Notail class leader application

Notail class leader application
RE: Notail class leader application
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Re-applying bc things are better enough that I could get this done rn.
RE: Notail class leader application
also in case my other application is *too* much of a direct reference to gundham tanaka and also cause i had an idea! another app

Application for the T class leader

Their basic theme: Cold, calculating, numbers obsessed, and brutally efficient; there isn't a time when T-1040 shows even a sliver of personality, lets anything slip through even as they take people's lives away for debt repaid. Seeing the grip of capitalism on other species and how any people go without basic needs has led them to believe the notails and their society are wholly superior to others.

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: For a long, long time T-1040, T-7001 then, worked as a second in command to the past T-1040. They were known to be trustworthy, hard working, and a tidy and talented individual, if a little frosty. Something boiled deep within them though, waiting, its blood raging and red hot. They weren't a machine, even if some treated them like one, and one day, something snapped. On a Saturday night like any other, the old T-1040 was found dead in their office. T-1040 came forward and said they had killed them. Honestly, nothing much changed. T-1040 was already accepted as someone who excelled at what they did, and nothing else.

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: T-1040 has a gecko face making a []-[] expression.
T-1040 is at all times well put together, immaculate, and punctual, every second of the day planned out, and, as so as it is with their usual appointments, every Saturday without fail they disappear into the night, putting on a new face and new name, and let themselves go under the moonlight on a spree of partying and (in their eyes) wastefulness. No one knows about these weekly stress relief jaunts. No one knows T-1040's secret face.
[Image: tumblr_inline_pka9p9BBYE1wsmlc7_500.png]
traits: cannot be killed
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the J-class leader

Concept sketches!
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Their basic theme: The (False) Guardian!

Even though it's no longer a requirement to link the J and I-class leaders together, it still seemed like a wicked idea to play with ^^

Surface Essentials: This J-411 is a knight! Genteel, very polite, very chivalrous. They fit snuggly as a, "golden age detective," foil to I-42's, "hardboiled detective," then functions even further under the quest giver trope (think Inspector Gadget to Chief Quimby with just as many cartoonish explosions as these two leaders bicker and brawl). They were once training to be a field agent, but ever since an incident generously hacked off half their limbs (or perhaps, maybe, possibly, something a little deeper than that), they found sitting behind the one-way-mirror to be much safer. In fact, they've made a lot of decisions to be safer. They're now a much more conventional lawman as opposed to a spy-wannabe. I-42 is used to the fray, anyway. Let them go under fire. It's just all the more errands to give.

Inner Bonuses:
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Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?:

J-411 is very protective of the people they care about, who are few and far between. Most, if not all of them, are relationships that have carried over from the woods, and many were lost during that span of time. J-411 will tell anyone who asks that they have pursued this position in order to protect all people/the law more effectively. Once more, they are a guardian of justice! However, some I-classes seem intent on spreading rumors that J-411 is a double agent (whatever that means u-u) and that the people they are trying to protect from the law are not the same people they should be protecting.

Every knight serves someone.

Backstory Bonus:
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Any other interesting info you want to say about them:

Bonus II: Important traits for J-411 would be [Escape Artist], [Polite], [Coward], and [Rarely Meddles]!
[Escape Artist] for secrecy/a gimmick to avoid evidence getting pinned on them
[Polite] for their external image
[Coward] for their internal image
[Rarely Meddles] for suspicion/"true neutrality"/generally just standing by and judging coldly while the f-class guards do the rest of the work

Bonus III: Often when they’re chatting, they keep sounding accusatory by total accident. This is because they prefer not to talk about themself in a conversation, spewing forth all these analytics and using You's more than I's instead. This is great for compliments! Not so great for anything else. Their belief is that this distances themself from the person, hence creating an even more neutral space.

Ex. “Would you like a glass of water? u-u”
“Yes please!”
You do. I see. Then perhaps you should have brought your own water bottle if you were anticipating a dry palette. Nevertheless, your honesty shows strength of character. You will receive a glass of water… Do you want ice? u-u”
“Yes please.”
Obviously you would want ice, wouldn’t you. u-u”

Bonus IV: J-411 fully embraces the horse (right on down to their terrible physical weaknesses why would nature do this to them). They have a stable on their estate full of equines, which they can be caught grooming in an array of their favorite sundresses. J-411 love carrots and sugar cubes and they Will smite anyone who offers them jello. Whenever J-411 has a hard time reading someone, they'll invite them to their stables (aka, force them to do chores with the equines) and observe how their herd reacts.

Bonus V: When J-411 isn't participating in the horse girl dream, they like catching up with p-classes about the latest detective gadgetry (especially gimmicky gadgetry). Their garb may make it seem like they're stuck in a different era, but they would be one of the few leaders alongside O-5 and P-1337 in support of robotic enhancements.
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Ian gets T
sunflowerhouse gets V
CosmicClaxon and Schazer can just battle over who gets J, while the other one gets the J-class second in command.

Just have it all submitted by April 10th.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
the v-37 submission is up! thank you for accepting my application, i really appreciate the opportunity and i had a blast making this character
[Image: tumblr_inline_pka9p9BBYE1wsmlc7_500.png]
traits: cannot be killed