[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-20-2017, 04:21 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »not even our Culture God ability has given us any exposition as to how to defeat Mors.

not trying to defeat mors here. just protecting hermes in any way possible. we are expendable, as long as athena survives (and remains our patron) the game goes on.
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
Well, in the event Hermes isn't immediately killed...
> Use the LOVE HAMMER to get his attention
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
Can I just comment about how much this sucks? Seriously, I'd rather that anyone had died other than sweet CW baby. Yes, arguably even You.
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-20-2017, 09:58 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »Can I just comment about how much this sucks? Seriously, I'd rather that anyone had died other than sweet CW baby. Yes, arguably even You.
Well mors isn't really dead. They just got turned into a huge, pissed off monster.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-20-2017, 10:12 AM)Hermes Wrote: »Ah jeez, there's really not much we can do here huh?

>But I dont want Hermes to die!
>warn Hermes to stay away as you're being dragged back, and ask him to just end the room trap!

>Seconding telling Hermes to end the roomtrap because

[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20

...Mors was LITERALLY the best chance we had at working against the Sun God. The person responsible for save data. The person we were TOLD worked the best at keeping errors from cropping up in the game.

Not to MENTION how this is gonna affect Somus. We were the ones who brought Mors here. Even if Hermes was the one who "killed" Mors, you can bet Somus is going to carry a grudge against us. There's no way he couldn't.

WHAT HOPE DO WE EVEN HAVE NOW. There's no point.

We keep losing the best options we have at combatting what's rotting our game. We keep losing so many possible allies. Roman Apollo, Hephestus, Jupiter and Zeus, we're GOING to lose Athena soon enough when she fuses with Eris. Not to mention we have no way of helping the Poetnix right now. At least with Mors... like this there's a chance that plan was sunk.

>Try to reason with Hermes one last time. We need his help. For SO many reasons, we need his help. It's hard to forgive so much blood on his hands, but we need NEED his help. Please, Hermes, just trust us. We'll do what we can to protect you, but PLEASE end the room-trap and flee with us now. It's everyone's only hope.

Try to help Hermes. To protect him. Even to reason with Mors, if Mors can still be reasoned with. We're a community god. Might as well play to our strengths.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-21-2017, 01:02 AM)zobot257 Wrote: »...Mors was LITERALLY the best chance we had at working against the Sun God. The person responsible for save data. The person we were TOLD worked the best at keeping errors from cropping up in the game.
I don't know about that. Mors only seemed interested in bringing about the end of the universe as painlessly as possible, and wasn't really working in our best interests in that regard.

We may have a wildcard up our sleeve if Sonny (who Trash described as "the missing link" in the Sun God run) proves helpful. Though he could just as easily end up working against us.
Don't forget we also have two and a half Limbo gods on our side (3 if Eris absorbs The Known) and just freed the other 6 from containment.

(also Somnus might just wind up killed by the False Death after this roomtrap ends in a few moments)
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-21-2017, 01:47 AM)Spish Wrote: »
(07-21-2017, 01:02 AM)zobot257 Wrote: »...Mors was LITERALLY the best chance we had at working against the Sun God. The person responsible for save data. The person we were TOLD worked the best at keeping errors from cropping up in the game.
I don't know about that. Mors only seemed interested in bringing about the end of the universe as painlessly as possible, and wasn't really working in our best interests in that regard.

The point is that Mors is able to fight the glitches the Sun God presents like no one else can, or at least Cowboy said so.

(07-21-2017, 01:47 AM)Spish Wrote: »We may have a wildcard up our sleeve if Sonny (who Trash described as "the missing link" in the Sun God run) proves helpful. Though he could just as easily end up working against us.
Don't forget we also have two and a half Limbo gods on our side (3 if Eris absorbs The Known) and just freed the other 6 from imprisonment.

That's kiiiiinda true? Nikki seems intent on working against us, or at least is working towards a plan that CURRENTLY seems detrimental to us in every way shape or form. Feeding gods to the Sun God seems like the WORST thing we could do, until we find a reason to contridict that. So I don't think we can really count Nikki. Maichu or however you pronounce his name might be able to help, sure. And I think TECHNICALLY the Helper is on our side too? You're right about that. And Eris, but Eris is a huuuuge wildcard. We'll see how it plays out.

Sorry if I seemed angry. Just... freaked out about Mors of all people biting it.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
> Keep shouting at Hermes to end the room trap.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-21-2017, 03:18 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »...
Yep! I'd still bang them (^^)
I mean, just LOOK at that huge, pink, fleshy, toothed tentacle... unf!
The. Biggest. Pinkest. Tentacle.

ok, I'm done :P
Joke's over, time to run!

Hey Nexus, I rather not see comments like that made about Mors. Mors kind of is mentally a kid / has heavy ties to kids / is basically a straight up child so it's a little weird and not a comment I really want to spot around here.

You're free to make that comment about someone like Eris, or, well basically everyone else in Fortuna as pretty much everyone else in Fortuna is an adult for their species (The only other child I can think of right now is that one catlas we kidnapped for a few panels) and also I can't think of any other character who appears to be mentally a child / has heavy ties to kids / trapped basically in the age range of a kid because they cannot die.

Just leave Mors out of sexualization jokes, it's like heavy squick for me. We got a comic filled with adult characters that can be used on.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-20-2017, 12:26 PM)Fellow Wrote: »>If I die, you will finish the game for us won't you Athena? You two keep running, I need to go help Hermes.
>If athena and helios don't let us, toss the apple.

Ooh this is good! Yeah I'm seconding actually attempting to help Herm. If we die, oh well. It's only until the end of the game. And we're already at Fortuna.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 11:17 AM)Hermes Wrote: »
(07-20-2017, 12:26 PM)Fellow Wrote: »>If I die, you will finish the game for us won't you Athena? You two keep running, I need to go help Hermes.
>If athena and helios don't let us, toss the apple.

Ooh this is good! Yeah I'm seconding actually attempting to help Herm. If we die, oh well. It's only until the end of the game. And we're already at Fortuna.

Thirding, also:

>If we die the roomtrap ends, right?
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 07:12 PM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>If we die the roomtrap ends, right?

I'd assume no, since our roomtrap stayed up after Heph died.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 07:12 PM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>If we die the roomtrap ends, right?

Even if that's so we don't want helios and athena to die, since that would be pernament, and even if we didn't mind them dying then Eris still would want our head because her favorite bird died.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
Aight we need to be sure about what to do, or it will all just be up to Gime's whims. We must maximize the chance of everyone surviving, excluding ourselves. So here's the plan:

>Toss the apple.
This will distract Athena and Helios. Hopefully it won't distract Hermes and "Mors" as well, but it's the only way we can be absolutely sure that Athena will let us go. We cannot rely on her deciding to let us go, because she has been a pawn in leading up to this moment. She was the one who suggested to summon Mors. The game does not take into account our actions when calculating the death clock, but that does not stop things from going horribly wrong wherever it can. Murphy's Law and all that. If tossing the apple is our best bet, then we should do it, don't even bother asking Athena to let us go first, every second counts here. Alternatively we could whack Athena with our love hammer to gain a small window of time in which to wriggle out of her grasp. Though, that might just make her tighten the grip instead. Or maybe she'll do some flips and martial arts that hammer into next week. I dunno. The apple seems like the best bet to me.

>Run in between Hermes and Mors.
If Hermes does not end the roomtrap immediately, we will die. Like, no question. But that's fine, as long as Athena survives. But she's currently being distracted by an apple, so unless the roomtrap ends fast, there's not much we can do for her. Anyway, we're gonna sacrifice ourselves to save Hermes. Hopefully that will earn us mass cred among the other gods watching Player TV, that we will straight up get ourselves killed to save a friend. This is of course assuming we're even fast enough to get between them in time. But hey, points for trying.

>You: "End the roomtrap, Hermes!"
Again, if Hermes does not end the roomtrap right away, we will die. And while that's fine, it also kinda sucks. I think Athena would respect this plan way more if we survive it. Pretty sure that's like, a common bias people have. If the results are good, the plan was good, or at least not completely terrible. Though I may just be overthinking it. Either way, Hermes needs to end the roomtrap. The longer he waits, the more robots blow up. Hermes may have been distracted by the apple, but if it works anything like that robot lamp did, it might make him listen to commands, in which case the roomtrap definitely ends here.

>You: "Get away from the TV, Somnus and Cronus!"
If we say this, it will be our final words. If Hermes does not end the roomtrap right away, we'll have time for it. And if we can, we should. Cronus is the current leader of the universe, I'm pretty sure. That makes him at least somewhat important. Somnus might be mad at Hermes now for killing his bro, but dude, you do not kill the dog. That's just not ok. I want both of them to live. So let's at least do what we can.

Pretty sure I covered everything there.
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 08:13 PM)AABowser Wrote: »If tossing the apple is our best bet, then we should do it, don't even bother asking Athena to let us go first, every second counts here.
I think it's pretty important that we establish that we're willing to die beforehand. If we don't, there is a bigger chance that Helios will go beserk. I mean last time the guy gored Hepheastus just because he shotgunned us in the face.

Helios is probably one of the better equiped gods to kill Mors, because fire, but he's likely still way out of his league. (and killing mors is bad cause we'd be left with autosave and Thanatos)
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 08:34 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(07-22-2017, 08:13 PM)AABowser Wrote: »If tossing the apple is our best bet, then we should do it, don't even bother asking Athena to let us go first, every second counts here.
I think it's pretty important that we establish that we're willing to die beforehand. If we don't, there is a bigger chance that Helios will go beserk. I mean last time the guy gored Hepheastus just because he shotgunned us in the face.

If we toss the apple, Helios will not disturb us.
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 08:45 PM)AABowser Wrote: »If we toss the apple, Helios will not disturb us.
I imagine that eventually, one of our patrons will accuire the apple and turn their attention elsewhere.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-22-2017, 08:48 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(07-22-2017, 08:45 PM)AABowser Wrote: »If we toss the apple, Helios will not disturb us.
I imagine that eventually, one of our patrons will accuire the apple and turn their attention elsewhere.

I agree. We must account for the possibility that the apple does not buy us enough time.

>You: "I'm about to risk my life to try and save Hermes, please don't try to save me even if you think you can. It will only get you killed. And you won't come back from it."
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
Quote:>You: "I'm about to risk my life to try and save Hermes, please don't try to save me even if you think you can. It will only get you killed. And you won't come back from it."

RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
So we can:

1:Toss the apple. (Practical solution)

2:Sacrifice ourself for Hermes. (The selfless solution)

3:use Love Hammer on Hermes to end roomtrap. (Really just to try the hammer out)

4:Ask Hermes "politely" to end the roomtrap. (It "could" happen)

Toss the apple, we haven't gotten enough of Athena's fan art yet, we can't die now. ;-;
Woop! Woop! Woop!
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
(07-23-2017, 03:57 AM)Hermes Wrote: »
Quote:>You: "I'm about to risk my life to try and save Hermes, please don't try to save me even if you think you can. It will only get you killed. And you won't come back from it."


Yes yes yes I second (third? fourth?) this
(I'm kind of a fool so I apologize if I did anything wrong in this post)
but this this this this the entire conversation of replies leading up to this reply best plan yes
I can summon bendy straws at will and also turn oxygen into carbon dioxide
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
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RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
Well. That went better than expected.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: FICTIONAL HORROR 7/20
...Should we tell Athena that was our planned outcome anyways?