[CONSOLE]: Having any fun yet? (12/23)

[CONSOLE]: Having any fun yet? (12/23)
[CONSOLE]: Having any fun yet? (12/23)
[Image: 1_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv7q.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: heeeeyyyy
are you done yet :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: not yet
chill out m8

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: but it’s taking you soooo long! :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: Im sorry i cant work faster
got a big problem on my hands atm

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: what is it?

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: nah you wouldnt understand

[Image: 2_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv7g.png]

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: I s2g this is getting frustrating

[Image: 3_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv7a.png]

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: omg
ur shitting me

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: I have an idea
can’t you send it to me in the meantime :)
I can finally have my gift and you can fix it in the meantime :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: nnnnnhghhghg
im not even sure it would work in this state

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: but what if it does anyway?

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: look can’t u just
wait one more day
just use the built-in cheat menu in the meantime ok

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: no!!!!
the built in cheat menu is the worst!
I can’t do anything without Helios changing it on me :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: Binny
ik its ur birthday and all
but this is ridiculous.

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
MisterBinnary: you promised me you would send it to me on my birthday!!! :(
what kind of birthday present is given after the birthday party has already ended :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
k fine
but don’t get pissed @me if your computer explodes on your ass when downloading this mess

[Image: 4_by_spookyarchive-dcr6pgl.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: yay!! :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: I gtg to sleep
ill see ya tomorrow morning
goodnight you moody fckn child =-)

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: se yaa :)

[Image: 5_by_spookyarchive-dcqvsql.png]

Author's note

RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
[Image: 6_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv6h.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: hey :)
are you up?

[Image: m4st3r_c0dem4k3r_by_spookyarchive-dcqx96b.png]
ASHII: yep
why ask tho
u waited for me to wake up so u could test it with me
that’s so sweet <333

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: :)
how do i enable cheats?

[Image: m4st3r_c0dem4k3r_by_spookyarchive-dcqx96b.png]
that also
just type >enable_cheats in the console
wait imma send you a list of some available cheats rn
Here it is:

It's not all of em of course but its a good starting point

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: wow
that’s cool :)

[Image: 7_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv68.png]

[Image: m4st3r_c0dem4k3r_by_spookyarchive-dcqx96b.png]
ASHII: wait u deleted everything and made a backup save right

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: of course i have :)

[Image: m4st3r_c0dem4k3r_by_spookyarchive-dcqx96b.png]
ASHII: k good
wait u also have no mods on right

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: nope :)
I have a texture pack on though

[Image: m4st3r_c0dem4k3r_by_spookyarchive-dcqx96b.png]
ASHII: it should work just fine then
start the tutorial if u want

[Image: 8_by_spookyarchive-dcqtv64.gif]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
[Image: radio_by_spookyarchive-dcqvsu0.png]

[Image: 9_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvpl.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: Hermes doesn’t remember me :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: ye that was to be expected
hermes is ur fav right?

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: yep :(
he’s hands down the best AI in the game :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: lol my fav is apollo
he’s p hot also

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: yeah i heard that from a lot of people :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: kek
its a good thing that herm doesn’t remember u tho
ur gonna fuck this game up so badly lol

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: yeah maybe it’s better this way :(

[Image: 10_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvpc.png]

[Image: 11_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvp0.png]

[Image: 12_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvow.png]

[Image: 13_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvoo.png]

[Image: 14_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvoj.png]

[Image: 15_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvoa.png]

[Image: 16_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvo3.png]

[Image: sneakyman_by_spookyarchive-dcqx9gt.png]
MisterBinnary: oh god I didn’t remember Hermes being so boring :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: yeah in the first three games he’s cardboard man
like he's made out of 100% percent cardboard
but imagine playing this huge ass game for the first time
herm is actually p useful at first

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: Yeah that makes sense

[Image: 17_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvnv.png]

[Image: 18_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvnn.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: I need to create my captain now
what do you think I should do?

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: wait wait wait
don’t touch anything
enable the debug editor
its the coolest shit ever m8

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: alrighty

[Image: 19_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvnb.png]

[Image: 20_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvmy.png]

[Image: 21_by_spookyarchive-dcqtvmr.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: What does the debug editor do?

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: its like a no limits editor
u can make ur characters any species/subspecies
u can even make it an extinct species if u want to
sure it will rip a shit ton of plot holes but who even fckn cares lol
also u can put all green traits, all purple traits, make their stats go all over 10 and stuff like that.
u can even give them special traits that are not even in the game tho their buggy asf

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: Wow!!! :)
I’m going to have so much with this! :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: I sure do hope you do lol
I spent like 4 months just trying to get the debug editor to work
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
yo this is looking pretty cool so far, I'm curious about where things will go. Anyways I'll be here subscribed to the thread waiting for more Happymelon
Current Projects:
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Make a Human with negative speed and [Unintelligible Accent]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Make an Enlightened Drakon with the 0 luck and traits [Doomed] and [Firecaller]. Their name is King Timebomb
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Make a Frejynk Cth'lean hybrid with [Russian Roulette], [Dirty Memer], [Psychic Powers] and [Extreme Hoarder] . Two extinct species in a hybrid is surely a good idea ; )
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
I am thinking about what species might be good if we're going all out, and if we can have anything something big might be nice to try! I offer my Lucevians due to their psychic nature, and how different they can be, but I am a little worried about offering them. If not my psychic bugs, though, I suggest a Marsue!



Either way I suggest giving them [Psychopomp]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
oh wait this was a choice segment? ok then

> Be a husse with 1000 luck and strength
Current Projects:
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Make a Delphik with 16 heads because you can, and give them [Security Blanket] and the security blanket is a scarf that wraps around all of the heads at once, don't forget to make all of their traits 16 except their Endurance which is 1616

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Seconding the psychopomp marsue, but make sure that luck and agility are maxed out. Don't want the space police catching you!
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
(11-04-2018, 10:08 PM)Fuade Wrote: »Make a Human with negative speed and [Unintelligible Accent]


[Psychopomp] also sounds fun.
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Okay wait. What if we just go big. Who's our character? Just a carcili, like the body being in a spaceship, and not like them controlling a host.
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
d0 all 0f them. because y0u enabled the cheat y0u sh0uld be able t0 make a crew as big as y0u want it t0 be

s0 yeah i sec0nd and third every0ne ab0ve

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
Make Hermes v1. Like, just make a perfect copy of Hermes' cosmosdex file and see how he reacts to it.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
(11-04-2018, 10:08 PM)Fuade Wrote: »Make a Human with negative speed and [Unintelligible Accent]

[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Happy Birthday! (11/4)
(11-05-2018, 01:02 AM)suffershack Wrote: »Make Hermes v1. Like, just make a perfect copy of Hermes' cosmosdex file and see how he reacts to it.


[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
[CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
[Image: 23_by_spookyarchive-dcrhfhr.png]

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: are u making the crew?

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: Yep :)

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: coolio
u can only make 3 characters in the tutorial

[Image: 24_by_spookyarchive-dcrhfi2.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: :(

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: bc if u make more than 3 the game crashes once u reach Fortuna
idk why it has something to do with the fact that the tutorial can’t give you more than 3 fortuna items

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: sorry m8

[Image: 25_by_spookyarchive-dcrhfia.png]

[Image: dcsh2da-609516b7-8909-4d96-8fdd-d92557b57570.png]
MisterBinnary: Mhhh i guess that’s fair :(
I swear once this tutorial is over i’m going to break this game to pieces :)))

[Image: dcsh2d2-39867197-ea8a-4287-b127-bb08c1bebc61.png]
ASHII: lol i bet u will
send screenshots of the crew once ur done
cant wait to see ur new babies

These are just the “Beta” versions of the characters, as unspecified fields have been randomised by the tutorial. Here’s an hip and cool list of things these wonderful new blank slates need. (and other things you can change but are not necessary)


RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
[Image: BM34D4f.png]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
Wait, hold on. Are all those delphik heads dead except for one? And that one looks incredibly traumatized about that? I dunno if that was intentional but I say we roll with that
RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
[Image: 23_by_spookyarchive-dcrhfhr.png]

Name: BloodHeart TruthSeer
Pronouns: 5he/4er
Color: In image
Backstory: BloodHeart had always seeked a path to get offworld, knowing 5he had a fate
greater than any marsue before 4er. 5he managed to get 4er way offworld
through sheer force of will, convincing a group of notails of 4er fate, though
that did not last long. 5he now uses her speed to outrun the police on 4er way
to fortuna.

Stats: Intelligence: 8.8

Added a trident to 4er outfit. Also pupil is sort of a tide/wave like pattern.

Feel free to edit or change my idea everyone. I had a bit of fun here, but I am also bad at colors.
RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
> Make SonicBlade DarkMoon black with red accents.

> Make Bouquet neon pink.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
(11-09-2018, 06:53 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »> Make SonicBlade DarkMoon black with red accents.

> Make Bouquet neon pink.

[Image: 23_by_spookyarchive-dcrhfhr2.png] Sorta like this?
RE: [CONSOLE]: Character Creation 1/2 (11/8)
Give each single one of them [Chaos] and [Oh No Not Again], lets make the tutorial literal hell to go trough.
Local pidgeonmancer