
RE: Kingmaker
>shit on it
RE: Kingmaker
install religion.exe
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Kingmaker
>Wipe the paint off.
RE: Kingmaker
(05-20-2017, 12:10 AM)eerr Wrote: »>Kingmaker: Stare into blank space for a year and a half

[Image: 7c094bd79d6f289f07a9546d6849bc1f.png]

[Image: 2bf8087f6d51ee0ccd68e99b4ee3c73f.png]

[Image: d7f89127b32569eddc85a65f90655ece.png]

Oh! Sorry you must have gone blank for a few years there.

That was unexpected.

(05-17-2017, 07:37 PM)Tuesbirdy Wrote: »It's pre tty !! Get a closer look

[Image: fUL52cl.png]

You guess it couldn't hurt to get a closer look.

[Image: ml675wy.png]

[Image: OIO0Asi.png]

[Image: VIbn3ZD.png]

(05-18-2017, 07:13 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Either someone had an obscene amount of green and blue paint and an equally absurd amount of time, or you found a planet with... LIFE.

[Image: 4ps1ppP.png]

Evidently! The trees, the snow, the clouds, the mountains, words and concepts that immediately sprang to mind when you saw the their origins. The planet below is rife with life.

(05-20-2017, 12:10 AM)eerr Wrote: »>Wipe the paint off.

[Image: STsD6T5.png]

[Image: RkAReNz.png]

You're at least 90% sure this isn't all paint.

Also, what was paint again?

(05-18-2017, 01:24 PM)Myeth Wrote: »>shit on it

[Image: BidH64P.png]

You don't know what that is, but you're pretty sure you need to eat something before you can do it. Normally at least.

Come to think of it, you haven't felt hungry in... Ever, really. Maybe you're a god who doesn't need to eat?

(05-18-2017, 12:35 AM)BreadProduct Wrote: »There might be locals. Be sure to disguise yourself or you may risk creating a new religion.

(05-18-2017, 07:13 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Go poke around a bit, maybe start a cult and teach them fire.

(05-19-2017, 02:45 AM)ICan'tGiveCredit Wrote: »install religion.exe

[Image: XXAfS6L.png]

That is a good idea, however. Your mission was to create a religious following. You're not sure why, but you're meant to.

Now what would be the best approach to go looking for locals? You didn't see any obvious sign of civilization on your way down...

RE: Kingmaker
Fly around the continents at high speed looking for signs of large-scale organized structures. Might as well make sure an advanced global society isn't around before looking for something more basic and local, after all!
RE: Kingmaker
>Find something that's intelligent.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Kingmaker
>Well, if you don't see any locals, can't hurt to make some, right?
>Clap your hands together and make some!
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Kingmaker
>Interpretive Dance surpasses language barriers
RE: Kingmaker
Make a cat-person.
RE: Kingmaker
>Find some creatures with potential, then teach them things. If you can skip a few years by blanking out, you should be able to skip a few hundred, so you can cut out all the dull parts of building up a civilisation.
RE: Kingmaker
>>Look and see if any other gods like you have shown up before. Probably best not to poke their turf if they've already got a thing going.
I list my creative thingamadoodles here
Forum Adventures:Into The Long Void
Forum Games: Terms And Conditions May Apply
Projects: None Posted Yet
RE: Kingmaker
>Go make some kings
RE: Kingmaker
(07-05-2018, 11:56 PM)Demonsul Wrote: »Fly around the continents at high speed looking for signs of large-scale organized structures. Might as well make sure an advanced global society isn't around before looking for something more basic and local, after all!

[Image: 8K8oTye.gif]

(07-06-2018, 10:55 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Find something that's intelligent.

[Image: yhrrAXe.png]


[Image: HWJuKz9.png]

No one here.

[Image: d3Ilh61.png]

[Image: Cgz4peF.png]

[Image: bbx4EK6.png]

This is impressive and all, but you still can't find anyone. If these man made mountains are anything to go by, there was intelligent life here sometime in the past, but for the life of you, you can't find any.

(07-06-2018, 10:57 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Well, if you don't see any locals, can't hurt to make some, right?

[Image: 0o0xl8B.png]

You're still not entirely sure that's a thing you can do yet. You do feel... stronger now, than you did before you spaced out a while back there. At this rate it doesn't look like you're going to find anyone any time soon so its worth a shot at least.

Probably best if you didn't start ex nihilo, that didn't seem to work before. Maybe if you found something that could be used as a base to work off of...

(07-09-2018, 02:17 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>Find some creatures with potential, then teach them things. If you can skip a few years by blanking out, you should be able to skip a few hundred, so you can cut out all the dull parts of building up a civilisation.

[Image: 9FNwOUL.png]

Spacing out intentionally sounds like a good way to fast forward through boring periods. You'll keep that in mind, though you imagine the more advanced your flock gets, the more attention you're going to need to pay.

[Image: wonSVBf.png]

[Image: fyzTAsl.png]

[Image: ELN6CvX.png]

[Image: xgiR9Mb.png]

[Image: EM5wlOM.png]

Eh, worth a shot.

(07-06-2018, 10:57 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Clap your hands together and make some!

[Image: yWHSUCj.png]


[Image: accLMFN.png]

Just relax...

[Image: pW698PP.png]

Just focus your power, just like you do when you fly. Only more directed. More purposeful. Focus...

[Image: 2Rs51Xz.png]


[Image: TeOwso9.png]


(07-09-2018, 01:51 AM)eerr Wrote: »Make a cat-person.

[Image: 1iGSOfS.png]


[Image: GzRHoYl.png]

*Snarl of impotent rage*

[Image: 2F0YlGC.png]

[Image: DgMOTVp.png]

[Image: H39IGwj.png]

[Image: u1sN4Uj.png]

[Image: T7IRYyv.png]

Well... At least it worked

[Image: ocJS5Km.png]

Hiss.... ow....

[Image: OE12Uhx.png]

What is?

Where am?

[Image: KZTuGFb.png]


[Image: RHnVv0Q.png]

[Image: bmT22a8.png]


[Image: oOW4gpM.png]


[Image: UZvCP91.png]


[Image: 08qJwGu.png]

You know, a responsible god would have planned for the first meeting with their future worshippers, but I honestly wasn't thinking that far ahead.

(07-07-2018, 12:51 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>Interpretive Dance surpasses language barriers

[Image: YQyD4ps.gif]

[Image: m9SAPLS.png]

[Image: yghDOZX.png]
RE: Kingmaker
>Make more cat people and wait a time, until they band together.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Kingmaker
> Great, you scared them away with your god awful dance. Don't lose them!
RE: Kingmaker
>We're off to a good start. Probaly need to make a few more.

>But first maybe decide what kind of god you wanna be here. hands off or hands on ?
RE: Kingmaker
>Hmm... Maybe try wolf people.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Kingmaker
(07-15-2018, 05:12 AM)Spira-Virgo Wrote: »> Great, you scared them away with your god awful dance. Don't lose them!

[Image: YjZED3q.png]

[Image: fOqWUsj.png]

Something tells you she's not going to get anywhere anytime soon in a body she isn't familiar with.

(07-15-2018, 12:21 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Hmm... Maybe try wolf people.

[Image: J5lFZFa.png]

One retroactively terrible mistake at a time, please.

(07-15-2018, 11:30 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>But first maybe decide what kind of god you wanna be here. hands off or hands on ?

[Image: nvYcqpl.png]

Given I have just upended this thing's life and am basically the father of a new race of beings, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to be hands on until I get at least, like, ten of these things. Then maybe I can leave them alone and hope they survive. At least a little.

(07-13-2018, 04:56 PM)The Just Writer Wrote: »>>Look and see if any other gods like you have shown up before. Probably best not to poke their turf if they've already got a thing going.

[Image: 9ns5rWc.png]

You've been all over this place, if there are any other gods, you haven't seen any. Some of the ruins look impressive though, so either there were gods at one point here, or the race that used to rule here had excessively big egos.

Probably both.

(07-14-2018, 01:09 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Go make some kings

[Image: QRtPwCd.png]

Oh right, kingmaking. You should do that. Hey, wanna help make a kingdom?

[Image: f2geZD7.png]

W-What Is?

(07-15-2018, 04:42 AM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Make more cat people and wait a time, until they band together.

(07-15-2018, 11:30 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>We're off to a good start. Probaly need to make a few more.

[Image: XR7LYmL.png]

Oh right, you're gonna need a few more, you forgot for a second there.
RE: Kingmaker
> How about you get to know first your creation. Start by asking their name. They do have a name, right?
RE: Kingmaker
> Hmm maybe we should have messed a litte with inanimate objects and non sapinet animals first to find the limits of your powers before you got to making a new race... oh well Live and learn.

Besides There'll be plenty of time for that later while their goign though their primitive stage and all.

>Alright, maybe first stay a small moment with your first creation untill she stop freakin out ever ten seconds. And help her figure out the whole wakng on two les and opposable thumbs

>But first still in the choice to make what sorta persona of god you gotta adopt when adressing your new creation ? 'Allmighty' ? 'gentle and all loving, ? "Dark and Cruel" ? 'Strange trickster' ? 'otherwodly eldritch' ? They're all oldie but goodie.

Only thing sure is that "bumbling and having no clue" is not gonna cut it.
RE: Kingmaker
>>Is there any way you can set something up to automatically cat-personize any felines it comes across?
I list my creative thingamadoodles here
Forum Adventures:Into The Long Void
Forum Games: Terms And Conditions May Apply
Projects: None Posted Yet
RE: Kingmaker
>Conduct naming ceremony.
RE: Kingmaker
Now, hold on.
[Image: unknown.png]
I think there may be an advanced civilization here. Let's not focus on that, though.

(08-02-2018, 03:11 AM)eerr Wrote: »>Conduct naming ceremony.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Kingmaker
You are Someone, and you're in Somewhere.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Kingmaker
(08-02-2018, 05:40 AM)Numbers Wrote: »Now, hold on.
[Image: unknown.png]
I think there may be an advanced civilization here. Let's not focus on that, though

)That our character already flew all over the planet and said he saw no traces of anyone sapient left
2)the red bosy and white tail scheme isexacly the sme as the birdthe cat was hunting
I'm pretty sure its the bird flyin away, not some kind of plane.