Magic Door - Let's Adventure!

Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Don’t eat the egg! If the egg is already big, expect it to come from something way bigger than it that will screw you over.
>Inspect banana-scented crystal.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Don't touch the egg. Instead, eat the crystal, if you can that is.
>... On second thought, maybe its not a bad idea to check out the egg a bit.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Eating a random egg in a cave is a patently terrible idea, BUT LETS DO IT!
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
While you're having trouble deciding about the egg, you're pretty certain you want that delicious little crystal. You take the crystal, and begin ingesting it, leaving you with banana colored and flavored swirls. You're very fancy and bountiful now!

You're as conflicted as you've ever been. There's an egg - a delicious, wonderful egg...but you were told by the Guild that Monster Eggs found in the wild are worth a lot of money.

You touch the egg. Ooh, yeah. Mmnn, that's a good egg. It tingles your gel a bit - it must be lightning element. You might be able to take on an element if you eat this egg...but there's a good reward for you if you manage to quell that hungry tummy. You don't see or hear any big monsters around to stop you, it looks like the parents are away.

You are like a living fruit salad at this point.
That crystal went down smooth, so it's already all gone!

You can either eat this egg or leave a Guild Symbol for pickup. You have a feeling this isn't a light choice.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Eat that egg. Be the thunderslime.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
No! Don't eat it, what kind of monster are you? Oh, a Slime, right. Well anyway I think that egg deserves a chance to live, but take it with you so you can be its parent.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Raise the egg. Hatch it and become its mother/father! Even if you'll eat the egg, you'll probably never going to be whatever the egg is going to be.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Eat the Egg. Become a Zappyslim.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Leave a guild symbol and then book it. You don't want to be here for any longer than that.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Alright, you won't eat this egg. But when you get back, you're going to feast on some eggs.

You take a bit of rock, and after about 10 minutes of marking, you've made a little Guild symbol around the egg. A moment later, there's a blue flash of light, and the egg is gone!

You've obtained a Guild Reward! It's a little box with a bow on it - looks like you're getting some payment now, and some later. Efficient!

You make your way out of the cave, smelling more like banana than ever as you start to drift closer to some other islands. There's an island with some stone rubble one it, and one that looks totally barren. However, you've got time...and you pop open your reward!

You just got 50 gold and a nice Herb for healing.
Looks like you can jump to either island!
...there's a big shadow in the clouds over there, getting closer to this island. If that's the egg layer, you don't wanna be here.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
How much food can we buy if we sell the egg? That's what we'll be spending it on. Delicious food. All of the foods.
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Where there's rubble, there's (usually) loot.
Go check out the rubble!
(And keep the box. Can't hurt to have more ways to carry stuff.)
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>All aboard rubble island. We can slush our way through the nooks and crannies, maybe? we could use some shelter though, in case wingboi thinks we look tasty.
>Look for driftwood, or a box we can use to become a hermit slime
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Rubble it is. Maybe hide in the rubble if the owner of the egg is coming.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>To the Rubble island!
(And I hoped we'll keep the egg.)
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
A good plan! You leap to the rubble island, a high BOUNCE making you land just right on the next island. In fact, you're on a stone path that looks person-made - it's certainly not a naturally formed one. You bounce your way along the path, heading to the center of the bigger island, piles of rubble here and there that look like they were buildings at once point. There's a few bits of wood here and there, but it's all rotted into near nothingness, and looks pretty useless now.

Behind you, out of the clouds, appears the thing that was casting the massive shadow. You're really glad you left.

It's almost a mix of a dragon and a centipede - a long, scaled purple body with eight, twelve, twenty...a lot of legs. Every fourth pair of legs marks where a pair of wings sprouts from its back, and it's got the head of a snake as it coils and twists down to the Cave Island you just left. The Wingsnake you saw is hiding in the plant you made, for obvious reasons, and the creature is immeasurably long, to boot. Electricity is crackling along its body, making small arcs of blue lightning in between the legs and legs.

Wow. That's probably something you should remember to report.

Hrm. That was probably its egg.

You decide to find a place to lay low for a bit on the rubble island.

There's what looks like a cellar to a house that existed here you could dive down into.
There's also a very important look structure with gold trim that's not quite entirely broken down.
Or just hide in plain sight. You don't have the egg on you, maybe it won't try to eat you whole?
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Into the cellar!
>Perhaps you should have kept the egg. That looks like a powerful ally.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Cellars are the perfect place to hide from a large aggressive, storm adjacent form of danger.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Into the cellar you go, can always check the shiny building after the danger has passed.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Squeeze carefully into the cellar, take some of the rubble with you just in case you need a weapon.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>It doesn't know you've stolen it. You can just hide in plain sight.
>However, check the cellar.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Cellars are places people store food, aren't they? Maybe there's some food down there.
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Dang, you should totaly hav eaten that egg and become the awesome centipede dragon slime you alway knew you should be. Ah well maybe later. In the cellar you bavely flee !
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Into the cellar! Man, it feels like it took you a week to get into that cellar. Weird!

Regardless, you've made your way into the cellar, and man, it's dark in here! There's no food in here, although it smells like there might've been a long while ago. If you were a lesser slime, you'd indulge, but you're too fruit scented and sophisticated to roll about in the muck. You aren't given a whole lot of time to ponder this, however, as the island you're on begins to shake wildly, due to the roaring of a very displeased centipede dragon. Oh boy.

The next few minutes are pretty terrible, honestly. Besides the roaring, cracking thunderstorm that sweeps in, the water leaking into the cellar from the rain, and the island itself shaking around, making you bounce and slam into walls and furniture and what's honestly a very nice set of serving dishes before you're lobbed out of the cellar and into the air.

A large, silver serving platter land on the ground, cushioning your fall into the mud. Wait, that's not cushioned at all.

You're currently sitting on a literal silver platter in quite possibly the most intense rainstorm you've ever seen, and many of the islands seem to be hunkered down into each other, as if the islands themselves were trying to take shelter.

The centipede dragon has made all the islands in the area form into one. It looks like you can get to anywhere you've been, and one other new place - that barren island looks like the rain's gotten something going!

You have a feeling you'll want to hide if you can tell the Centipede Dragon's returning.

You grow a bit from all the rain. You're like a springwater fruit soda!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Wait... Is that real silver tableware? Grab 'em and you might be able to sell them.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]