[Farther]: XXVIII - Oldies

[Farther]: XXVIII - Oldies
RE: [Farther]: III - Scout
> Check the living room. Since everyone's alive, they should be there.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
[Farther]: IV - Loot
(01-09-2017, 06:03 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Check Ray's and other crew members' rooms first to see if they're alive or in need of help. Then raid the pantry!
(01-09-2017, 07:13 PM)cmdrcade Wrote: »>Check the crew members rooms and the living room for survivors, then raid the storage area for medical supplies.

[Image: VRi6cw9.jpg]

Despite Andromeda's disdain for Ray, he supposed that he'd have to check on his room to see if he was alive or not. It was, after all, part of being a responsible crewmate.

[Image: d5r4I6n.jpg]

The room seems to be empty... nobody's inside. Scattered around the room are debris, scraps of metal, wood planks and batteries.

[Image: jZvt8ku.jpg]

Andromeda takes the batteries, scraps of metal and the wood planks. At this point, he decides to put on the navy jacket to free up inventory space.

[Image: AQ4LDFD.jpg]

Andromeda moves into the next crewmember's room. There was... literally nothing. At least Ray's room had items in it... this was completely barren except for a hole in the floor, and markings on the wall from where the furniture had been.

[Image: tntJ6fO.jpg]

Andromeda enters the last crewmember's room.

[Image: 9UfDmdE.jpg]

The walls of Mordis's room were crumpled and stained with red. Andromeda gasped. Her charred corpse lay on the cold floor in front of him.

[Mordis had been slain.]

[Image: FacNJ27.jpg]

Trying to forget what he'd just seen, Andromeda accidentally wanders into the kitchen. Perfect - they'd need food while waiting for potential rescue.

Andromeda picks what he can carry of food and water rations from the pantry. This is the crew's first planet, so they still had plenty of food for everybody.

Now to head outside...

[Image: WYArUa0.jpg]

RE: [Farther]: IV - Loot
> Use the planks to try and make some sort of shelter.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Farther]: IV - Loot
(03-25-2017, 04:30 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Use the planks to try and make some sort of shelter.
[Farther]: V - Footsteps
[Image: mOCaB7L.jpg]

[Image: wq5bxgS.jpg]

(03-25-2017, 04:30 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Use the planks to try and make some sort of shelter.
(03-26-2017, 06:06 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Use scrap for the roofing. Never know if it'll rain. or acid rain. Also metal is reflective so make some of it in the shape of a triangle or some other universal sos "help required" symbol.

[Image: jX3weoU.jpg]

[Image: RNTFTg0.jpg]

[Image: LlFoWTu.jpg]

[Image: a2WI4f4.jpg]

[Image: l1fGWub.jpg]

The duo decides to set up camp walking distance from the shipwreck, considering neither of them wants to sleep next to some rubble. They can easily walk back to the crashed spaceship if needed.

Andromeda lays three wood planks on the desert sand before using friction to strike up a flame with the match and setting the planks on fire. The flame is big, but it won't last long. Meanwhile, Maroon uses the remaining planks and some scraps of metal to build a provisional shelter off to the left.
(-5 wood planks, -7 scrap metal)

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[Image: 1ud7rnL.jpg]

Maroon eats one water and one food ration.

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[Image: EzkOPVI.jpg]

[Image: SNSCa2g.jpg]

[Image: gsEv7NN.jpg]

[Image: x4pUGMY.jpg]

RE: [Farther]: V - Footsteps
>Andromeda: Look around. Turn your screen up to ultrabright mode if needed so Maroon can help look for the source of the footsteps.
[Farther]: VI - Piggyback
(05-05-2017, 07:11 PM)cmdrcade Wrote: »>Andromeda: Look around. Turn your screen up to ultrabright mode if needed so Maroon can help look for the source of the footsteps.
(05-05-2017, 07:14 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Get ready to take a fusion fighting battle formation at any moment (your FFBF like maroon, the good captain, has made everyone practice many times in the past is maroon takes a seat on top of andy's shoulders, starts swinging their fists around and andy fires intense light beams from their face)

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[Image: tGfShCj.jpg]

[Image: lFCSGKq.jpg]
RE: [Farther]: V - Footsteps
> Ask what their scouter says your power levels are.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Farther]: VI - Piggyback
>Hey, my buddy roach, you saw the monster around?
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Farther]: VI - Piggyback
>"Are you looking for a job? All of our crewmembers are stupid or dead so we now have openings."
RE: [Farther]: VI - Piggyback
>Declare sovereignty over these new lands, and name them "Newlandia"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Farther]: VI - Piggyback
time to duel. prepare thumbs.
RE: [Farther]: VI - Piggyback
> Apologize and ask politely what he's doing here, does he have a ship?
[Farther]: VII - Ray
(05-09-2017, 06:56 PM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Hey, my buddy roach, you saw the monster around?

[Image: 89Z7I9C.jpg]

[Image: 5rhVW7D.jpg]

[Image: SWY90JL.jpg]

[Image: J81UIBg.jpg]

(05-09-2017, 08:07 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »>"Are you looking for a job? All of our crewmembers are stupid or dead so we now have openings."
(05-09-2017, 10:07 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Now join our misfit ragtag survival gang.

[Image: lJnNwRr.jpg]

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[Image: eO2aTTU.jpg]

[Image: 9dSPds6.jpg]

[Image: MGr9T2S.jpg]

Maroon stepped in between the Ray and Andromeda, crying out "That's quite enough!".

"I know tensions are high right now, and you're probably all stressed out, 'cause the situation is... I'm not gonna deny it. It's looking pretty bad with the crashed ship and all. But you gotta realize that bickering with crewmates is only going to worsen the situation. Heck, it's almost like... placing a paper bag over another person's head. And I know you two have your differences but for now, could you just work together for a short time? It's difficult, sure, but it's gonna benefit us all... think of it like a bonding experience, maybe. Who knows? Maybe by the end of this we'll just look back on the whole thing and laugh... so could you do that for me?"

Maroon remembers where he picked up that kind of speech from and hopes it was charismatic enough, that it worked its magic. A good captain, after all, had to be charismatic, thought Maroon to himself.

[Image: nHxc1ue.jpg]

[Image: r0yAZPw.jpg]

RE: [Farther]: VII - Ray
Surely the space ship isn't made of wood. Were'd that come from?
Edit: I'm stupid.

Maroon: Offer Ray a food ration while you're out here wit Andy. No one wants to be reminded of Mordis.
RE: [Farther]: VII - Ray
Andy: harbour grudge. It's not your fault you have trouble remembering people!

Maroon: show Ray to your... Um..
Base. It's definitely a base.

Ray: locate food
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Farther]: VII - Ray
>Have everybody put their hands in the center in a team-building exercise.
RE: [Farther]: VII - Ray
>do some marshmallows ´cause, why not?
[Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
(06-09-2017, 10:58 AM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »Maroon: show Ray to your... Um.. base. It's definitely a base.
(06-09-2017, 12:02 AM)Dunkel Blau Wrote: »Maroon: Offer Ray a food ration while you're out here wit Andy. No one wants to be reminded of Mordis.

[Image: 1TFEFIq.jpg]

[Image: 4GjV5H3.jpg]

[Image: YuXo23i.jpg]

[Image: 81meA6c.jpg]

[Image: zSLFIiC.jpg]

[Image: 9ghUUTH.jpg]

[Image: t606wzJ.jpg]

[Image: HFfzajQ.jpg]

[Image: KOrWa5d.jpg]

Ray whips out a blowtorch from his inventory and turns it on with a click. After adjusting the color of the flame to blue with the nozzle, he quickly sweeps over the food ration with the flame. He clicks the torch off and opens up the food ration. A cloud of steam rises from the opening.

[Image: NrYIxj1.jpg]

[Image: mKWnVry.jpg]

[Image: tyOp8po.jpg]

[Image: 3CAX90h.jpg]

Ray eats his food ration while following Maroon to the shelter. Maroon lets out a sigh of relief – he didn’t expect that monologue to work and actually break up the fight, especially since he learned how to write a speech off of shoddy tutorials on the Internet. He made a mental note to study how to deliver rousing speeches later. A good captain’s best asset is a speech, after all.

[Image: iWmiS9b.jpg]

[Image: uVqYAEa.jpg]

[Image: eQTwKgv.jpg]

(06-08-2017, 10:03 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Ray: Wait, where's the rest of the crew? Are they back at the base?

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[Image: Kuxa2Gl.jpg]

(06-09-2017, 10:58 AM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »Andy: harbour grudge. It's not your fault you have trouble remembering people!

[Image: eMBCKMq.jpg]

[Image: hfzceCG.jpg]

[Image: pruclIp.jpg]

[Image: NySwY0P.jpg]

[Image: JadUTvG.jpg]

[Image: xsdotRR.jpg]

RE: [Farther]: VII - Ray
>Andromeda and Maroon
RE: [Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
Ray> Wouldn't it be safer to sleep in the ship, rather than a miserable pile of rubbish located right next to the ship?
RE: [Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
>Maroon and Ray
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
> Ray and Maroon

Andy, being a robot, should need less protection. Also what are the odds we could loot a blanket or something from the ship? Some cloth for head protection could be helpful.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
(08-25-2017, 07:05 PM)eerr Wrote: »Ray> Wouldn't it be safer to sleep in the ship, rather than a miserable pile of rubbish located right next to the ship?

Ray: Suggest everyone sleep on the ship instead of under that...thing.
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Farther]: VIII - Blowtorch
>Maroon n' Ray
Sorry Andromeda, you gotta third wheel for the night, bub. Probs better if you look around the ship for some bling to nab blankets, clothes, an arm lying around maybe just to throw it at the pribably snuggling love birds over at base, just for shits n' giggles cuz we're assholes.
Dont have no adventure no more <o/