
[WB] wherever you are
[WB] whatever youre up to
[WB] whyever youre gone
[WB] whenever you come back
[WB] however it happens
[WB] whoever youre seeing
[WB] i think thats all of em
[WB] 6 ws and an h
[WB] anyway take care
[WB] and maybe drop me a line soon

> Chat: TimesTabled

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and TimesTabled.
1401, 3d5mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[TT] Good afternoon to you too, Fiametta.
[TT] I'm surprised to get a message from you out of the blue, so to speak.
[TT] The school's on break, after all. Or are you getting some extra work done?
[TT] I'm always happy to help you with anything you need tutoring in.
[WB] um no sorry maam
[WB] i just wanted to say hi
[TT] Well! How kind. You're very sweet, Fiametta. Your parents must be very proud of you.
[WB] um yeah i guess so
[TT] Do let me know if I can help you with anything, Fiametta.
[WB] will do maam
[WB] have a good day
[TT] And you as well.

> Open: AXSIS News

Launching AXSIS News 8.0.3...

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.3!

Here are your curated headlines. Select one to read the article:

> "AXSIS CEO Nessa Sly Accepts Lifetime Achievement Award"
> "Another Blackeye Detained Near Via Oceanica"
> "Great Weather For The Week: Gray, Rainy"
> "Reviewers On Newest AXSIS Net Game 'Take Ten': 'A Masterpiece... Everyone Should Be Forced To Play It'"


> Open: AXSIS Mail

Launching AXSIS Mail 13.1.17...

Welcome to AXSIS Mail 13.1.17!

You have
new messages.

Select message to view:
> From: FORTUNATA, DIAMANTA Subject: Guess what's two days from now?...
> From: AKAHAI, MAKANI Subject: That game I was talking about


> Open: AXSIS Church

Launching AXSIS Church 2.12.4...

Welcome to AXSIS Church 2.12.4!

Congratulations! You've logged in for
days in a row! You've earned an extra ChurchCoin!


ChurchCoins: 12

Remember, good parishioners make good citizens!
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-20)
Ur either in a utopia or dystopia. hard to say.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-20)
>Check Makani's message first, then view Diamanta's.

RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-20)
>Check Church About.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-20)
> AXSIS Church: About

AXSIS has partnered* with the Church to provide this handy app for the modern parishioner! Pray, consult religious experts and texts, and confess your sins, all from the comfort of your home - or wherever you happen to be. Earn ChurchCoins by logging in every day and redeem them for official ChurchMurch in the Store, or save them for extra ForgivenessTokens for when you really need them. You can also exchange gold in your AXSIS Gold account directly for ChurchCoins! How convenient!

(* following the requisite finalization of acquisition documents)

> Open: Mail from Makani

Subject: That game I was talking about
Sent: 2342, 2d5mo
This message was written using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.

Hi I know you're asleep but I wanted to say a little bit more about that game we were chatting about earlier before I forget. I have to admit the gameplay is solid especially with the whole switching perspectives thing for each chapter. But I don't recommend playing it. Honestly the whole thing is just straight up propaganda. Who do they think they're fooling question mark exclamation point.

> Open: Mail from Diamanta

Subject: Guess what's two days from now?...
Sent: 0722, 3d5mo

Good morning, my darling son!

I know you're on break and don't plan on waking up early, so I wanted to drop you a note since I probably wasn't going to see you before I had to go in to work. I'm sure you don't need me to remind you that your birthday is in 2 (!!) days! Your dad and I have something special for you, but I don't want to give anything away yet. Would you like to go out to dinner too? Be thinking about a place you'd want to go, but if you don't have a preference, we could always go to A Better Place again. You know how much your dad likes their steaks.

Have a great, relaxing day!
Much love,
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-21)
Check the news headline about a detained blackeye
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-21)
>Got any games?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-21)
> Read: News about blackeye

Welcome to AXSIS News 8.0.3!

v "Another Blackeye Detained Near Via Oceanica"
by Vander Olson
0812, 3d5mo

Residents of Via Oceanica breathed a collective sigh of relief today as, in the early hours of the morning, AXSIS Law Familiarity Operatives cornered and detained the blackeye that had been terrorizing their neighborhood.

Authorities state that the blackeye, which caused significant structural damage to an AXSIS DomicileUnit in the area, was captured with no harm coming to any nearby citizens. It was the third blackeye captured in the past month, putting this year already on track to be one of the most dangerous to date.

Blackeyes, persistent threats for as long as anyone can remember, are the mindless shells left over of people who cast unauthorized magic. They are distinguishable from normal humans by their horns and their black sclera. Blackeyes who have been at large for long periods of time grow even more monstrous, and the longer they go free, the more dangerous they become.

Citizens are reminded that reporting blackeyes, when spotted, is mandatory, and that AXSIS Cast is the only safe and authorized way to use magic.

> Check: AXSIS Net Games

Launching AXSIS Net 72.89.1...

Welcome to AXSIS Net 72.89.1!

-> Another Winter (25:02; last played 1d5mo)
-> Groundedge (54:12, last played 18d3mo)
-> Second Chances (unplayed)
-v The Suburbs (beta) (18:56; last played 2d5mo)
--> Run
--> Uninstall
--> Accomplishments
-> Take Ten (unplayed)

> Open: saved logs (TimesTabled)

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and TimesTabled...
TimesTabled is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

1401, 3d5mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[TT] Good afternoon to you too, Fiametta.
[TT] I'm surprised to get a message from you out of the blue, so to speak.
[TT] The school's on break, after all. Or are you getting some extra work done?
[TT] I'm always happy to help you with anything you need tutoring in.
[WB] um no sorry maam
[WB] i just wanted to say hi
[TT] Well! How kind. You're very sweet, Fiametta. Your parents must be very proud of you.
[WB] um yeah i guess so
[TT] Do let me know if I can help you with anything, Fiametta.
[WB] will do maam
[WB] have a good day
[TT] And you as well.

1232, 15d4mo
[WB] hello maam
[TT] Hello, Fiametta. What can I do for you?
[WB] do you have some time after school today
[WB] your homework is kicking me up and down the street
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. Would you like to meet online, or do you want to come over?
[WB] can i come over today
[WB] i kinda need to get out of the house
[TT] Certainly. I'll see you after school.

1546, 1d4mo
[WB] do you have a second maam
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. What do you need?
[WB] im having trouble figuring out where to start on section 2
[TT] I see. Well, as a hint, have you considered drawing another radius in the circle between points C and F?
[WB] okay ill do that but i dont see why that would
[WB] wait
[WB] oh
[WB] oh i get it now
[WB] i shoulda seen that to begin with
[WB] im such an idiot
[TT] Now, Fiametta. You're certainly not. There's no need for you to be so hard on yourself.
[TT] Learning is a process, after all.
[WB] i guess so
[WB] thanks for the help
[TT] You're welcome!

1445, 17d3mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] what was the assignment you gave out today
[WB] my axsis won't load your page for some reason
[TT] Yes, that's been happening a lot recently. I'm not sure why.
[TT] Anyway, it was sections 3 and 5 in unit 14.
[WB] thank you
[TT] Of course!

1601, 16d3mo
[TT] Good afternoon, Fiametta. You weren't in attendance today.
[TT] I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
[WB] yes maam
[WB] im fine now
[WB] i just needed
[WB] uh
[WB] some breathing time i guess
[TT] I completely understand. I'm glad you're feeling better now.

0907, 14d3mo
[WB] maam what was the assignment from yesterday
[TT] Section 1 from Unit 14.
[TT] Wait, Fiametta. That assignment is due today.
[TT] Are you just now starting it?
[TT] Fiametta?

0745, 1d3mo
[TT] Good morning, Fiametta. I just wanted to check that you were doing all right.
[WB] yes maam thank you
[WB] i appreciate it
[TT] Any time, Fiametta.

1632, 18d2mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] um
[TT] Hello, Fiametta. Is something the matter?
[WB] not
[WB] exactly
[WB] but um
[WB] i dont know how to ask this
[WB] things are a little tense right now
[WB] can i talk to you about some stuff
[WB] like in person
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. You can talk to me about anything.
[TT] Where would you like to meet?
[WB] is sly park okay
[TT] Certainly. I'll see you there.

1706, 13d2mo
[WB] good evening maam i have another question about the assignment
[WB] for the first part of section 4 i keep getting 17 as the diagonal
[WB] and ive done it about 5 times now
[WB] but apparently thats not the answer
[TT] Ah. I was hoping it wouldn't do that, but sometimes the application has issues with significant figures.
[TT] Try entering 17.00 and tell me if that works.
[WB] oh yeah there it goes
[WB] thank you
[TT] You're welcome!

1304, 1d1mo
[WB] good afternoon maam
[WB] can i work on the project with makani
[TT] Of course, Fiametta. Collaboration produces results that would be impossible on one's own, after all.
[TT] Just make sure that you each submit your own copy so the program doesn't mark yours missing.
[WB] okay thank you
[WB] have a good day
[TT] You too!
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-22)
What's that Take Ten game? open it.
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-22)
>Description: Take Ten
>Description: The Suburbs
>Description: Second Chances
>Description: Groundedge
>Description: Another Winter
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-22)
> rm -rf /

Launching AXSIS CommandPrompt 0.7.2...

Welcome to AXSIS CommandPrompt 0.7.2.

Command 'rm' not found.

Parameter 'rf' not found.

Use 'help' for command list.

> Open: AXSIS Net Game descriptions

-v Take Ten
Sienna Travler has a problem: she's a magician who can't cast magic! Help Sienna learn as much magic as possible so she can prove she's the best in the world. A rogue's gallery of villains will stand in her way, like masked coffee fiend Palmer Deadman, acrobatic layabout Blue Indivar, and religious zealot Giovanni Abategiovanni. Seize the day!

-v The Suburbs (beta)
Lose yourself in this expansive simulation game! Take control of gamers as they play a game that lets them construct a new world. Browse a wide collection of expansion packs in the AXSIS Net Application Store! Note: The Suburbs is currently in beta. Please report bugs through the in-game BugReport system.

-v Second Chances
The long-awaited sequel to the critically-acclaimed ANOTHER WINTER. A freak accident sends Pascale Brady and Fargo Falls into the far-flung future, where everything in their beloved city has been reduced to ash. Can they get back home and prevent the apocalypse?

-v Groundedge
Venture into the mystical world of Groundedge. You, the last gnomeborn, must help free the land from the iron grip of the gnomes - but the Rebels want to stop you! With the Empire backing you up, put down the Rebels and make the land of Groundedge safe once more.

-v Another Winter
Pascale Brady's best friend Rayley Triggs has been kidnapped, and she's not going to take that lying down. Guide her, local performer David Siello, and abrasive scholar Cosmo King through a labyrinthine school of illegal magic to confront the evil headmaster and rescue Rayley!

> Open: Take Ten

Launching Take Ten 4.8.9...

You do not have enough gold in your AXSIS Gold account for your PlayFee. Please try again when you have the requisite gold.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-25)
>Help: How to acquire gold?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-25)
> Check the saved logs for RiskySophism, please
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-25)
> Open: Another Winter

Launching Another Winter 8.0.1...

You do not have enough gold in your AXSIS Gold account for your PlayFee. Please try again when you have the requisite gold.

This is the second time you have tried to launch an AXSIS Net game without having the requisite PlayFee. As a reminder, after purchasing a game, you must have enough gold in your AXSIS Gold account to pay the per-play-session PlayFee.

> Help: AXSIS Gold

Launching AXSIS Gold 15.8.1...

Welcome to AXSIS Gold 15.8.1.

AXSIS Gold gives you convenient banking services in the palm of your hand. Every AXSIS product automatically syncs with AXSIS Gold, letting you get on with your day to day life without worry. No gold? No problem! Request gold from anyone in AXSIS Contacts, and they can send gold to you completely electronically. The future is here!

> Help: AXSIS CommandPrompt

-- AXSIS CommandPrompt basic command list --

view: view files in current directory.
switch: change to a different directory.
new: create a new directory.
erase: delete specified file or directory.
dup: duplicate specified file into specified directory.
move: move specified file into specified directory.
name: changes the name of specified file or directory.
create: create a new file of specified file type in current directory.

> Open: saved logs (RiskySophism)

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and RiskySophism...
RiskySophism is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

1203, 6d16mo
[WB] hey is this dgs sister
[WB] he talks about you all the time and you sound like a pretty cool person
[WB] so i thought id say hi
[RS] dgs...? oh, oh, you're saying dg's.
[RS] yeah, kojo's my brother.
[RS] who's this?
[WB] oh uh my name is fiametta
[RS] fiametta. ok. he talks about you sometimes.
[WB] really
[RS] only good things, and facts.
[WB] good i guess
[RS] my name is desta. nice to meet you.
[WB] nice to meet you too
End of saved logs for RiskySophism.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-28)
>check your balance
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-28)
>mine AXSIS Gold
[Image: 47147.png]
A Room you Really Want To Get Out Of : Lore
[Image: logo.png] (Please enable Cleartype if you haven't already. (Enabled by default.))
Some of my stuff uses this font.
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 5-28)
I have decided i want to rebel. go find whats actually good and not this dumb society. unless getting gold is like super easy but a pay to PLAY? wtf is this? online arcade? see if theres any pure one time purchase games

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: not a number (a chat log adventure - 6-3)
> Check balance: AXSIS Gold

Welcome to AXSIS Gold 15.8.1.

Your balance is currently 0.87 G.

> Mine: AXSIS Gold

Welcome to AXSIS Gold 15.8.1.

Mining gold is only available in AXSIS GoldPremium. Please purchase AXSIS GoldPremium to mine gold.

> Open: AXSIS Net Application Store

Welcome to AXSIS Net 72.89.1!

-- There are no applications in this category.

> Open: saved logs (CrashedBurnt)

Displaying 10 most recent conversations between WitchesBlue and CrashedBurnt...
CrashedBurnt is registered in AXSIS Contacts. Open AXSIS Contacts for more information.

2003, 2d5mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.1.

[CB] Hey you got plans for your birthday.
[WB] i do
[WB] what did you make them for me or something
[CB] Oh no sorry.
[CB] That was a question.
[CB] This speech to text app still hasn't figured out punctuation.
[CB] So do you got plans for your birthday question mark.
[CB] That didn't work did it.
[WB] no but i get what youre askin
[WB] no plans yet but im sure my parents are gonna wanna do something
[WB] not lookin forward to it tbh
[WB] gonna have to dress up all nice or whatever
[WB] settle in for a long evening of them tellin me i look so handsome
[CB] That's the worst.
[WB] its not the end of the world i guess
[WB] maybe ill get some gold or something as a present
[WB] ive been burnin most of mine on that suburbs game
[WB] i think ive got enough for one more session then ill have to wait until i save more
[CB] The Suburbs you mean the one in beta.
[CB] I've heard bits and pieces about it.
[CB] How is it.
[WB] its super addictin really
[WB] lotsa wheels within wheels sorta thing
[WB] apparently the end goal is to create a whole new universe inside the game
[WB] at which point i guess youre controllin the characters controllin the people inside that new universe
[WB] i wonder how deep it goes
[WB] just gamers all the way down
[WB] i wanna start that new game too
[CB] New game.
[WB] the one thats been gettin all the good press
[WB] take ten
[WB] man now i wanna play some suburbs
[WB] i think im gonna go do that
[CB] Okay have fun.
[CB] Good night.

1721, 1d5mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.1.

[CB] Yo.
[WB] yoooo hows it goin
CrashedBurnt has sent the file: a6121245.pic
Image description: A cute cat in front of a building.
[WB] what in the world am i lookin at here
[CB] My pic to text app tells me it's a picture of a cute cat.
[CB] I thought you would enjoy it.
[CB] It's not a cute cat is it.
[WB] its
[WB] um
[CB] Tell me I can take it.
[WB] you know the phrase eldritch horror
[CB] I'm passingly familiar with it yes.
[WB] apply that phrase to a cat
[CB] Oh.
[WB] also its burnin a building down
[CB] But is it cute.
[WB] um in a way i guess
[CB] Then there you go.

0056, 18d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[CB] Hey sorry I missed your messages.
[CB] I was out all evening I was at Ms. Kronopoulos's house.
[CB] She's like a goddamned encyclopedia did you know that.
[CB] Ask her about anything and she knows the answer.
[CB] She was able to recite newspaper articles from the last year by memory.
[CB] And she could tell me where every blackeye recently was found.
[CB] Anyway my point is that she made finishing my research project a lot easier.
[CB] The answer you were asking about is two pie over three at least that's what I got.
[CB] I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that that didn't get transcribed right.
[CB] Talk to you later.

2107, 17d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[WB] hey cb you there
[WB] i wanted to ask you about one of the sections ms k assigned us
[WB] section 4
[WB] like
[WB] i did it and all but i just wanna check that its right
[WB] and youre a lot better at math than me
[WB] look see
[WB] you forced me to admit that
[WB] as if our respective grades werent proof enough
[WB] god proofs
[WB] fuckin hate proofs
[WB] pretty sure they were sent here by the goddess specifically to punish me personally
[WB] like 'look at me im a consistent thread of logic leading to a conclusion'
[WB] youre not special
[WB] i could lead to a conclusion if i wanted to
[WB] quod erat demonstrandum
[WB] more like
[WB] quod erat demonstrandumb
[WB] this is the kind of sizzling hot content you get when you subscribe to fiametta facts
[WB] anyway message me back when you can
[WB] thanks

1657, 16d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.7.0.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 8.0.0.

[WB] look thanks again for letting me stay over last night
[WB] after i went to see ms k about that math stuff
[WB] i realized i just couldnt go home
[WB] thankfully my parents were okay with it
[CB] No problem it's always cool hanging out.
[CB] We need to put some more time into Gemstone Glory soon.
[WB] no kidding
[WB] plus
[WB] those waffles your mom made this morning
[WB] those were the most bomb ass waffles i have ever had the pleasure of stuffing down my face hole
[CB] Wow.
[CB] I wish I could have never read that combination of words.
[WB] they were good waffles is what im saying
[CB] Yeah I got that.

2330, 13d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.123.

[WB] bees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beeeeees
[CB] Bees.
[WB] beeeeeeeeeeees
[CB] B E E S.

1657, 11d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.123.

[WB] im going to die
[WB] i swear
[WB] either my parents are gonna kill me or im gonna do the job myself
[CB] What's wrong.
[WB] my dad said i needed to man up
[WB] because i didnt wanna go to a breaker game
[WB] and i snapped at him
[WB] and it turned into this whole thing
[WB] i mean for one how is going to a breaker game a man thing
[CB] Right my mom loves breaker.
[WB] exactly
[WB] and second i don't need to man up thank you very much
[WB] if anything i need to woman up
[CB] Are you going to tell them any time soon.
[WB] i am in no hurry to come outta the closet to them.
[WB] no idea how theyd take it
[WB] mom might be touch and go
[WB] she likes talkin about how im her little boy
[WB] and then dad
[WB] well
[WB] just keep an eye on the death reports in the news if i ever tell him
[CB] Yikes.
[CB] That bad.
[WB] like i said
[WB] dunno
[WB] but im not expecting the best ill put it that way
[CB] Ouch.
[CB] Look anytime you need to get out of there for a bit you can come over.
[CB] You know my mom likes you.
[WB] hell if i know why
[CB] Hey same.
[WB] but thanks

1521, 9d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.9.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.119.

[CB] I blame you for this.
[WB] oh no what did i do
[CB] Every time now I hear the phrase you know what they say.
[WB] lemme guess
[WB] you think 'who doesnt love party favors'
[CB] Exactly.
[CB] And I start laughing every time.
[CB] And nobody else has any context.
[CB] And it's never as funny when I try to explain it.
[CB] And it's all your fault.
[WB] i apologize for nothing

1233, 8d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.8.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.117.

[WB] hey so hows that research project going
[CB] Oh shit I forgot about that.
[CB] Need to get cracking on info on blackeyes.
[CB] When is it due again.
[WB] the end of the month
[CB] Oh good that's plenty of time.
[WB] i dunno why i bothered asking
[WB] youre just gonna do it all at the last minute and get a perfect score
[WB] like always
[WB] exaggerated drawn-out sigh
[CB] You can't fool me I don't think you were actually sighing.
[WB] damn got me again

1841, 6d4mo
Other party is using AXSIS SpeechToText 4.6.7.
Other party is using AXSIS TextToSpeech 7.59.101.

[WB] hey hey so 191 glass-eyed screamers walk into the bar
[WB] and the bartender says 'get out we dont serve glass-eyed screamers here'
[WB] and the glass-eyed screamers respond
[CB] Blocked.

> Chat: RiskySophism

Conversation initiated between WitchesBlue and RiskySophism.
1611, 3d5mo

[WB] hey desta
[WB] how's it goin
[RS] wb? what's up?
[WB] huh
[WB] wouldnta pegged you as someone who used screen names instead of actual names
[RS] oh. sorry. it's just, your first name is super long.
[RS] and when i try to abbreviate it with your last name, i just get ff.
[RS] which sounds like i'm starting to cuss you out.
[WB] to be fair
[WB] i wouldnt mind in the slightest if you messaged me just to cuss me out
[WB] that shit would be hysterical
[WB] all like
[RS] wb. please.
[WB] 'conversation initiated between rs and wb'
[WB] 'oh hey whats up'
[RS] fiametta.
[WB] 'you know what's up you freaker'
[WB] wow
[WB] even in this absurd hypothetical informed mostly by my perception of you from what your brother told me i cant imagine you cussing
[WB] truly desta you are the purest of the pure
[RS] i most certainly am not.
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] sure
[WB] then you wont mind lettin loose with the filthiest obscenities you can imagine
[WB] right now
[RS] i don't have to prove myself to you.
[RS] look, did you message me for a reason, or did you just want to taunt me?
[WB] oh yeah
[WB] good call on redirectin me
[WB] otherwise ill keep going like this
[WB] a hole with no fuckin bottom thats for sure
[WB] okay so if you couldnt tell from how i keep dancin around the point here
[WB] this is kinda hard to ask
[WB] but did your brother ghost me or something
[WB] he hasn't responded to any of my messages for a long time
[WB] not since he told me that he had some big plans for 2d18mo
[RS] oh. um.
[RS] i.
[RS] i sort of.
[RS] i can't talk about that.
[RS] there was a big problem that day when we.
[RS] i mean when he.
[RS] when he, uh.
[RS] i just can't talk about it.
[RS] it attracted a lot of attention, and the news people were everywhere, and.
[RS] i mean.
[RS] sorry.
[WB] um
[WB] okay i guess
[WB] sorry for prying
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]