fortuna new poster intro thread

fortuna new poster intro thread
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Woah! It's a magic friend!
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Ayy welcome to the forums!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
HELLO, I am the Devil himself and i'm super late to the party!
I've been in here for some weeks but I decided it would be nice to post in here, I like to d r a w (and robots).
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Here's my orig Robot guy:

[Image: tumblr_ou55auNfkb1uo7yrio1_500.jpg]
Woop! Woop! Woop!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Thats a cool robot
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
hello! here is this dude + fake anime screenshot
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hi! I love this new super anime robot
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello! My name is Kiwithesmolbirb
(Kiwi for short) and I am really happy to be on the forums. I don't do much here, but I will contribute to things sooner or later.
Henlo, I am a very smol boi pls protec with care.

[— u 0 ] ~*
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
hello !! im emmie/''emery'' and im not really new to Fortuna, in fact i'm sitting back in the far corner of the discord...I just never participate ever, but I do really love it !!
and...also robots. this comic has made my love for robots absolutely immense, and now I have all sorts of mini metal mess makers running around and absolutely destroying everything. Send help.
Fortuna is also a huge inspiration for me story-wise, if any of my friends did read it they'd see Fortuna influence written all over it. Kudos for making such a wonderfully built world with a hodge-podge of story elements, greek/roman influence, and cool robots. B)

I would put a robot here but I literally have no clue how to operate these forums, in fact excuse if this isn't how I'm suppose to post things?? My favorite robot is Helios though!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Heyy, I've been on eagletime for many months and even have my own comic on there.「you should check it out」I was motivated to do this since this thread updated recently and I don't think I ever introduced myself! I think I joined this group pretty late compared to others who have been here for two years or more. I like robots, space, and space robots.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Huh, never introduced myself either. So uh, sup! Call me whatever you like, but my usual alias is Luce. ^o^ I like writing fanfiction for Fortuna even if I'm constantly tired to do so!! Fortuna made me like robots and aliens so that's a piece of trivia. 0:
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Whats up squadfam im robocoon (u can call me coon or RC for short!) And im not real.
Dont have no adventure no more <o/
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hi I'm Rain, same name as on the discord. I don't have any robots OCs but Mercury is my favourite AI even though he is a huge dickhead.
[Image: tumblr_o5k553oa4m1sg6teeo7_540.gif]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Welcome Rainissance! You joined at a good time, game 3 will be starting up quite soon. Glad to hear you like Mercury, I do quite enjoy his design and concept a lot.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello I'm CDJ and I think your webcomic is cool

Also I once went by XavierReivax on the old MSPA forums so there's that
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
oh hey I didn't know this thread was a thing so I've already posted a bit before :U

anyways Im used to going by starb but jirachi is also fine. My favorite known robot is athena and my favorite unknown robot is probably dionysus. I remember reading the mirror version of the comic a year or so ago before finding this forum specifically.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hi folks I'm Sooty I just sorta lurk in background here and there
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hullo, I'm Kodai, and as far as Fortuna chats go I am solidifying out of the ether. :D Mostly I will probably be a silent lurker who occasionally tosses art at the Cosmosdex.

I do not have any robots to post but perhaps that will change someday.