
[Image: IMG_5030.png]

You and your friends are playing this weird multiplayer modded Fortuna together. You're really not sure what to expect from this round, honestly. Your friend who brought you into playing this is pretty well known for their eccentric, yet fun, games.

All you know is that it's been pretty modded, taking inspirations from card games. You think they even added non traditional games in there as well? You're not too sure.

The basis of how it's going to go however, is this.

[Image: IMG_5031.png]


Rules but TL;DR versionShow

You're not sure how long they spent modding this game. You're pretty sure it'll end up messily. Maybe there's a loophole they over looked?

[Image: IMG_5033.png]

Either way, you'll need to choose your colour, fix your captain, and decide on a ship type and ship ai.

[Image: IMG_5029.png]
Oh, hello there! I believe you will be the first player. Seeing as you're simply starting the game, I doubt you need my assistance at the moment.

[Image: IMG_5029.png]
Quite decent to meet you indeed. Feel free to call upon me if anything is needed.

RE: [deck]
> Let's choose yellow and get a notail captain!!
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [deck]
>Green and a nice worm-less abuni!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [deck]
> Get an Athena ship and a Nike AI.
RE: [deck]
diana ship with diana ai!
maybe an abunis captain who uses they/them? and blue as a color!
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [deck]
>Hermes ship and a Pan AI.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [deck]
(12-10-2017, 07:15 AM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Green and a nice worm-less abuni!

Ditto ditto, dudebros
Dont have no adventure no more <o/
RE: [deck]
(12-10-2017, 07:23 AM)Artem1s Wrote: »diana ship with diana ai!
maybe an abunis captain who uses they/them? and blue as a color!

RE: [deck]
[Image: IMG_5044.png]
You've decided to create a wormless anubis as your captain. You can now enter any traits you'd like them to have, as well as their stat points and backstory.

[Image: IMG_5045.png]
I've flipped a coin to see which team you are, and you are now in the green team! Do have fun with that.

[Image: IMG_5045.png]
Your ship and ship ai is now a Diana. Hopefully they won't cause trouble there.
RE: [deck]
>Tragic Bounty Hunter Backstory (Batman esque, but a bounty hunter)

>Trait Suggestions
G: [Skilled at Archery] [Rarely Misses] [Stealthy]
B: [Unreadable] [Calm] [Accent]
R: [Stubborn] [Unforgiving]

Edit: Stat Suggestions
Str: 2
Int: 5
Cha: 5
End: 3
Agi: 6
Lck: 5

Edit 2: Name Suggestion

Mezel Thaxion
RE: [deck]
name: muscle muffin

stats: str-1 chr-8 int-5 ag-1 end-1 lu-10

traits: blue-[cultist]/[dirty memer]/[flirtacious] green-[organized]/[motivated]/[passionate about muffins] red-[cryptic]/[loses time]
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [deck]
(12-10-2017, 04:30 PM)Artem1s Wrote: »name: muscle muffin

stats: str-1 chr-8 int-5 ag-1 end-1 lu-10

traits: blue-[cultist]/[dirty memer]/[flirtacious] green-[organized]/[motivated]/[passionate about muffins] red-[cryptic]/[loses time]
I love this. Yes. Seconding.
RE: [deck]
(12-10-2017, 04:30 PM)Artem1s Wrote: »green-[motivated]
blue-[cultist]/[dirty memer]
(12-10-2017, 04:29 PM)IronLionShark Wrote: »>Trait Suggestions
G: [Skilled at Archery] [Rarely Misses]
B: [Unreadable]
R: [Unforgiving]
Mezel Thaxion
Str 3
Int 4
Cha 8
End 2
Agi 6
Luc 3

backstory: refused to gain the worm, heading to fortuna for religious and resume reasons, but has no intent to claim anything from the chest. Diana has been their mentor in the art of the hunt, and the two set out as a team to hunt the chest of Fortuna