aftik april

aftik april
RE: aftik april
psssst hey! If it's alright with you, I'd like to sneak myself into the 27th :]
womp c(:
RE: aftik april

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RE: aftik april
I forgot entirely about this. Can I take the 9th, 13th, 23rd?
Also would you like me to notify the servers I'm in or smth?
RE: aftik april
ok and yes

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RE: aftik april
Why hello there. May I take April 10th ^w^
Also if i can I will take the 24th ;OwO; (im also known as .w. on Discord)
RE: aftik april

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RE: aftik april
Alright akwardcarapace is 0verthr0wing me, ill let em p0st what their idea is.

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RE: aftik april
Hey everyone! Gracious thank you to SK for allowing me to "hijack" this thread with my idea.

Although April is already halfway over, I see no reason not to continue appreciating the iconic species of the Cosmosdex, the aftiks. That's why I'm starting HALFTIK APRIL 2019 (REDUX).

Instead of a "sign up for slots" model, Halftik April 2019 (Redux) is going to be more of those challenge type things that anyone can do, like Inktober - there's going to a prompt list, and if you'd like to participate, you can. I'm going to be pulling from this website of weird holidays for the prompts.

For example, on April 16th, there's Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day, Eggs Benedict Day, and Save The Elephant Day. Can you make an aftik character/design based on one of these holidays? Two?? ALL??? It's your choice!

Below is a chart I made for the event. If you have an Eagle Time account and are participating, feel free to post your entries (text or image) in this thread. And if you know a holiday that falls on an April day that's not on the prompt list, go ahead and base a character off that if you want!

[Image: c1ufjwffzm.png]

Here's a text version:
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(Note I basically just copy pasted all the holidays from that site even if they wouldn't translate very well to the Fortunaverse - for example days like "English Language Day" or "Hug an Australian Day".) Okay, have fun y'all!