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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 12:21 PM
If anyone was scum on the robotbt lynch yesterday I'd say it's Reyweld or Wheat, slightly more likely Reyweld
How many town have claimed a role and then neglected to actually post all their results? (Lookin at Pharmacy) Can all players who have claimed a role collate their results so we can try make some collective sense of this game?
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 12:41 PM
gotta walk a dog rn but will collate results that have been posted in-thread after if you're not doing so already
also tbh out of me/reyweld/pharms (assuming we can trust RB but I think so) I'm honestly leaning towards Reyweld since you pointed out the robottobt wagon yesterday - wheat is about as confirmed a townie as we have (due to confirmed watcher + confirmed scientist results + every other possible person in said scientist result checking as town). And Pharms' play, while super easy to lynch her for, is feeling more and more like 'person who hasn't played mafia much gets busdriver and has not much of an idea what to do with it' than straight-up scum
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 12:52 PM
It would be somewhat lmao if there were no scum on yesterday's lynch, by which I mean "actually tbqh that's not that implausible"
So like, 60-40 chance of lmao or rip
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 12:55 PM
Also Ilu and this is literally the most invested I've been in the game these past five days (sorry) but I ain't collating shit right now it's 1am
Let all these other depantsed sons a bitches follow my breezy-nether'd lead.
Pharmacy. I know you're pretty sure you shouldn't be divulging your results but I promise now is a good time do so. If you don't trust me Seedy or Mirdini when we say you should, that's three people you're saying "I don't trust you cuz you're scum trying to get info out of me for nefarious ends."
If you can't trust any of us three, there's gotta be some other people left on the alivelist that you trust. Who would they be?
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 02:50 PM
I’m going to start my return with a claim because I don’t think I’m going to live much longer and town should get my information. I am a rolecop who learns the role and one item of my targets. I do not learn the alignment.
N1 - Solaris, who is a Doctor, possessed the Ma_____ M_____ (Schazer didn’t say it but I don’t know why)
N2 - Schazer, who is a Vigilante and possessed an Apple
N3 - Seedy, who is a Vigilante and possessed a Fedora
N4 - Sunspider, who is a Petty Thief and possesses an Orange
I had a Pog++ last night, which should now be owned by Sunspider. My current inventory is Honey, 2 Tinfoil, 2 Bone, Toilet Paper Tube, Lens, and Fedora.
I will be back with a list of reads and my likely scum teams, after I do some gardening.
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(03-02-2015, 02:07 AM)Papers Wrote: »i don't know what i expected from reyweld's new hawkspace thread (06-02-2016, 04:16 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Tokyo could kick your scrawny ass (11-10-2017, 06:39 PM)Myeth Wrote: »reach for the stars
And then annihilate them as a powermove (02-06-2017, 01:02 AM)Justice Watch Wrote: »
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 03:30 PM
hmmmmmm being a miller I sort of wondered if there was a rolecop
but Reyweld is still pretty scumvibes to me...
also schaz whoever visited you, it wasn’t me
also mirdini I do agree that there are things you could question about pala but personally I’m not super into the wine of getting a buddy killed to look more town? (we had 2 replacement slots then, cb could have replaced easily)
and I can see feeling iffy about you doing a lot of wine posting as “oh trying to set up new mislynches” (though not enough to vote!)
maybe I’m just overly leery of suspecting active/“good” players though
I will say vig/doc masons makes sense to me as a thing a gm would put in
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 03:54 PM
Also re: Pala if he actually gives us an item name that checks in the database as 'checks someone's alignment' then I'm willing to believe this is a terrible clash of two town while scum lurk but as long as he's being cagey about something that *shouldn't matter at all at this point except to help confirm he's not lying* I still want to lynch him.
SO let's run down the ol' roleclaim/flip/claimed actions/claimed items list because it's INFO TIME, courtesy of Dini who is going to reread the entire thread despite having things he should probably be writing, rip.
Putting role stuff in bold because there's a lot of item junk. We'll be going by when people said things, not when they happened, because trying to order this stuff right now would be a nightmare of going back up + this way people can more easily find where stuff was claimed and double-check it. If someone wants to put all this item stuff in chronological order later be my guest. I'll probably do another post with the (claimed/confirmed bc people flipped town) role actions in order. Will be putting my stuff in the night sections here though bc I'm super skimming through my own posts.
I do not envy RobotNerd/Acionyx for having to figure out this night action + item jumble from what I've written below, jfc.
Granola has (had?) a Gun And Sight, presumably from his Present.
Seedy claims Miller.
Mirdini (attempts to) block Palamedes.
SinkingSailor, Town Roleblocker, flips up as dead.
Schazer lost a stack of items (now revealed to be Ammo). Likely because of The Lousy Mailman aka Wheat bc Schaz also got a bone that Wheat had. Cat was also involved somehow, apparently.
[Since Cat later flipped as a regular Mailman that swaps inventories, I'm guessing Lousy Mailman only swaps some of each players' inventory + throws in a bone somewhere maybe.]
CSJ got a Pog in the night. Possibly by stealing it, given his later roleflip.
Solaris claims being blocked. Per GM answers in my quicktopic, *people without actions are not informed they've been blocked by a roleblocker role* (and later Seedy confirmation means item-blocking as a result is only notified by things not happening).
Akumu opened their present on D1 and got a Spring, which bounced to someone else.
Schazer got a recipe book, and a bone.
Robust Laser opened their present and got an Apple.
robottobt opened their present and got an Antidote.
Granola mentions he hasn't used his gun.
Pharmacy opened their present? and got a "joke item".
Schazer mentions knowing about the bomb item (through a ~mystery~ source). Might've just been typing 'bomb' into the database out of idle curiosity?
A52 claims watcher, saw Cat, Pharmacy, and Wheat visit the same person on Night 1 (later revealed to be Wheat).
Aside: Sunspider's post #358 is Shrimpteresting.
Schazer opened their present start of D2 and got a *mystery* item.
I opened my present D1 and got a Combinator.
Pharmacy confirms to have visited Wheat N1.
Wheat confirms intentionally visiting themselves N1, and that they (think) they were redirected off Granolaman N1.
Sunspider got a Toilet Paper Tube out of her present and a bunch of pogs in the night.
Wheat confirms visiting nercania-orccelga as well on their mailman route N1, goes into eventual detail re: mailman mechanics including the fact that he always leaves players with as many items as they had originally.
Granola got Akumu's spring N1, as well as an item Akumu originally had.
Cat says "none of you are right do you just want me to say it so we can move past this ", later suggesting (post 434?) she targeted Wheat & Schaz N1 to swap their inventories.
Wheat has all 6 of Schaz's ammo. Wheat presumably also got the magical gun, which zooped back to Schaz at daystart, which is why they're presumably worrying about being stolen from.
CSJ said he got a recipe book.
Pharmacy got a toilet paper tube out of her present as well.
awkwardCarapace claims getting an antidote out of his present as well.
*~*Palamedes claims a one-shot item daycop guilty on Coldblooded
also claims the item he used said Coldblooded was mafia specifically, not just non-town-aligned (607)*~*
Coldblooded is lynched, flips as Mafia Roleblocker.
Mirdini blocks Seedy. Receives a telescope and a toilet paper tube.
Solaris flips up as dead, town doctor + mason.
Wheat reveals the bone was a modspawned item, and that the Ammo is a stack of 6 separate Ammo.
awkwardCarapace is revealed as the source of the bone, somehow. Item invention during D1 or N0, maybe?
a52 claims to have visited CSJ and have been redirected to himself, and saw Wheat, Palamedes, Nercania-Orccelga, awkwardCarapace and Robottobt (as well as himself obviously) visiting. Meaning each of those players either targeted CSJ or a52 (or both).
Wheat claims to have visited a52, N-O, aC, robottobt, as well as maybe Pala & unlikely but possibly themselves, as well as two mystery players.
CSJ claims to have been stolen from, and for some reasons knows Schazer has poison. This is probably because he gave Schazer poison.
CSJ also says that "I can only presume is a bus driver that presumably wanted me to shoot myself which is pretty annoying". Probably was doing the mafia kill that night.
Robottobt claims getting a cookie and a glass lens and losing their antidote.
Robottobot claims to have found that Wheat and CSJ are of the same alignment. Due to driving confirmed by a52, this means that Wheat and a52 are of the same alignment.
awkwardCarapace claims he didn't visit a52 or CSJ during N2, suggesting maybe busdriver lines got crossed? Or there's a 1-way redirector happening.
Schazer claims to be Sol's mason.
a52 claims to have opened his present and received poison. (bolding that bc Poison Bad, and this is presumably why a52 died at the start of the day today).
Seedy claims being roleblocked *by implication* while trying to give Mirdini a Pog++ in the night.
Pharmacy claims to have given me the Toilet Paper roll. Can confirm I received it, see N2.
CSJ says he was stolen from (again).
CSJ says he knows Schaz is not only a mason. (how did he know this??? Thieving the magic gun?).
Palamedes says he visited CSJ on purpose.
Nercania-Orccelga says he can't choose targets for his role.
awkwardCarapace claims item distribution (aka inventor we later find out) role, apparently gives out items randomly among a shotgun choice of targets.
awkwardCarapace claims to have had his poison stolen from him (presumably swapped away by Wheat, actually).
Granola seems to have given Schazer a pog in the night?
Wheat says they got two presents in the night.
Schazer claims they combined their poison and their apple to make a poisoned apple that won't instantly kill people unless they eat it.
Reyweld claims they opened their present and got a cookie, only to lose it to theft or swapping.
Wheat claims to have received an 'age-old toffee', which prevented them from voting on D3 + blocked their role action N3.
Reyweld claims to have been one of Wheat's targets.
aC claims to have opened his present D1 and got a poison.
Cat claims to having an antidote.
robustLaser claims shotgun Cop and having Seedy in both previous check groups, making those checks kinda worthless. N1 check was apparently all players whose names started with 's', n2 also included spoids and seedy.
Schazer confirms that they have a role in addition to being a mason.
robottobt claims that their N1 check let them "know that two years that are unassigned to any players are of the same alignment."
Seedy claims to have a noose, which is a "one-shot judge" item from her present on D1 aka if there is no lynch Seedy (or whoever has it) gets to decide the lynch unilaterally.
CSJ is lynched. Flips as mafia godfather + petty thief.
Mirdini blocks robottobt (because he thought robottobt was probably a scum busdriver. Whoops.)
Mirdini receives *two* toilet paper tubes, *two* tinfoils, *two* fedoras, an orange, a bone, some blow darts, a pog++, and a bomb.
Cat died, flips as Town Mailman (swaps two players' inventories each night.
awkwardCarapace died, flips as Town Item Crafter.
RobustLaser claims to have received a bomb, roleblocking them indefinitely.
RobustLaser claims to have checked Mirdini, Reyweld, awkwardCarapace and Pharmacy, and received a 'guilty' result.
Granolaman also claims to have received a bomb, roleblocking him indefinitely.
Pharmacy claims to have gotten a Fedora.
Granola claims to have received "a pile of toasters". Looking toaster up on the DB, presumably this item is what makes the aforementioned 'toast of truth'.
Wheat fullclaims as a 'Lousy Mailman'.
Seedy claims to have lost a mystery item last night, though not the noose.
Miridini claims to have received a bomb as well.
a52 claims watching results: Mirdini, Granolaman, Palamedes and Nercania-Orccelga all visited robottobt during Night 3.
a52 claims to have lost ammo during Night 3.
Robust Laser claims to have received an orange.
(06-27-2018, 02:11 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Currently in my inventory: 4 oranges, 2 glass lens, 1 tinfoil, 1 fedora, 1 apple.
I targeted mirdini last night.
Pharmacy suggests there is more than one bus-driver around, and claims to have targeted Seedy during Night 3.
Wheat *also* claims to have been bomb'd.
Mirdini claims to being the second town roleblocker.
Mirdini also claims to have used a Telescope during Day 3 and finding out that Sunspider is a Petty Thief (same as CSJ).
Mirdini combines tinfoil and a fedora to make a tinfoil hat (haha, joke item :v).
Robottobt the Town Scientist is lynched.
Mirdini is sad, because bomb.
Mirdini receives *another bomb*, some honey, a recipe book. AND POISON.
Granolaman dies, flips as (second) town item crafter.
a52 dies, flips as town watcher.
Schazer claims to have been antidote'd.
Mirdini claims to have been poisoned & bomb'd.
Wheat claims to have been blocked by a food item so... toffee again? (But wheat you've also been bombed, so...?)
Pharmacy claims town busdriver.
Seedy claims to have given Schazer the antidote.
Schazer claims to having a Magical Gun, with ammo that was lost on Night One. Claims their role involves having to shoot said gun each night, even if no ammo means it's not loaded.
(07-07-2018, 12:01 PM)Schazer Wrote: »My list of actions:
N1 Shot Solaris
N2 Shot awkwardCarapace
N3 Shot Mirdini
N4 Shot n-o
mirdini gets mad enough to spend 4 hours writing up a fucking post series and here we are oh look there's more while I've been writing this
Reyweld claims to be a rolecop who also finds one players' item.
(07-07-2018, 02:50 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »N1 - Solaris, who is a Doctor, possessed the Ma_____ M_____ (Schazer didn’t say it but I don’t know why)
N2 - Schazer, who is a Vigilante and possessed an Apple
N3 - Seedy, who is a Vigilante and possessed a Fedora
N4 - Sunspider, who is a Petty Thief and possesses an Orange
I had a Pog++ last night, which should now be owned by Sunspider. My current inventory is Honey, 2 Tinfoil, 2 Bone, Toilet Paper Tube, Lens, and Fedora.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 03:55 PM
Thoughts from my reread hunting for actions etc. This has been incredibly productive, actually, even if it's taken up like 4 hours of my afternoon.
(05-02-2018, 08:22 PM)CSJ Wrote: »Between that post and now though, there's been nothing much to suggest it's any less of a decent choice. At worst, we will deny someone the chance to steal their gun. If there are items, odds are there's a scum role that can take them.
Better than killing Spider or Solaris, imo.
hrrrrrrrgh (emphasis mine, re: CSJ's later flip)
(05-09-2018, 04:27 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Schazer I don't think everyone involved in this conversation is definitely town, since there's a pretty good chance that the mafia could be in here trying to get more and more information out through this whole mess while not giving much up in return. Maybe that's what you meant though. That said I do certainly feel better about a few people than I did before (Cat, you, Mirdini a little).
If Pala's scum that makes me feel better about Sunspider bc the people involved in said convo (that Schaz said they felt people who were in were town) were Granolaman, Cat, a52, myself, Schazer, wheat & Sunspider. as well as more tangentially Akumu, robottobt & Pharmacy.
Sunspider kinda grills CSJ on item stuff around post #457, though if they're both scum thieves maybe they wanted to set up non-coalignment.
This is the wagon on CSJ before Palamedes breaks out the 'day cop' on Coldblooded:
CSJ (7) - Schazer, awkwardCarapace, seedy, Mirdini, Solaris, Robust Laser, Sunspider
Sunspider and Palamedes proceed to have a wordfight for a bit, then Palamedes busts out the guilty on CB and the wagon swaps.
CSJ was 3 votes from lynch and p. much guaranteed to die and Pala jerked the wagon entirely off him and onto roleblocker CB and I'm still not sure if that makes much sense but there are *some* reasons I could see scum!Pala pulling that move. Again, if there *is* a one-shot copping item then I'll be less convinced of this but... so far we have not seen one.
also notable:
(05-11-2018, 02:07 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »This is all of course, assuming I'm a cop. I have no night shenanigans I can get up to anymore so with three outed power roles I'm pretty low value as far as protection/watching targets.
when a52 confirms seeing Palamedes visit him (or CSJ) on Night 2.
and again
(05-11-2018, 02:08 AM)Mirdini Wrote: »Pala what was the name of the item you used, if it was an item cop? (05-11-2018, 02:14 AM)Solaris Wrote: »pala is the item you used in the database (05-11-2018, 02:24 AM)Sunspider Wrote: »Okay, I'm down for switching to vote CB if you've confirmed 'em as Mafia, Palamedes, but I'd REALLY prefer to do that after you share the item you used to check them. Especially if it's a one-shot item, since there's no cost to sharing that info. (05-11-2018, 02:41 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Solaris no not yet(?) and I don't want to go into it until that point.
Honestly Pala's play on this day is pretty townish, apart from his "I think CSJ is 3P and only *maybe* mafia" deal but then he also rips into CSJ's fakeclaim the following day. Then again, that might have been pivoting harder into the hyperbus zone due to a combination of no innocent check on godfather!csj + CSJ digging his own grave with enthusiastic vigor. Plus that weird Kung Fu Panda thing between CB and Pala, which feels even worse because the OTHER weird thing CB said before getting lynched was
(05-11-2018, 09:02 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »Oh and CSJ, if you happen to be friends with any passenger pigeons, please tell them to go to the same spot as yesterday and we'll see if we can't work something out.
Day 3 Start Note:
a52 claims to have visited CSJ and have been redirected to himself, and saw Wheat, Palamedes, Nercania-Orccelga, awkwardCarapace and Robottobt (as well as himself obviously) visiting. Meaning each of those players either targeted CSJ or a52 (or both).
I think Pharms is town busdriver. One of Nercania-Orccelga or Palamedes is most likely a scum busdriver (why would town busdrive the scum/3P people have been saying should be shot?). Party hard?
aC's later claiming that they didn't decide to visit either CSJ OR a52 throws this for something of a loop, maybe Pharms' action N2 will help us figure it out. Reyweld later claiming to have been one of Wheat's targets throws out the scenario where everyone wheat was targeting was somehow seen by a52.
Seedy's RB claim (#708 and #720) matches with the info I have on my own role + her claimed role, she couldn't give away the Pog++ but wasn't notified that she was roleblocked because apparently my roleblock blocks item gifting but does not tell players w/o role actions they've been roleblocked.
aC's roleclaim in #732 makes me more confident re: Robust Laser, because apparently the inventor roles were also shotgun roles.
As far as I can tell the only roleblocking item we've found so far, the "age-old toffee", only roleblocks a player but doesn't block item actions. So it's still possible to distinguish between a player roleblock and an item roleblock.
and yeah now that I'm at post #971: unless my block got redirected off Palamedes on N1 somehow, there is no way he could have day-copped Coldblooded D2. So either he was a busdrive target N1, or he's lying (or both, in the situation where he was driven off of by a busdriver and still didn't have a daycop item).
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 03:59 PM
and finally thanks Reyweld.
(06-03-2018, 06:54 AM)CSJ Wrote: »He isn't just a mason btw. If he wants to keep that bit private, that's cool.
Reyweld is almost definitely the scum out of Dini/Pharms/Reyweld.
CSJ (scum) knew Schazer's role before it got revealed on Day 3, right after Reyweld checked Schazer.
If Reyweld is not scum that would make Pharms a scum busdriver, but I think it's likeliest N-O is the scum busdriver, because of a52's night two results.
and like, how else did CSJ know that Schaz was not just a vanilla mason :P
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 04:00 PM
Now all that being said, not sure if I'd rather lynch Reyweld or if I'd rather lynch Palamedes or N-O one of whom is almost definitely a scum busdriver.
Note them both visiting robottobt after their scientist claim, and whoever is scum in there (possibly even both?) would know that that claim was *real* and would want to probably use redirection on them to prevent say Robust Laser from clearing them before the upcoming mislynch.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 04:08 PM
scum!Reyweld rolecopping Solaris N1 also explains Solaris dying N2 @_@
Schazer is a weird magical gun vigilante apparently.
Seedy, is Reyweld right about your role? Because if he is then scum know what you are anyway so you might as well confirm/deny I guess?
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 05:06 PM
also can conceive of a scenario that means Pala is very probably town but I want Pharms to pop up with her night actions and also Pala's reaction to my absurd amount of text before I bring it up.
If that scenario *is* the case then scum team is almost definitely Reyweld-Nercania-Orccelga-Akumu (and/or maaaaybe Sunspider).
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 09:27 PM
Mirdini effortposting like that wpuld lead me to suspect he's protown if I didn't already? That was information he absolutely could've kept for himself in a scum QT
Also I targeted indiscriminately cuz with no ammo, I'm basically a misleading additional night action whose only worth is to claim truthfully and hopefully clarify the snarl of night actions.
Also also: why the heck would scum have a gun????
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:13 PM
I don’t have time to address this now bc ai have to be up to hike in 5 hiurs but when I get home tomorrow I’ll gladly sit down and spell stuff out *again* if you really need me to wheat but like, again,
A. If you think I’m fakeclaiming and I’m actually an inventor or something who else would have blocked Seedy n1 id I’m fakeclaiming, because Seedy definitely wasn’t blocked by a turkish delight
B. The Turkish delight roleblocks you, but can you still do item actions? Because my block (as confirmed by Seedy) does block item stuff.
C. You should go *read the bomb database description again*. Unless you have “received medical attention” since getting bombed you are still roleblocked
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:14 PM
*blocked seedy n2, typing on phone
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:16 PM
And wheat, I have literally said I’m up for lynching n-o, but I want to wait for Pharms to post her night actions and at least Seedy’s thoughts on the game situatipn befoee I commit to a lynch
Also Palamedes’ thoughts top, tbh
(And anyone else who might show up that isn’t Reyweld/Akumu/N-O by whih I guess I mean sunspider)
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:33 PM
Woops sorry here.
![[Image: The_Magic_School_Bus_title_credit.jpg]](
Here are my receipts.
day 1: wheat and reyweld
day 2: csj and a52
day 3: seedy and schazer
day 4: mirdini and reyweld
More thoughts/inputs coming.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:35 PM
pharms is a watcher-invisible busdriver apparently, SUPER, great, love it, there goes half my theorizing, rip
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:35 PM
@Schazer this is a mafia game and I have no mason/lovers/whatever the fuck. I can't trust ANYONE.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:36 PM
(thanks for the results though pharms)
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:37 PM
@Mirdini oh I thought I was a regular ass busdriver. There might be...hidden aspects? To roles? The nerve.
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:39 PM
if you're town pharms you can at the very least trust Wheat, because they've been cleared by info roles that have since flipped as town.
also hi I'm not asleep bc I can't stop thinking about this game.
Wheat, if you think Schaz is scum, why did you get six ammo off them during night one why would a scum role have 6 ammo (and also know the item name of an item that would give them extra kills with said ammo?)
unless you think in this game the mafia don't have a normal night kill and need to use items to do it? which... wouldn't work, because you stole all of schazer's ammo!
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:40 PM
(07-07-2018, 11:37 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »@Mirdini oh I thought I was a regular ass busdriver. There might be...hidden aspects? To roles? The nerve.
I mean, a52 targeted CSJ on night 2, and was redirected to himself, and only saw Palamedes, Wheat, Nercania-Orccelga, awkwardCarapace and robottobt (and himself) but not you so that's the only rational conclusion I can come to there
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:43 PM
ps Wheat if you think Schazer is scum what do you think about Reyweld's rolecop on Schazer saying that Schazer is a "vigilante" because that is, not, a scum role
unless you also think Reyweld is scum in which case great! another thing we can agree on
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RE: Nostalgfia Day 5 - Flies like an arrow
07-07-2018, 11:44 PM
I mean it's on me, the most inattentive fucker, for not getting the most definitive of claims but despite wheat grilling me in day one, two of three. I trust'em cuz like, why would a dog role be mafia. All dogs are valid.