O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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09-01-2011, 03:38 PM
This is a thread about questions! In a sense it could just as much be a forum game if we weren't fuckers who can't keep shit concise. Basically, this is a thread for you to answer a question the above user has posted, and asking a question yourself to the person below you, asking their stance on whatever pops into your mind. These questions can be silly, serious, interesting or made interesting by the wonderful people answering them. I have nothing against discussing world politics in this thread, but please stick to the thread format, and keep the general Eagle Time rules in mind when answering, because I know things can get a bit hot-headed in this thread when people push the right buttons.
I'll start it off with a simple one. Person below me, how do you feel about Eagle Time as it stands?
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Posts: 416
Joined: Jul 2011
Re: Opinions, All Of 'Em!
09-01-2011, 04:03 PM
As it stands it's fairly pleasant. It's not extremely active, but the atmosphere is amiable and there are some good things going on (such as the adventures that are still active and the non-canon battles). It would be improved by a larger number of people joining and doing things, although I guess that will probably come with time. My only other complaint would be that Eagle Time almost seems to lack a definitive purpose. Again, however, this will probably be solved with more activity as people find their feet around here. 3.5/5
As for my question:
There are two uncles, Uncle A and Uncle B. They're both fairly similar, and one thing in particular that they share is the existence of an eight year old nephew. Should this nephew die, they would both stand to come into a fair amount of money.
One day Uncle A goes to visit this nephew and his parents. However, upon arriving he finds that the parents of the child have both gone out. He walks upstairs. Here he finds the nephew having a bath, and drowns the kid.
Uncle B also goes to visit his nephew. Just with Uncle A, he finds the parents have gone out and he goes upstairs. He too finds the child having a bath, but the nephew has evidently hit his head, fallen unconscious and slipped beneath the water. If the uncle lifted him out of the water he would survive. Instead he chooses to do nothing and the child drowns.
Out of Uncle A and Uncle B, which would you judge to be the worse person?
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Re: 'Pinions, All Of 'Em!
09-05-2011, 03:38 AM
It was my opinion that the opportunity for a bird-pertaining pun was missed in this thread's title.
Posts: 49
Joined: Jul 2011
Pronouns: he/him
Location: Mouse Town
Re: 'Pinions, All Of 'Em!
09-06-2011, 02:30 AM
Couldn't it just be a bird allusion?