[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks

[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
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RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
> Yeah, you still need to kill them all.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
Haha, i just love how Huermano there speaks in ComicSans™ xD
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
[Image: 2qE2BjX.png]

[Image: H4NqsGm.png]

[Image: OM1OLvN.png]

[Image: 7x90Yxe.png]

[Image: ntNNvei.png]

[Image: VzsprQG.png]

[Image: hFNNSi2.png]

[Image: 3b8MxMh.png]

[Image: V66p47L.png]

[Image: UAjFiDB.png]

[Image: YfLnoNI.png]

[Image: 0DGWFZ4.png]

[Image: YU5Zdv4.png]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
> Athena: Locate your nearest newspaper. Whack all three of them
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
(12-03-2016, 04:09 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Athena: locate your nearest gun, use a gun analogy on them (but take the analogy literally) then take their powers.

> Huerhm: LOL NOPE!
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: To Dream A Dream
[Image: 1JlATic.png]

[Image: hzIhhz5.png]

[Image: MTip5aN.png]

[Image: 4QpNhmF.png]

[Image: HkZddkr.png]

[Image: vUsV4m9.png]

[Image: AIECY5U.png]

[Image: M2DMyQ1.png]

[Image: pAq9RXP.png]

[Image: 7suIOCG.png]

[Image: IT1AM20.png]

[Image: ItEMV14.gif]

[Image: iq5jyV7.gif]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: An End of A Dream
>???: Freedom isn't free.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions

[Image: NZ8uOG4.png]

[Image: BvTeEnm.png]

[Image: TmqM3kk.png]

[Image: ramKdyb.png]

[Image: AUYTyzq.png]

[Image: HzdUoBZ.png]

[Image: A2HSw7f.png]

[Image: UBPwQCG.png]

[Image: YSP3wv0.png]

[Image: Xa6dAEl.png]

[Image: ABcT5u5.png]

[Image: 1QSvvOI.gif]
[Fortuna rolls two D20, a 17 and 12 are rolled]

[Image: YFdGSFV.png]


The Dream intermissions are officially over, we now resume our regularly scheduled downtime. Sorry for the last intermission not giving much room for suggestions! I tried to fit some in where I could.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
Almond>tell everyone how you want to perform a sacrificial ritual, and that you need Star's help.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
> Someone,anyone: "So, Fortuna. What's everyone going to get, if we make it?"
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
> Almond: Oh yeah star THANKS FOR THAT. Actually I saw you in my dream! You were....................
...Never mind.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
> Rivalry between Almond and Star: increase.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions

Quote: > Almond: Oh yeah star THANKS FOR THAT. Actually I saw you in my dream! You were....................
...Never mind.

[Image: 2DiSSjv.png]

Quote: > Someone,anyone: "So, Fortuna. What's everyone going to get, if we make it?"

[Image: 1sxz31L.png]

[Image: ek60ASN.png]

[Image: gWehQJo.png]

[Image: 6aHZScd.png]

[Image: kili7HY.png]

[Image: ZZVBVu0.png]

[Image: oL6lI3r.png]

[Image: IqUQVab.png]

[Image: fOjavLt.png]

Suggest who will be going onto the planets surface, and who will stay on the ship
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
> Huerme, Sobek, Star, Sopucci, Ridge

> Hey Neppy and Ammy, do you guys think Huerme and Sobek might be the game dev AIs from the dream sequence? I know it seems like a stretch but with that whole V1 business it seems like a plausible explanation.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Let's Play 20 Questions
>Ridge, Huerme, Sobek, star, Almond
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
Quote: Ridge, Huerme, Sobek, star, Almond

[Image: TnG4r1Q.png]

[Image: l9tSBkT.png]

[Image: khUFf0e.png]

[Image: Or864Zk.png]

[Image: PBRXDLr.png]

[Image: oh63F9w.png]

[Image: n40hxrX.png]

[Image: Q5mgINc.png]

[Image: wQLSXHi.png]

[Image: hi5uyCd.png]

[Image: yyfMljR.png]

[Image: 73QOGjQ.png]

[Image: pImt5qX.png]

[Image: ojeIcyb.png]

[Image: t6vwKo0.png]

[Image: 4wtOPvz.png]

[Image: bEJ9miN.png]

[Image: PjIAJtt.png]

[Image: 2srCEhv.png]

Quote: Hey Neppy and Ammy, do you guys think Huerme and Sobek might be the game dev AIs from the dream sequence? I know it seems like a stretch but with that whole V1 business it seems like a plausible explanation.

[Image: 8OHv4mJ.png]
I suppose they very well could be. They have often disguised themselves as different forms in the past, not at all unlike hades in truth.

[Image: 8OHv4mJ.png]
Though they seem to have a...preference for disguising themselves as robots more often than naught.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Yeah, those dorks disguised themselves as me once y'know player. Two Amaterasu in the same universe.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
It was incandescent as FUCK.

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Well, player, there is one surefire way for you to check. Though I do not recommend it personally.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Neppy. No, I know exactly what you're about to suggest, hells to the N O. I refuse, I will straight up draft you a cease and desist order telling you TO STOP.

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
I don't enjoy it any more than you do Amaterasu, but we have an obligation to assist the player at least somewhat, even if that means our possible..demise.

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Player, the developer AI do technically count as gods, therefore..you can roomtrap them.

[Image: 9fpQr0G.png]
Considering you've played this game quite a number of times, I don't believe I need to remind you how to go about doing the roomtrap, yes?
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
> Go to the obelisk
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
> Village to acquire supplies and possibly side quest, then Obelisk to acquire adventure.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
Send our peoples out to the village or whatever, then this:
>Roomtrap: "Sobek"
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
>Go check out that obelisk thing!
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
>Village first, adventure at the obelisk second. Gotta grab supplies BEFORE you touch a demon obelisk.

>Hmm, thank you for the tip Neph, but I don't want to do that to you two! I am sure that the devs are approx TOO DAMNED STRONG and I do not want to lose you two. I enjoy the shitpost/curly-eyes combo too much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
>HarassVisit the village.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
>The Devs should know this game inside and out, if we want to... Do something about them, for any reason, we need to outsmart them. So, assuming our Sobek is a Dev in disguise, letting them know that we know would leave us at a disadvantage.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
>Don't rock the boat, leave ?Sobek? alone
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]
