[Gaia] : Adoption center for species and ideas

[Gaia] : Adoption center for species and ideas
[Gaia] : Adoption center for species and ideas
The Mediawarks adoption center

Welcome to the adoption center for species, faunas, and whatever other ideas you may have. When you post up an adoption, please post if it's free for anyone to take without asking, free to take but you have to ask, or free take with asking but also it has to be submitted to Fortuna, or any other rule you have with your species adoption.

Below is a list of what adoptions are laying around and their link. Please tell people if you adopt their species.
(There's no species yet.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
Saved post just in case.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
Frogwives summed up

Bouncing off of wheat's idea I propose a "Frogwife" / "Frogprince" species.

Basically it's a species of frogs who, when they find their "true love" rapidly mutate from their young adult form to their breeding adult form. They can only do this once and once they're in their true adult form they have a much shorten lifespan, basically only enough time to make young and then raise them.

Possible other idea that I believe wheat brought up, this frog mutates differently if their mate is not of their species, likely gaining a few elements from their mate.

I believe this idea is free to take as long as it gets submitted to the Cosmosdex.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
you monster, how could you destroy our local businesses with this corporate filth
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
<Places large corporate building on top of local business while looking you in the eyes.>

No pain.
No gain.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
A species of raptors but when theyre excited, angry or scared they puff up in spikes like pufferfish and float away
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
They're super obsessed with their looks and they're really tall. Their manes/tails are often bright colors while their coats are much darker. Also they eat plants, fish, and bugs.
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
Font based species. There's 1 main species and 2 other subspecies. The application breaks the norms of the application, as the two subspecies are in a totally different font.

None of them are Sans undertale.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
A species that dies and becomes a ghost. Scientists will argue that they aren't actually ghosts, but y'know. It's basically a ghost. It can move through walls, it can become (mostly?) invisible, it can either moves things very subtly or with great force but no in between. If the ghost is busted, it dies for real tho. Also I don't think a ghost can hold an inventory, it has a hard enough time holding regular things.

And, like, sure, you can probably shove a ghost back into its body, if you unmangle it enough. I wouldn't, though. It's not true resurrection but, like, it's still gonna mess them up a bit. We'll call them Abominations Lite™. And also without the stat buffs. maybe you should just let them be ghosts. i'm sure it's not that horrible.
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
(07-29-2017, 11:20 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »A species that dies and becomes a ghost. Scientists will argue that they aren't actually ghosts, but y'know. It's basically a ghost. It can move through walls, it can become (mostly?) invisible, it can either moves things very subtly or with great force but no in between. If the ghost is busted, it dies for real tho. Also I don't think a ghost can hold an inventory, it has a hard enough time holding regular things.

And, like, sure, you can probably shove a ghost back into its body, if you unmangle it enough. I wouldn't, though. It's not true resurrection but, like, it's still gonna mess them up a bit. We'll call them Abominations Lite™. And also without the stat buffs. maybe you should just let them be ghosts. i'm sure it's not that horrible.

Wouldn't it make more sense to call it a non-corpeal species with a corpeal incubation period? Granted reproduction is probably limited to the corpeal stage.
RE: [Opis] : Adoption center for species and ideas
Changing the topic name to GAIA so it doesn't confuse people who wish to read the adventure [Opis].

Also species idea, a species that can transform into one thing, sort of like a werewolf. But you know, not a werewolf. Like a werewolf though the stats would basically swap, and it would take a day of rest to turn back to normal form (as a debuff to being able to swap stats.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Gaia] : Adoption center for species and ideas
So like a Jekyll?

Jekylls are a diminutive race that have high intelligence but very low power. However they can turn into Hydes, which are a very big and aggressive species with very high power but low intelligence.