
RE: Waterworks
>Actualy maye that's not a bad dirrection to go in: since we're in your mind having all the epiphanies and all,maybe we can deal with your neat freak tendencies and dirty toilet phobia, wouldn't want the hive mind weilding that to get further advantage over you after all.

>Germs, bad but nothing to freak out about systematicaly, you're surronded by them al the time anyway. Yo need to learn not to freak everytime you see dirty water.
RE: Waterworks
(06-24-2018, 12:40 PM)Rakned Wrote: »Superego: Isn't thinking things through sort of your... "thing"?

[Image: 2781.gif]

Well, yeah, but you don't usually get to do it as often as you probably should!

You guess you were hoping that she'd retain some of her free will in there, but this doesn't look to be the case.

There is one last thing you can do. Let's just call it a plan B.

(06-24-2018, 11:41 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>Superego: ...plan B?

[Image: 2782.gif]

You're sitting on one more memory. Connie herself had pulled this one out from her time beyond the universe and (knowing possibly everything that there was to know at the time), tried her best to keep it in reserve precisely for this very moment.

[Image: 2783.gif]

Once you give this to her, there's no going back. Your hands will be tied. You don't know if she'll be able to handle it, but at this point, what choice do you have?
RE: Waterworks
>Have faith in the full you. You've made it this far, right? Connie's got this.
RE: Waterworks
>Do it. If it fails, we're going out with a bang that destroys the universe..
RE: Waterworks
Well hell, when there's no other option, you may as well push the giant red button that says "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THIS BE PUSHED".

Do the thing
RE: Waterworks
>Slap that sucker into the projector in an overly dramatic fashion.
RE: Waterworks
>Get on with it
RE: Waterworks
When all else fails, when there’s litereally nothing else that can be done, when you have to stop something, PERIOD, you drop a bomb on it.

>Superego: Give her the memory. Exterminatus time.
RE: Waterworks
Well honestly its hard to tell what you want, you were trying to get Connie to submit to the hivemind yet still retain free will? Why couldn't she just, not have submitted then?
But if this really is your last option, then you might as well.
RE: Waterworks

>CC: Remember.
RE: Waterworks
(06-26-2018, 03:12 PM)Latere Wrote: »

RE: Waterworks
(06-26-2018, 09:33 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Get on with it

[Image: 2784.gif]

You make your way back up to the projector.

[Image: 2785.gif]

To be frank, you're not sure how you're going to load a film reel into a projector that already has one loaded, let alone one that contains the entire duration of the current timeline. You could try cutting the film and pulling it out, but that would just split it into two separate reels. Plus, it's likely that the projector itself is no longer in any working condition...

[Image: 2786.gif]

Sheesh, you really didn't think this through. Oh well, you suppose this whole theatre analogy was starting to wear thin. You'll get it running.

[Image: 2787.gif]

[Image: 2788.gif]

You are [Image: 2788b.gif]

You never trusted them. They lied to all of you. You are going to expose them for what they are.

You've penetrated the lower levels of the station in search for the truth. They are suspicious of you, and it's only a matter of time before they discover you and track you down. You need to find something, anything, and use it to warn the others.
RE: Waterworks
> Vaguely recall a bunch of people arguing over whether you should be murdered, or hugged and cared for.
RE: Waterworks
>2788b.gif: Elaborate on what you need while examining the area.

Get it? I used the file name
RE: Waterworks
Hm, the walls seem to be a bit staticy, i wonder if this is still inside Connie's mind?

RE: Waterworks
> [Image: 2788b.gif]: Examine your surroundings, see if you can find anything useful/interesting.
RE: Waterworks
>███████: Can you read the text on the wall?
>███████: Close the vent you apparently just came from. You don't want to give them any more clues.
RE: Waterworks
>Find a cool rock and warn people with that.
RE: Waterworks
(07-09-2018, 07:42 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »>███████: Close the vent you apparently just came from. You don't want to give them any more clues.

[Image: 2789.gif]

Good idea.

(07-09-2018, 02:35 AM)Rakned Wrote: »> [Image: 2788b.gif]: Examine your surroundings, see if you can find anything useful/interesting.

[Image: 2790.gif]

The floor is well-worn. The hallway is long, and marked with nothing but the occasional restricted sign.

(07-09-2018, 01:35 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>rest

[Image: 2791.gif]

There's no time for that!
RE: Waterworks
[Image: 2788b.gif]: Recall your enemies, what do they look like, what lies were they initially espousing, and what do you think they're really up to?
>Motion sensor: pick up movements
RE: Waterworks
RE: Waterworks
>███████: Isn't it faster to run on all four blades?
RE: Waterworks
> [Image: 2788b.gif]: Aside from the signs on the walls, this hallway seems pretty barren... A good opportunity to reflect on the circumstances that brought you to what you're doing now?

> [Image: 2788b.gif]: While busy reminiscing, run headlong into something.
RE: Waterworks
>Tea time.
RE: Waterworks
(07-11-2018, 01:16 PM)Rakned Wrote: »> [Image: 2788b.gif]: Aside from the signs on the walls, this hallway seems pretty barren... A good opportunity to reflect on the circumstances that brought you to what you're doing now?

[Image: 2792.gif]

You've been learning everything you can about the layout of the ventilation system. You wanted to see if it would go deep enough. Once you had your route, all that needed to be done was to slip away at the right moment.

Nobody else is aware of what you're doing, but you're certain someone is watching.

(07-11-2018, 08:19 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »>stop

[Image: 2793.gif]

You reach the end of the hallway, where it opens up into a much larger chamber.

[Image: 2794.gif]

There are lights underneath the catwalk, which span across a still pool of dark liquid.