Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen

Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(08-01-2017, 04:11 PM)A-cha Wrote: »Try and armor yourself as much as you can in the front and get your butt in there!
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Try and be clever, Qhen. You should get in the way, but not let it rip you in half. Divert it's attention long enough for Alice and Viss to do something? You'll figure something out, I'm sure.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Qhen and Free often talked, in Qhen's mind. They had gotten better and better at it- to the point where, to this conversation, the world was moving in slow motion. It was fascinating, watching that creature move ever so closer, massive claws outstretched. . .

It was all part of the training, of course. Qhen and Free needed to be of one mind if they were going to fully explore the extend of their powers. Mind you, this didn't expect the two of them to see eye to eye. Qhen thought being 'of one mind' was more about being able to understand each other without words. Being in agreement did not necessarily mean you shared the same mind. Two creatures can share the same general idea and see it from completely different viewpoints. . .
CRACK. The claw smashed into them- quite heavily. Their exposed skeleton strained and fractured under the force of the blow, as threads of blood wove themselves into the wounds, mending them quickly. . . Which is why Qhen had not bothered wasting any energy on defending themselves. The rest of this would go towards getting some sort of counter attack in, while they were at the perfect range.

. . .Point blank. The perfect range for Qhen is point blank.

. . .Qhen knows what they're about!

Free-Qhen uses Freeform- Hah? Wah-GAH!

Someone grabbed them and HAULED backwards, pulling them down to the ground. Gunfire- That was Alice's gun! It barked loudly- almost as loudly at the wolf-beast did when it roared in response to the explosive shell crushing against it's chest moments before detonating. A pop- the sound of an empty shell hitting the ground, and another shot.

Which means that was not Alice pinning Qhen down against the ground.
POP-POOM! The beast roared again. It was further away.

Qhen flexed their hands and feet. They could still move. . . They had energy left. Not a lot, but some. Probably could just get up and push Viss off- But Qhen was not THAT stupid. Viss would not forgive an insult like that. . .

Oh well. The longer they laid here, the more minute fragments of energy they were slowly regaining.
Qhen rolled out from under Viss, knocking her over, while bringing an arm up to catch her. Alice loaded another shell, a little absent-mindlessly, as she watched Qhen pull Viss closer.

Viss stared at Qhen, who grabbed her bleeding hand, and pulled it up to their face. Okay. Good. This was happening. Alice was watching this and it was happening. She fired again, and checked her pouch. Using just the weak exploding shot. . . She had 4 more left. Okay. Oh wow. That is an interesting use of that power. That probably feels weird. Viss doesn't look unhappy with- Oh DAMN-
Free-Qhen got up and sprinted right at the monster. They channeled some of their energy into their hands- creating sheathes of energy around their claws. . .Hm. It really was pretty. This swirling mixture of rich, red blood and bright, almost luminescent light-blue blood. . . It solidified, and instantly, their arms caught fire.

The beast got up, looking almost no worse for wear, despite the number of explosive shells it had taken to the face and torso. There were some marks that resembled burns, and the air was start to smell like burning. . . Fur? Fur and something rotten, and it's eyes were glowing a furious red. . . Some of the pipes sticking out of it's flesh were cracked, leaking fluid of- various types on the ground. This was actually kinda gross.

The impact was solid, and Free-Qhen grabbed the beast's claws, and essentially just tried to push back against their overwhelming force, the two of them being locked in a violent shoving contest and- Oh.

Qhen actually sorta forgot that this thing had a face with a mouth full of razor sharp metallic teeth. It's head swung down and began to chew on Qhen's right shoulder- the sound of grinding bone and metal was also kind of horrible.

Alice was at a loss for words.

First, Qhen was currently locked in combat with this monster straight out of her nightmares. When it had first come barreling at her, she had frozen- and if not for Qhen and Viss' intervention. . . She put a hand over her chest, and her torso began to ache. . . She heard a dull dump in her ears that almost sounded like a heartbeat, and for a brief second- she could almost taste blood. . .

Second, despite all of what was going on- when Qhen left to get into a fight with that- thing. . . Viss fell to the ground! She was bent over, kneeling, propping herself up with a single claw, the other gripping her dagger, which she had plunged into the weird ground underneath her. She wasn't sure if they were all seeing the same thing- but to Alice, it looked like she was fighting in-
Alice whipped around, and came face to face with- someone she did not recognize. She wanted to scream, but couldn't. The clawed hand at her throat helped repress that urge. Their other hand wrapped around her back, and held her in place. They were a little shorter than her, but were leaning up, staring into her eyes with a truly terrifying visage on their face. It wasn't just that they were smiling. It wasn't just the terrible ill-fitting suit that smelled like someone had died in it. It wasn't even just that they were clearly in a position to kill her.

It was those eyes. They were beautiful, almost alluring. . . but behind them, she saw. She understood that kind of flowery prose now, where someone looked into someone's eyes in a story- and saw something. Some saw love. Some saw fear. Some saw insanity.

Alice saw nothing. It was like she was staring into the voidspace.
. . . Alice would actually really like it if maybe she could get a message out to Viss or Qhen, but they're both- busy. Breaking their concentration could be really bad. Mm. Uh- Don't suppose the ghosts care to weigh in on this decision?

( ) Go with [Suit].
( ) Go for the gun.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Act like you're going to go with the [Suit], then shoot him. The perfect plan.
>Get a message out? Sure thing. Hey Viss and Qhen, if you can hear this, Alice is going to do something incredibly reckless and possibly-maybe clever, but don't worry, she probably has it all figured out. Just keep doing what you're doing, and she'll take care of the rest. Anyway, good luck.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
[X] fake going with suit, pop him.

> Please don't die, Alice needs you both. Winning helps you all at this point. Focus on your battles.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Alice looked deeply into those eyes. They stared back. Unblinking. Unflinching. Unresponsive. She looked over towards Viss and Free- then let out a slow sigh, and looked back to this person. She shrugged.
She snapped her wrist past her side and fired the flash shell into Suit's chest while flicking her head downward to knock her goggles back down over her eyes.

There was a bang, and a flash, and a roar, which was quickly drowned out by a powerful ringing sensation in her head.

There was a loud bang, and a bright flash behind Free-Qhen. They didn't dare turn their attention- But the roaring- two voices intertwined, caught their attention. Especially as it drew closer. . .
Not even a moment to think, but an eternity to act. Free-Qhen kicked out, and connected, while they spun their wrist around and PULLED- the beast actually stumbling for a moment as the countering forces was turned into a countering offensive. For a brief moment, as Free-Qhen rolled, they could see a flicker of blue flame, and as the sound got closer, it was the sound of roaring, but with a shrill, bloodthirsty scream underneath it.

For a moment, Qhen was a child again, watching his best friend cut down person and beast, one after another. They were not one to relish the loss of life, but it was inevitable. They were after Qhen, and Viss refused to let Qhen fight them. The pattern of blood was pretty though-

Then Free-Qhen realized that was the blood of the beast that was now on top of them, and it screamed in pain and rage, letting go of Qhen's shoulder, and they both shoved against each other as hard as they could, the beast skittering away, running behind a large chunk of blank wall- presumable to lick it's wounds. So they turned to look at-

(Note: This next section got spoiler-d because this post is MASSIVE and IMPOSING, and this section takes place inside Viss' mind. Sorry I keep fiddling with the formatting. ' <';)

Viss stood 'over' Free-Qhen. Her size had not changed, but her stance certainly had. The tattered, flame-like remains of her muse's cloak was wrapped around her head and neck like a hood and scarf. Also-

She was on fire.

Her head-fins were hidden within the confines of the hood, but two large straight spikes stuck up out of the top of her head, pointed back slightly- made of flame twisted into a horn-shape. . . Her claws were longer, like talons now- on both her hands and feet, which also burned with pale blue flame. The blade she clutched was long and straight, and it's handle curled around her hand- and appeared to go through her arm multiple times. . .

But one could not really ignore the wings. Her back was drenched in her own blood, having seemingly split open at each shoulder to give her a pair of fairly large wings of fire. . .

She looked Free-Qhen in the eyes. She felt the same- she had somehow tapped into her power, without actively summoning her muse. She FELT the same, but she carried herself with. . . Purpose?

Free-Qhen leapt in towards the beast, weaving between walls, while Viss launched herself up into the air. . .

Alice and Suit watched Qhen and Viss move towards the Volf. Alice looked back to Suit, who was pointing a long tubed artillery piece at her.

Alice thought about that for a moment. She did not think calling for Empty would be wise right now- which means she was limited to- well, real weapons. Something about this guy in the ugly suit was starting to tick her off though. It was a strange sensation- to be utterly annoyed.

Provided there wasn't a trick here- and again. . . If they wanted her dead, she gets the feeling she would be already. . . What should she ask for?

( ) Another Gun? She's versed in both Rifles and Siege Weapons of... all types.
( ) Something more personal? She knows all sorts of armed combat, though she's really only good swinging a rifle around. Something about the weight makes it different than just a club.
( ) Insert Weapon Here.
( ) Are we just buying time here, hoping the others get here sometime soon?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(X) we're just buying time, but also, maybe it's time for close range
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>If he's going to copy you, make him regret it. Request a siege weapon powerful enough that it would kill you both regardless who used it. Mutually assured destruction, my favorite tactic.
>Keep your options open, don't bank entirely on Qhen and Viss, try to deal with him on your own, but backup is a nice safety net to fall back on. Request a rifle that's a good shot and doubles as an excellent melee weapon.

Dumb Ideas you shouldn't do, unless you really want to:
>Make him do a double take. Pick insults as your weapon. You're a well read librarian, you can sling insults he's never even heard of.
>Can't go wrong with scissors, paper, stone. Get the ol' cherry bomb ready.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
. . .

Empty has been silently and secretly hiding nearby, waiting for Alice to call them for aid. Instead, for brevity, Empty will relay the short version of the rules of Child's Play to you.

To start: Alice wrote the rules for this game at age 16, after getting annoyed at her instructors using the phrase 'child's play' too many times in regards to insulting her ability to perform tasks that were outside of her standard skill set. It is, as stated, a variant of Rock Paper Scissors. . .

With somewhere in the range of ~25 symbols. It would be a lie to say she didn't spent WAY too much time on this, she even has a small paperback manual, and cards with cheat sheets of information on them. . .

And decks of cards. Really, it's only like rock paper scissors that some of the symbols defeat each other in a fashion that could be considered logical.

You reveal two cards, or if you're in company of others with hands that can perform the signs, there is a list of hand signals that equate these cards. Alice did make sure that this game could be played by just about anybody, however. Mostly because she wanted to use it as an excuse to get out of doing actual work.

So. Two cards. The cards are divided into three types: Offensive, Defensive and Support. Some Offense cards defeat Defensive. Some Defensive cards defeat Offensive. Support cards do a variety of things, usually modifying what your other card does.

No- We will not be getting into the full list. Alice isn't even REALLY asking for advice? She made the game, she has a pretty good idea of how it works. . . She hopes that 'Suit' isn't very quick on the uptake, that's all.

You are welcome to suggest that she play say- two offensive, or one defensive and a support, or a offense and a support. . . Anything really. More importantly, while this is happening, who should we check in on?

(?) Please submit any two of the following: Offensive, Defensive and Support cards.

- List of side bits to examine while this is going on:
( ) Viss and/or Qhen
( ) Earl and/or Jude
( ) Katie and/or Seb
( ) Hard cut back to the island to check on the progress of the crew. . . new villagers? What should we call these people?
( ) No, we really want to see what goes down with Alice and Suit.

RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(X) Defensive and support

(X) Katie and/or Seb
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(08-11-2017, 12:35 PM)A-cha Wrote: »(X) Defensive and support

(X) Katie and/or Seb
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>The best defense is a good offense and the best offense is a good defense.
>Earl and Jude.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Earl's house was a mess. Judith had to wedge her way in, which is a bit of a worry in itself. Most doors were oft to submit to Judith's advances. Her muse chuckled at that. She could still make jokes, so that means it wasn't absolutely dire. . . but . . .
Earl's living room, which was already quite sparse, was practically empty. Everything had been thrown own or otherwise stuffed into other rooms. Judith could only figure that it was Earl's current level of power that had made it so hard to push her way in here. It was like he was projecting a shield. . . Or a field?

Earl was floating. He glowed with an internal light, as little flickers of electricity jumped from his body to pages of paper, keeping them aloft with the static energy in the incredibly dense, heavy air. . . His muse was curled around him, practically a real, physical creature with the nimbus it currently put off- Jude wondered if she could touch Fatalism. That was then followed by wondering how hard she'd have to swing to dislodge the muse. . .
Judith shifted uncomfortably. She didn't like this line of conversation anymore. Earl's books were not perfect by any means. . . but they had so much information. So much stuff fit, just right. In some cases, he described events perfectly. Things he could not possibly know about. Things that, for example, only Judith knew.

He was also 'incredibly lucky' as Katie would put it. But Judith has seen the kind of things he's subjected himself to. He really shouldn't be alive- and his explanation for it- no matter how ridiculous, how insane. . .

Judith thought about Alice. Cute girl. Nice, polite smile. What little she has heard of her makes her so much more interesting. So much more. . . appealing. But then she thinks about those eyes. And she thinks about Earl's eyes. And how he would always glance at his right hand before doing something stupid. She thought about how she could just get lost in those eyes of Alice's. . .
Earl blinked. His sunglasses had slid down his face, and whatever he was smoking last had long turned into ashes between his teeth. Everything stopped. The hum of static, the movement of the dissected book pages around him, the swirling of the small inexplicable clouds over him. . . He blinked again, and his shoulders shook with something between a sound of utter shock and terrified humor. His muse shivered, and turned into something resembling grey haze, before dissolving back into his body.

His feet touched the floor and he started brushing himself off as the ashes scattered across his shirt. He shook his shirt until it was rumpled and crumpled just right. He fished his smoking pen out of his pants pocket, and rolled something into the end of it. Pages started to flutter to the ground, and Judith felt a great weight lifting itself from her- like some sort of large beast had her pinned and was told to move.
Earl had wandered over. He leaned up and smooched her on the cheek, then grabbed her mechanical hand and manipulated the thumb so that it ejected flame so he could light his cigarette.
Jude reached over and hefted Earl up. . . and put him under her mechanical arm, carrying him like a chunk of debris. In response, Earl reached up with a hand and batted at her face. She resisted the urge to toss him out the front door.
The sky was dim, and dark clouds hung in the distance, obscuring the world around the island. . .

Earl was already back on his feet, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a short punching dagger that resembled a sharpened pencil. Judith's mechanical arm opened up, a barrel sliding out into her palm.

They barely even registered the shadows.

Sebastian spiraled around, deflecting a claw strike with his blade, a series of shadows following up behind him as he wavered and flicked back and forth up and down the street, blades of concentrated shadow stabbing into these strange masses of meat and metal. . .

A large arm knocked him over, slamming face first into the ground, he rolled and stood back up, spitting blood as one of his shadows flickered out of existence, torn into shreds by the claws that would have easily killed him had he not been manipulating the light to obscure where he was actually standing.
True guided Sebastian's hand, living inside the rapier, it was like they were holding hands. True brought Sebastian's hand to bear on the closest threat. Sebastian took control and rent it asunder, placing a series of shadow blades inside it's chest, then momentarily flaring his power. . .

These blades will cut you in half, monster. Let this truth be heard.

The rippling shadows cut the beast neatly in two, but as he drew away to dodge another attack, Sebastian could see tendons and organs and blood vessels and bits of metal that aren't normally inside meat pulling it back together.
Sebastian crumpled to the ground. He raised his rapier to block an attack. . . Then laid it down at his side. The beasts hesitated for a moment. Assessing him. His leg was not in any condition to be described as working. One of them reached down, slowly, and took Sebastian's head into it's claw. It was. . . Unusually intimate.
Ping. . .

Out of the corner of Sebastian's eye, a coin hit the ground, bouncing so hard that the small gemstone in the center of it shattered. A royal. The beasts also were paying attention to it, as it bounced off the ground so hard that it flew up so that the beast holding Sebastian in it's claw could see the barrel of a gun through the hole in the coin.

The bullet passed through the coin, the forces ripping the soft gold into shrapnel as the metal found it's mark. The beast screeched and let go of Sebastian, who rolled over and backed up as quickly as he can, while a colorful cloak of feathers drifted down in front of him, the gentle sound of claws on stone clicking away as Katie came to rest. Roost? Rest. Ha ha.
Sebastian pulled a small bag out of his pocket and tossed it up to Katie, who caught it with her free hand, the other one still training a gun on the beasts who had yet to make any moves. He wondered why. Katie clicked her beak, then gritted it.
The beasts shifted. . . then slowly turned away, and started to move away, then picked up speed and leapt away-

( ) Continue to follow Katie and Sebastian
( ) Observe Earl and Judith's shenanigans
( ) Go back to observing Alice and Suit
( ) >_
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Maybe quickly check in with all three options. Perhaps mumble a few generic words of encouragement through mouthfuls of popcorn too, boost morale: "Doing great, buddy", "Keep on keepin' on", "Hang in there, baby".
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> I think it is time for something completely different. We're somewhere far away. Its hazy. Ohh... is that an ominous figure in the distance?

Alternatively (if that breaks narrative flow too much):

> Boss would provide an interesting point of view right now. They stayed in one place, the city seems to be under siege... The Idle Amusement seemed to... suppress? Inhibit muses to an extent. Possibly because it is an extension of his muse. How is he fairing against these beasts.

RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
(X) Continue to follow Katie and Sebastian
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Alice did not respond. She was actually playing the game now. She was going over every combination of cards in her head. She looked at the cards she had. She tried to imagine what cards Suit could have.

She thought this would be easy. It's a game she invented! By herself! Is it dumb luck that they were trading back points, preventing a conclusion from being reached?

Or was this. . . A plan? She peered at Suit. He was deeply engrossed with his cards. He looked tired. Was that a result of something he was doing...? Alice looked back to her cards.

Suit had no real idea what he was doing, but he had a voice. It whispered to him, always. It told him things. Things he wanted to know. Things he wanted to hear. He snuck a glance at his opponent. She wasn't very old. Not very young either, though. He wondered what she did to earn so much ire. . .

Not that he would dedicate many moments of thought to that. In the end, he was interested in one thing. Although he did give a moment of thought to wondering if her stalling tactic was going to work. Even if any of them survive. . . Hm. He decided to cross that bridge after he set fire to it.

Earl continued chest compression, then checked Jude's breathing. She'd only passed out a few minutes ago, and she was still breathing, but only when Earl forced the air out of her lungs. Honestly, he was impressed. He didn't think he had the strength in him anymore to perform first aid, especially on someone as large as Jude. He always figured she had like, replaced her bone structure with metal as well. . . Probably not. That sounds like it would be painful.
Earl stopped pushing down on Jude's chest long enough to hold out a hand. A terrible chill ran up his back, and he could feel Fatalism slowly wrapping their hands around his neck. . . And then a small tightly wrapped object dropped into his hand. He stuffed it into his mouth and waited until he heard the crackle of electricity- felt it shock him across the face and hands-

He breathed in deeply, reducing the thing to ash in moments, ignoring the self-inflicted lip burns- he only had a moment- He dropped both of his hands on Jude's chest as hard as he could, forcing what air she had out of her lungs and- well, gave her mouth to mouth with a lung full of horrible, spicy smoke.

She breathed it in automatically as he lifted his hands, and just a moment before he started to choke on the stinging sensation, she took in a deep breath- shoved Earl aside, and started coughing violently. The two of them just sat on the ground and did that for a couple moments.

Sebastian watched Katie. She stood over him, clawed foot digging into his broken leg. It hurt a bit- to be honest. Wasn't the first time Sebastian had broken something, however, and probably wouldn't be the last. He was hoping to at least chip Katie's beak here in a moment. . .
Sebastian flinched internally. He added that to the list of 'convenient lies' he was telling himself. He was building a case, against the truth. His own truth, anyway. They would have a long talk after this. After he had figured out what he would say. How does one make a case against themselves?

But first, he needed to live to see that time. He thought about making some sort of- cutting remark. A last biting attempt to put Katie off balance emotionally so he could seize a moment of truth and- . . . Hm.
Katie clicked her pistol's safety on. A flip of the wrist, and it spun up and back, and she holstered it. Then she clicked the safety back off, and buttoned the holster shut. Her claw lifted, and she took a couple paces away.

Sebastian grabbed onto a nearby wall and slowly hauled himself up. He grabbed his rapier- Katie twitched, but didn't draw. He pulled the binding up and around, threading it through the ornate cage handle, peacebinding his sword, so he could pull it off his belt, and use it and the scabbard as a cane. Katie watched him. They stared at each other.

He took in a deep breath. He reminded himself to apologize to Katie for what he was about to do. He reminded himself to take a gallon from True for every pint of blood that has been shed for his lies. . .

He reminded himself that at the end of all of this, he needed to consider what he really wanted to do. He opened his mouth. Katie drew her gun as the words left his lips, and she froze. Seb looked into her eyes, and saw terror reflected in them... then nothing. The bullet grazed the side of his head, and he moved in, lifting his bound blade. . .

Boss tilted his head a little bit. He was sitting in a private room under his bar. With all the chaos going on outside, it was pretty easy for someone of his- . . . 'stature', to get around unnoticed. His inkpot began to shudder, and he took a deep breath and grumbled to himself incoherently.

Eyes closed, he lifted his pen and began to write on the sheet of paper in front of him. As he wrote, his words vanished. . .Occasionally, words would appear in response, pitch black ink welling up and sinking back into the page contrasting against his soft green ink.

The approaching storm clouds. Quite distant, but quite large. . . Large enough to conceal one of those twisted abominations of meat and metal, it's 'whale' like form twisting and writhing, dozens of smaller, but still quite large fish-shapes floating beside it.

The approaching storm. The skywhale. Inside it, hallways of meat and metal. Muscle and bone and plating and tubes. Tanks and tubes dedicated to growing more of those... volf? volfs? volves? And other assorted creatures, all of the same twisted black flesh and gleaming metal. . .

Deeper inside, a room, which slowly pulsed, with the heartbeat of the skywhale, but also with the distant sounds of singing. Dozens of voices, imprisoned, singing out in despair. Their voices creating a keening, words and sounds weaving a tapestry of dark emotion, helping to hold and control these beasts. . .

Inside that room, sat a dark mass. To call it a blackened mass would indicate some way of telling that it had any color at all. It absorbed the light around it, and attempts to look at it just sort of slid away. . . It was truly just- darkness. It turned a bit and beckoned to it's 'visitors', the only color a silver pair of dots that were likely meant to be eyes. . .

( ) ?
( ) ? ?
( ) ? ? ?
( ) ? ? ? ?
( ) >_
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Mmm. This works both way... Void? I'mma call you Void. You're keeping us busy, we're keeping you busy. We just have to bet on our side not losing. We don't have to win, we just have to not lose whereas you're playing to win. Seems like you have more to lose from keeping us distracted then you gain from it.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> So you're keeping us here? Just so we don't help them?
> Then all i have to say is
> according to all known laws of aviation there is no way a bee shuld be able to fly its wings are too small to lift its fat body off the ground th bee of course flies anyways because it doesnt care what humans thunk is impossible were no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i a full commitment is what im thinking of you wouldnt hear this from any other guy i just want to tell you how im feeling gotta make you understand never gonna wake me up inside cant wake up wake me up and making my way down town walking faster
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
>Chats are nice, but you know what's better? Games. Games with stakes. Are you a betting man, Fred? Mind if I call you Fred? You look like a Fred. Last time we were in this situation we were offered drinks. Hint-hint.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
Quote:>Chats are nice, but you know what's better? Games. Games with stakes. Are you a betting man, Fred? Mind if I call you Fred? You look like a Fred. Last time we were in this situation we were offered drinks. Hint-hint.
> Are you flirting with this guy
> Do Not.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> Hello. I'm going to call you Vanta. You seem rather cordial for someone who's trying to kill our entertainment.
> What's up with you going after Alice anyway? Poor kid just wants to sit and read and hang out with her new friends.
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
[VOID] reaches out in all directions. It touches the universe, and the universe recoils back. Things happen in places beyond observation- although notably, the music, the singing begins to change. The massive ship begins to pitch, a low, tortured howl echoing through it's depths.

'Keeping us busy, keeping you busy. Bet on our side not losing. We don't have to win, we just have to not lose. You're playing to win. More to lose.'

[VOID] makes a purposeful motion that just barely resembles 'checking it's nails in a bored fashion'. It's quite a feat considering it's almost impossible to determine it's contours and shape at the best of times.

'These words are representations of your commitment. I do not need to 'win'. What I am after is 'inevitable'. Eventually, like all things, Alice will 'end'. I simply am 'impatient'. But watching things happen out of one's control is so boring, isn't it? Stay here, and maybe you can 'distract' me or something, yes? That would be nice, wouldn't it? You don't really want to watch those mortal creatures suffer, do you? Of course not. You might become 'attached'.'

[VOID] turns away for a moment. It plucks at the insides of this creature again. Turns back.

'The significance of your words are lost on me, but they sound culturally significant. They were very nice words. Thank you. I will remember them until the end.'

[FRED] stretches out and collapses back in on itself again. Something not unlike a sigh.

'No. I would not say I am a 'betting man'. Also you are ephemeral, translucent hallucinations given form by a very, very dangerous power. You don't drink. If it will make you feel better, however, I can offer you something. All I have is blood, however, as it's the closest liquid on hand. How many glasses would you like?'

[VANTA] stops, halfway to reaching out and grabbing for some dark mass of the interior of this strange beast.

'Ah- yes. The crux of the problem. I want Alice dead, and you find her entertaining. It's a shame only one of us gets to have a meaningful impact on this universe, I would be much less likely to pursue her immediate death if I had something to actually hold my attention- but alas. What I want from Alice. . .'

[VANTA] stands? Stands. Oozes. Grows.

[VANTA] floats into the air, twisting around itself until it looks like it's about to snap, or explode, or rip itself to pieces. . . and settles into a flapping, fluttering black cloak. Not black. Dark. It continues to suck up light and attempts to view it's definite form. Even it's glowing eyes are black orbs, that reflect just enough of the ambient light for them to be visible.

'What I want, is what I was promised. She broke the contract. She is the reason all of this is happening, and I will consume everything that stands in my way until I get my body back.'
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
That's what this is about? How... vain. And possibly petty. You're the type of entity to make an unfair contract and then whine like a petulant child when it doesn't go your way. How very cliche. No wonder the universe recoils away from you so. You're so terribly uninteresting and uninspired. Blood as drinks? Tearing apart a creature? It is like you are checking off boxes from some edgy teenager's idea of what being evil means. 'Ooohh. Look at me. Look at how dark I am.' On the inside I bet you, whatever you are, are afraid and lonely. Like a little child. For all your proclaimed power. For all your grandiose displays of cruelty. You lost to Alice, didn't you? I bet that is what scares you the most. Your own failure of an existence.

I propose a new deal, creature. Us against You. Not directly, of course, since we lack the body to do so. You have your pawns, give us time to gather ours. We will then pit ourselves against each other through the use of our pieces. Or are you so much a coward that you fear losing a second time?
RE: Cloudsea - The Chronicle of Alice Van Vaugen
> gives a low, impressed sounding "Daaaaamn, Gloomy."