Lucidstuck I

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Lucidstuck I
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>We come from all over the world, using a network where we communicate with each other. As a whole, the world isn't too good right now, but it could be a lot worse.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>You can think the 'communication network' previously mentioned like your primitive internet. Easily connecting various races together while keeping people's identities a secret. As for myself, I'm doing OK. Doing a bit of writing to take my mind off of what you would consider the unfathomable. And before you go asking how I find the time between all the Observering we've been doing, let me simply state the following. We know what you mean when you say this dream felt like it lasted for a year. Not so subtle wink wink and a nudge.
Well this is new...
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>In regards of what you just said....we'd rather not drag you into unpleasant topics, but perhaps you should reconsider the way you are viewing the situation. Just because Derrick's not agreeing blindly to what construct Alice is saying (something we doubt anyone would agree to, if they were in his situation) does not mean that Lucia or anyone else has more influence on him, just that an unreasonable request was made and Derrick had every right to disagree to it.

>Whatever your personal feelings towards Lucia may be, remember that neither of you want harm to come to Derrick, and right now everyone's priority should be to save him.... for which, we understand, everyone but especially both you and Lucia will be heavy players. So it may be best to try to keep animosity at minimum and remember you both have a common goal to work towards.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>well, it depends on what you mean with "our world". if you mean the world that we the "aliens" are in, the network is a good description. if you mean our world as in where our species lives, it seems to be relatively similar to your waking world, or at least what we have seen of it so far.
>about us, we are mostly just bunch of people interested in helping all of you not die.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-05-2017, 07:06 PM)Xoleuph Wrote: »it seems to be relatively similar to your waking world, or at least what we have seen of it so far.
>about us, we are mostly just bunch of people interested in helping all of you not die.

This seems like a REALLY bad idea. The more humanized and flawed we come off as the less the kids have reason to trust us.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>As much fun as it might be to seem like impossibly different and vaguely inscrutable aliens, the truth is our world is similar to yours practically speaking. We're biological creatures gifted with sapience. We live, we breathe, we love, we laugh, we cry, we hate, we sleep, we dream and eventually we die. Though unlike you we can't share our dreams with each other while we are asleep.

(07-05-2017, 07:13 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »
(07-05-2017, 07:06 PM)Xoleuph Wrote: »it seems to be relatively similar to your waking world, or at least what we have seen of it so far.
>about us, we are mostly just bunch of people interested in helping all of you not die.

This seems like a REALLY bad idea. The more humanized and flawed we come off as the less the kids have reason to trust us.

What would be better? Pretend to be perfect beings holding all the answers and incapable of making flawed decisions? Would YOU trust a set of disembodied voices you have no context for making such a claim out of the blue?

I'd rather be honest and imperfect than pretend to be perfect only to be eventually caught out in that lie.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-05-2017, 07:14 PM)Unclever title Wrote: »>As much fun as it might be to seem like impossibly different and vaguely inscrutable aliens, the truth is our world is similar to yours practically speaking. We're biological creatures gifted with sapience. We live, we breathe, we love, we laugh, we cry, we hate, we sleep, we dream and eventually we die. Though unlike you we can't share our dreams with each other while we are asleep.

(07-05-2017, 07:13 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »
(07-05-2017, 07:06 PM)Xoleuph Wrote: »it seems to be relatively similar to your waking world, or at least what we have seen of it so far.
>about us, we are mostly just bunch of people interested in helping all of you not die.

This seems like a REALLY bad idea. The more humanized and flawed we come off as the less the kids have reason to trust us.

What would be better? Pretend to be perfect beings holding all the answers and incapable of making flawed decisions? Would YOU trust a set of disembodied voices you have no context for making such a claim out of the blue?

I'd rather be honest and imperfect than pretend to be perfect only to be eventually caught out in that lie.

Definitely do not do this. this is very, very dangerous, it might lead to daydream realizing that she is, in fact, a fictional character, theres no telling how much this is gonna fuck up her brain more than it already is
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
Why would us being honest about our world lead her to realize she is fictional? All we're saying is our world is similar to hers. I vote honesty, because if we lie, and she figures out we're lying, the results will be far worse than just telling her the truth.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
wow, I had no idea I would stir up so much controversy.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>Daydream: "Opinions vary depending on beliefs and location. I can't say for certain that all the others are on the same world as me, or even if they'd agree with my assessment of it if they were. Everyone can gather that our worlds are similar enough to be able to understand eachother fairly well, but given our limited sample size that's not saying much. Bearing that in mind: all in all I'd say my world is a pretty good world, and there's nowhere I'd much rather be.

As for the "Lucia having more influence" thing, or however you'd like to phrase it, there's a reason for that which from all indications should be helpful for your goal. We need to talk about that later, so ask me about it when you're feeling up to discussing it."

I personally wouldn't recommend we give away a lot of meta information, or information about ourselves (specifically us, the observers). It's probably not going to help our credibility, and it could very likely hurt it. I don't mean lie to people, especially not Daydream, but I do wholly recommend that we try to stick to topics that help our objectives and speak factually if we can.

Also, for those who don't remember, Lucidstuck is set in the past relative to us now. In the Livejournal (R.I.P.) we figured out that Lucidstuck is most likely set in either the latter half of 2013 or the earlier half of 2014. There's a lot of things that have happened between then and now that would be of interest to Daydream and we can phrase them in a way that we don't have to worry about Daydream getting too much meta information. Remember, we're trying to get her emotionally healthy and keep her from going suicidal, so uplifting topics are better.

@Panur: Whenever you get a chance send me a message in discord. I have something I wanna talk with you about in regards to your message.

@Xoleuph: Don't worry. You didn't. Discussing stuff like this has been happening since the old threads. It just hasn't happened here as often since the discords became a thing and we started discussing a bunch of stuff there. Even if that wasn't the case, a couple people disagreeing over the course of a few messages isn't a controversy xD.

For what it's worth, I've already made my opinion on giving out personal/meta information clear but I doubt anything that's being said will make Daydream think she's fictional. However, there might be OTHER bad things she might think as a result of certain information.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-05-2017, 07:14 PM)Unclever title Wrote: »>As much fun as it might be to seem like impossibly different and vaguely inscrutable aliens, the truth is our world is similar to yours practically speaking. We're biological creatures gifted with sapience. We live, we breathe, we love, we laugh, we cry, we hate, we sleep, we dream and eventually we die. Though unlike you we can't share our dreams with each other while we are asleep.

From daydreams perspective, most other people can't lucid dream like her and aren't aware that it's possible. So I'm not sure the last part would be usefull.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
[Image: W5jAWEx.png]

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>I don't know why some people are here helping you do what's considered the impossible, but for me, this whole thing is like a good TV drama. Except I get to take part in it. Yes, you are correct we're sorta skyping you mind right now. And in regards to the whole alien/human stuff I'll say that we've never met, and thus we don't know what each other look like. As for where I am, well I wish I was planetside right now, but that's not really possible right now. Shitty connections literally in the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. Just straight up void around the rust bucket I call home.
Well this is new...
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>This is not common technology mind you. We can't just speak into anybody's mind. The omniscent entity we mentioned earlier set us up with it. Or, well, it may be more accurate to say he's an Infaillible Professor. And we're certainly not playing around with your lives in the balance if that's what you think. The professor might be playing for all I know, you'd think he could help the lot of you all by himself but here we are.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-06-2017, 04:04 PM)RemoteCalamity Wrote: »>I don't know why some people are here helping you do what's considered the impossible, but for me, this whole thing is like a good TV drama. Except I get to take part in it. Yes, you are correct we're sorta skyping you mind right now. And in regards to the whole alien/human stuff I'll say that we've never met, and thus we don't know what each other look like. As for where I am, well I wish I was planetside right now, but that's not really possible right now. Shitty connections literally in the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. Just straight up void around the rust bucket I call home.

Rc; maybe comparing the life or death of her brother situation to a tv drama is not the best idea.... I mean, would you want to know you are trusting someone to keep you/your loved ones safe while they're just amusing themselves?

heck, i know everyone here would like to take their chance to stand out, but in general, please keep in mind that in general it's a bad policy since it only opens more questions and might confuse or make alice more distrustful/less sure of us.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>One of the reasons I want to help, I guess is because I want to see others be happy and have their happy ending, I guess. I don't get many happy endings myself, so helping others is what I do to try to achieve happiness myself. And sorry if my ranting is confusing, I'm not always the best with phrasing things.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
Hey amber, you're from the discord, right? Welcome to the forums.

Welcomes aside though, maybe introducing yourself in-comic isn't the best of ideas. Talking to Daydream is something we can actually seriously screw up with and if every reader were to introduce themselves to DD we'd scarsely have any space for other topics.

(07-06-2017, 04:10 PM)Panur Wrote: »
(07-06-2017, 04:04 PM)RemoteCalamity Wrote: »>I don't know why some people are here helping you do what's considered the impossible, but for me, this whole thing is like a good TV drama. Except I get to take part in it. Yes, you are correct we're sorta skyping you mind right now. And in regards to the whole alien/human stuff I'll say that we've never met, and thus we don't know what each other look like. As for where I am, well I wish I was planetside right now, but that's not really possible right now. Shitty connections literally in the middle of Bumblefuck, Nowhere. Just straight up void around the rust bucket I call home.

Rc; maybe comparing the life or death of her brother situation to a tv drama is not the best idea.... I mean, would you want to know you are trusting someone to keep you/your loved ones safe while they're just amusing themselves?

heck, i know everyone here would like to take their chance to stand out, but in general, please keep in mind that in general it's a bad policy since it only opens more questions and might confuse or make alice more distrustful/less sure of us.
I second this notion
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
i feel like the more we try to tell daydream about our "world" the worse its gonna be, lets please not
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-06-2017, 04:49 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(07-06-2017, 04:10 PM)Panur Wrote: »Rc; maybe comparing the life or death of her brother situation to a tv drama is not the best idea.... I mean, would you want to know you are trusting someone to keep you/your loved ones safe while they're just amusing themselves?

heck, i know everyone here would like to take their chance to stand out, but in general, please keep in mind that in general it's a bad policy since it only opens more questions and might confuse or make alice more distrustful/less sure of us.
I second this notion
I agree as well.

>on why we want to help you, the reasons vary from person to person. some may act out of curiosity, others out of compassion, some may have reasons that nobody else understands. we could go through it for everyone who is currently involved, though that would be quite a lot of work.

anyways, lets see if I can get some answers I have been itching for.

>if you dont mind going a bit off topic, I do have a concern that I have been waiting a while to address. as you already have noticed, we had used some tinfoil items to deal with the psychic powers of lethos. it seems like malice, the weird doll, is is using part psychic manipulation and part what you perceive our "power" to be. so the question is, do you think tinfoil items help against it? could it also keep nightmare from controlling derrick, or is that a completely different thing?
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>Well, Daydream what if you were in our position? Given tools to observe a seemingly random group of friends on an adventure in another world and then given the means to guide and help them out... wouldn't you help them?
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>i see you still doubt our intentions for some reason. And that is reasonable and understandable i suppose... but what if i told you that solving your puzzle and getting you to take that wager to spare Emily, is what i now, years later, though not many, still consider to be the crowning achievement of my existence? What if i also told you that kindness is a universal constant that allows sentient creatures around the multiverse to form this complex construct of support called Society? Granted, this time-dilation was for the longest time also our greatest asset, in the end, i suppose there can be no secrets between real friends, eh? So now you know the price we all willingly and gladly pay for your sakes, i hope you can find it in your heart to make some personal sacrifices of your own and to let Emily help you sort through your feelings. Make no mistake, among our ranks, there's still bitterness over what you did, but it's growing lesser with each sign of your atonement. We continue to believe there is genuine kindness and love within your heart, though terribly misguided at one moment. Otherwise you would not have kept trying to make things right again for as long as you did. The problem, as always in life, is that we can not see the perfect outcome, because Reality is too vast for any one person to comprehend. And that is where having friends comes in handy... but I'm delving into Phylosophy again. I'm sorry, that was a little long winded and heavy and you just wanted to relax... we would love to play another game with you when you're feeling better. No wagers this time.
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>it seems my comment on how this is like a TV drama got a few people worried, but I was just being honest with you. Wouldn't you want us to at least be honest with you to some extent? And besides, I'm not totally heartless and I don't only care about the next big dramatic fuck up. I still wanna see everyone survive.
Well this is new...
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
>We saw people who needed help, and decided to try to help you. The more we learned about the situation, the more important it seemed. We are trying to save lives. Do we need a reason for that?
RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over!
(07-06-2017, 08:51 PM)ForestGardener Wrote: »>We saw people who needed help, and decided to try to help you. The more we learned about the situation, the more important it seemed. We are trying to save lives. Do we need a reason for that?

we dont need to get too defensive.