Notail class leader application

Notail class leader application
Notail class leader application
Notail class leader

Hey, I've been getting a lot of PMs about the last notail class leaders, and PMs are not a very good medium for me, also I believe that there should be a more public area for class leader discussion / claiming so everyone is on the same level.

Please note that filling out the application below DOES NOT mean you automatically claim the spot. The spot will ONLY be taken when I quote an application and state that the person can have it. I am unlikely to comment on applications I do not approve of, and also please don't consider my lack of a comment as an automatic rejection. There is always a possibility I'm waiting to see other applications for that slot. I would like to be a bit more picky about the last few slots.

Note I will also be keeping the time limit for other applications here, as many many slots are currently being held.


V- Don't have major requirements, will just judge on the concept.

J- Don't have major requirements, will just judge on the concept.

T- Don't have major requirements, will just judge on the concept.

To request any of these slots just fill out the application. Remember, requesting a slot does not mean automatic acceptance, and if you see someone with an application for a slot you want and they've yet to be accepted it is not rude at all to put down an application for that slot as well. I prefer more than one application to look at.

Note: I will not be accepting any natural born, or class hopping notails (L-class who decided to be the G-class leader for example).

[b]Application for the (letter here) leader[/b]
[b]Their basic theme:[/b] (Please keep this to one or 2 sentences. Their theme should be easy to explain.)
[b]Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: [/b]
[b]Any other interesting info you want to say about them:[/b]


Everyone below has until X (by the end of the day) to show me that they have submitted their application or has nearly FINISHED their final application. If the application needs some final tune ups that's ok with me, but if the application looks to be half finished or rushed the application slot will be moved back to being open.

If you would like to drop your slot please do tell me, I won't mind at all.
No one currently.


Please feel free to also use this topic to ask lore questions if you have a slot. Such as friendships (Or more) between class leaders or even O-classes. I'm more than willing to set up some bridges between your oc and the O-classes if you have a good idea.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the T leader
Their basic theme: T-1040 is obsessed with everything and anything lucky. They attribute their financial success to an enormous collection of "good luck charms."
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: T-1040's lucky items causes their usually abysmal self-confidence to soar. With their collection at their side they believe they are best suited cosmically to lead.
Any other interesting info you want to say about them: T-1040 is extremely superstitious and can get very squeamish at any mentions of O-11 or D-20 for fear of their bad fortune.
[Image: tea_ten.png?width=298&height=458]
RE: Notail class leader application
How do class leaders become class leaders? how can the class leader change?
RE: Notail class leader application
(10-12-2018, 12:06 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »How do class leaders become class leaders? how can the class leader change?

Class leaders become class leaders by waiting until the current class leader quits, is deemed unacceptable by today's standards, or most commonly is personally killed by the person who wants to be the next class leaders. Aka it works the same as notail O-classes, with the main difference being that it is WAAAAAAAAY more common. It's fairly rare for a class leader to rule past the 150-year mark as they tend to be quickly blamed for shortcomings of their class and it takes a good class leader to beat the odds and show off that they are a good class leader in trying times where the issues happening might not even be their fault!

(Aka, sometimes class leaders are used as scapegoats. In the case of the N class leader it's more like a sacrificial lamb....)

It doesn't help that if you want to be a long-term class leader you either want to be untouchable (Like the P-class leader who has been a leader for 1000s of years because most people do not physically know where they exist.) or a semi suck up. After all your fellow class leaders may start picking at you at any sign of weakness, but owing them lots of favors might make them look the other way.

Aka, it's all based on survival of the fittest.

(Note if a person kills a class leader they still have to show they're more than good enough for the job. If they fail they will be tossed on prison planet forever and the killed class leader's clone will be brought in.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Post go here.

Application for the T leader
Their basic theme: Under capitalism it doesn't matter how ethical you are so long as you are successful, and the weak will be out-competed regardless of ethics. The economic affairs of the notails abroad are concerned with efficiency and resource availability. This often takes the form of social engineering and abuse of power, because who can stop you if you're on top?
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: I'm still puzzling this out as there's a number of ways to take this direction. There's generally the underlying greed and curiosity of it, but there's definitely something to be said about working with Metaparxi lore and that of other economics-related species (namely geckrechauns)
Any other interesting info you want to say about them: copryright/tax/patent law attorney fucker. extortion and cruelty as an experiment, what will it take oh what will it take? everything has it's price and so does he. Probably a former beta class who grew up in harsh conditions and learned to thrive in them. With this concept there's definitely potential for it coming up as "getting (pantheon dlc) opens up some new T-1040 quests, they're a doozy", but in the end that's just fanon I've been putzing around with for [LIVE]. Lastly: "Oh what a horrible fate has befallen you my little xeno, but hark there is a future for you still if you sign on the dotted line (face)". There was a line I had in basic theme that stuck with me, but it really needs to get trimmed.

edit: woops, forgot no natural borns. Also more than happy to expand anywhere/everywhere. I've got some light ideas about how they can tie into other class leaders/quests, etc
RE: Notail class leader application
I forgot to mention this before but if you are making a notail leader you are free to ignore the legendary app section saying it is closed. For you it is ok to submit even when it is closed.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
H-class leader is uh-donezo:
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the G leader

Their basic theme: The actor/director!

Similar to how actors are able to fill multiple roles, so does the G-class. This interpretation of the notail-loving G-44 would be a vlogger with intent on putting the millions of everyday G-class faces in the spotlight. Her content is relatable and mainstream, giving her ample opportunity to travel and learn trades while also making training videos for the G-classes cycling through the workforce. She's a huge morale booster (with a capture creature mascot to boot since that's something the G-classes can get really into. Similar to how some vloggers sell merchandise with their dog on it, this is something G-44 would promote after announcing, "I love you guys! I couldn't have done it without you!" at the end of her videos).

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: G-44 has a sincere love of life and wants to spread that love to the other G-classes. While many get bogged down by experience, G-44 functions as a rare positive balance and continuously found more and more things to appreciate with every new person she encountered during her life as a G-class, from the cashiers to the electricians to the cameramen. It's super cheesy, but she wants that happy ending. The best way to fix your production when the ensemble falls behind is to become their director. (This lead her right into the forefront of producing propaganda.)

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: Traits like [Role Model] and [Photographic Memory] would be important to her character. G-44 would be someone with lots of "facebook" friends who keeps trying to balance her attention between them. She tries really hard to remember every face she meets, and every mask for that matter, and ends up organizing people into several archetypal categories, similar to how some actors have their "acting type" (ie. the wide-eyed heroes, the sidekicks, the comic relief, etc.).

EDIT: Possible fun fact depending on how her history develops: I imagine one reason she was able to get her leader application considered is by winning an online popularity contest when she worked as a publicities director. (This spawned from the idea that the largest class should have a popular leader.)

EDIT II: Secondary fun fact: if you're experiencing a downer, she probably has several-thousand inspirational quotes at the ready. Can't have inefficiently sad cogs, ya know. Quoting is a habit of hers. (aka Scripts and lines.)

EDIT III: JUST THOUGHT OF fun fact maybe??: another possibility for her backstory is that she came from a village with the theme of "literally everything's beautiful, wow" in an attempt to study how this affected a notail's rationality when they grew up. In this village, everyone's sweet, everything's made to be pretty-- sometimes it's almost too lovely. When G-44 left, instead of being shattered that not everything was as nice as her village, she internalized that everyone's (especially notails) got something beautiful and special inside if you look for it. (This trait would allow her to live life relatively grudge free, which she would accumulate a lot of thanks to the sheer number of people she's met... However, keep in mind, G-44's not as naive as you think.)

EDIT IV: BRAINSTORMED ANOTHER FUN FACT HOly moly... G-44 would totally be a method actor. Being a G-class makes this utmost convenient because they do so much and it's so varied.

EDIT V: Concept ref!
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[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Gonna cash in on the extension you offered and request for it! I've made a lot of progress but I can tell I won't be able to finish D-20 by the deadline, haha.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the C leader

Their basic theme: C-classes don't need minds of their own. C-4 is no exception.

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: C-4 is a purpose-built clone line, designed singularly for the task of being C-4.
It was never taught to dream. It was never taught to feel emotions.
Once in a while, when class leader meetings that necessitate a new shell for C-4 become rarer, does C-4 have time to learn these things.

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: C-4 acts as a command tower, and operates from a literal tower with its clones produced downstairs. The clones receive memories of the previous C-4 in a manner closer to a dossier than a full identity. C-4 will only obey the commands of the notail leaders, and relays their instructions across its network of C-class notails to build. It draws material and dimensional specifications from a constantly-updated database (stored on otherwise-unused C-class notail brains) managed by K-classes.
C-4 does not have the context or imagination to understand that its constructions have a purpose, or occupants, or that those occupants are the same species as it.
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the J leader
Their basic theme: He's more a representation of judgment and judiciary administration given flesh than anything else.
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: Because it's all he has, it is all he is, it's all he can. Also he loves his job.
Any other interesting info you want to say about them: Started his tenure as J-Class leader as something of a real-life flat character, which he had become self-aware of and was now quietly having an identity crisis (kept compartmentalized separate from work, of course)
Feels the first millennia of being a succession of clones helped with it, by making it worse, and he realized that he couldn't fix it without compromising his work. So he stopped worrying and learned to love the fact that there's nothing to him but his job and the law.
(I had considered having him being the J-Class leader back then discovered cloning, but that feels a bit mary sue-ish?)
Takes a healthy amount of breaks from work, or "breaks", rather, as he doesn't stop walking, talking and breathing his job. That's vacations, which just end with him staying in his quarters, depressed(?)
RE: Notail class leader application
D-class leader is finally done!
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
Thank you to all the people who submitted their applications!

@DS Piron you have the J-class leader.
@Schazer you have the C-class leader.
@CosmicClaxon you have the G-class leader.
@LoverIan you have the T-class leader.

@ above feel free to submit even when apps are closed. You'll have till Dec 20th to get it done. Remember, if you can't finish your app please just say so, so I can open the slot early.

For people holding the S, V, and Beta slot, if you're submitting within the next 3 days please do that no need to do the below.

If you only need one more 10-day extension don't even bother with any explanation or show of work, just say "I'll be taking 10 more days." and you'll get it. Just know that if you take the 10 days and it's not submitted by then there will be no if ands or buts about the slot opening.

If you're not I would like a quick explanation of why you've been unable to submit the application within 40 days (no need to get into details, "This month has been tiring" is enough for me.), where you currently are in the application, and when can I except a completed app. People who are having other issues (but can show the did some of the work) may be given up to 20 days but I'm not sure I can do more than that.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
yeah i'd like to be optimistic about my ability to do things instantly but i'll take the ten days
RE: Notail class leader application
I have a question, now that Z-100's entry is done – since they have a number of masks, I was wondering if it might be possible to do a rotating main image for them? And if so, how would I submit the art for it?
RE: Notail class leader application
To do a rotating art piece just submit the default to the cosmosdex, then post all the others here or to an email to the Cosmosdex noting ho you would like it to rotate.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
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It would be neat if it could be randomized every time you visit the page, but otherwise I guess have it so it goes Turble > Mallon > Seizing Bird > Eyegret > Unicorn?
RE: Notail class leader application
Im most likely going to need to take you up on that extension! I'm nearly done but T-1040 needs some polishing up!
RE: Notail class leader application
Forgot to say but sure, as long as it's submitted on or before the last day of this month.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
I haven't gotten any updates in over 10 days from when I posted (15 days from when the request was made) so I will currently place the slot as opened. (At least I checked the backend and I don't see the entry there.)

Both the V-class, J-class, and T-class slots are now open, but note I'm really not in a rush to fill the slots so feel free to post your application for them and I'll get around to looking over it eventually.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail class leader application
I'm friends with Ghira. Would it be alright if I took what they had for the T-class leader and finished it up? I have their blessing for this. Their info below

(10-11-2018, 07:52 PM)Ghira Wrote: »Application for the T leader
Their basic theme: T-1040 is obsessed with everything and anything lucky. They attribute their financial success to an enormous collection of "good luck charms."
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: T-1040's lucky items causes their usually abysmal self-confidence to soar. With their collection at their side they believe they are best suited cosmically to lead.
Any other interesting info you want to say about them: T-1040 is extremely superstitious and can get very squeamish at any mentions of O-11 or D-20 for fear of their bad fortune.
RE: Notail class leader application
Double The application powah. Obviously I'll understand if I can only have one.

Application for the T-class leader
Their basic theme: Ultimate T-axtail, small, short, and angry. They are uncannily skilled in getting owed money, honestly probably shouldn't be in a managerial position, but here they are.
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?:Somebody has to be O-X's top actual Hatchet-tail. They were essentially appointed to the position, for more-or-less the main reason of removing by any means, horribly incompetant notails from their undeserved positions.
Any other interesting info you want to say about them:They are the second shortest notail class leader, a tiny little ax-wielding anger-goblin.

Application for the V-class leader
Their basic theme: An extremist body-modder who's ultimate goals involves bridging the gap between animal and notail, and creating the ultimate chimera. These are not fully unrelated.
Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: Could not achieve dreams of becoming an actual literal cat without the full resources of the notail government. Obviously.
Any other interesting info you want to say about them: Possibly an actual cat in a notail's body.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the V class leader

Their basic theme: An eccentric woman who believes he is the Dark Lady, future ruler of the abyss.

Since V-37 was young, he was disliked by the other children because of his difficulties communicating and interacting with people period, and because they thought he was annoying. He'd hide from the other children during group activities, only finding solace in animals and an older N class who took pity on him and would let him use their office as a hiding place and answer questions he had. No one asides from an M class when he was too young to remember ever touched his skin, and in attempt to explain this to himself he became convinced he was blessed (he wasn't) and that anyone who touched him who wasn't "at his power level" (a.k.a. animals) would become poisoned and die. He began to wrap his arms in bandages, and wore multilayered, covering clothing.

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?: V-37 both thinks he is entitled to a leadership position, and also trusts no one else to lead. He believes wholeheartedly that not a notail but capture creatures have the power to kill the Neo, and so they must be well cared for and well studied, and he is the only one who can properly lead doing so. He held no grudge against the old V-37, but it was in his view a fated duel on his way to his destiny.

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: He has developed an infatuation with Princess, saying she is his fellow Dark Queen who he will marry and rule alongside, and has on occasion very clumsily tried to flirt with her to little success as the way he talks is confusing and near incomprehensible unless you really know him, and Princess wants nothing to do with him.

EDIT: Additional additional info: V-37 has a raven mask with a =w# face, representative of the claw marks through the right eye. During his years of work, he's put little care into his own safety when dealing with injured animals and has lost both his arms which have been replaced. No one has realized because he still covers them.

ADDITIONAL EDIT: Now includes a link to a rough sketch of what he looks like:
[Image: tumblr_inline_pka9p9BBYE1wsmlc7_500.png]
traits: cannot be killed
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the J leader

Their basic theme: Yahoo answers user J-411 asks: it it ok to punch crims if you wear a cape while doing it?????

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation? As a kid, J-411 was honestly convinced they should've been a V-class - they were underperforming compared to their fellow J-classes when it came to all the quests involving the reading of people, and were sent off into the Woods without very much being expected of them.
The Woods and the V-class friends they made were a lifeline for the young J-411 - they had a real knack for working with animals, learning to read their body language and telling just by scent how a creature was feeling. By the time they left, they had actually gained a suite of skills useful for reading people - sure, "reading" them often meant "sniffing" them, and "apprehending" them often meant "chasing them down like a wild beast and wrestling them into submission". J-411's unswerving commitment to truth and justice means I- and J- classes are oddly fond of them, like a large rowdy mascot for their organisation. What they lack in nuance they make up for in a refreshingly uncomplicated sense of 'justice'.

Any other interesting info you want to say about them: J-411 has studied just about every martial art in the known universe. J-411 claims to fight for truth, justice, and the notail way, but that doesn't quite explain why they spend large chunks on Prison Planet getting in sparring matches with prisoners. They're not all that much of a conversationalist, often tuning out people when they start to ramble (though always listening out for if their rambling comes from nerves or if they're stalling for some reason).

oh also worth mentioning they have a semi-realistic rooster mask and no shirt??
RE: Notail class leader application
Application for the V leader

Their basic theme: The good kid.
V-37 is an adult now. They still remember the praise they received as a child, praise they received bashfully. Thank you, yes, they could show you how to hold this the right way. Come stay with them a little. Bye, see you later! And in the morning their caretakers said, stop running off. Your performance may be high now, but you have terrible work ethic. Their bright-eyed attitude would crack with more than a few tears. All they wanted was to play and talk with friends -- admittedly they had few. They preferred the company of books and animals. While their peers saw them as kind and a little too sensitive, they held a deep-seated resentment for those who thought it meant it was okay to wrong them.

Why are they the class leader instead of in a normal job? What's their motivation?:
It was only supposed to be a normal job. There was next a period of growing irritation over misplaced files, stolen credit. They held their tongue. The best way to professionally bite back was success. (An argument broke out as one work day ended, their coworkers returning to find V-37 bruised and the V-37 at the time more bruised. The formal challenge came afterward.) Officially, they say they’ve just got an interest in creatures and their care. It’s half the story, though true.

Any other interesting info you want to say about them:
Of course they’re not perfect. They would tell you that animals can be perfect, while grooming their “pet” of the month, week, or day. V-37 picks favorites amongst the capture creatures in their care, which is to say of any capture creature if they wished. It only takes an apologetic excuse, and technically-not-forged papers. Afterwards, the animal is foisted onto someone else with another regretful lament, neglected, or else. Some of the worse cases were of those they never tired of. An anonymous source has noted that V-37 does not seem to extend this attitude to other notails, but as warning and not disclaimer.

V-37’s pre-leader name was V-5. Five was a good number, wouldn’t you say? Simple and easy to work with, a familiar midpoint between the last and next. It could also be read as vs for versus. They know. Preferably, don’t remind them, even when they laugh at your comment and brush it off with a “];3c”. The face represents their mask depicting a winking black sheep. It’s framed by their curly brown hair like a fluffy friendly sheep of compliance, only with spiraling horns and antennae to complete. A few of their digits have been amputated, resulting from early incidents in the Woods.