[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>room-trap hephaestus.
>So sorry, Hephaestus.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
Time is short.
>Roomtrap Hephaestus, right this moment.
[Hephaestus, if you at least TALKED to us and told us what you were going to do, we might be able to work this out. It's still not too late for diplomacy.]
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Fucking run, go to the game room, play some friggin games. Go to the eye door, its an eye eris is an eye maybe there are sweet helios fanfics in there just FRIGGIN, RUN.

Seriously, guys, can we try to not get a Total Party Kill on the game where we absolutely do *not* want a total party kill?


You know what,

> HEPHAESTUS, STOP. Please. I'm sorry to yell, just, please be clear what it is you are going to do in the room before you fire, please? We're just worried about whatever it is you're wanting to do and...yeah, we make stupid decisions when we worry. We opened a door clearly labled DO NOT ENTER, for the second time now, and yeah. We're dumb.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
> Cleo: [agility check] Use Robot Lamp before he fires.

> Disarm the robot

AND THEN > Roomtrap Hepheastus

This way he should come into the roomtrap relatively defenseless.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
Remember: Our party can run when Heph is roomtrapped. Which way they run is also something to consider.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Roomtrap Heppy. Have a really long sarcastic "apology" ready.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Amaterasu: blind hephaestus with light beam
>Adrax and Spips: run in opposite directions to avoid possible splash damage
>Cleo: deploy robot lamp and pray, then run as well
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
> Deploy robot lamp, shout "turn around and run," and run back the way you came

Hey you guys know Hephaestus, with his weapon ready to fire, can just shoot You to end the roomtrap, right? And that puts us out of the game.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Robot lamp + run
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 04:09 AM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>Robot lamp + run

(02-04-2017, 04:01 AM)AABowser Wrote: »>Amaterasu: blind hephaestus with light beam
>Adrax and Spips: run in opposite directions to avoid possible splash damage
>Cleo: deploy robot lamp and pray, then run as well

seconding both of these
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
Heph should at least have some idea of our potential meta-gaming options. Even if we won't "flip the table", Heph doesn't know that, and probably is willing to make an attempt at diplomacy first. If we go with the Roomtrap option.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
Roomtrap lolz
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 04:11 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Heph should at least have some idea of our potential meta-gaming options. Even if we won't "flip the table", Heph doesn't know that, and probably is willing to make an attempt at diplomacy first. If we go with the Roomtrap option.
He already gave You a clear warning. He's most likely willing to pull the trigger regardless of whether or not we roomtrap. Considering he can control Athena directly, we don't have much of a chance against him in a roomtrap. We are not in any position to be threatening him.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Basically, run!

You realize that if we room trap Hephaestus then we're trapped in the same room with him? I'm not gonna let you party kill everyone through your hasty actions.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 05:54 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Basically, run!

You realize that if we room trap Hephaestus then we're trapped in the same room with him? I'm not gonna let you party kill everyone through your hasty actions.

Our characters can move while we're in roomtrap. Also I think Heph knows killing us is basically the same as killing himself. No point in us continuing if we lose control.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
Hrrrm. If I just remembered correctly, our Patrons have to be with us when we roomtrap. So, if we want Athena to beat Hephaestus to whatever is in that room, we have to have Athena stop being our Patron. On the plus side, this means Athena can get past Hephaestus/Fight Hephaestus without Hephaestus being able to resist...

Oh. I think we have a bigger problem. Do we know if Hephaestus's steed is part of him, or a separate entity?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 06:00 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Our characters can move while we're in roomtrap. Also I think Heph knows killing us is basically the same as killing himself. No point in us continuing if we lose control.
The game continues even if we lose. If both You and Athena were to die, our game would end there and Hephaestus would be free to do whatever he wants until our next crew sets off. Unless we were to reload, but our last manual save was quite some time ago.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 06:06 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Hrrrm. If I just remembered correctly, our Patrons have to be with us when we roomtrap. So, if we want Athena to beat Hephaestus to whatever is in that room, we have to have Athena stop being our Patron. On the plus side, this means Athena can get past Hephaestus/Fight Hephaestus without Hephaestus being able to resist...

Oh. I think we have a bigger problem. Do we know if Hephaestus's steed is part of him, or a separate entity?

Ooh, separate. And I suspect is programmed to automatically massacre everything if hep becomes nonresponsive.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 06:10 AM)Spish Wrote: »
(02-04-2017, 06:00 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Our characters can move while we're in roomtrap. Also I think Heph knows killing us is basically the same as killing himself. No point in us continuing if we lose control.
The game continues even if we lose. If both You and Athena were to die, our game would end there and Hephaestus would be free to do whatever he wants until our next crew sets off. Unless we were to reload, but our last manual save was quite some time ago.

I thought it was if You dies we lose control for the universe? In which case we've got no reason to not just reset the game.

(02-04-2017, 06:06 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Hrrrm. If I just remembered correctly, our Patrons have to be with us when we roomtrap. So, if we want Athena to beat Hephaestus to whatever is in that room, we have to have Athena stop being our Patron. On the plus side, this means Athena can get past Hephaestus/Fight Hephaestus without Hephaestus being able to resist...

Oh. I think we have a bigger problem. Do we know if Hephaestus's steed is part of him, or a separate entity?

Heph can view the Donkey's memories. So they're at least partially connected.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
(02-04-2017, 08:16 AM)Wheat Wrote: »TECHNICALLY, heph, you aren't playing fair. You said that this path "led" to death, not that it was immediate death. That had the implication that we could explore a little bit, but not get any further. You were not truthful, and we think you should apologize to make things right with us.

You also exploited athena, the player's patron, in the middle of the player's set mission on this planet, resulting in a tampering with their game far beyond the accepted limit for what a reasonable v1 AI is expected to do. For this infraction, it's dubious whether an apology would be enough.

I will be taking this suggestion. Please vote for one of the below.

Our crew should.....
> Run out of area
> Attack Hep

We should....
> Room lock Hep
> Do not room lock hep
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Run out of Area

>Do NOT Room Lock
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>No room lock
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>Do Not Room Lock
Edit: Remembered that we don't know if Hephaestus's mount can act on it's own.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry
>run to the video game room. Do not pass go. Do not roomtrap the bot, do not collect 200,000P.
RE: [Fortuna]: 2/3 Middle ground sorry

>Do not