Introductions: The Inauguraling

Introductions: The Inauguraling
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
(08-22-2012, 01:17 AM)Nopad Wrote: »guess who intends to sign up for things for literally a year without doing so

[Image: Thumbs_Up.png] this fellow [Image: O07rs.png]

RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hi folks my name is Mr. LL (Terrorbuns on tumblr) and I make sprites and games and love chattering about games and design and science and about you and myself and things I like oDo/

I will probably end up lurking more then anything but alas, hope to have fun here! :3
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hello hellooo I hope you have fun too!
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hey broooooooo.
Glad you could make it, broooooooooooooooooo.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
A new face! Welcome Welcome Mr. LL, hope your stay is pleasant (and perhaps filled with eagles)
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hello everyone!

I'm E-Claire. I've already said hello a few times on #grandbattle, met a few of you lovely folks and now I'm here to make it official. I've seen some of the stuff you guys do and it looks like a lot of fun. I look forward to hanging around, contributing useless opinions and eating up some server room.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hello! Grandbattle is a p cool thing (although I've never participated innit) so I'd wager you have Good Taste. Glad to have you!
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
hello! there's a grandbattle just starting right now that needs more people i think! The Grand Illusion
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hello, I was pointed in this direction after trying to find where all the adventure authors I followed back in the days of 2010 went.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Yaaay, more old faces in new spaces
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Good day to you, sirs and sirettes!
I found a random link on TheBoyd's deviantArt page and it led to this place. And so I registered, and here I am now. I kept meaning to return to the MSPAFA forums and never got around to it, so I guess I'll come here instead? Looks like all the awesome people I remember from my days there have come here.
Oh, yeah. I was Dfaran. I did Parallels and Perpendicularities, the adventures that were pretty awesome if you could get past the terrible MSPaint art and the fact that you basically needed to know C++ to understand at least half of what was going on. Maybe someday I'll revive them, too.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Oh, hey, what's up! Always nice to see a new face, and even nicer if it's an old one too.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Dfaran!! heyyyyyyy
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
How are things over on the old forums, anyway? I poked my head in and it seemed like it was swamped with two-syllable adventure titles that ended in -STUCK or something. But then I read a couple general chat topics and it looked like the same old awesome nonsense as always.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
What happens is that for the most part the people who made the stucks and trollventures don't really seem to even want to interact with everyone/anyone in the forum so those two threads are pretty nice and stuff. So while the individual threads are moreish in amount, the general feel of the community hasn't changed that much other than the usual inning and outing and what-have-you, although that is just my opinion.

Adventure's seem to have left the puzzley mechanic experimenty thing like what you did and gone into a almost only story tellingy comics that people help with deal too??? I dunno, I'm should be doing things.

If you want a primer on all of the Quality Adventures you've missed you'll probably be able to catch them if/when the nominations are posted for the next new awards-a-mabob in however long.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
It's similar to old times because there's still a small sense of community and said community still produces original stuff, but it's largely overshadowed by the constant flood of buburbventures and it kind of turned into a smack-jeeves-amateurish comic site in that regard.

I like to think of eagle time as a different site altogether rather than an "alternative", there's not nearly as many ongoing adventures to justify the comparison.

E: Ninja'd, why did that take me so long to write.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
I remember you being really cool, Dfaran. So, oh boy, welcome to Eagle Time.
Beep Beep
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
(11-01-2012, 06:20 AM)Mr. Arsenic Nog Wrote: »I remember you being really cool, Dfaran. So, oh boy, welcome to Eagle Time.

:D :D :D
I do indeed feel welcomed.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Hey, it's Dfaran! Welcome!
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
Welcome to the forum Dfaran.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
I kinda defected to the Eagle Time side in the Minecraft forum war so I figure I'd be decent and sign up over here, too :L
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
We're a forum of innately defective people (with innately defective vocabularies), so welcome aboard!

There was a joke here about our secessionist origins but I'm tired and malapropisms were the best I could offer, sorry
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
I somehow found this place by following a link from some Tumblr? Yeah, that's the idea.

So hi there! I will most likely be sparse-ish here.
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
RE: Introductions: The Inauguraling
What happened to your name, bro? It looks way more un-extended ASCII than usual.